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<br /> ?Z. mEGURITY INTfiRESf UNDi�R 1'Hi UNIFOIIAA CO�AM6RCIAL CODE. Thb Qad ol Tru�t thall b�conatdered end bo oflective as e(Inancing ,. _
<br /> qat�nl nnd,�Ilxtur�fiAr�p pirwMU�o ItN povlWcxu ol uN Unilam Corm�rtJN Cod� (ec edopl�d In ihs�tnle where the renl property Is located) , —
<br /> cavainp uxtursp,chaliN�,wid iutki��alpN wn�l propsrty ixwi ownod a IMnahx atlachtd to w to bs ufed In connualon whh tho Propeny together wilh • _
<br /> eny nnd nll npleunrnu liier�at nnd�dditlan tFNrNa(Ilw'Ch�nN�'1,MsA C�nnta h�nhy prent�L�nd�r e aecurhy Interost in euch Cha»eld. The dnbtor le -
<br /> i ihs Orenta tMictlbiW�bow. 7hl`DNd ol?nnl wiH W�N�cIN����Iinar►clrp�I�I�n�it lilad e�e ilx�uro luing wiih n�poct to NI Ilzturee Included wBhin -
<br /> seldpr�rriw��nd I�to b�Ol�d la r�cord In th�rMl��t�t�r�cord�uf��di cainly wlwrr�iy put ol aald pren�lsea(InGudnp aald fixtures)le situetod. Thla
<br /> DMd of Tru�t�hall Nw b��N�Iv����flnwticN�p si.�«�rr��cowrkw eny o1h�r pr�MN�t md rtry b�Iibd In eny oiher epp�oprlats Illing or recarding
<br /> � a}}t�, ��rk�n,Fleefo�e;h!C W 4lh�l te!{���Ila�ol 11�I�ONd ol Ttuu a ol�y N�x�ru��t�t�msnt r�IRting to thlt D�ad of Trust shall bo sufliclont as n -- - _
<br /> � IlnanGnp�tat�rtwm la eny ol th�pnpowr r�l�rnd ro hi ihl�Ne�pr�ph Th�MuxW p+rlp I��h�Lond�r d�tcrlbed above. Upon damand.Girontor chall '• —.-
<br /> mslu,�xawta�nd dNlwr iuch u�xlty�p��rm� 1��Mkh t�nn b d�Nn�d In�wkJ Unllam CormwrGel Codef a� Lender at nny timu may deom �, ,
<br /> n�a�u�ry w prop�r a rpulrNd 10 qr�nl lo I.«�da�p�A�c��d NueNy kM�rn1 In tIN CFunN�.nnd upon Orema i lallun to do so,Lender le euthorizad ta :f'" '
<br /> �� Ngn eny tuch�grHrtwnl e�Ih�np�nl al(3renla tirrwilor Mr�by Mhlialta I.�nd�t lo III�Ilnenclnn atnlonbn►s(ae euch term is dofined In enid Unllarm _
<br /> CamM►Gal Gndi)with r�irACl l01M Chrfl�u,�►Rtl INIM,wdi�aA Itw N{�wlur�pl Cdnniw. �railor wlll,liowovor, al eny Ihno upon roquost ol Londor, m.-- -
<br /> �Ign wch tinandnp�t�brtwnt� Or�n�a wIM p�Y�N Ix�rq N��la tlM Mkw ol Mich Ar�r►tMp�t�INn�nt�end lor Ih�r�fillnp thereof at Ihe times requlred,In
<br /> . ,.: � ih�opinlon of L�nd�r,by teld Unllann Ca►nwGN Cotf� it tta IN+i ol tld�DMd ol Tru�l b�wbNcl�o any t�curity agrwmem covedng tha Ghanela,then
<br /> ' „ _„ ' In th�evml of eny d�l�ult und�r Ihl�D�d ol Tnnl,�II I1N rlpl�l,INN��rW hil�n�l ol �r�nlar In und lo eny nnd eh o1 Ihe ChatiNs le hereby aeelgned to
<br /> Lsnd�r, Iop�i�N►wflh th�b�n�lil 01 Niy MpoNl�a (�ri�Nnu iww a IMrMfls�n�tlNnol by�rentor or ih�p►ed�cesors or aucceeeoro In tltle of
<br /> , a►anlur In Ih�Prop�rty.
<br /> 2s. REINIBURSEMENT OF�1MOUNT��il(�lHOiD�V Lr14QiR. t�rKMr,��lMxNr'�opibn,mey exp�nd lunds IN��dnp uttomey�'fees and lepel
<br /> �xp�n�a�)to p�rlorm any oet requlred�o b�tek�n by(ir�mn�a�o�xarclN�ny riflh�or rNtudy of L�ntNr undn thli ONd o1 Trust. Upon demend,Orentor �_
<br /> �haN ImrndlatNy nlmburw l�r�r la�II�u,ch�rna�nt��Mp�nd�d�y l�nder Iop�IMr wllh IntK��t IIh►�on et 1F»lower ol lhe hlghai rat�d��aib�d In any
<br /> OdiWitlon a the hiptN�t r�t�allow�d b1l law hom th�dNS ul p�ynwnt ixdtl th�tMN ol rNrnburs�nrnt. Th�s�wma thNl b�Indud�d In th�d�HnRion of
<br /> Obllp�tlom MrNn�nd�hNl 1�acur�f by th�f»rMMdd Iman��p��nl�d MrNn• II IIH OWlp�tlau u�p�Id eh�r t1Nb1pInnlny o1 publlcatlon of notics of
<br /> • u�N,es Mr�ln provld�d,ar In 1M w�nl l�nd�r�tNM,�t N�wN opNon,{�m�l(3r�nlx to p�y�ny put nl th�Obl{p�Ilon��ft�r ihs b�glnning of publicatlon of
<br /> natice ot�al�,e�h�reln provkLd,th�n,Cinma�INM p�y on dM�tind MI�M s��Inaxnd by ItH TruttN ard Lend�r In connection with�aid puWkation,
<br /> � Indudinp ruawn+�b�o�ItorrNy�'IN�to th��tlortNy�la ItN TnnIN MW for I�I.�rM�r.�r�d a n�son�bta Iw to Ihs Trusl�e,end this Deed of Truat ahell be
<br /> � �scurlty fa dl�ueh�xpNtN��nd IM�.
<br /> '�i 21.APPLICATION OF PAYMENT6. Thv Tn��1M�hail�aaly ilh proc�W�ol the tnist�ea sel�,Itr�i,to iho casts and oxpenws of exercidng the power of
<br /> Ralo and ol th��al�,InGudlnp�t�h�p1�yrn�nl ot Ih�TnutN�IN�AC�U7iIiy Inu�rnrJ irol lu oxco�l Il�a enwunT whlch�y bo provldod for In the Dcsed ot Trust,
<br /> wcond,to peyrt�nt ot th�oC7�p�tkx�Nwnd bY Ih�DMJ ol Tnul,tltlrd,to tIN peymsnt ot wnlor dNd�of Iruet,monyagee or other Iienholders,and tho
<br /> belancs,If any,to th�p�non a p�rwro I�ptlly entllNd Ih�rsto.
<br /> 2a. POWER OF A'fTOflNfiY. Qranta h�r�appolnt�L�rW�r e�It�enan�yIn�lect ta�ndotw Qrentor'�nrme on�I Inetruments end other documente
<br /> � p�n�ininp to th�Obllpetlon�or Da�d af Trut. �n�ddBlon,Lind�r�hNl b��ntllNd, dn not r�qulnd,to p�tform any actlon or executs any document
<br /> requlred to be t�n or ex�cut�d by Qranta undn thl�DMd ol Tru�t. UndN'�pw►twmena o1 wch ecllon a�x�ilon ot wch documents ehall not
<br /> relbvs arantor from any Ohllgellon or uue eny Wleult und�r Ihl�DNd of Trust. All powK�ol attom�y d�acribed In thb Deed oi Ttuet ere coupled with an
<br /> Int�nat end en Irc�vou�W�.
<br /> �• 28. SUBRODATIQN OF LENOER. Und�r �hall b� wbroptl�i to 1h�!Ipht�ol th�hokMr ol sny pnviou�Ilen,sscurlty Infersst or encumbrance
<br /> discharqd wNh funds edvanced by L�ncNr rpudNa ol wh�th�r th�s�Ilem,acutlty Imx��t�or nth�r mcumbrenc�s have besn rebawd of record.
<br /> s� 27. COLLEG7lON C09T8. To tho�xt�ntp�m�tl+d�yr I�w,Qnnta prw�to y L�r'�nrwnabN fNS and cosi�, Indudinp,but not Ilmi�ed to,feee
<br /> and co�te of attorrwy�end oth�r eymb (nf dudina whhoul Ilmlt�llon pu�kp�cl�k��nd cmwll�nir),wh�IMr a not�uch aflomey or egem I�en
<br /> 0R�oyss of Lsndsr,whlch are Incurnd by Und�r Tn colNctirtp any�►naint du�a�nladnp�ny�I9ht a r�rrndy unda Ihb DMd of TrusL whvther or not
<br /> -- 6i�'ii ib Y'ii'Gu�hi,�rMu�r.�.�f:!SC!!!fS:S£'�l4.SI�ao.g�m��}Irr��mw1 nn Tn'ril,In 1ynMmotcy,and ra potl•Jutkmnt cdl�etlon ectlonf.
<br /> 2e. PARTIAL RELFJ�SE. Und�r rtr rN�a� Its Int�nst In aportlon of 1M Prop� �x�cutinp and ncordn� ons a more Penial Deed� of
<br /> � Raonv�yance wlthout attoctinp it�IMN st In ths nmNnlnp poniw�ol tlw Propaty. NolNrpyhiiNn�heN b�dMmM to obllpete L�ndv to rN�ate eny of ita
<br /> Intenst In th�Prop�ny(�xapt a�rpulnd und�r Parapr�h 38 a e�r►tiy b�othxwis�nquk�d by law),nor shaN Lend�r l�obllprt�d to relaea any pert
<br /> � uf�hs Prop�ny II 4rantor is In d�fnutt undsr thle Dsed of 7rue1. Th�Il�n�nd Maxlly InlK�ol u�at�d by Ih�Dwd of Trunt nmaln In sHsct wNh reapsct to
<br /> that portbn of the�xop�rty,es dNln�d In th�D�sd of Tru�t,that I�not�rn+wbNc1 of thl�a�ny PMIM Dwd af R�conv�yana
<br /> i 29, MODIFICA710N ANO WAIVER. The modlikatlon a walwr ot any of C3rwnor'�Obllp�llore or l.�nd�r'� rlahte unebr thle D�sd of 7ru�t muat be
<br /> eontaln�d In e wrftinp tlqrhd by LsncMr. Lend�r mey p�rlam�ny ol Bortown's a Qrama'�ObIlWnlom dNay or fell to sxxdse any of Itt righte a�ccept
<br /> ;� paymisMe hom Qrantor or enyone oth�r ihen C3renta wUhout causlny�w�wr ot Ihos�Obllpatlonr a rlp}it�. A wdv�r on orn oeeatfon�hall not constitut�
<br /> a walver on any otlwr ocCedon. Qranta'a Obllflatlons und�r Ihb ONd of Trust sh�ll ncl b�efbtt�d if L�nd�r anrnd�,compromlas �xchanpes,falls to
<br /> v�' oxKdse,Impalrs or reivaaes any of the Obllpatfone belonpinp ro eny aranta,Borrow�r or third{�erly a eny of Ib rlohl�afle�nst eny dremor 8orrower or
<br /> � thlyd perty or eny oi ihe Property. Lender's failure to in�ltt upon�irk1 p�rlomrnu of any of th�Odipstlom thsll nolbe dwrrnd e welv�r and LencMr shall
<br /> have the ripht at eny tims thereaflar ta In�lat upon�trkt psAomwna.
<br /> � 30.SUBSTtTUTE TRUSTEE;7RU9TEE LIA8IUTY;COMPENSA710N. In caa of the d��th,InuMiiry,nf4ral to sct or ab�sna of the TruetN Irom th�
<br /> ' �� �tat�wh�n ths roal propsrty Is locat�d a in caa�ihs hold�r ot th�ObNp�tbm ah�ll d��in la eny n�ion to r�mow ih�T►ufiM a any wbtiHut�trusta�aa
<br /> ,�, ttustee hsrnunder end to appolnt e n�w truate�In hle place and�teetl,th�hoW�r o1 tM 0611petlom I�h�nby prenlW fu�l power to eppolM In wrltlng a
<br /> Fubqitute truttee for said Truatee,end iha wbstflute tru�ta��hafl,wl»n waolnt�d,b�oort»suoa�fa to vl riyht�ol TmttM h�nund�r end ih��ame�hall
<br /> �' betome v�sted In hlm fa tlt�qxposs�end obJ�ct�of ihl�OMd of Tru�t viwNh NI 1M powN,dutNi md oblfy�tlon�Mr�ln canl�rr�d on th�Tn�tt�e. Truttae
<br /> .� shdl nol b�118b1e fOr eny error ot WdprtMrn or ect don�oy iruaM,or b�otn�rxiN n�pon Hbi�w eGGOUntaON urd�► uny circums�anc�a ni�ulnuevs�.
<br /> Trustaa�hall not bs p�rwnally uabl�fn cew of�ntry by It a enyon�x�inp by vlrtw ol tM powK�hKNnpr�nt�d A upon tFw Oo�d of Ttutl for dsbtt
<br /> contreded or Ilablllty or�a Inwrted In th�menep�mmt or oparstlon of tald p�mlHS. TrwiN�hall hws Ih� r�h1 to nl on any Insirum�nt,
<br /> doeument a elgnnturs authoriz ng or eupponing eny edfon tek�n ap�opowd ro bw t�leen by It h�r�und�r a bWewd bylt Inpoo�faith to bag�nulns.
<br /> '� Trwtaa chell be ent(tied to relmbursernent lor sxp�nsn Incurcsd by It In tho psAorrtianp of It�dulNo h�nund�r�nd to��etonsbl�comp�nsa�lon fw woh _ ___
<br /> of Ite aervlcs�hsreunder es ahall be rond�rad. Oremor wlll,Irom tlrrr l01�,{19y COR�RM110l1 dU�TN61M flN�ixidwr end nimburw TniqN tor end "
<br /> ' aav�end hold It hartrl�ss hom end epalnst eny end ell los�,coit,Ilability,dartiep�end ezp�nse whatwewr Incurnd by n In:n�paAomiance of it�dutlea. P'-
<br /> i
<br />_ ` All morwys recalvad by Trwtse shall,unlll used or eppll�d ae hsrNnprovld�d,bo Iwld In Irust lor Ilie purpoe��la whlch Ih�y wa�r�lv�d,but need not E
<br /> • be�egregeted In eny menner irom eny other moneys(excspt to ths exl�M requlred by Inw)end Tnutw ahall be untf�r no IleWlity for Intma�s on eny ��;
<br /> f';J..._
<br />_ moneys recolved by ft haraund�r. �r�=i'"
<br /> � 31. SUCCESSORS AND ASS�ONS. Thls Deed of Trust ehall be WnWnp upa� end Inun to 1M Mr»f8 of aranla end Lsnder and thelr resp�ctlw �`�:x-�
<br /> suocesaoro,analgna,trustsea,rocelvera,etirtYnlsiratora,personal reprewnteUvw,I�g�IM�and dsvhN�. �.-:,c;�
<br /> 32 NOTICEB. Exapt a�othsrvvite requlrW by Iaw,nny nmice or othor communkatlon lo be provld�d untN►t�d�De�d at Truat nhull t»In wrltinp and sent ��� �.
<br /> to ihe partles al tho addressea descrlbed In thls D�ed of Truat or auch olhor eddrese ef Ilie p�hln�Tr►y denlpnate In w►itlnq Irom tima lo tirrn. Any�uch �
<br /> noAce eo give+i end sent bv firet claae mall,pontege prepeid,shall be deomed gN�n the onrlbr ol lhreo(3)dnye niter eueh notloe le sent or when rocelved _
<br /> by the porson to whom such notico Is buing givon.
<br /> 33. 9EVERABIUTY. Whonovor posslble,aach provlclon o1 ihls Deod ot Truat ahnll be interprotod eo ne io bo olfouNo nn�l vnlid unclor opplicablo stato
<br /> law. If e�iy provlslon ol thls Doed ot Trust vlolatoc tho Inw or Is unonlorconbla,tho roat ol tho Dcod ol Tniat:hnll contlnuo tn bn vnlid nnd onfcrconblo
<br /> - 34. APPUCABLE LAW. Thia Deed of Trust shall bo govomed by Iho Inws of iho atma whore tho ronl proporty ie iQUVOd Unlosn nppllcaWo inw providos
<br /> othorwlso.�rantor consoms to Ihe judsdictlon and vonuo of any couA 6eloctod by Londor,In ile solo JlecroUOn.Incpled In Il�nl slnto
<br /> � I
<br /> 36. MISCELLANEOUS. Orantor and Lonclor ogres ihnt tlmo le ot the essence Orenlor wnlves preaomnnnl,donnnd lar p�ynwm,notico ol diahonor ond
<br /> ! pr�les�t�e^��I 8 Q„qu�ed by I�aw��V��r n(eroma`oD od InT►uat rolor�sents thorcnoidete I t�oorm�sci underumldi�n�a botweo��(ir�nti oram drLender�oarinln�noto L ..
<br /> __.e-..°=-•--- • • - - - ---
<br /> the terrm and conditlona�oroof.
<br /> : 1 i
<br /> 3E. NO THIRD PARTY RI�HTS. No porson Is or nhnll lw n thlyd party ber.eflGery ol nny proa6�o�i ol�hin Uood al lrum Ail provl;iono ot thla Dood ol
<br /> � Truct In lavor ol Loncbr nro INnnded soluly lor iho boneiit ol Londor,and no thlyd pvSy nh�ll tw omitlod to nanunn or oxpad that Londor will nol wnlvo or ;
<br /> _ consont�o Iho modi��caUon ol any provislon of thle Dood ol Trust,In Lendur'e solo d�ccroCOn
<br /> 3%. PRESERVATION OF LIADIUTY AND PRIORITY. Withoul nlloclln3 Oio IlnHtlly ol Dorrowor,C�rn�uar.or�ny p��amntor o�Iho Ot�li�atlona,or,iny olhor II
<br /> person(oxcopt n porson oxpronsly reloasod In writlnp)lor Iho paynwnl nnd porfomxvua ol tlro(wl�p�won�,nnd wdhonl nllectinp Iho rl�hln nl Londor wllh �
<br /> ros�wet Io any Proporty not oxprossly rolootod In wrhlnp,nnd wlthout littp�ldnp�n nny wny iho�xioruy ol ihis�ooJ ul Ti��ci uvur t1:c!:+tarce!ol an•�p�rc^.^. i
<br /> acq ulrod or flrnt ovidoncod by rocordinp sub�oquont lo Ifio rocording ol Ihlo Dood ol Trual.Landar nti�y.cnhor trvloro a.nftcr iho miturqy ol t�ia WI�gaUOns.
<br />= and without nolieo or consont rolonso any poreon Ilnblo lor p��yrrx�t or;Mrfornt'!nco ot nll or eny r���n�Pu�C?Ly��3?1!4c1. nE?kn i!ny 1�!Cti>��rnl��!lnnnfl tho I
<br /> tarms ol p��ynnnl orpo rlonrk�nco ol all or ony p,an ol Iho Obllga�lonc,oxorciso or rolrnln Iroin nxurclr.ui�nr wnwn m��+��ht nr ronwdy I��nt l.onck�r nLry havo
<br /> - undor Iho Dood ol Trust,nccopi nddi�lonnl cocutlty ot nny kind for nny ot Ilio Oblip�uone.or ralan::o nr uUioiwico ck:i�wuh�iny rcrd or porsonnl proporty
<br /> � rowrinp iho Obl�gatlons Any poraon ncqulring or rocord�r g ovidonca of nny ImorQal ol nny�miuru in tho F�ro{wrty;h��ll tw doonnd by ncquvin{a nucli �
<br /> intorust or rocording nny ovldenco ihoroof,lo hnvo concentod lo nll or nny cuch ncllono by Londor �
<br /> t rvrooro nw,v� ���:�o���r, l
<br /> �
<br />