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' '`.�p����{r�� l i .. .' '_�. <br /> :.,3b.a_ ::'ttl:L'"' - <br /> -•� . _=_'--- -��__�.-'- - <br /> ' - - - <br /> ,� ���iOE� � --.�._�r�� _.__:� <br /> � .:. . . • � � -- <br /> _,.�s�.,, - .._. .�°t:Mriy.. . .�r pa...•- <br /> .. r.wyrflM�L7�7�Y��i..,e�._ .. . - „ , .�.1'.u..."''_.�"'. <br /> � 97-ii4555 �,�Y=���:� <br /> I � �,-_„���,_,__- <br /> (o) pK„appllcable lawe and regulatione,Induding,wlthout Ilmitatlon,the Americana wlth Dlaabllllles Aet,42 U.S.C. Sectlon �2t0i et e�eq (and eli �;;J6,��, � � <br /> rogulatlona prarulgated thereunder)and ell zonlnp and 6ulldinp Iawe and rogulations relating ta thu Propeny by vlrtua ot any federal,atate or rrunlclpal �:����,t :�_ <br /> authorlty wi1h�jurisdicllon over the Property,presenliy are and ahall be observed nnd cortpllod with In ail rreterlal respects,and all righis,Itconses. , <br /> pormits,and ceniticates of occupancy(Including but not Ilmitod to zoning vadancee,speclal excaptlone tor nonconforming uses,end final Inspoctlon �y.�`� <br /> approvals),whether temporary or►xm�anent,whlch ere rr�terlai to ttio uae and occupency of the Propeny,presenlly are and ehult ba obtalnod. . , �� <br /> ' preserved end,where neceasery,renewed: ` � <br /> .��:. <br /> ' i (d)ararna has tha dghi�uid Is duty authadzsd to o�cwlc and psrfortn Ite ONlgAtinns under ihls Doed of Truet end these actlons do not end shall not _ � .;;;;.i�.;,��•_ <br /> conGlct wilh the proNalone of any statute,repulatlon,ordinance,rule of Iaw,contract or othar agreement whlch may be Wnding on Oramor et eny timo; . � ;sF•..�:�:•�� <br /> . � (a)No ecllon or proceeciing la or ehall be pending a throatened whkh mlght rretedelly aflect the Propeny;and �,^__,};:±d,��•°"-- <br /> (f) Orantor haa not vlolated and shell not vlolate eny statule,repulatlon,�rdinance,rule of law,cantract or other egreemem(Including,but not Iimlted i4. ,�.;�,T <br /> thoso{}ovoming Hezardous Maledals)whlch might matedally atfect the Property or Lender's rlghta or Interest In ihe Propony pursuani to thls Deed ot .�:.t;;,-:-- - <br /> TNbt. ;'�°---- <br /> �.+ 3. pR10R OBEDS OF THUSL Cirantor repreaems and wartanls that there are no prlor deeds of trust attecting any pan of ihe Properfy excapt as set lorth - <br /> .T on Schadule B atlached to thla Deed ot Truat,which�rantor apreea to pay and perform In a tlmely manner. If ihere are any prlor deeda ol trust Ih�n __ <br /> Oranta agrees to pay ep emounta owed,end partortn ell obligatlons requlred,under auch deada of iruat and the Indebtedneaa aecured ihereby and funher <br /> hereln or nt he�Ohlipatlonsrto whl�ch Lend�er wouldtbe enti�tlead In the ievem oflany oteheedr defaunt and ahall emitle Lender to all rlghta and remediss contaln�d <br /> 4. TRANSFERS OF THE PROPERTY OR BENEFICIAL INTERESTS IN QRANTORS OR BORROWERS. In the evem of a enls,convsyance,I�a�s. - <br /> amtract for deed or tren�fer to any person of all ar any pert of the real proparty desal6ed In Schedule A,or any Interest thereln,or of ell or eny beneflGal -�--� <br /> Interest in Borrower or�rantor(It Bartower w Oranta Is not a naturalperaon or peraona but Is a corporatlon,Ilmited IIa611ity compeny,perinenhlp,trust,or <br /> other legat emity),Lender may,at ne option declaze the oulatending prindpaI belance of the Obllgatlons piva ecauad Intereat thereon Irmiediately due end �w <br /> payable. At Lender's roqueaL Cirantor or Bortower,as the ease rrey be,ahall fumlah a complote etatement setting forth ell of Its stoekholders,members,or - <br /> partnerc,as epTxopriate,end ihe extent ot thelr reapedNe ownership Imereat�. ��', <br /> 6. A831(iNMENT OF RENTS. In consideratlon ot Ihe Ohligatlone,which are secured by ihla Doed of Trust,Orantor absolutaly asslgna to Lendor all _ <br /> Qrentor'a estate,right,titie,Intereai,delm and demend now owned or hereafler acquired In all exlsting end future leases of ihe Property(Inciuding _ , <br /> extenslons,renewels end subleases),all agreemente for uee and occupancy of ihe Properry(all such leases and agreements whether written or orel,are �_ <br /> herealter reterted to es the'Leases'),and allguarentles of lessoos'portumnnco under the Leases,together with the immediate and cantinuing right to . . <br /> collect and recelve all of tho rents,Income,recelpts,revenues,Issues,profits end other Incomo of any nature now or hereafter due(Including eny Income of ,:� <br /> nny nature coming due during any redsmptlon pe�lo�under the Leaeea or hom or arising aut of the Prope�Including minlmum rems,edditlonal rents, ,_„___ <br /> � percentage rents,parfdng or common aroa maintonance conlribuL'ona,tex and Insurancs contrlbutlons,def dency rents,Ilquldatad damage�following . <br /> defaufl in any Leace,all proceeds payable under any pollcy of Insurence covering lass of rems resulting trom untenantabillty caused by deniructlon or �;: <br /> ,' damege to the Properry,all proceeds payable es a result of a Iesaee's exordse of en optbn to purchase iha Property,all proceeds derlved trom the — <br /> termination or reJectlon of any Lease In a ben{wpicy a other insolvencyproceeding,and all prxeeda from any dphte and delms ot any Wnd whkh Orentor R <br /> may h¢va ap�Inat any lesaee under the Leases or eny occupanta of the Property(all of the ebove are hereafter collectively relerred to ae tho'Renta"). This �;:= <br /> �• essignmemlf subJect to the dght,power and aulharity given to ihe Lender to collect and epply the Rents. Thls asalgnment Ia recorded In accordance with <br /> �t kable state law:ihe Ilen e►eated by this aaslgnmeM le Intended to be speelfla,parfected,end ehoate upon the recording of lhie Deed of Trust,all af� __ <br /> `�' �ovkled by appllaible state law es emended hom tlme to time. Af Iang aa ihere is no defeult under tho Oblipatlons or tiila Deed of Truat,lender prents <br /> pramor a revocaWe Ilcenae to coliecl eli Rents (rom tho l.eaeas whan dua and to uae such proceeds In Cirentor'e bualneaa operatlons. However,Londsr <br /> may at any tlme requlre Grantor ta depoaft ell Rentz Nto an axount melrrtaln�d by Orantor or Lender at Lender'a Instltullon. Upon defauit In the paym�nt <br /> k of,or In lhe parfomiance of,any of the Obligatlona.Lender may at Ita optlon take possesslon of ihe Properry end have,hold,menage,lease and operate the <br /> Pro on terms and for a period of time ihat Lender deerr�proper. Lender may proceed to oollect end recehre ell Rcnts hom ihe property,and Lendsr <br /> -. sh I have lull power to make alteratione,renovatlone,repelrs or replacemema to tha Properly as Lender may deem proper. Lender rtr�epply ali Rents In <br /> Lender's sds disaetlon to payment ot tne c�biipations a io ihe pay�rbni uf it�e wsi oi a;d�alisraticr:,ronc�mtlona,te�a!rs end re .ac�rt�!e en�!enY <br /> expenses Inddem to taldng end retelning poaseesion of the Prapeny porlodically end ihe management and operatlon of the PropeRy. Lendor rrey Ics�p tha <br /> Property proPerlY Insured and may discharpa eny taxea,charge�,delms,assessmeMs nnd other Ilens whlch may accrue. The expenae end cc�st of these <br /> actions may bepeId lrom the Renta recelved,and eny unpaid ertaunis chell 6e added to the princlpal of the Obllgt�tions. Theae errounts,togett�er wNh <br /> othor coste,shall become Pert of iha Obllpatlona searod by thls Dexi ot Truat. <br /> ' d. LFJ13E8 AND OTHER A(iREEU�ENTS. drantor shell not take or fall to teke eny actlon which rrey eause or pem�it the�erminatlon or the withholding of <br /> any payment in connectlon with eny Lease or other epreemont('Agreement'}psrtalning to the Property. In addition,Orentor,without Lender'�prlor wrinsn <br /> �� consent,shelt noL•(a)colteet nny monles paYable under any Agreemerrt more then ono monih In advance;(b)rrpdify any Agreement;(c)asslpn or ellaw e <br /> ' Ilen,aecudry Intereat or other encumbrence�o be placed upon arentor's rights,tltle and interest In and to any Agraement or the artaunts peyaW� <br /> thereunder;or(d)terminate ar cancel eny Agreamant except for ihe nonpayment ot any eum or othor material breach by the other party thersto. If Cirenta <br /> f receNes et any time eny written cormunlcatlon aeaertinp a defaufl by Cirentor undsr en Agreament or purporting to terminate or cancel eny Ayr�sr►ienL <br /> � (irantor shellpromptly forward a copy of aueh cormunieallon(and any subsequent eomrrr�nieatlons relaling thereto)to lender. All sueh Apreamonts and <br /> t the amoums due to Grantor thereundsr are hereby esalpned to lender ae additionel aecur8y for the Obligatlons. <br /> '� 7. COLLEC71dN OF INDEBTEDNE83 FROA�I THIRD PARTY. Lender shell be entflied to notliy a requlre Cirantor to notlly any thlyd perty(Ineluding,but <br /> � not Ilmited to,leasees,Ilcensees,povemmentel aulhorities end Insurence cortpanies)to pay Lender eny Indobtedness or obligatlon owing to�rantor wtth <br /> ' respect to ihe Proparry (amulatively Indebtedness") whethar or not a defaufl exists under thle Deed of Trunt. �ranta shall diligently coilect the <br /> Indebtodnoos owing to Cirentor from theae thlyd penbs until the givinp ot euch notifleation. In the event ihat(3rantor possosn�s or reeelvea posseetlai of <br /> � any Inntrumemo or other remidances wlth respect tu the Indebtedness tollow�ng the glving ol such notification or If tho Instrumoma or othpr rominanoet _- � <br /> ,o� eonslitute Ihe prepaymant of eny Indebtedneas or the payrtiem of eny Insurence or condertnatlon proceeds.Orantor shell hoid auch Inatrumems end other _-_ <br /> reminances In trust for Lender epart from he other propeRy,endorse ihe Instrumenta and mher remlttences to Lender,and Immedlately provide Lender with <br /> �r possesalon of the Inatruments and other remittances. Lender shell be emitlsd,but not requlred,to wllect(by legal procaedings or otherwlas),extend the <br /> tima tor peymem,compromiso,exchange or rolease any obligor or cdleterel,or otherw�se settlo any of ihe Indehtedness whether ur not en event of detaull <br /> ox�sts under lhle Agreement. Lender shall not be Ilade to Qrantor for eny ectlon,ertor,misteks,omission or dolay pertaining to tha actlons desctlbed In thli = <br />_ . paregraph or eny damages resulting therefrom. Notwithstending the toreqolnp, nothing hereln shall cause Lendor to be deemed e <br /> � morlgageedn-poesesslon. <br /> K�W_.. <br /> e. USE AND MAINTENANCE dF PRCPERTY. Orantor shall take all actions and maks eny repalrs needed to malnteln ihe Property In good conditton. ....,� . <br /> Orantor shall not commlt or permit eny waate to be committed whh respect to the Property. Cirantor ehau use tho Property aolely in compliance with �� <br /> .`�.��en�reaa c....n� <br /> applicade law and Insurance policios. Qrantor shell not make any elteratlons,additlons or Im�o vemanis to the Property wfthotn Lendor'e prlor written s"i;^�� <br /> consent. Without Ilmiting the toregoIng,ell altomtions,addltions and Improvementa mado to the Property shall t�e subject to the benelldai Interest beiong�np . �.' .^,�y�•`�.:;'� <br /> to Londer,shull not be rertaved without LendePa prior wrinen consenL and ehaJl be made at�rentor's sole axpenso. � .•'.�r;.��: ' <br /> g. LASS tlR�AMADE. Grentor shall bear the errire rfak of eny loss,theft,deatrualon or damege(cumulatively"Loss or Damage)to the Property or any r•• � ;,�^;�'�°;� <br />- ponlon theroof from eny cause whatsoever. In the event of any Loss or Darriags,(irantor ahell,at the optlon ot Lender,repalr the affected Propony to iie - _ Y <br /> ; prevloua conditlon or pay or cause to be peld to Lender iho deuease In tho falr market value of the attectod Property. . ��_.;"�: <br /> • ;, <br /> 10.INSURANCE. Tho Propony wlll bo kopt Insured for Its full Insureble valuo(replacc�ment cost)agalnst all hezerds Including loss or damago eausod by <br /> ilood,eanhquakv,tornado and ilre,theft or other casualry to the extent requlrod by Lender. Grantor may obtaln Insurance on the Property from such . <br /> � i companles es ere axepteble to Lender In Its solo discretlon. The Insurance polldes shall requlre iho Insurance company to provide Landor wllf�et leasl <br /> 30 days'written notico be(are such polides are elterod or cancelled In eny manner. The Inaurenco policles shall nartw Lender as a loss <br /> payee arifiprovidci that no act or omisslon of arantor or eny otherporson shall affoct ihe dght of Londer to be pald the Insurenco procoods penalning to tM <br /> �. loss or damage of ihe Property. In the event�renlor falls to acqulre or malntaln Insurance.Lender(afler providing notice as rn�y be requlred by law)may <br /> In its disuetlon procuroapproprlate Inaurance coverage upon tha Proporty and the insurence cost shall be an advanco payeble and boaring Intorest as <br />- dosaibod In Peragreph 23 and socured haroby. Orarnor shall(umlch Lender with ovidence ot Insurance Indicating the roqulred coverage. I.ender may acl <br /> as attorney-in•lact tor Grantor In m�king and senling dalms under Insurance polides,concelling any polic,y or endorsing Orantnr's name on any draft or <br /> negotlade Insirurt�ent drawn by eny Insurer. All such Insurance pollcles shall be Immedlately asslgnod,pleclged and delivorod to Lender as(urther svcuriry <br /> ... t� n.....fn.eMell Irrv�wl�otelv nlva 1 anrbr writtan nntlm wtd Lendet IS HuthOd29d l0 R13k0 p�00�Ol 1068. EflCh � _ _ ___ - _ <br /> . . IOf Ifi�Wliy�iiivi�a. :i�u�v v'v��.v.w.:.. ••••-••-.-••-••. �..'-_'".. o.._ _' .' _._—._.. <br /> = insuronce comPany Is direetod to mako paymonte dlrec�ty to Lendor Instead of to Lender and Grantor. Londer shall havo the rlght,at Its sole optlon,to i <br /> � � apply such monlos toward the Obligatlone or towerd tho cost of rebullding and restoring iho Pro�rorty. Any emounis may at Lendur's optlon bo applled In I <br /> tho fnvorso order of ih�duu datos ihereof. , <br /> 11, ZONlNG AND PRIYATE COVENANTS. Grantor shall not Initiate or consent to any change In ihu zoning provlslons or privato covenantc affocting ihe � <br /> uso of tho Propony without Lendor's prlor writton consont. It Grantor's uso of tho Propony Iwcortws a nonconforming uao under any zonl�ig pravislan, . <br /> drantor shall not causs or pormit such uso to be discontlnued or ebandoned without the prlor writton consont of Lender. Gtanto•r will imrrx�diatoly provido <br /> Lender with written notico of any proposed changes to iho zoning provislons or private covenanls a(fACting tho Property. i <br /> 12 CONDEMNATIUN. Granror shall Irmwdietely provide Lendor wiih wiiltvn nulic,e of any actual or throatonod condernnatlon or eminent dom��n I <br /> procoodinA portalning to�ho Proporty. All monles payablo to Cirantor from such condermation or teWng aro horoby assignod to Lvndor and shall bo ap led ` <br /> first to iho p.ayrranl 01 Londor's attornoys'feos,lepal oxponsos and othar cosis(Including appr2lsal toos)In connoctlon with iho condormauon or e�ent i <br /> domafn procoedings and thc�n,at tho optlon of Lender,to ihe paymunt of the Obligatluns or tho rostoration or ropalr of the PropoAy I <br /> ' i <br /> � � � NEDOiBAw.297 Pupo2d6 I <br />