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. ..r; ; . <br /> ,w�{Y� �, ,! <br /> 't s���" , ,;J, , � . . . <br /> . .�. <br /> , _�!� � t <br /> , • ` � � �: <br /> _._..:]s._,_.--- ---------.—...—� ... ._.. .._ _.��_.�__. . � __. .... . .. __ .�M <br /> ' c <br /> ::_lii�'VYr'r:_•, ' :, _ .�� .. • ;� . y_ �.,� <br /> � ; : <br /> - 'r � � , . 'r�v�rew-�4sr .r. ��i . _ •�' ... . .�,...... .. r . <br /> ...y, m <br /> . . .i$V�i • . r,wy:n!.' ..�'-l'n-,rt.I . � '-n:.: . � . ... <br /> -d'�+A'l6b.t�rer. srl'," 'i� <br /> . .a-vHINY1��!M�4,a:an._a.......»___�..�.. .�.,. .. .. •t�:i- <br /> 4 - ...... . .}::- <br /> � � . . 97_ 1i4555 -__ <br /> , n eifecti ih�Prop�rty. annta 1»nb1'y�pol°t���d�►�����anQm�yIndact to comnence,Intervene In.and y� — <br /> 13. LEN�EEi'9 RItiHT TO COMAAENCE OR DEFFFID 4EOAL AC710NS. Onnta thdl knrndlatNy ovlde Lender wNh wdnen notica ot eny actuul or <br /> threaten,ed sct�on;sull,or other proceedi 9��°9 �to���M a pnls�ny ddm or controwtsy rtelnin there�o. Lendxr shall not be Ilable to <br /> detend such acibna,BUI1b,or other legal{x npf <br /> Cirantor tor any ect�on,6rtor,ml�tek�,oml��lu�cr d��a'�P�nd������°hjs���������yn n�e�f�nr qny meges resulting iherefrom. No�hlnp <br /> contalned ho►eln wfil p�evern Lender from taWnp ih�act �d� <br /> 14. iiiDE�."3tFIC�T1(�1. 1""de shell not nt�urtw or b�ntponsi�fa tlu�rimrw�ot�n o10rc�rria's obllyatlons with respect to ihe Propeny under ,..: _ <br /> en dreumstances• arentor ahNl Irtmedlatsly proWds Un�1ew�ili,l�s(InGudinp enar»y�fM�a d dbgal�e Pen��e°1 c�auee of ac on,aetiona 6suf 6 and �,'.(.---- <br /> ertyployees and e9er�ts ham�ls�s from all dalms,demWes� - <br /> other legal praceed�ngs(cu��alhrNy'Clalrrn')p�rlelNrp to th�Prop�Ay(�nchWlnp,buf►wt Ilrtil�d Io,Ihuu InvoNinp Hezardous Materlala). Cirantor,upon � <br /> � yNe own I�I eounwl to delend such Clalms at Cirantor s cost. Grantor s <br /> tho request of Lendar,shall hire lepal co�nse�io det°nd L��r hom wch Clairrr,�nd p�Y t►�°itom�Y��°e�'�e9�ex nsea and other coats Incuned In � <br /> .,sa, connection therewHh. in ths �th`�����u�,�ys M t�m�lrt atim.r*aq or lor�cftasur�ot Ihis Deed of Ttust. �_- <br /> oWlgatlon to Indermify Lsnd�r ovide Lender evidence <br /> '��H~� 13. TAXES AND A88E8SIIAENTB. C3rentor shall pay all texes end atNSN�rnt�r�lstlnp to Prop�rly wh�n d��and Irrrr�edlately pr <br /> ••"�'�` 6�� the rsqwtt of UndK�C�ra�ta sh�U d�po�tt wRh l.��d�►�aeh m°��h one•twelflh(t/t2) of the estlmated annu�I�of trexes, <br /> nt of seme• UP� elnlnp to th� Prop�ty 3o IanO es th�r�I�no d�feufl,thaN ertwunt�shall be eppllad to thehpa unds so held to <br /> pre um,taxes and assessment�P�1 In ths wsnt o1 delwR,Und�r thall luiv��hs►19ht,at its sole optlon,ta epply <br /> asaessrt�erne end inwrance a�requlred on ths Prop�rtyI��y�t��r���.���In nv�rsa onier of the due date ihereof. _ <br /> p4Y�Y t�ea or agelnnt lhe Ohllgations. My(unds ePP� <br /> 10. INSPEC'IION OF PROPERTY,BOOKB,RECORDB AND REPORTB. Cirentor�hall dbw l.�nd�r a Uc eg�rna to ox.ernine end Ins �y asslata�n� _ <br /> ulne,true,accurete and <br /> . . end Ired�y�Lende�o and���sb All oihe tl�nb etu►e�and I�ortnatl�on cont�al�n�d In Or�tore boolu end rticords shall�be pen��� Additionally� <br /> requ <br /> complete tn ell respects. (irenta she�i note th��zfstenos cf Lend�r�b�flda�Ime��t In It�book�end►scord+p°rtalning to the P�� �SI ate. All <br /> y �qw as Lender may 9� <br /> drentor ehall�po�,for such pedtod�ehall ro8sct Ciranto�s noof�li et wch t� I��nd�hdl b�r�nder�d w h�uch�h n�M�Y �tbn or the Property. The . <br /> Informatlon <br /> � Informatbn tumished by(3rentor to L e n d s r a h e l l b s t r u s,a a u r a t s a n d c o r r p bie In ell rofpecl�,and dpn�d by drantor if Lender requaels• <br /> 17. ESTOPPEL C8RTIFICAT68. Wiihln ten(10)days arier any requat.�������pej i���i��°g j���onnihotObliBaAonsS'and(b)whe her . -- <br /> rlgMs wflh reipaet to the Obligationa,e signed end ecknow�edpod to th�Obllpa�lons end��f�°�1he nature of such dalms,defenses,aet-ofts ar <br /> . . • d►antor poaussai eny dalms,def°"s°�,°et�ofla or countxdelrtr wnh resp�ct <br /> courrterdaims. C3ramor will be condu�lvely bound by eny roPns�nte�ion�h°�L�n���y�°la th�Int�nd�d trm�ferae wNh rospe�t to these rrmflers n <br /> the event that Grentor fells to provide the requeated etatemert in a timely mennsr. ��ye In ihs event ihat Or2ntor,&xtower or <br /> � 18. DEFAULT. �rantu shall be!n deteufl under thle Deed of Truat and the Truqee'a pow�r�haH bkorrb°P�ra <br /> ` eny pueranta of the ObUgatlons: <br /> (a)}ails lo pay anY Obl�9atw"to Lender w►�en diw� or�M�t to���t�d In thls Dwd ot Trust or eny other present or future <br /> �• (b) falls tn perfortn eny Obllpetlon or txeachea any warrentY <br /> a���t: In eny rnt�rlal ro�et or wb�cts th�Prop�rty to seizurs.eonHscatlon,or eandermatlon; <br /> �� (c) dosuoye.Ioses a darrego�ths Property arent to Und�r, <br /> �� � (d) 6eeks to revoke,terminate or othsrwiss Ilrrtt hs Ileblltty unde►enY W y tltlon In benkruptcY Nled In whleh Orentor,BoROwer <br /> (e) ��,become�IegellY Incompetant.Is dissdved w t�m�lnat�d,b�cortr�InsoN�nL meku an ass�9�mmt for the ben�M of aeditors.failc to paY <br /> - -- - ����,��y�nrre due.flles e petfllon under the i�rd benkruptaY Iaw�,has an involuntary p <br /> �� or any gutuantor is named�or hae prope►►Y taltsn unoer eny wrii t�N•,co�:c!xu.^.: etlon.a us�of whlch�I�Illpai: <br /> Y (� BIIOYl6 QOOd6l0 I19 IlfAd,trensportsd°�st°r°d°��hs Property,tM po�WSalon,trm�port <br /> other lhen Cirentor or EoRawer to aawms a un�Nrtdw enY Obllya�bn wflhout ihe writton cai�eni of Under;or <br /> '�� (g1 �I�yys�Y�Y or if Lend�r.In qoosi faflh, fa eny reaaon.belleves <br /> i (h) �auies Len�to de�n it�ssif in�la Impeirs�d ifloant declins In th�velw of 1M Property� <br /> that the p►ospec PsY � _ <br /> � � 1p, plfiHTB OF LENDER ON DEFAULT. If there Is a default under thla Deod ot Truet,Lsnder thall be sntltled to sxerclss ons or rrpro of the tollowing <br /> remedea without notice or demand(except as required bN�QM'1� <br /> �, (a) to declare the Obligationn Imrnedlataly due end payebN In tull; <br /> �: (b) to eollect the outstandinp ObUOatlons with orwithout r�aoning to judiG�pr��o�rn or Chatlela eonstituting tho Prop�rty at a pleee reasonably <br /> (c) to rac�ulro Cirentor to d�IMer end rrnks avallabb to Lender eny Pe ����nt of a realvx end,a1 I.encier's <br /> ` convenbnt to�rentor and Lsnder, W�thout apply��0�or or ob1alNng 1he epPe etelutory eondfUona regerdln9 <br /> �• (� to enter upon and take poaseaalun of the Propetty <br /> � �t appdm a recolver wfthout bond,wHhout flnt bringing auit on the Obllgationa end withaut oth�rwlse meeflng anY <br /> ��rers,h being Intandsd that Lendx shell have thle eontraetual Myht to eppolm a reaiver, nt of ell rnai�ary cher9e�end expsnsee,on exoum of <br />- (e) to employ e rr�eneging egent of the Property and let the a�,eithe'�T�ene��.�n lhs name of Lcnd�r or In th�name ot(3rentor,and <br /> � � rscelw the rente,Incomee,lasues end profits oi the Property ePP�Y <br />_- � the Odigatlons: <br /> (t) to pay enY sums in eny form or rrenner deemed expedient by Lender to protecl the securiry of thle Deed of Trust or to ee(o+��es nfaraenced In <br /> paymont of Inturest or prindpal on the Obllgatlons; throu exerde�of the pow <br /> � � (g) to toreclose this Deed of Trust judicially or noniudidelly and to direct ths sals of the property 9h r <br /> � � paragraph 20 hernof In acccordante with applicable�aw� � <br /> n_ <br /> � �h�strreln alned wIt�Le^�ellon�`ege�n�s��y oer�n�o�'�n�t Or��e flt�fljla°e of lender enduding,bu1 nol llmited to, monlee, Instrum�nts,and depoa <br /> e law. <br /> �� � � (q to exerdae all othor righte avalleble to Lender undsr any olher w�lten egreament or eppUcab� __ <br /> : � Lender's dphts ere cumulative and may be exerdaed togetle r.sep�nnrate1enlY��n Iega�nst G tor,�Qrentor waNee tha post�Inq of eny bond whlch�p lh t -- <br /> � rowvery oT eny ot ihe Properry bY waY�f a preJudgme medY _ <br /> otherwise be requlred. Lender or Lender s designee rrey Fwrchase lhe Prnperty at eny sale. Proc�edt ottthe Trurstea�61�actually�lncurt�d and n�� <br /> I p� <br /> yme n- <br /> ' Orst,to the coata end exFensea of ex��si�n,8�`hn ihls Deod of�Trust�.�second,oepaymem of the�Obll9atione sucured heroby,thlyd,to tho payr►bh,o�fofu�n�I�oy ` <br /> ; I excaod the amount whieh may be Pr � _ <br /> truat deeds.mort9a98$•or other Ilenholders,and Ihe baiance,�f e� the peraon u porccns Iepal�Y enthlsd thareto. Thaprop�rty a any Part <br /> be sold In onn ulsh olr exhausth�power un res5 ihe en�tire proparty Is sold orlthe obllgatlo�aro pald�lnaul�a�re exsrcisas ot ihs�.owe hsrNn prent�d - <br /> shell not extl g <br /> 20. TRUSTEE'S EXERCISE OF POWER OF t3ALE ON DEFAULI�: li Lender o�ecta to sefl Grantors Interest In tho Propeny by oxorclso ol the power ot .. <br /> sele heroin coniNned,Lender shall notlry Trustee In iho rt�annor then requlred by law. <br /> I <br /> Upon racoipt of sueh notico ot Londer end a1 tho dlrecllon of Londer,Trustee shall eause to be recorded,pualahed dnd delivered duch notices of defau t <br /> `� � afler such Ime6asemaY t�he�hbo r qulred by law'end aflor recordatlon of such notNCetof de auit and afler notice of aele havingnbeen�g�ve ea�requl�red hY law. <br /> 1 Qx'pI e�dientr and Inasuch order ao it�rrey det rmin�e,atbpubllc eucUon�t�ihethlghest�blddar for cash In lawtul mon�ey otihe�Unit d�Stntos pn abie nt theltlma�° , <br /> _ sale,or os o�he olse►nay�tsold,butwitho bany covenant or warra'ty, expresa or Irmpliedr fie rocletals In euchlde�o y�r�attec�6 Of 1�C BoBIIA� bgs � <br /> corneying tho_pr�„y���h���i�pGa�hernof. Mv Dorson,Induding,without Ilmitatlon,arantor,Trustee or Lendor,rtuy purchase nt such ealo. Trustoo rr�Y <br /> wnausiw Fnw���.�,-••-..._...__ ttlon or tho rropnriy. <br /> ; !n iho rrennor pruvidod by Iaw posipone sale of all or eny po <br /> 21. REOUES hQ Q a ai�h°eddro 6rof such personlsel lorth horoln A11hoI s�arrx�t�lme la d nthe samegmannoro qufrod as Ihou�n oparnto roqur�eh lheroo� II <br /> - who I s a party <br /> had beoo filod by oech such porson. �i <br />- � � t�r.po3 W6 <br /> � � <br /> � NEDUTC Rw.Z97 <br />