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F r. • •��.��- 'r -�� 4=- , --.LL....�:__.L_.��. .� -,-. -. '-'_"-rar..,.-•--•�,..�.._-...._._-.--- -� <br /> .. . <• '� ...'� `, . - - - _ ,. �v:,a��wos"n...+'x�+--..=n. . . -_._ <br /> arro<i��.•�d•>�r�?'��:. ,_ _ _.. . <br /> �r' <br /> =r.»�.L'i.� <br /> .r�°°'y��� ��-11Q56'7 <br />:�,:; r� <br />-'=.1:.�_ti;+�l 5. Hazerd ar Property Insurunce. Horrowcr shull kccp thc improvcmcnts naw exiscing on c�rc:sftcr crccted on thc <br /> Property insurcd ugainst loss by firc, hazards includcci wichin thc tcrm °cxtended covcragc" und uny othcr hazurds, including <br />,_„�M;� Ilu,xl, ur tlu�xling, fc,r which Lender requires inSar�mce. This insur.mce shall be muintuined in the umc�unts und for the periods � <br />- -- thnt I.ender requires. The insuranee carrier providing the insurunce shall bc chosen by Borr�wer subject t�� I.ender's appruvul <br />�� which shall not be unreasonubly withhe;ld. [f Borrower fuils ta muintain coveruge describeci ubove, Lender muy, tU L.ender's <br />__ option,obtain covcragc to protcct l.endcr's rights in thc Property in accardancc with paragraph 7. <br />— � All insurance policies und renewuls shnll be acceptable to L.ender and shall include a stan dar d mongage clause. Lender <br /> - shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lender requires,aorrower shull promptly givc to Lcnder all receipts af <br /> ''"?'•� puid premiums and rencwAl notices.In the cvcnt of loss,Horrowcr shall givc prompt noticc to the insurunce carricr and L.cnder. _ <br />-c;-.�-,�..�.`: Lender may make praof of loss if not made pramptly by Borrower. <br /> °-'�''t'•J�;� Unless Lcnder and Borrower otharwise agree in writing,insurancc proceeils shull be applieci to restoration or repair of the <br /> ��-�o.x,� <br /> :ryc:,�;;,� Property damaged, if the restoration ur repair is economically feasible und Lender's security is not lessened. If the restorat on or <br /> `;'=a:;�;;;:� . repair is not economically feasible or I..ender's sec:urity would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shall be applied to the sums <br />=�'�F�`,�;;;y secured by this Securiry Instrument, whether or not then due, with uny excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the <br />��-�""�'�•��t Property, or dces not answer within 30 days a noiice from Lcnder thot the insurance canier has offerul to scttle a claim, then <br />--��..;�;J... <br /> '-"".�`�i�;= i.ender may collect the insurance pmreeds. Lencler muy use the procecds to repair or restore the Property or to pny sum� � <br /> +��_aF.=_�A..wn <br />-_�--•_- secured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. <br />���'•,'� �"` Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise ugrce in writing, uny upplication af proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br />::-~°='-• postponc thc duc date of the monthly puymenh rcferred to in paragruphs 1 and 2 or chunge the amount of the payments. If <br /> y._�,: <br />• under paragraph 2l the Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower's righe to any insurunce policies and proceeds resulting from <br />:�,;;,w��3�.�• damage to the Propcny prior co the acquisition shall pass to Lender to thc cxtcnt of the sums secured by this Security Instrument <br />�`ry..';;.:�., immediatcly priar to the acquisition. <br /> :�J';' .�t.r 6.Occupancy, Preservatton,Maintenance and Protection of the Property;Borrower's Loan Applicution; Leaseholds. <br />�'ri�:•.��;; Borr�wer shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of <br />.�.I�. •.�,.1: <br /> �r,��.4_ this Security instrument and shall continue to occupy the Propeny as Borrower's principal residence for ut least one yeur a ter <br />::r.=�'."•;,;� the date of occupuncy, unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall nat be unreusonably withheld, or unless <br />�;;F_;^k��' extenuating circumstances exisi wiiich u�n Lcy:.r� La:�'aucr's con:fOl. S4iif!1�!'Cf �hall not destroy, dama�;e or impair the <br /> ;:;;�'•y`�`�� Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commEt waste ai thc Property. Borrower shall be in def�uh if any forfeiture <br />�•_A��, action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> ;r��; Propeny or ocherwise mAterially impuir thc lien crcated by this Sccurity Instrument or Lender's security interest. Horrower may <br />'"����� cure such a default und reinstnte,us provided in puragraph l8, by cuusing the action or proceeding to be dismisseci with a ruling <br /> ---- that, in Lender's good fuith determination, precludes forfeiture of die Borrowcr's interest in the Property or other material <br /> ^ -_`-�''-� impairment of the lien creatcd by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest. Bonawer shall also be in default if <br />�""='''�'� Borrower, during the loan application process,guve materially false or inaccurate inf'ormation or statements to Lender(or failed <br /> .:s�-;{"rr,� <br />-,�`,ti--%._� to provide L.ender with uny muteriul information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note. including,but not limit <br /> _".;�;,'�� to,representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property us a principul residence.If this Security Instrument is on a <br /> _-'�'``� Ieasehold, Borrower sl��dl comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to die Property, the <br /> _�Y��,.r,,; , <br /> '-��R�,��� Ieasehold and the fce tide shall not merge unless I..ender agrecs to the mergcr in writing. <br /> `��� =�� 7.P:otectlan of Lender's R(gl�ts in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements contained in <br /> '�:�";�� <br /> _.{,,��r . this Securiry Instrument, or there is a legal procceding that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a <br />=_'Y;_�� proceeding in bankruptcy, probxte, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforee liiws or regulations), then Lender may do und <br /> -::-�a �r,.,, ...� r..,,,� � ;a c ,n 1 r � <br /> , i pay for whatever is necessary co pruieu �i�c �aiue of thc i'�:,pCr:� .:..:. --....wC.�:. ",^�:t•, ;•, ,h_ PrnnPrrv i rnrlrr'� :�et ons maV <br /> .�� ':'';�''• include paying uny sums secured by a licn whicli has priority over this Secm•ity lnstrument, appearing in court, paying <br />__�,R;;�;� rcasonable attoincys' fces und entering on thc Propctty to make repairs. Although L.endcr may tuke uction undcr this parugraph <br /> "�!�r�"'�ab� I,L.ender does not have to do so. <br /> ,.i�Aa:..s ._ <br /> ;�;..•. Any amounts disburscd by I.cndcr undcr this paragraph 7 shall becomc additional debt of Borrowcr secured by t is <br /> . >��ro':,t Securiry Instrumcnt. Unlcss Borrower and L.endcr agrcc ta othcr tcrms of payment, thesc amounts shall bear intcrest from the <br /> `�'""''`" ` date of disbursemcnt at thc Notc rate and shall he payable, with interest, up�n noticc from l.cnder to Borrower requesting <br />, ,..• . <br /> ;'...,��.� .:" payment. <br /> S. M1lortgu�e lnsurunee. If LCIIaC��CqUIfCCI I11UrtgAst'.1�1tiU1'811CC as a conditi��n of making the loan secured by this Security <br /> . instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums rcquired to maintain the mortgagc insurance in effcct. If, for any reason, the <br /> mortgage insurunce coverage required by Lender lapses or ccuses to be in effect, Borruwer shall pay the premiums requiral to <br /> obtain coveruge substantially equivalent to the mongage insurunce previously in effect, ut a cost substantially equivalent to the <br /> cast to Borrowcr of thc mortgage insurance previously in effect: from an altcrnatc mortgagc insurcr appruved by I.ender. lF <br /> substantially cyuivalcnt mortgagc insurancc covcra�c is not availablc, Aorrc�wcr shall pay ta Lcndcr cach month a sum equul to <br /> " �� onc-twcll'th uf d�e yearly mortgage insurancc prcmium being paid by Borrawer when the insurancc covcrage lapscd or ccased to - <br /> be in effcct.Lendcr wiU accept, usr and retain thetic payments as a loss rescrvc in licu uf mortgage insurance. L.oss reserve <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> � PoUa 3 0l G <br /> t . <br /> y ' - <br /> ._.. .—___� _ <br />. .: .. .. r.M .wJn... _ <br /> . .. .� _ . .... . :......: . ..' '.'. 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