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� .. . .. .. � -v��:: <br /> -�— -__---------------�--------- -�_ <br /> _ - -_-- -_— <br /> -,� ... . . � __ 'T.. __.-. <br /> � � ` / ..- .. l.(..�`��V'��Y6,I.���� '` �.)* . . .�_�..�.r-,_._.. <br /> ,�,''+,���y, .. <br /> � .•1� iAVOLNJT.1�WyYaHfli�piW:Ab.�AVWKWA�`+yR'tlRFB:�l7�I . .. ts',- ••. •' • . - . .� .• . . . <br /> ...._.. <br /> .1.� <br /> . .�� . �...i„ ., . . .. -- <br /> rl ��-. .. <br /> �:. . -- <br /> , <br /> ' ��;:u,= <br /> �� � <br /> . � ; -- <br /> #�� L <br /> ��. g�_ 11(�55'� _ <br /> �, <br /> ;.,,..,...�� <br /> _ � <br /> � 'i�0 SECURE to Lender the repayment of the Indebtedneee evldenced by Barrower'e note datod <br /> Novsmber O8,1997 <br /> � end extenalons and renaweia theraof (hereln"Note"1,in the principel sum of U.S. 032,000.00 , with Interest thereon, provldlnp for <br /> monthly Installmente of prinalpel jhe��P ment of nll�other�sums,withllntebeatthe e nnadvencedPn'accorden e he ebwith to protect the a8curity <br /> � � Nov�mh�r 10,2017 p Y <br /> of thls Deed of 7ruet; end the performence of the aovenante end ngreemente of Borrower herein ccntalno . <br /> Borrower covenenta that Borrower le lewfully seised of the eatate Nereby conveyed end hes tho right to grant and convey the Property, <br /> and thet the Property le unencumbered except for encumbrences of record except for a Ilen granted by Borrower to Contractor end hereby <br /> clalme end demandn,teubJe tet dencumbrencen of eco d that Borrower werrente and will defend generally the tltie to the Property aaalnat�11 - <br /> `�• UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender covenent end egrea as(ollowa: <br /> t� 1. Paym�nt ot Prinolpd�nd Int�n�t. Borrower ahell promptly pny when due the princlpel end intereat fndebtedness evidenasd by th� ^, <br /> �• Note and lete chergee as provlded In the Note. <br /> � 2. Fund�tor T�x�s�nd Insur�nc�. SubJect to appllaable law or e written wafver by Lender,Borrower shell pay to Lender on the d�y <br /> ' � � monthly paymente of principel end Interast are payeble under the Note,untll the Note Is peld in full, a sum lhereln"Funde")aquel to ons•twslfth <br /> __�, of the yeerly taxes end aeseasmente(Inolud�ng aondpminluma�d p�lua ne twelfth'of yeerly$prem umtlnstellment hfoh heza d ineurance, plua <br /> ' � thia Deed ot Truet, end grou�id rar�is ot. •he Pr_�_r*Y: . . <br /> on the baela of aeneasmenit and bll'Is end reasonableg atimetee thereof.Y�Borrowe Hshalbnot be�obllgeted�toiYmaketnuch�peymente o fF nd�to <br /> � Lender to the extent thet Borrower mekee auch payments to the holder of e prlor mortgege or deed of truet if auch tiolder Is an Inatitutlonel <br /> lender. <br /> � Ii Borrower peye Funde to Lender,the Funde shall be held in en Instltution the deposits or accounta of which are Insurad or 8uerantes <br /> by a federal or etete egency(including Lender ff lender fa auch an Inatitutionl. Lender sheil apply the Funds to pey seld taxes, easessmente, <br /> � Insuranca premlums and ground renta. Lender mey not charpe tor so holding end epplying �Iceblenew permits Lender to mako�suchiaYaha ps. <br /> compiling aeid aseessments and bllle,unleee Lender peys Borrower intereet on the Funde app <br /> Borrower and Lender mey agree in writing at the time ot executlon of thla Deed of Truat thet Intereet on the Funde shall be pald to Borrower, <br /> or earnlinge on the Fundentlenrier�shall plvleCtolBor owar,�lwithout chargeben�annuel e co nting of the Funde sihowi�e o edtie e�d a�blt�ntorthe <br /> Funde end tho purpose tar whlch eech debit to the Funda was made. The Funde are pledged ae eddltionel securlty for the aums eacured by thla <br /> ' peed of 7ruet. <br /> If the emount of the Funde heid by the Lender,together with the future monthly inatelimente of Funda peyeble prior to the due detaa of <br /> texee, essesemente, Inaurence premluma end ground rents, shell exceed the amount requlred to pay seld texee, aesesemente, Insurence <br /> premlume end pround rente es they fell due, auch exceas ahell bo, et Borrower'e optlon, efther promptly reqeld to Borrower or credlted to <br /> Borrowar on monthly Instellments of Funde, If the emount of the Funde held by Lender ehall not be sufflelont to pey texee, eeeesemente, <br /> inaurence premlum5 and ground rente es they fall due, Borrower ehall pay to Lender eny emount necesaery to meke up the deficisnoy In one or <br /> ' more payments os Lender may ruquira <br /> Upon peyment In full of all suma socured by thie Oeed of Truat, Lender shail promptly refund to Borrower eny Funds held bY�.ondor, <br /> � If under peragraph 17 hereof the Prouarty�a sold or the Property is otherwlae acquired by Lender, Lender shnli epply, no Inter thnn Immedlotely <br /> . � ' prlor to the sale of the Property or ite acqulsition by Lender, eny funds held by Lender ot the timo of applicetion as a credit ageinst the sume <br />_' secuted by thia Deed of Trust. <br /> 3. Appllcation of P�Ym��t�lled by Lendoplf istlln payment of amount peYablel to Le dereby Borrower u der paragreph 2 he eol,then <br /> peragrepha 1 and?.hareof shell be app <br /> < to Interost payable on the Note,end then to the principul of the Note. <br />- ' � # 4. Prior MortQ�pu end D��ds of Tru�t;Charpn: Lioni. Borrower shall perlorm ell of Borrower's obllpntione under ony mortgege. <br /> � deed of truet or other securlry agreement with e Iian whlch has prlorfty over thla Deed of Trust, includlnp Borrower's covenentn to meke <br /> 1 peymente when due. Borrower ahall pey or ceuse to be peld n��taxea,aeaesamente and other cherpas,tines and impoeltlons ettrlbutable to the <br /> Proporty which mey atta�n a prfority over thia Deed of Truet,und loasehold peymenta or pround rents,if any. <br /> 6. N�z�rd Intur�na�. Borrowar ehall keep the�mprovemente now oxlating or hereefter ereCted on the Ptoperty Ineutod ogoinat lose by <br /> � fire,hezarde included withln tho torm"extended coverege,"and such othar hezards oa Londer mey require nnd in such emounts for such periode <br />- us Londer may require. roval = <br /> The insurance cerrier provlding the Insuranco shell bo chosen by Borrower subjoct to epprovol by Lender;providod.thnt such flpp _ <br /> ehnll not be unroosonobly withhnld. All insuranco policfes end renewale thereof shall be In a form nccaptable to Lendor and shnll include e <br /> stondnrd mortgnge cieuse in fovor ol and fn n form ncceptable to Londer. Londer shall have tho ripht to hold the policfes and renowolc thuroof, <br /> subject to the terms of any mortgofle,doed of trust or other security agreamont with a hen which hos priontY ovor this Oeed of Trust. <br /> In tho ovont of loss,Burrowor shell give prompt notice to the insurence corrior and lendor. Lender may make proot oi los8 It not mede <br /> - pramptly bY Borrownr. <br /> _ I If tho Proporty is abondonod by Borrower, or if Borrownr foils to rospond to Londer within 30 doys from tho duta notice le meilod by <br />` � Londe^t�o �n�p�g�gt Londe efoptlon efthd rto restoration o�rtopelr of t'he Proporty or to the sume socuead by thhs rDe d of Trulst t ond epplY tho <br /> _ � ........_..__� _ _ <br /> � 8. Preurv�tion end Maintenenc� ot Property: L�es�hold; Condominiumt;Plami�d Unit Developm�nt�. Borrower shell keop thn <br /> I Property In good repofr ond sholl not Commit wnsto or pormit Impairmont or deteriorotion ot the Property and ehpll Comply with tho provlsione ot <br /> any leoso it this Dood of Trust is on a Ieaeohold. If thfs Deed of Trust is on a un�t In a condominlum or n plennod unft developmant, Borrower <br /> 1 shall perform nll ot Borrowor's obliga!lono undar the deClarution or covenants croating or povarning the Condominium or plenned unit <br /> - ( t,Q nd minlum or plannod unit developmont,und constituent documents. <br />= 1 dovelopmptu..t���,SU��� 1�� S�b 133)�Il,,� ' qPP q SAMBOY-97•02A96 <br /> f{r I ll <br /> _ � 530 WILLIAM PENN PLACE � —J <br /> i PITTSBURGH, PA 15219•1811 ; <br /> Initi�ls: ! <br />- ' J � ; Initials:.��� Initials:--- -- <br /> Initlals: � <br /> NEBRASKA•Second Martqopo•1/80•FNMA/FHI.MC UNIFOHM INSTRUMENT-Fo�m 3828 (Pope 2 ot 51 I <br /> � Trtle-Ono Ener izor!�" #NE DEED Copyright Icl 1994 <br /> _ Manepomont Systoms Development.Inc. 18001 984•6U60 D - <br /> _-1 - _ _ _ <br />