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<br /> 7`• NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower,Lender Contrector further covenant end adree es followe:
<br /> � 17, Aaa�l�ntion;R�m�dia. Exe�pt�s provid�d In p�r�pr�ph 18 h�nof,upon Borrow�r'�bn�eh oi any cov�nant o��pr��m�nt of
<br /> . D��d ot T us!L�nd�prior tol�oo�Nnton��h U piv�ootio�to Bar owi•u�pcovided In'p��p�ph 72,h�n t�p�aiiYlnp:111 t•bn oh;2)th'�
<br /> �atlon nqult�d to aun �uah bn�ch;(3)� d�t�, not I�u than ZO d�y�trom th�d�t�th�notic�Is m�ll�d to Borrow�r,by whloh�uoh 6n�ch
<br /> must b�aund; �nd(41 tNat fdlur�to cun�uah bn�ch on or b�fon th�dat� tp�alfl�d in th�notio�m�y nwlt In�aala�tion of th��um�
<br /> s�cured by thi�D��d of 7rus�t�nd sFl�of th�P�op�rty. Th�notle��hdl 4urth�r Intorm Borrow�r of th�ripht to nin�t�t��iter�acder�tion�nd
<br /> th�rlpht to briny�court�otio�s to��s�rt th�non�xiit�ne�of�d�f�ult or�ny othtr d�i�nt�of Borrow�r to�ac�l�r�tton�nd�el�. If th�bn�ch
<br /> I�not cund on or bslon th�d�t�tp�cifbd In the�otic�.L�nd�r,�t L�nd�r's option,may d�at�n dl of tht�um�s�our�d by thlo Oud o}Tru�t
<br /> to b�Imm�di�t�ly du��nd p�y�bl�without turth�r d�m�nd�nd m�y Invok�th�pow�r of�d��nd tny oth�r nmtdin p�rmltt�d by�pplle�bl�
<br /> I�w, L�nd�r�h�ll b� �ntiti�d to aoll�ot�II rnsombl� co�t��nd �xpon�n Incurr�d in pursuinp th� nm�dits provid�d In this p�rapnph 17,
<br /> inctudinp,but not Iimit�d to,mtombl��ttormy�'f�e�.
<br /> If th�pow�r ot nl�It Invok�d,Tru�t�t�h�ll ncord�notio�of d�fauit in��oh aounty in whtoh th�Prop�rty or some p�n thu�of I�
<br /> loaatsd Rnd sh�ll m�il copl�e ot suah notlo�In th�m�nn�r pntaribed by�pplia�hl� I�w to 8orrow�r �nd to th�oth�r p�nons pnsorlb�d by
<br /> �pplla�bt�law. Att�r th�lapse of�uch tim�u m�y nqulnd by�pplto�bt�I�w.Trust���hall plv�publta notlo�of sd�to th�p�►aont�nd In th�
<br /> m�nmr pro�crlb�d by appilc�bl�I�w. Trust��,wlthout d�m�nd on Borrown,shdl��II th�Proputy�t pubito�uotion to th�hipiust btdd�r�t th�
<br /> . � tlm��nd pl�c��nd und�r th�t�rma dssfpnat�d In th�notla�of��I�In on�or mon pua�to�nd In such ord�r�s Tru�t��m�y dK�rmin�. Tru�ta
<br /> _-__= mw��o_�flnr,_�.��wu m�ny Qarod of th�Prop�rty by publio�nnounc�m�nt�t th�tim�and pl�a�of eny previously�ch�dul�d s�l�. Lmd�r or
<br /> L�ndu'�d�tipn��m�y purchu�th�prap�rtY�t�ny ul�.
<br /> Upon nc�ipt of p�Ym�nt oi th� prlc� bid,Trust��thtil d�llwr to th�purchn�r Trwt��'�d��d oonveyinp th�Prop�rty to�old. Th�
<br /> noit�l�In Tru�t��'�d��d ihdt 6�ptlm�tacb�vld�no�of th�truth of th��tat�m�nt�m�d�th�nin. Trust���h�ll�pply th�proc��d�of th�s�N
<br /> In th�tollowlnp ord�r: l�l to dl na�on�bl�costs�nd�xp�nt��of th�sN�,Inctudlnp,but not Ilmit�d to,Trust��'�t��i�ctuilly incurnd of not
<br /> T u�t t�nd (ol tha�zc��f lf�ny,to th�Ip non�or p�nce�'�0��Y�Mitl�d h���o ata of tltl�wld�nor (b)to di aums ucund by thls D��d af
<br /> 18. Borrow�r'� Ripht to Rdnst�t�. Notwithetnnding Lendern ecceleratlan of the eume eeaured by this Deed of 7ruat, due to
<br /> Botrower's breeoh.Borrower ahall heve the rlght to have eny proceadinge beyun bY Lender to enforce thle Deed of Truat dlecontlnued et enY
<br /> time prlar to the eerller to occur of (l)the flfth day betore the sale of the Property purauant to the power of eale conte(ned in thte Deed of Truet
<br /> ; t or (111 entry of e Judpment enforainp thla Deed of Truet If: le)Borrower pays Lender all eume which would be then due under this Deed of Truat
<br /> end the Note hed no eccelerutlon occurred;Ib) Borrower oures ell breachee of eny othsr covenant�or apreemente of Borrower aontained:n thle
<br /> • " Deed of TruaC lc) Barrower paYe eilreasonable expennea Incurred by Lender nnd Trustee In entorcing the covenenta end apreemente of
<br /> Borrower contalned In thla �eed of Truat end In enforcing Lender's end Truatee's remedies aa provided fn peregreph 17 hereaf,in¢ludlnp,but
<br /> ' not Ilmited to,reaaonable attorneye'teae'e;end(d)Borrower tekee euch aetlon es Lender mey reeeonably raquire to eseur9 thet the Ilen of thla
<br /> `!, '� Deed of Truat, Lender's Intereet In the Property end Borrewer's obllpatlon to pay the eume sacured by thie Deed of Trust �hall Continue
<br /> :� ' " unimpeired. Upon such payment end cure by Borrower, this Deed of 7rust end the obllgetlone secured hereby eheii remeln In fult force end
<br /> •� ' ' eiteot na If no ecceleeetlon had occurred. •
<br /> 1g, p��iynm�nt o)R�nU;Appolntmont ot R�c�iva;L�nda In Po�sudon. Ae edditlonal sacurlty hereunder,Borrower hereby asslgns
<br />� to Lender the rent� of the Property, provlded thet Borrower nhall, prlor to ecceleretlon under peraqreph 17 hereof or ebandonment of the
<br /> - Property,have the ritiht to collect and reteln suah rents aa they become due end payeble.
<br /> Upon eccelerntlon under paregreph 17 hereoi or abendonment of the Propetty, Lender,In percon,by agent or by Judiclelly eppolnted
<br /> recelver eheli be entitiod to enter upon,take posaeeslon of and manage the Property and to collect the renta of the Property�ncludiny those past
<br /> due. All rente collected by Lender or the recetver shae'miumeponaecalver's Gondstendtheasoneb et ttorneys' teesf end then t the a mleeseoured
<br /> ; ,� rente,includln0, but not Ilmited to,recelver'e fooe,p
<br /> � by thla Deed of Trust. Lender end the recelver shell be Ilable to account on ly tor t h o s e ronte ectuell y recefved.
<br /> 20. R�aonwy�no�. Upon peyment of ell eums aecured by thls Deed of Trust, Lender ehall requeat Trustae to reGOnvey the Property
<br /> � end ahnll eurrender thle Deed of Trust end all notes evldoncing Indebtednese aeeured by thla Deed of Truat to Truetee. Truatee ehell reconvey
<br /> the Property without werrenty end without charge to tha person or pereons Iege��Y entitled thereto. Such peraon or persona she�l pay ell coste
<br /> of rocordetlon,If eny.
<br />- ti j 21.Sub�tltut�Tru�t��. Londor,at Lender'9 optlon, may from timo to time remove Truetee and appoint a successor truatee to eny
<br /> Truetee oppolnted heroundor by an Instrument recorded �n the county In which thia Deed of Trust la rocorded. Without conveyance of the
<br /> � Property.the euccesaor tnretee[�heli aucceed ta all tho title,power and dutlea conferred upon the Trustoe heroln end by appliceble law.
<br /> 22. Reque�t for Notiee�. Borrower roquett�thet coptet of th� notla of detault end notloe of eals bs s�nt tu Borrow�r'� �ddre�•
<br /> whloh li th�Property Addn��.
<br /> -. _. ._ _ .. � SUITE 120(E30X 133J
<br /> ' " � 530 WILLIAM PENN PLACE
<br /> PITTSSURGH, PA 15219•1811
<br /> I
<br /> _ ' App�1 SAMBOY•97•02486
<br /> i
<br /> - I'
<br /> � r � �f11LI8�S:
<br /> Initiels: J,�- �� Initials:�. �T Initials:
<br /> - NEBRASKA•Socond Mortgnge• 1/80•FNMA/FHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUMENT-Form 3828 lPago 4 of 61
<br /> TiUe-Ono Ener aorl"' NNE DEED Capyright Icl 1994
<br /> Mnnogomant Systoms Dovelopmont Inc. 18001 984•6080 9 -
<br /> - _ _ __ __ --�_
<br /> _I __- _
<br />