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<br /> 7, Prot�otlon of Lmd�r'�S�ourlty. if Borrower feils to perform the covenante end egreemente contelned In thla Daed oi Truet, or If �e�
<br /> � any actlon or proceedinp le commenced which materially affects Londer's interest in the Property, then Lender, at Lender's option,upon notir.e
<br /> to Borrower, mey make auCh appearence8, diaburee such surne,Includ�ng reasoneble attorneys'toee, and take such ection as Is neceseary to
<br /> " �. protect Lender'e Intereet, If Lender requlred mortgepe Inaurance ea e condltion of making the loen secured by thle Deed of Trust,Borrower ahell
<br /> � pay the premluma requlrad to meintein auch Insurance In effect untfl such tlmo as the requlrement for euch Insurence terminatea In eccordence
<br /> wlth Borrower's and Lender'a written agreement or appllcable lew,
<br /> , � Any emounte dlaburaed by Lender pureuent to thia perapreph 7, with Interest thereon, at the Note rete, ehell become edditlonel
<br /> Indebtednesa of Rarrower secured by thle Deed of Truat. Unfese Borrower and Lender egree to other terma of paymont,auch amount�ehall bs
<br /> � peyable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requeating payment thereof. Nothing contalned In thle paregraph 7 ahall require Lender to Incur
<br /> eny expenee or teke eny ectlon hereunder.
<br /> " 8, Insp�atloe. Lender mey meke or ceuee to be made reaeoneble entrlee upon and Inspectlona of the Property, provlded thet Lender
<br /> ahnll give Borrower notice prior to eny cuoh Inepectlon epeclfyinp rersonable cauae therefor releted to Lender'a Interest In the Property.
<br /> 8. Cond�mn�tlon. Tha proceede of eny award or clalm for demegee,direct or coneequentlal,in conneotion with eny condemnation or
<br /> • othar takinp of the Property,or part thereof,or}or convayance In Iieu of condemnetlon,ere hereby aeaigned and shell be pald to Lender,eubJect
<br />" ` to the terme of any mortgege,dead of truat or other aecurity agreement wlth e Ilen which hee a prlorfty over thle Deed of Truat.
<br /> 10. Borrow�r Not Rsl�aad;Forb��nna�By Lmd�r Not �Walwr. @xtenalon of the time tor peyment or modificetlon of emortlzatlon
<br /> of the a��ma secured by thla Deed ot Trust prentea by Lender so eny succeaeor in i��teiaet ot 3orrc.�+ar sha;! r.o!apsss:s!o sz!eee!. !n enY
<br /> menner, the Iiabflity of the original Borrower and Borrower's aucceesors In Interest. Lender ahali not be required to commence proceedings
<br /> egainat such euaceasor or refuee to extend tlme tor peyment ot otherwlee modify emortltetion of the s�ma aecurad by thla Deed of Truet by
<br /> reeeon ot any demand made by the oripinel Borrower and Borrower'e succeseore In Intereet. Any forbearance by Lender In exeralsing eny ripht
<br /> � • • � or remedy hereunder, or otherwiae afforded by eppllcable lew,nhell not be a welver of or preclude the exercise of eny auch riyht or remedy.
<br /> 11. 6ucc���on and Aniym Bound;Jolnt md S�wnl Li�bllity: Co•Slpntn. The covenenta and egreemente hereln oonteln�d thall
<br /> bind, end the rights hereunder shell Inure to,the reapeetive euaceaoore and eaefgna of Lender end Borrower, eubJeot to ths provislona of
<br /> psraprsph 18 hereof. All covenante and epreements of Borrower ehell be Joint end aeverel. Any Borrower who co•elpna thls Dsed of Truat,but
<br /> doo�not execute the Note,lel is co•nipning thle Deed ot Trust only to grent end convey that Borrower'e Intereet In the Property ta Truetee under
<br /> tha torme o}thia Deod ot Truet, lbi Ia not personeily Ileble on tha Note or under thia Deed ot Truet,end(Ql aprees thet 4ender and eny other
<br /> � Borrower hereunder mey eproe to axtend,modlfy,forbear,or meke any other eocommodetlone with reqerd to the terma of thie Oeed of Trwt or
<br /> the Note,without that Borrower'e conaent and without releaeing thet borrower or modifying thle Deed ot Truet es to thet Borrower'6 Intetest in
<br /> ° the Propetty.
<br /> � •- , 12. Notia�. Exoept for eny notico requlred under epplicable law to be piven In enother menner,(al eny notice to Borrower provided for
<br />- � � +,e. in thll Deed ot Trust aheil be plven by dellvering It or by mailinp such notice by cortifled mell eddreeead to Borrower at the Propbrty Addreaa or
<br /> at euch other addreae es Borrower may deelgnata by notice to lender ae provfded hereln,end Ibl eny notice to Lender ahell be glven by certifled
<br /> meii to Lander'e eddreee ateted hereln or to auch other ac�dreee es Lender mey deeignate by notice to Barrower as provlded hereln. Any notiae
<br /> . ' � provided for in thie Deed of 7rust ehell ba deemed to have been glvon to Qorrowor or Lendor when given In the menner daelgnated liereln. __
<br /> 13. Qowrnlnp L�w; Sw�nblltty. The etate and local lewe epplicebte to thla Deed of Truat ahell be the lawa of the�urlidl�tion in
<br /> • whlch the property Is loaated. The forepolnq nentence ehell not Ifmit the epplicabllity ot}ederel lew to thle Oaed of Truet. In the event thet eny
<br /> , provlslon ar cleusa ot thie Deed of Truet or the Note conflicte with appllcebie iew,euch conflict eholl not effeat other provlalona ot thla Deed of
<br /> Truat or the Note whieh cen be glven eftect wlthout the contlictlnq provielon,end to thle ond the provlelone of thla Deed of Truat end the Note
<br /> '" ero declerod to 6e severeble. Ae ueed hereln, 'coets,' "expensea" end "attorneys' teea" Include all suma to the extent not prohibtted by
<br />� eppllcebie lew or Ilmited hereln.
<br /> 14. Borrow�t'�Copy. Borrower ehell be furnlehed a conlormed copy of the Note ond thls Oeed of Truat et the tlmo of exacutlon or
<br /> efter racordetion hereof.
<br /> 16. R�h�blllt�tlon Loan Apn�m�nt. Borrower shell fulfill all of Borrower's obliqntlons under any home rehabilltatlon,Improvement, —_
<br /> repelr, or other loen apreement whlch 9orrower entore into with lendea Londer, at Lender's optlon, mey requlro Bormwer to oxecute end _
<br /> doliver to Lander,In e(orm acceptable to Lender,ns osalgnment of nny rightn,claime or dofenaes whfch Borrower may have agalnst partlea who �,
<br /> ,' supply lebor,matorlals or eervicee In connoctlon with improvements made to the property.
<br /> � 18. Trensttt oi th� Prop�rty or a Btn�ticld Intsmt In Borrower. If all or any part of the Proporty or eny intoreat In it Is sold or
<br /> traneferrod lor if a bonoflcial interest In Borrower le sold or irensferred end Borrower le not a natural personl with�ut Londor'e prlor written
<br /> consent,Lender may,nt ita option, require Immodinto paymont In full of all sume secured by this Deed of Trust. However,thle optlon sholl not
<br /> ' be exorciaed by Lendor ii oxorcise la prohibitad by fodorol low ee of the date of this Deed of Truat.
<br /> If Landor exerclsea this option,Lunder shnll glve Borrower notice of ecceleratlon. The notice ehall provide e period of not leee than 30
<br /> daye irom the dnto the notico le dellvered or melled within which Borrower must pey all sume�ecured by thia Ueed of Tru�t. If Borrower fe�ls to
<br /> pay thoso sums prior to the explratlon of thla period, Lender mey invoke eny remedloe pormitted by thls Doed of Truet without turther notico or
<br /> „ demend on Borrower.
<br /> J
<br /> i SUITE 120 IBOX 1331
<br /> � PI7TS�URGH, PA 15219•1811
<br /> � App Jt SAMBOY•97•02496
<br /> ! Initfals;�_I, Initials:�� Ini4iels; Initials:
<br /> NEBRASKA•Sucond Mortpoga-1180•FNMAIFHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT-Form 3828 IPnga 3 of Bl
<br /> . Monapamont Systoma Development.Ir.c.18001 984•6060 Titiv•Ono Enorg/zer!�•� #NE DEE� Copyright Icl 1994
<br /> �
<br /> �
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