. ,� _ ° -
<br /> . _ _ .. _ __. ---------_�.._---- :-�------------�------ . -- - . . :__�_��-
<br /> .- _�s�;����«+awwM.,ca,c��rr�ir+Glt�w�AVk�«wMat��w+��,. ..-- ;,,., , .=..��a���,--_—:-,
<br /> �.m�rr.�T:f� ' • . � ... . � .. _ _
<br /> •} (c)•All applkade�aws and regulatlons,Includiny,without Umitetlon,the AmerlcanE with D!saWlitles Ar,„4b ��nuo osnny toder:�l0.steto oQnxmicipel
<br /> rapulallon6 promulgatod thoreundet)and all zoning and buildinp lawa and reguletiona relating to ihe Pro►x� y Y `
<br /> authotSly wlth jurladlction over the ncope Gud�sab�t not Imliod6ioaljoba obV�or encosn s�c�,oxcop i nclolr o�nconlorminp usostl�tndrlAnnl Inspoct on "•'
<br /> -,� A � rosoml aro and shall bo obl�inod. E:
<br /> . prm9ta,and certiflcetea o1 occupa Y( 8
<br /> upprovals),whether�omporery or perm3nonl,whlch ere matorlal to the usa snd occupency of the Property,P Y �._
<br /> - ptlsanrd and,rrhere nnces�ary.ranewed; y
<br /> bo bindin on Gr�ntor At eny time: '
<br /> confl�ictewith Ithe provlal�o1nc o e1ny statuteh eriguletl neordin ncetlrufe ol awbc�onvect or othu�r Agreo nt�whlch,may d thoso fl�Ctlons do not and shnil not (�'� �
<br /> (e) Na ectlon or proceeding Is a shell be pending or threatened whlch mipht materially a8ec1 Iha Propony,nnd
<br /> (f) Qrantor n`n nHezardoua Matnriele)w�t Ici emiAhi nuiiorially a foct'tho Pr�opert�or Lender's�r p ts or�Intorosirin9ho Pronpony p�u�s Am"ioini6�oo a�oi � _
<br /> ,� those govA g �
<br /> �`� Trust.
<br /> rl ol tho Proporty except as set lorlh
<br /> ,�++�t�►'"'" 3, pR10R DEEDS OF TRUST. Grantor representa and warrenis ihat thero arfln�O��o�ense tlrrbly efmannlor�elt Iho o ero eny prlor deeda of iruat Ihen �
<br /> �,,..�.-,+�' �g�hedule B ettached to this Deed of Trust,whlch Orentor egreos to pay
<br /> Orantor eprees to pay ell emounte owed.and perlorm ell obligatbna requtred,under such deeds of trust end lho indebtodnosa secured theroby and fun er
<br /> eprees that a delault under eny prior deed ot trust ahali ho a delauN under ihis D9ed of Trust�nd shell entitle Lender to all rights end romedles contalnod
<br /> h�nln w In the Ob��9ations to whlch Lender would be entflled in ihe ovent of eny othur dotault.
<br /> desufbc3d In Schedule A,or eny interoal thareln,on of all„nershl b j�Uyflcl�a'
<br /> 4. TRANSFER9 OF THE PROPERTY OR BENEFICIAL INTfiRESTB IN(iRANTOR3 OR BORROWERS. In ihe ovont of e sale,convoysnce.leata.
<br /> � coMraet for daed or transter to enz_peraon of ell or eny part ot the real p►openY
<br /> �� IM�rest In Bc'ilwe�n�a�y(et��opilon�declare the ou�stendingapdncipal balance of ihe�Ot�llgatiopns plus�aceruedlin elrest ihe eon Ir�m�edlately due and =
<br /> oth�r Isaal Yl� •}
<br /> � payebk. At Lender'sate end tharoxteniolBthelrWespeclivo ownerah y Imerestl6 turnish a comp�ete stetoment cetting tonh all of Its stackholders,rrembere,ar -
<br /> pertnen,as appr Prl P
<br /> '� —
<br /> � Qrantoga�es eEe TighF,REe Tg eresl�Gelmrand defmand�o�waowned or�hogeafte aoqulbsd�hns Doed��g gnd future le sesuof ihe6POperty (Incl�udln8
<br /> � exten�b'`�'e('Bd Tls8S1hB�ases1)aand ell guarantles of lesse s pPrfamanCO unrdc'r�1he�Le ses,togother ti��tith9he I�mrr�ad Ahe�and contnuing rlghBto
<br /> � � harea y
<br /> � �IyaWre rco�ming duef during any rodemptio�Iperlod)undar Ihe Leacesror(rom�or�arlsing out ot ihe Prorpert yW ncl d g minl�mum ren anedditlonal rentst
<br /> ��. percernage rents, parkin8 or wrtm°n area malntonanco contributions,tax and insurance conirlbutlona,deficlency renis,Iiquldated dameges following
<br /> detault In any Lease.„��a1o���sy�y��g enrosult of a lessea'exercise of en optlon�torpurchseer he P operty,alllaoceeds bderved fr m the
<br /> � demage to the Prope y, P�
<br /> Ierminellon or re�ectlon of any Loase in a banlwptcy or othor Insolvency proceodinflll of he ab�o e are her eher co loctive�ly rolerrod to asWhe Ronts"�jr Thla
<br /> rrey have agalnat any lessee under the LeASes or any occupanis of ihe propeAy(
<br /> .� 8eppl�cablenstate ewc�he Ilenrogroa edVby ithls e�gn�ment Is�int nded to ber speciflc�porfectedyandchoete uhp�o n Ihe9ocording oef thIsBDleed otTNa elWes
<br /> . pro�rided by applicable state law as amended from time to tima. As bng as there is no defauit under the Obligatlons or thls Geed of Trust,Lender prants
<br /> �r��a e�r 9Vm�e r�equi e l3ramorila depos�it all Rents Imo en eccountemal elneci�by drarnor or lsnder at Lendefs I stitutlon.�Upon�defa How'he paymden
<br /> tnay Y y
<br /> Pio r Iny onpe��d Of ra period�of tlme'9hat Lendr.r deennYproperP1Lender may Sprogceed to�collect annd rooelve a�l Renis f om�e property,andrlender
<br /> - . . � � .��r rAdacements to ihe Properly as Lender may deem propor. Lender may epply alI Rents In
<br /> _... ...._._._. „ ..,. .. _
<br /> �; Qi I h8V4(ull pOWBf lo rt19K8 aiieraiiui'i5.i8f°J�;,^r.°.r°,s4.__.
<br /> ►,endera sola disuet�on to PeYment of tho Ob��gailons or to the paymel�ocfAlly a d ihe nta ege�mem end o�ne ratlon�of the�roparty.Len mgy kee the
<br /> " expenaes Inddent to teking end retalning poasesston of iho Property pe
<br /> properry propeAy Insured and may dischargo eny taxes,charges,dalrns,assessments and other Ilens which may eccrue. The oxpense end cost of t ese
<br /> � ��°��s cysha�l IYe ome pan of the Obllgations secured by ih e Deed�of T�rust.�a�ed to the principal of the Obligatlons. These amounts,together w(th
<br />' �LEAyS�En'AN�OT�H'E�R WGh�EnyM easo or o he ra g6ree�ment('Ageementt)pertalning tonihe P open yln additlonmOrantoe witfioutnLender's'prlorlwfltgten
<br /> Y P�
<br /> conwnt,shall not(a)colloct any monles payabin i�nder any Agrearront rtnre than one mcmth in advance:(b)modlty eny Agreement;(c)aeslgn or e ow a
<br /> ��en,6ewrity Interost or other oncumbrance to bo placed upon Grantor's rights,title and Interest In end to any Agreement or the emounts payebb
<br />.. rh�Nes�at any�tlmee any writtonacommunica9lon assari ng a�defaull bynGrantor under en Ag Bemont or purponing ober�minate�or�cancel�any Agr ome n
<br /> ihe�emountslldue to arant rehe o��p��aro heta y a slg otd to�Le der as eddi�lonal�wn rlty t rg�ho Qblllgatlo9 6horeto)to Lender. All sudi Agreemenis end
<br /> not�rrited o�les�s�Uce�Be ED�NEemrtx+n�iNel+aut or�it es a d insi an�cosco I�nlos)Ito pay Londer any'Indeb edness or�obllgali n�o�ng to�4rentogwbih
<br /> �• respect to iha Properly (cumulatively "Indebto�„los unNelherdvinn�ol such notiBwtlon uln the elvemehat Orantor possessea orerecellvBos�po seo sslon of
<br /> �ndebleaness owing to C3rentor(rom ihoso ihird 9 -
<br /> �tiqitute thonprepay�mentro eny Indebtotdness o►lthe�paymen bof eny insurlanco onc�onidermelion proceeds�or�or}ehall hold 6uch Instru�ments end other
<br /> pps�sess on of the Insiru�menis e d other rominances�Plonder shau bo elniitlod but not�r qulrod,o,00llect(by eegalrprocoedings ioreotherwl6�Lextond t�M _
<br /> ' time lor payrronl,comPromiso,oxchange or release any odlgor or wlialerai,or othenviso sotllo any of ihe Indobtodness whether or not an event of deteuft
<br /> - , ��A�����o��sany danagesntlosulingnohoofrom�toNotwihstendngathon�foregolrg1enothingssiheeln�shal��causetLnder�losbo�daemedh'a =
<br /> � mortgagcio-In-possosslon. -
<br /> 9. USE AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY. t3rantor shall taku all actions and make any repa�rs needed to malntaln tho Property In gocd conditlon.
<br /> . Grantor shall not cammit or pormlt anv wasto to bo corminod with rnspect to the Property. arantor shall uso ihe Proporty solely In compl
<br /> lance wiih
<br /> eppiiCable law and Insuranco po�fclos. Grantor shall not make eny allerfltions,additions or Inprovemonts to tho Proporly without Lender s prlor writlen .
<br /> tonsent. Without IImIUng the torogoing,all eitaratlons,additlons and Improvemonts mada to the Property shall bo sub�ct to the beneticlal Intereat belonging
<br /> to Lender,shall nm be romoved whhout Londor's prior wrinon consent.end shall bo mado at Grnrnor's sole oxpense- _
<br /> , g�,„OSS 08�omAany causo�wh tsoovorr InQiho'ovent of any Lass or DamagouG an orshali9a iho op�tlon�of L ndnrrropal�r ho affoctad Properyty to Ite
<br /> provlous condition or pay or eause to be D�Id to Lender tho decroaso In iho fafr market veluo of the eHoctud Proporty.
<br /> (�toodNoahhq ake,to nado and fira�lltfo8 oPtother�casualty tol tiho ox entV elqulrod by londor.�(3ra nor may o�bt en nsnurlr,n�co onSihorP oportQy om such
<br /> eompanios as are aocoptablo lo Loridvr fn Its solo discrotion Tho insureneo NolfGas shall requiro iha Insuranco eompany lo providn Londor wlih et loast
<br /> 3 0 days wrfnen notfco 6ofore siuh policius ere altored or cancellod in any manner Tho Insuranco policfos shall nanw 4onder es a loss
<br /> �oo and provido ihat no act or omisslon ef Orantor or any othor porson shall altect the right ot Londor lo bo paid iho insurence procoods poriafning to the
<br /> oss or damago of iho Propony In�he ovenl Grantor lails Io acquirc or maintefn Insuranw,Lc�ndor(aflor provfding notico as may bn roqulrod by Iaw)may
<br /> �descridbedriniPeragraUph 23 end securttd he eby 0 entoQ shall fuhml h�Lon�dor wth ovldenca o1Qns ranwllnd tatingh on oqui edbcovorago.aLendonrQmay a t
<br /> � as attomoyI e1 eC�O'�awn bv anv fns u erndAll su'ch In�su enco policias hall�I Irmbdlalolyes sgnod�ple�ged and d�llvo�d to L ndor s furthor securlt•�rr
<br /> __.i.._ ....a i...,.ln.�e a�ithnrbod to mak0[NOOt ot 1055. EeC�i
<br /> -- � - i�vywu.......,.._.._..._.. . -
<br /> for Ihe Ohhgations In ihe ovent ol loss, Grantor shall imrr�ecaa�ery givo Lonua�w����or��,...,.... ••••-—••--� --
<br /> Insuranut Company is directed to mako paymonis directly to Londor instead cl to Londer and Grantor. Lender shall havo iho right,at Ils solo optlon,to
<br /> _ apply such monies loward tho Obligatlons or towurd the wst ol retru��ding and rostorinq Ihe Propc3hy Any nrrwunis may ai Londor's opilon bo applied In
<br /> tho Invorso order oi iho d�io dat�s ihereof
<br /> — � 11. ZONING AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. Granwr shail not initiate or consent lo any change in�he loning provislons or private covonanis aifoeting ihe
<br /> � use oi Iho Property witho�d Lender's prior writlen wnsont It Gr�n!or's usa of iho Proporly bcconrs a nonconlorming uso undor any Y.oning provislon,
<br /> Gtentor shall not causo or pennit such uso to be discon!inued a abandonod without iho prior�vritten consent ol Lvndor Onntor will imTwdieloly provlde
<br /> ' Lender with writlen notico ol any p�oposed chanpos lo the�oning pmwsions or pnvato covennnls aliodinq iho Properly
<br /> 12 CONDEMNATIOtJ. Gr�nlor�hallAll�mo esQ�a pble a�Gr:uit�or�lrom such conoe�m�a�on�oi taku plaro horeby�s.��iq ed t r onder nnd sfiall bu appflod
<br /> �. proCOeding pert.�mfnq to Ihe Properly P Y• r�isal�eo>)in counoctlo.�with Iho condcmnallon or oMnont
<br /> � first to Iho payinonl of Londor',nuomoys'focs.Icgal expenses and oRior cosls Uncludinp app,
<br /> domain procood�nps and Ihc�� �1�ho opUOn ol Londor.to tlic paynx����of tho Obligalions or ihc restorauon or repair ol II o Propor�y
<br /> l
<br /> = ' ���•,o z m e
<br /> -] NEDU'P���v 7y
<br />