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. <br /> . .'� � .,. � � . <br /> . <br /> n+�� . " -- — .- - .. _.._` . . _-�"' . .. . . xaw,,�.��.. -___ <br /> ... . . � _ , _: <br /> .•r'v vr+ll.t� AK�Y�l.h7niv �-�–%: <br /> .."'"' '_____'__"...___ _'.___._—____'__'"—_�. • �Wb.��.....,.__.. .•. �__" _ <br /> ,�.._._ . . .. <br /> t _ _ _ __ _ -_ wTrT^r.W.u�'t:i.�u-.. _`__._ �____J. <br /> - w�r.r:e�.:r.:.:r�o_ ....... .. � �' <br /> � �:.:r.s�r <br /> - �• � fl IB IOC810d) °• <br /> - : • to ihor with ___ <br /> � ovisions o11he Unitorm Cornmorctal Code�;o of�P�usedhn connoct onrwlth 1�1�eCh�� ���h�pr Is <br /> '�' ECUHITY INTERESY UNdER THE UNIFOHM COIAMERCIAL CODE. Thla D ad ol Trust shell be conslderad and ba offective as e nen - <br /> � g r s u a n t t o t h e t x n no w o w n o d o r h a r o a l t e r a t tech � .� <br /> •� �T�tomHit an�a tixlure f l l i n g p� ems Len d er e s e w r i t�r i n t e ro s t i n su �=- <br /> oovsrng Rxtu as,chanele.snd eh�G�°g°��rsonal�rope Y, n ol sni d promisos I�ncludinfl said lixtures�Is sftunted. Thls <br /> , i �y�d all raplacemer��s lhorool and edd tions ihereto phe Chaltela"1,end arantor heroby g� o �o�o i l ing or racordin9 � ;;_'. <br /> �' •iM Gramor dos <br /> c�qad abovo. Tliis Deod of Trust wlll be;��aaords oi oac h coun�Y where en(y padsn fixl�filed n A�Yre P��eP nI�h�ll bo s It a c onl In�a <br /> .,� stalement covor ing e n y o l h o rpr a m i s o s a n Y n dornand.Ornn tur b h a l l -- <br /> �premlcos and�g 1v��i lo d l o r r o C O r d I n i h o r o e�o& <br /> p�ad ol Tnist cnnll elso bo oliactivo ac n Ilnancing � <br /> �ifice• A ce►��•� � � r ses relorrad to In thfs Peragreph. Thn socured pariy la tho Londer dosw�bod Ab°vn ►1Po <br /> io�p re Ic or other roproduetlon ot Ihis Deod of Trust o�of ony���ancing staterrqnt rolat ing to I h i s O o e d o n i s � <br /> . ncln sta te m e n l l o r an y c 1 Iho p�P o � f the i;hatte is.a n d u�n�3remor's leiluroh��Sls d o f i n a d Ir�sa d Unlfo m � � <br /> Hna fl ^owr11 agroemon i5(�s s u c h te�m�e doe��on�n sald Unftorm Commerclol Codn)6uc Londor at �ny tlnw�Y d0�' <br /> Rxlco,execute nnd d41ivor such � Y �octed socurity Inta �ey�o,�ot Lon . <br /> �ssary or propor or roqu�►od to 9�nnt to Lendar a Fw Authorizes Lcmdc+r to tile financing siatomenta(es ' �:9„ <br /> nt ot Orantor. Gren�or hereby t oroot at tho tlmes roqulrod,In <br /> 61gn any such a4Keem°nt es ihe ega p�,wnhout�he sigrature o!Qrantosta omoms and lor�he►etiling'�t�I, � --- <br /> Corrnxrcinl Cod6)with rospo��to tho Chnitols,et any ' roorrp���vQring tha Ch�a�ri`��adeo �'-•�- <br /> : :.�•;:�� �Vjn sueh Ilnanclnp atatortwrno Granlor elill pay nll filing loos tor tho lilinp of su..h Flnenc�ng end all o(Iho Chattels is hernby 9. <br /> C.__ <br /> fis opinlon°ol sn�deteult under�ihls Deed o1rTNSG�1h°��9hlQifilo and i�nto est ot Grantor{n�and to any�cur�ly a <br /> the avont Y, � � s}ts or payments now or hereahor made thernof by arantor or tho predecessorc or successors in utle ot p <br /> �,A,�rv[f In � <br /> M Lendef.togeiher with the benetit ol e y P� <br /> Ore�ntw In ihe Proporty� p expend funds(Including attornoys fees and legal <br /> t or remedy c�I.en r under ihis Deed ot Trust. Upon dern��d,arantor <br /> �, qE1MBURSEMEN7 OFl rQ1�redTo boxakon by a a��oN o�°orceanY eph ndors o tlon,�� of �Ication ot notice of <br /> ' �xpenses)to periorm any ` <br /> �1e at yment until tho date of relmbu�s�nme ft�• Thd ener the hepinnln9 c'�P���n r�}i�atlon� <br /> el relmbursa Lender for all such emeunta expen�d by Londer together with inte est theroon at tho lowar of tho highosi rate doscribad n an <br /> . �alllmmed�a� y blicatlon, <br /> f�llgatlon or the hlghest rate allowed by law iran tha ���arantor to paY anY Pan of t e Ob��9�i�ons a�er tho be9 � <br /> �egatgon(e�e��o��d o������e�d��der shall'at itaonole�a�nd al�l o pensos incurrediby the Trustee and Londer in connectlon with caid pu <br /> `;• �t�of sale,es hereln pravided,ihon,6rantor sh�ll pay xercisfn the power oi <br /> o atlorneys fees to the attomeys for tho Trustee and for the Lender,and a reasonable fee to ihe Trusteo,and ihisQ eed of Trust shall <br /> Induding reasonaW �sos�nd foos. nses of <br /> securitY lor all cuch vxpo � ovlded for In the eQd of TrusL <br /> the rocneds of the irusteo s sale,tirst,to iho cosls an expo s or other Ilenholders,end the <br /> u, �ppLICATIGN OF PAYMENTS. The T�uslee shall applY � y ���of�unior deeds ot trust,rrbrt9a9e <br /> sale end ol ihe sale.induding ihe pay�nt of tho iheSDeed tol Trustuahird,ortho payto ozceod the amount whkh rr�ay P� <br /> sscond,lo paYment of the obligation socared hY �� <br /> �a��,��e�y,to tne person or porsons IegallY entitled ihoro�o. rform any a�tion or oxecute any document � <br /> ' R OF ATTOANEY. arantor horeby apPo�nts Londer es its attornoyIn-fact ta endorse Grentors neme on�II insirurtwnts and other docume � <br /> � �, pOWE <br /> p�rlaining to ihe Ob��ga«ons or Deod ot Trusi- In addiUon,Lendor shall be ontllled,but not required,�o Pe <br /> taken or executod by �euli under this Ceed ot Trust. AI powers of attorney descnbed in this Deed of Trust are coupled with en <br /> � Grantor un��er this Daed ct Tr�st. Londer's pc�rforma�co oi such actfon or executlon of such dowrrxints sha no <br /> I <br /> • r�quIred lo p�� aiion or cura any <br /> � rsl(ave(3rantor(rom any 9 <br /> Interest end ara Irrevacablc �od to the tlghtE of tho holder of any prevbus Ilen,security interest or encu ance <br /> � g�BRpQp�pN pF LENDER. Londer shall bo sulxoga <br /> . or not such attomey or n nl ts an <br /> s to a Lender's reasonada fees a the�sts,induding,but not Iimited tu,f o� <br /> d tscher ged wilh funda aW�nced by Londer rogardless ot whather those Ii�n e socudty interasts or other encu�ences have been release o reco � <br /> 27, COLLECT�ON�OSTS. To tho ex�ont pe r m i ne d b y l e w.G r e n t o r a g r e P y �nt colloctlon actlons. <br /> amount duo or enforcing any rl ht or remadY under t h ls De e d o t T r u F t,w h e t e r o r <br /> and costs o1 atlorneys and othor agents (iLenu�ign�h����g g�nyon paralegals,c lo r ks a n d c a n su�l`a n is:w h <br /> erripioyee o f L en d e r,w h i c h are incuned by <br /> I <br /> .__ _.�.. �,.Hinn of the Properry.bY execu�ing�d��d°�o on611pate Lend�errto release any oi I�e <br /> sui{Is brought,includ'�ng,but nol Iimltod to,all tees en d c o s i s I n w r r o d on e p P eal,In bankruPtcy,and po w� <br /> - -- = reteaso ns i��in+a�� .� a � Notningnerui����d��••..---� � ,,,,_an oart , <br /> �, PARTIAL RELE 4SE. Lander may r �therwlse requlred by Iaw).nor shall Lender be outigatuJ i�r'�°^°°_�-Y, <br /> nte estenahe ProtphcnY(oxc��p9as5requiredlundorrParngra�Fh�8 or ac�may bci �y y <br /> � Pro ny ` eed ol Trusi,that is not the subjctcl of lhis or any PFUtial Deed of Reconveyance IS O�of Trust must be <br /> e ,,Grartor Is In dotauli undo�thls Desd o'Trust. Thc�Ilon end sacurit Ir.terost croetod by tho Deed of Trust rerraln In eHect wilh respect a <br /> of th Pe as detined In tho D <br /> .. that ponion ot the pruPenl'. g <br /> rlorm any of Bortower's or Grenior's Ob��9A��ons,delay or(alt to exorGse���Y g�e%��t�sr feu�� <br /> -•� � �� µed in�a wTitl�g slgned by�l-ender.Lendor�may pe or waivor of any of Grantors Obll9atlons or Londor's ri his un <br />_ � contaln <br /> , rrower or third arty or any ot Its ri ht�aen�s�t a wa�e�g���enfder ehall <br /> . . Grantor s Oblipatlons under thls Doed ot T�`s�to hall not be atfected H Lender e o�dg•�°� <br /> y m ants from Ciranlo�o�q�Yone other then Grantor wlthout causing a w n tver of those Ob��9a��ons or rights. A walve��on one occaslon aha no co <br /> a�ixa iver o n a n y o 1 h e►o c c�s l o n. t o a n a r a t i o n a s h a l <br />- ' exerdse,Impa�rs or releases any ot the O M�g�+t�or s b�s l o n g i n g / <br /> • ihlyd partY e�any ol the PropertY• l.Qnd°r's lallure to msis�u�po�neo�����nw o f eny o f t h o �4� <br />� have the rlghl at any time thoreafter to Insist upon strf�t po substitute tn�stea es. <br /> Int In wdifng a <br /> - r ot the Obligations Is hereby Rrnnted full�rQUn�r and the sama shall <br /> . ted or in c:�se the holdor ot the Ob11ga1ion h Ihdae�dnsiro for any reeson to romove the Tn�stee or any <br /> 3p, SUBSTITUT�TRUSTEE;IoRaUSTEE LIABII.ITY:COMPENSATION hen case oi�he death,inab�ity,refusal lo act or absence of the Trustee rc <br /> qate where the real proporty s i��a new trustee in hls Wace and steatl,t �n1e� �co�su�ssa to nU righis ot Trustoe <br /> � trustee herounder ena to appn ��r��mstenees whatsoever. <br /> substitutu truston lor seid Trustee,end the subs111uto trustoo shali,whien apP� Irlue ot the powors hereln qrented it upon tho Doed o1 Trust for debls <br />- • setl a��o�+o�fl�°donlo by Trusieo SoW�be altherva�iso osponisiblo or a�unt Wo under aney od on tha Trustee. Ns ee <br /> " yerqmo vosted In him�ar tno pu►po. ��or an ono acting by v <br /> • shell not lw Ilable for any orror of N g ��Say. Trustoa shall havo tho right to rulY on any Instr numino� <br /> Trustoo shall no:be Pa�r�maYg���b�����SI�°ho°1nana4omorn or operalion ot cald pr g <br /> , oordractea or Iledllty horizln or supporiing eny action teKOn or pr itps�o���of f�16 du I s horeundo alnd to reas�onabla co fmpensetl�on9or such <br /> dpoument or signature aut 9 �o nsoilon duo TrustQa horou��do�the po� ro�'r��o Its du%s.nd <br /> Trusteo shall be eniftled to reimbursert�nt for oxpenses inc�rrod by�1 h•� nso wiia�soover fncurrod by' <br /> ' y�vd and hold it harrt9oss irom a�nd againsiw.ny ano nll oss�Icus��liabil Iy�da�mage and e� ur �s for which thoy were recolved.lwt need not <br /> nnor frem eny othar monoys(Qxwpt to t e oxtenl required by law)and Trusie3 shall be und�r no Ilabllity for Interest on e�y <br /> -- „ .. p,►1 monoys rewived by Trusteo shell,urnil usQd or applled as horein provided,bo hold in irust tor tho p Po <br /> h <br />- be seg;ogatod in any ma <br /> ' moneys rowived by it horeundor- <br /> ^ .rators, rsonal reprosen1alrves,logatons and dovisees. �d sent <br /> , I 31. <br /> SUCCESSORS AND A9SIGNS. 7his Doi d ol 1'�t�hall b�andin���pon and inure io tlie benofit of C3rantor and Lendar and tholinr�sPectW° <br /> guccessore,assigns,Irustees,rawivors,ndm n rovidod undet ihls Doed of Tru i fQ nalf�1�W��9Any such <br /> arties rr�ay dos�9nato In writing <br /> �y Np�ry�Eg, Except as otlierwiso req�iired by law,any notico or other commUi c�t'hQ�e�Pot ihroo 13)days aflor suG�notico Is sont or when rocoived <br /> to the panlos at tho addresses describad In ths'Do°d oa d,sl all Go do�d 9dross as tho p <br />- { notice so givon and sont bY first class mall,po 9 P <br /> � by tho porson to whom such notice�s ba�o9 qivon <br /> '� 33, SEVHRABILITY. Whonovor possiWe.each provision ot lhis Uood of Trust shall bo in�eiPreled so as to bo oNeclive and valid undor appllcablo sla e <br /> - law. If any p ro n is locatod. Unless npp�icablo law provlcbs <br /> rovislon of this Dned of Trust viola�es the law or is unenforceablo.iho rost ol iho Deed of Trust shall conifnuo io bo valid end oniorcoa o. <br /> gq, qppLICABLE LAY1. Th:s Dc�ed ol i rust:hell bo Aoverned by ihe laws of tho state whore tho�Q�P P° y �rant,notfw of dishonor and <br /> ' i othotw�so•arantor consc•Ns to Ihe jurisd�ction and�anue o�any courl seloctod by Lender,in its soteQcQ�n�nt,ldoa��d f�a�yate <br /> I 36, MISCELLANEOUS. Granior and;.erdnr ngrec'hat lnne is of Ilie ossonco �rantor wa!vos F <br /> _ � 1. This Doed of Trust represenis iho comP�elo�ntegrated understandmg botweon Grantor end Londor ponalning to <br /> ptost oxcept as required by law- All reaeroncos to Grantor in this Doed of Tnisl shall mcludo all rsons slpning bcilow. It ihero Is more than ono Gran or, <br /> � �hnU pbligatfons shall bo joint end sever <br /> .ti.,m.n,e and eanddions h�oreol „„�,�,;�nQnd ot TN51. All prOViSIOns ot this Dova nr <br /> - : • ..._._ -'-'- <br /> 38, NO THIRD PARTY 9iGHTg• No p°rscn is or shall bo a third party benei�c�ary o�eny p����o���•�. ..._ _ <br /> ro�nalon oi ihis Decd o�Trust.�n�•Q���ers so�r.disereUo� <br /> Trust In lavor of tlo i C��.G�o�^��YdP d solely lar tho benoli�ol Lendo�.antl no ti�ird parly shall 1�entilled to assunb�rantorcot tho Oblivations,or any othor <br /> - consenl in 1'io m y <br /> rformanco ot the Obligalions,and wfihout aHocting tho ghts ot Londer son <br /> _ I i�p� M�ay iho(x�o��•Y of ihis Deed ot Tnisl ovor�he intarost of an po <br /> �rsaR eSEapIATPe�°�°%�BI'�yTeloaN dPR10R11'�Y.�W�rhe Payme�1t and p�bility ol Borrowor,Grentor.or an gu <br /> - r�nspect lo any PropehY�ol o�Fr�s�Iy rel�+as�d����vriYnG.�nd wnhort imoairinp y <br /> _ ailons. <br /> �q ot iho Obliqalions.��k'+kQ 0ny agroement altonng iho <br /> i��-,�or pohonnanco ol all or any p� r�onal;�ropcarl <br /> ' � r�Icnsc ary uorson hable;nr Fay_ _�o,,r rolra�i;��on�axr.rc�a�'ip or wai�u.���y ri ht or remedy that Londor�r�ay havo <br /> gCquiro�or hrst evidencAd bv re`ordmp subsequonl�o iha recording of Ihis Deod of Trusl.Lender nk�y.either be�ore or nrier the n�aluri�Y ol lhe 9 � <br /> and wilhout�oti:o or�olo��ra�.cc ot al o,,��,y pan cl�hc Gb,�gaUOn:,c�ccr„i -�c uirin suc <br /> � terms ol p.�y,��,�c� P� P,o rt •hall bc• 4 9 <br /> � rson^cqumrg or r�tording ev�d Cr�a io1suc�1 ndio�s�by Lon cr���rQ'I�11e p^ Y J <br /> undcr�lio Dcetl ol Trusl.�ctepl add�ooi�a�securiiy ol any kind lor any ol ihe Cblipauons,or roiease or othenvisc doa wi�h any roal or po� <br /> _ cl <br /> �, socaring Ihc Obligatioi�s`A,Y�P���,ereo'.to havo car•senicd to. Y n,�o a d6 <br /> Intorosl or record�ng ai 7 <br /> - NEDOip�-,a?97 <br /> " __ <br />- � . . _. . --. -- <br />