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� /i ' <br /> ._ —_''r , � _� . .� . - <br /> - ... . _ .... . .. ..._' _ <br /> J� " . - <br /> .. .___�.,L_.�____'__'_ '_______"___"____��_ _.s__:[!�:..._.• <br /> ��^..,.�r.H, '`n�'M+a�1'�1}"J:K�tvr►►�c•'y_.�.��n..��y,,.,,�„�na........,..,..�....._., � c. • ,,.,�at•rcn-a„nw. . ,,. ..— =-� <br /> �•�. � , <br /> � -- <br /> . .,X' <br /> �. � -= <br /> 1�. LENp�p'S RIOHT T0 CUMII�ENCE OR DEFEND LEOAL ACTIONS. Qrantor ahnll Immodinloly provldo Lendcr wi�h wrllt�n notice ol Any actual or _ <br /> ,,i �hna��Mtl pcJinn,auiL or olhor proceoding eltectinp the Property. (�rnntor horoby appolma lendor ns us attornoyIn•fect io corrmonco.�mervono In.and _:. <br /> dN�nd•�uch nctipna, othnr lepal procaodinpe nnd to conqxomiso or aottle any clnhn or comrovorcy pomm�ing thnrato Londar sholl no1 bo Ilable to <br /> OrMn1,�r for nny nctlon,orror,i�sinke,omiealon or delny ponelninp io the ectione doscrlbod In ihis p��mprnpli or nny dnm�gas roe�ilting tho�alrom Nothing r- <br /> t � •conitlnod hareln wlll provom Londor Irom Inking Iho ecllon�dnacribod In Ihla pirngrnph In its own i imno �.- <br /> ��, INDEMNIFlCATtON. L9ndor nhell not nnswne or ho responaido lor the pcAorcnnnca at nny of Qmrnor's oWip�tionc wflh rospocllo tho Propony imder <br /> , �ny druimstencos. arnmor shall inmeoiutuly proaldc lcnd�r tYith wrllten notico ol�nd Indonnlly and hold londor�nd Itc charoholdors,diroUors,ol�lcere, — <br /> srrplayeee nnd npente hern�lese Irom nll clnlrtu,d�nwgos,IlnWlltles pnGuding attornoys' fees�nd Iqgal axponsos),e:tu5os cl�cticn,actlona.sult�end � <br /> i otFNr Ispnl procaedings(cumulntivoly'Cl�fms`)porinlning to iho Propony(�ncluding,but not iinited Io,thoso Involving Hnznrdous Mntoriale) GrnNor,upon � <br /> th�tequott ol Londor,shall hlre logal toun�el to deiand Londor from such C1aim4,and pay tne ntlomoys'l0es,lopal oxponsoe ond othor cos16 Incunad fn I <br /> � connoct�on thorewilh In iho al�ornativo. Londor shall bo eni0lod lo o�Tploy Its own leg�l wunscl to dolond such L'I.�fma N C3mmar'a cost orentois <br /> " ..:�,( ot�llpetlon to indermdy Lender undc3r thi�paragraph shnll suNivo tho Ivrmnntlon.releaso or foroclosuro ol Ihis Dnud ol Trus1 � � <br /> � ' ^ ! y <br /> "'"'� ot�pa men$otNert�.gUPon iho equoct o�l Londor�(3rentor%ahAll doposit wi hnLondor oachPmon 1�one•Iw h�t�(i tl2 oi�u;a oeu��ied nn alrinsu�rence p <br /> , •y""'�'�� pr�um,taxas end asaesamenis perlAfnlnp to the Property �o lonp na ihoro la no dofnull, thesa amounis shall ba applod to Iho paymont o1 tnxes, <br /> � � asassments end Insuranco as roqulrod on ihe Propeny. In thn ovont ol defaull,Lendor shall liavo Iho right,et Ils solo optlon,lo apply tho lunda so held to <br /> pay eny taxea or egalnst Iho Obligatlons. Any lund3 appllod Londor's op�fon,be applled In rovorso ordor ol ihe due d�te thoroof � <br /> � 10. INSPECTION OF?AOP�RTY,BOOKS,RECORO$AND REPORTS. Cirantor shall allow Lendor or Its e�enis to examine and Inspec1 tho Propxrty <br /> and axamino,Inapect end maka coples o1 Citantors booka and recrxds portelning to tho Property Irom tima to Ume. Qrnntor chall provido any aaslstence <br /> r�sebjn aj�osrpects eprHnto shall olte the oxlstance ol LondoYs beneficl Itante est I�nrlls�books end�records perte nang to t�.heUproperty. Additlonally, <br /> Cirantor shall roport,In a torm setlstac1ory to Lender,such iniormation es Londer may requesl regarding(3romors(inanclal conditlon or the Property. Ths <br /> � <br /> Infomiatlon fumlfehed by a nto�r�oLtt doir shall bo iruo.eccuratodRnd compl�t+to in�II roape'ct�s,n d sig ed'by Or�do�f Landar req e�sts�y��Ignate. All <br /> �� 17. ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES. Within ten(10)days afler any requost by Londor,(3rantor shall dnlivor to Lender,or any fntendod transtereo oi Londer's <br /> righis wBh rospoct to iho Obllgetiuns,a signcd and acknowledged F�aiemen�spocityfng (a)ihe outctending b�lanee on lhe Obllgatlons;and(b)whethor <br /> � Qrantor possosses any claims,detensos,sot-oMs or wuninrclaims with respact to lhe Obllgalions and,Ii so,iho naturo of such clainrs,delenses,set-ofts or <br /> T oounterclaims. C3rantor will be concluslvely bound by any reprosentstfon ihat Lender m3y m�lco to tho intended Iranstnree wi�h rospact to thoso matters In <br /> • the nvont that C3rantor Iails to provido ihv requested statement In a tirrx�ly manner. <br /> .'�: 18. OEFAULT. Grantor shall be in dafault under this Deed ot Trust and ihe Truatoe's power shn;l bc;coma oporative in iho ovant that Grentor.Borrower or <br /> - eny guarantor ot tho Obligaticns: <br /> (a) fafls to pay any Ob��Ba��an to Lender when due: <br /> • :� (6) fails to pnrform any Obligatlon or breaches eny warranty or covenant to Lender conlained In this Deed of Trust or any othar present�r future <br /> egroement, <br /> y (c) desiroys,losos or damapes ihe Proporty In any materlal rospecl or subjeCt6 ihe Property to selzure,conflscallon,or con rmat on: <br /> (d) soeks to rovoke,iorninate or otherwlso Iimit its Iiab�lity under any guaranty lo Lender, <br /> � (e) dios,bocomes legaliy�ncorrqwtont.Is dissolved or terrt�lnated,becomes Insotvent,mekes an asslgnment for ihe benefil of creditors,fails to pay <br /> debts as ihey become duo,files a potition und�r ihe federal oanWuptcy laws.has an involumary pelitlon fn banlwptcy filad fn whlch Qrnntor.Borrower <br /> or any auarantor Is named,or has property taken undor any writ or process of coun: <br /> �� ((� p��OW6 BODC�S l0 bE7 U58C�,1f8�SP0I18U Of SlOfBfl Ofl IfIB YfU�7v�iy,ir'in�'iuoSGoo70�.:f«^�Y..•^•9��^^.^•'!1''-'A-^f whlCh,IS IIIBqB�: , <br /> (g) allows any perty other ihan arantor or Borrower to assumE or undertnko nny Obligation wilhout ihe wriuon consent of Lender;or <br /> (h) causes Lender to deom Itself Insecure duo to a significant deGino in tho value of the Propeny;or If Lender,In yood falih,for any reason,belleves <br /> that the prospecl of payment or perforrr�nco is impaired. <br /> 19. RIGHTS OF LENOER ON OEFAUI.T. If there Is a default under ihis Deed of Trust.Lender ahall bo eniitled to exerdse one or rtare of ihe following <br /> rerr�edies without notice or demand(except as requfred by law): <br /> (a) to declare tha Obligatlons immediately due end payable in full; <br /> (b) to collect the outstanding Obllgailons with or without resor,ing lo judidal process: <br /> (c) to roqulro Grantor to detiver and make available to Lendcr any personal popeny or Chatlels conslituting the Pro�oeny at e placo reasorably <br />• wnvenlont to Grantor and Lerder; <br /> (d) to entor upon and take possession of tho Propeny wilnout applying for or abtalninfl Iho appolniment of a recoivor end, at Lendcr's opllon,to <br /> appoint a recelver without bond,withoul firsl bringing suit un ihe Obllgntions and without otherwiso meeting any statutory conditions regarding <br /> recelvors,it being imendad that Londor shall hevo this wrnrectual rlgM to eppolm a rawiver, <br /> (e) to omploy e managing agent of tho Properny and let iho samo,o(iher In Trustee's own nams,in ihe name ot Lender or In ihe name of Grantor,and <br /> rc�celve iho rents,incorras,issuos and protlts of Iho Propany and apply ihe same,after paymont o1 all necessary charges and expenses.on eccount of <br /> the Obligatlons: <br /> -" �+ (t) to pay any sums ii�any(onn or mannor daomod oxpodient by L ender to pro�ect ihe sewrity of ihls Deed ot Trust or ta cure any default other than <br /> $ payrrant ol Intorest or principal on iho Obligatlons: <br /> 3,E (g) to lorecloso thls Deed o(Trust judicially or nonjudiclally and to direct ihe sele of ihe proporty Ihrough exercise of ihe power of sale es referenced In <br /> � • � paragraph 20 horoaf In ncccordancci with applicable la�v; <br /> (h) to sot-oB Grantar's Ob9gations�g�lnst e�y amounis owad Grantor by Lendor includng. but nat limitod to, monles,Insiruments,and deposit <br /> ,,, accounis mafntainod wiih Londer or nny curronlly exisiing ar tuturo eHillato ol l,onder;and _ <br />-' ,!r (I)to exorclso all olhor righis available to Lnndar undor any other writtun agruomont or Applkable law. _ <br /> � Lender's rights are cumulotive and may tw Qxercised togother,separately,and In any order. In ttio ovent ihat Londor Institutos an actlon seeki�g lha <br /> reeovery of any of tho Proporty by way oi e projudgmont remedy in an action egalnsl Orantor. Grantor waives ihe posi(ng of eny bond whieh migM <br /> � otherwiso bo required. Lc�nder or Londor's daslgnoo rr��y purrhaso thr. Propeny at any sale. Procaeds of any Trustoe s salo horoundor shell be applled - <br /> Hrst,to iho cosis and oxpenses oi oxareising iho powar oi salo and ot�he sale,induding iho paymont of tho Trustoe's fees actually Incurred and not to = <br /> exoeed tho amount whlch may bo provided lor In Ihis Deed ol Trust,sECOnd,to paymonl ot the Obligations socured heroby,third,to Ihe payment af'unl�r <br /> irust deods,mongages,or othar Ilonhoiders,end tho balance,II any,to tho person or pc3rsons Iegaliy entftled iheroto. Tho propony or any part ihoroo�may <br /> be sold in ono parcol,or In such parcels,manner or ordar as Londor In ils sole discretlon may ebct,and ono or moro oxordses ot tho power he�oin granted <br /> ahall not oxtingulsh or oxhaust tho powor un�oss ihn cnt(ro proporty Is sold or iho obllgations aro pald In full. <br /> 20. TRUST[F'3 EXERCISE OF POWER�OF QA�L h��EorAhen relf uliud b�I�'ecis to Sell Grontor's Intorosl in ihe Propnrty by QxQrclse of ihe power of <br /> 68I0 herein conl��nQd,Londer eh�li rotily <br /> Upon recalpt oi such notice o�Lorder and at�ho diroction of Lorder.Trustoc3 shall causo io bo rocorded,published and dolivored such notfcos of default <br /> and noticas ol salo as may ihen bo roquirod by law and by inis Deod ol Trust 7rusteo shall,anly at tho diroClion ol Londer nnd without demand on Grantor, <br /> eftor such tlme as may thvn be requfrod by law and aftar rocordation ol such nouco ot dolault and aflor noticu o1 salo having beon given as roqulrod by Inw, ., <br /> Gc�ll ihe PrepeAy at the Ifnn and plaeo ol salo tixod by it fn sucli n�ti;,o ot salo,oithor as wholo or in sQ�arato lois or pareels or itoms es Lender shall tic�arn <br /> c <br /> expedient,and in such order as it may pubhc nuclion io mo highost bidder for cash in law ul money ol tho Uniied States payablo at the tirra o <br /> sale,or es othorwlse may tlien tw roquired by law. Truslaa aliall dolivor to such purchasar or purchasors ihoroot ils good and sulticiont deod or daeds ; <br /> conclus�ivo proo�of ihe t uthtulnoss thoreof.�Any person,includingrwith ut I rt�ulalionr G Intor,Trustoo orLender,rr�y purchasoYat such salo.f Trustoolmay <br /> _ In tho mannor orovidad by law posipeno salo of all or nny portiou of iho Propuriy. • <br /> 21. RE�UEST�OR NOTICES• Gr3ntor rpquosis Iha'.a copy ol any notico ot dofault and a copy of any notico af sale hereundor tx3 mafled to each person � <br /> who Is a party hereto at Ihe add�oss of snch oerson�ot forh nerem al�h�serra�irno and in iho sr+me n�annor requfrod as thouyh a soparate request theroot <br /> had bcen filod by cach such porson <br /> I <br /> I <br /> � � <br /> � I <br /> � <br /> � Papc 3 0•6 �� <br /> NEOOTC�cw?.9' <br />