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' _,..�u�.v.r��- --. <br /> -�.e^�L{pxrt�'tM+�'ra3. .A�IN►�►i� r�'4j1� Yv�r =d.��a r N�a.r.t.�ii•ytiv!w.+e„tjciut,MO.YJ��(�ir. r ..g. u ---- <br /> �.tlll�...`.1a.t►�G.L�:A;v ��sti''tA'G ��nii�r u.r�c. __-_._...1.��i.L•.�. ..�..�a,. �.,....... �......-...._._ , . �—� <br /> •.., ' - w��ri9_i3Hr" ,�'" - . , .. <br /> =�[ - .ir�k� <br /> :;oa.w_= JLILL 9 ----•-,..--- -r.� _-�-��--. .-_.—.- _ i�11�IR71MrY��wnnT�1i.7R�'�"!�_. ..�..---_....,....-.._�_'_._.__._... <br /> .______.-_'_____.___.'.... ... ... . ... . . .. ... <br /> . ff �'n'�� <br /> ���� 9?-1105 'f <br />- ..t,l,,:,�j TUGGTMER WITH ull the impruvcments now on c�reafter erccted on the property, und u�iTcusemen�,Uppurtcnanccs, cinJ <br />- , � -' .� fixtures now on c�rcaRcr u purt of' thc properry. All rcplaccmcnts und nddltions shall ulxo bc covcred by this Sccutity <br /> " �. Instrununt.All of the foregc�ing is referred to in thiti Security Instrument us the"Property." <br /> HORROWBR COVENANTS thut Horrowcr is luwfully�ciscd of[hc cstatc hcrcby convcycd unJ hus thc right a�etunt und <br /> '=��.�,��: convey the Pmperry and thut the Property iti unencumbered, except for encumbrunces of'record. Borrower warrants und will <br /> .� �. defend�enerally the tide tc�the Property ug�inst ull cl�imti nnd demands,suhject to any cncumbrances of record. <br /> � THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combineti unifornti covenunts for nutionul use und ne�n-unifurm cuvenunts with limi�cd <br /> `'•`� variutions by jurisdiction to constitutc u uniform sccurity instrument euvcring rcal property, <br />._�,, <br /> t.: <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Rorrowcr und l.cndcrcovcnunt und a�rec as follows: <br /> ==—- — 1. Nuyment of Principul and Intete�t; Prnp�yment and Late Char�es. Bo�rowcr shall promptly puy when duc thc <br /> "''" principal of und intcrest an the dcbt evidenccd by the Note and any prepayment and latc churges JuG undcr the Note. <br />�`�- " 2. Funds Por Tax�and Insurance. Suhject to npplicable luw or to u written wnivcr by I.e:ndcr. Borrower shull pay to <br />��"�;; � .��• Lcndcr on thc day mrniti�ly puyments urc duc undcr thc No[c, until thc Notc is paid in full,u sum("Funds")for: (a)ycarly tuxcs <br /> " `�`'`�` and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument as a lien on the Property; (b)yearly Ieusehold payments <br /> :;.;�i.;� <br /> _ '�` or ground rents on the Property, if uny; (c)y�urly hsuard or praperry insurance premiums; (d) yenrly flcx�d insurance prentiums, <br />:'�"� � if uny; (c)yc:urly mongugc insurancc premiurr�s, if uny; and (�uny sums pnyablc by Borrawcr to I.cndcr, in nccardancc with <br />-='•-'=• � the provisions of parugruph 8, in lieu of the payment af rnortgage insurnnce premiums. These items nre calle:d "Escrow hems." <br /> r=„�_faln`•�• i <br />.,���f,�,�s�. Lender mny, ut uny time, collect nnd hold Funds in an amuunt not to exceed the maximum umount a lender for a fecierapy <br /> related mortg�ige Icnn may require for Borrower's escrow accaunt under du fedei•al Real Estate Setdement Procedures Act of <br /> ',.':S�t•�'�r <br /> _ .,,�,�, 1974 as amended from timc to time. 12 U.S.C. Sectian 2601 er.srq. ("RESPA"), unless another luw that app►ies to the Funds <br /> - sets a Icsscr nmount. If so, [..ender may, nt any timc,callcct and hold Funds in an umaunt not to excced the lesser amount. <br /> � '` �� »L • ix.ndcr may estimate the amount of Funds dus on the busis o(currcnt data and reusonuble cstimates of expenditures af future <br />_': ��;.:•�," Escrow Items or otherwise in uccordance with upplicuble luw. <br /> Thc Funds shall be hcld in an institution whose deposits arc insured by a federul agcncy, instrumentaliry, or entity <br /> -, � �°i'� � (including Lendcr,if Lendcr is such an institution)rn�in any Fedcral Homc Loan Bank. Lendcr shall apply thc Funds to pay the <br /> - •��+�'. Escrow Items. Lender may not churge Borrmver for holding und applying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or <br />- �� � verifying the 6scrow I[ems,unless Lender pays Bc�rrower interest on the Funds and applicuble law pem�its Lender to muke sueh <br />�.�'i' '����Y�� a chargc. However, L,ender may rcquire Aorrowcr to pay n onc•timc charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service <br /> ':,�.;y „ used by Lcndcr in connection with this loan, unlcss applicable luw provides otherwisc. Unless an agreement is madc or <br /> 4 - ap�licaUlc luw requires interest to be puid. Lcndcr shall not be rcquircd to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on thc Funds. <br /> :. '1 xi'R:k <br /> - ��r°`� ',. Borrowcr and Lcnder mny agrec in writing, however,that intcrest shall be paid on the Funds,L.ender shall give to Barrower, <br /> withaut charge, an annual uccounting nf the Funds, showing credits and debits tu the Funds and the purpose for which cach <br /> �`��,�5.;;��4 � debit ro thc Funds was made. Thc Funds arc plc,�iged as udditional sccurity for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. <br /> ;„p�?:��.. If the Funds held by L.ender exceed the umounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to Borrower <br /> '�'��-'� " for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements uf applicablc law. if the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any <br />:->�i�..�,... : <br /> ` '����� -� time is nat sufficient to puy the Escrow Items when due, l.ender mny so notify Borruwer in writing,and,in such case Borrower <br />..=��_r11'} <br />.,1-�•:�.°- shall pay to L.ender the amount necessary ro make up the deficiency. Borrowcr shall make up the deficiency in no more than <br /> �''.:�i;s': ,"'+�"� twelve monthly paymcnts,at Lcnder's solc discretion. <br />._�:�:=;�,� Upon payment in fuU of all sums secured by U�is Security instrument, Lender shull promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> ,:F�_.,:A. <br />�• •_ �--� Funds hcld by Lendcr. If, under paragruph 21, Lendcr shall acquirc or sell thc Praperty, Lcnder, prior to►hc acquisition or sale <br />-�,��:,_�%v:.'�;, <br />--_.._._ of the Propeity, shall upply any Funds held by LenJer at the time of acquisition or sale us n credit aguinst the sums secured by <br />=-,��,..,�.�� this Security Instrument. <br /> � ���y 3.A Hct�tion oF Pu ments.ilnlcss a licablc law rovidcs otherwise.all a ments received b Lender under arn ra hs <br />'�'��t�:�::r�i�� pp Y PP � P P'Y Y P E p <br />_�°�-;i:^ .� . I and 2 shall bc applicci: first, to any prepaymcnt charges duc undcr the Note; sccond, to amounts puyable under pnragraph 2; <br /> _'"�Y'� third,to interest duc; fourth, to principal duc; and lasi,to any late charges due undcr the Notc. <br /> ;',��;; 4. Chnrges; [,Iens. Aorrowcr shall pay all taxes,usscssments, charges, fincs and impositions attributable to the Property <br /> - . wbich may attain prioriry ovcr this Sccuriry Instrumcnt, and leaschold payments or ground rents, if any. Borrowcr shall pay <br /> =�'``•:�� ��.. these obligations in the manncr provided in paragraph 2, or if not paid in that manncr, Borrawcr shall pay them on time directly <br /> ��'j.;� �;,,` to the person owcd payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lcndcr all nnticcs uf amounts to bc puid under this paragraph. <br /> '�"�«ti�'.`. If Borrower rnukes thcse paymcnts directly,Dorrowcrshall prompdy furnish ta Lcndcr reccipts cvidencing the payments, <br /> . �";,,,,,;-�„ Borrowcr shull promptly dischargc any licn which has priority over this Security Instrumcnt unlcss Ho►7owcr:(u)agrecs in <br />- ' � ' . , writing to the paymcnt of thc obligation sccured by the licn in a manncr acrcptable to Lender; (b) cnntcsts in good faith the licn <br /> ' � � by, or dcfcnds against cnforcemcnt of thc licn in. Iebal proccedings which in the I.ender's opinion operate to prcvent the <br /> enforcement of the lien; or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement�utisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to <br /> � this Securiry instrument. If Lender detrrmines that any pan of the Property is subject to a licn which may �ttain priority over <br /> this Securiry Instrumcnt, Lcndcr m,ry givc Borruwcr;�nexice iJcntifyin�thc licn. Bnrrowcr shall satist'y thc licn or tuke one or <br /> " morc of thc actions sct furth uhovc within 10 days of Ihc gi��ing of'n��ticc. <br /> Farm 3028 9/80 <br /> Napa Y o�6 <br /> �. _. ... . . . ..... .. ..__,_. . .. .... . -.diiti.AkJ6 ..,�..�._."�"�'___'- _ _'_ <br />. �.1.. _. . . .._ . <br /> ____ . . . __.._ ... ... . _ _ .. . . . .. _ . .. _ .. . <br />