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.-� - -- <br /> , - ,���-_ <br /> _.r � �M.a.:. .. . � � � - -- --- --- — - <br /> �• '.�:� • t: �c1'G!�lM����..�.,. . � . • -.. ^n-- ._._....__._ _ <br /> • r. .•.u�:,�..Y ;«.� '�_ <br /> -.;'+M . ��'svw.:�'�'U'Y4'IINA+�cx,,.,.._....,•, " .. . .. .- . _. . <br /> .. �. ` � <br /> r pr <br /> n atlsct:n the Property �rentor hereby npPoints Lendar ae fis attomey-In•fect to cormrnu,Int�rv�na In,and <br /> t3. L,ENpEp'9 AIaHT TO CF�AENCE OR DEFBND LEQAL ACTIONS. tirentor�hall Immediately ovlde Lender with wdtten natke of any actua <br /> t ihnat�nad ection,auit,or othar proce�dl 9 g omise or aettle any dalm or controversy nalning theret e reaultlng ihe�ro(rom. �Nothing � <br /> dslend sudi actlons,auite,or other Isyal proceeding•a�d to compr In Its own neme. <br /> t3rentor for eny ar,tion,enor,misteka,omisslan or delay perta�Nn9 to iho actlona desr�lbnd In this perayre or any damag� <br /> contalned hereln will prevem Lendor Irom teking the actlons descrlbed In thls paregraph I _ <br /> � .INOEMNIFICATION• I.endor shall not assume or bene�apn�,I��nen notlPce�o a dclndertnffY a�d hold Le de�endbftu'aes of etlon,a�ct�c�s�s�ne 0"d �' <br /> 14 <br /> any clrcumstences. Qr9ntor shall Irtrnediately provlde Le � <br /> y• rtelning to the Propeny(Includinp,bu1 not Iimited io,those Involving H��a��8 eMd otheracos�ta Incurrred In p <br /> employeea end ngenis harmlesn trom a11 dalms,dar'rr�9ee,Iladlitlea(InGuding ettorneys'leea and logal expenaes,ca <br /> otMf lepa�Procoedi�9a Sc+�m'letival Clalms')P8 Irie aflome a'teas,lege <br /> ihe roqueat of Lsndsr,enoll hlre lepel counsel 1a defend Londer from auch Clalrta,end pay Y � <br /> connectlon therewith. In the aitamative.Lendor s 6hall�curvlvleihe orml�natlontarolease�fo eGosu�re ot�ihls Deed of Trus�et Orantor's cost• arantar's <br /> ;,,g�� odlgatbn to inderm�fy����undor thla paregraph � ,_ - <br /> ,y�� when due and Irtrned�ate�Y ProHde Lender evidence <br /> �,r✓ 16. TAXES AND ABSHS9MENT3. arantor shall pay al�taxes end r�asessments relating to Pr�perty ( <br /> nt of same• UPun the request of Lender,Cirentor sh��eng S88Where Is�no dei ult�thace amounts she IZbe a�ppllod�io ihe�paymenll o(trexese <br /> °w"'""`�� pre�um,taxee and asseasmenis Pertalning to the Property <br /> � Ihe funds so held to <br /> led In reversa order of ihe due date iheroof. <br /> � pa�enyRtexes or a�galnst te�gat�o s.�Any funda epplled tmay,at Landers optlonnb�er�ll have the rlght,at Its sale opt on, o <br /> ,� 10. INSpECTION OF PROPERTY,88�gflR oCOR�Dke aNd eE�Rpartalning to 1hoaP o�porry from tl�metto tlme 8(3ranto shelftl provlde eny a alate�nce� <br /> � end exemine,Inspect and make copl <br /> � y �q!� <br /> �equ�redby Lnnder for these purposes• All of the signatures and Infortnatlon contalned In arentor's booke and recorda shall be genulne,true,eceurata an <br /> compiete In all reapects. Grantor aheli note the exlstenco of Lender's benefldel Interest In its books and recorda perteining to the PropeAy. Additlon y. <br /> � �(onrrretl�shal�be�for sudi Ped�ods,csha�ll1 ellect 0 ent sl rrecords�at uch timer Rnd sha�i be en�dered w�i�th su�ch fr�equ ncy as Landerrmay desl�gna e. Alel <br /> � In <br /> Informatlon furnlshnd by(3rantor to Lendor shall be iruo,accurate and complote in all respocts,and signod by Cirantor It Londor roquos s <br /> u• 17. ESTOPPEL C�R7IFICATES. Withln ten(10)days atter eny requost by Lender.Cirantor shall deliver to Lender,or any intended tranFferee of Lender's <br /> . � righls with respect to tfie(�sllgstlone,a s�c�ned�d acknowledged statemant spedtying(a)tho outstanding balance on ihe Obllgallons;and(b)whether <br /> �� counterc�alrru 5 Cirentor wlll be condualvely bound b eny repra e ait on ihat Lender may ma'ke to the�lntended trans(eree w th espect toe hese n�iariers�n <br /> • ¢ the event that(3rentor falls to provide the requested statement In a timely manner. <br /> �:� 1s. DEFAULT. arantor shall be In defeult under thls Deed of Trust and the Trustee's power shell become�Perative in the event that arantor,Borrower or <br /> any guarentor of the Obligxtions: <br /> (a) falls to pay eny Obll9atlon to Lender when duo; <br /> (b) fails to per(orm any Ob1�gallon or breaches any warranty or covenant to Lender contelned In this Deed of Trust or eny other present or ura <br /> agreement; <br /> (j ceeks to e oke,termina9e ar other wlse Ilmielts Ilablllty under�any guarenryt tohLender�',�to selzure,conflscatlon,or condemnatlon; <br /> �8� dies�becomes legally Incompetent,is dissolved or teminated,becumes�nsolvent,makes en titioneln banlwptey fll�ed Intwhlch dirantorail�rt�i <br /> _� debts as they beeorna due,flles a pelition tBdenlun t�ede�a��o`�°�sa ot court n�nvoluntary pe <br />____.,___ �.any guarentor ts nemed,or has praperty , � , „ ��,sslon.trensponalfon,or use of which,fs Inegal: <br /> � (q allowa goods to be used,transponed or sioim+���2ra���r-K'3��'-�"-� talih,for en reason,b8118VB6 <br /> (g) allowe any perty othor ihan arantor or Bortower to assume or underteke eny Obligatlon withoul the written wnseni oi�vi�u'ar;or <br /> thst t�he prospect of�paymantiore1pertortna �Is�tmpalreed•I�t dedine In the value of ihe Propeny;or If Lender,In good Y <br /> � tp. RIaHT3 OF LEyDER ON DEFAULT. If there Is a default under ihls Desd of TruaL Lender shall be entltled to exerdse one or more of the following <br /> remedies wllhout notice or demand(except as requlred by law): <br /> (a) to declara the Obligallone Imnediately due and payable In(�II; <br /> (b) to collect the outstanding Ob��9al�ons with or wtlhout resorting to Judldal process; et a place reasonably <br /> ' (c) to requlre Cirantor to deliver and make avallade to Lender eny personel property or Chatteis constituting the Property <br /> convenlent to Qrantor and l.ender; n for ar obtaining iha eppolntment of a recelver end,at Lender's optlon, to <br /> ' (d) to enter upon end teke poasesslon of the Properly wiihout applyi 9 <br /> � appoint e reoelvet wlthout bond,wilhout flrct kxinging suit on the Obllgations and without otherwise meeting arry stetutory conditlons regarding <br /> receWers,It being Intendod that Lender ahall have thls contractual right to eppolnt a recelver; <br /> • ' (e) to employ a menaging agent of the Prcperty nnd lot the sane,elthe'„e eame efler payment of ali naoassery chargesre�d expe�ses,oa account� <br /> receive the rente,Incomes,fesuos and pro111s of the Froperty and apply <br /> the Obllgatlons; <br /> (� to pay any sums In eny form or manner deemed expea:em oy�.ender to protect the securfty of ihls Deed ot T�uet or to cure any defeult other than <br /> payment of�nterest or principal on tho Obligatlons; <br /> � (g) to(oredoae thls Deed of Trust judiclally or nonjudiclally end to direct the sale of the properly through exerdso of the power of salo as referenoed In <br /> paragraph 20 hereaf In occcordance with appilcable Iaw; <br /> (h)to set-ott Cirantor's Obllgations ngalnst any emounis owed(3rantor by Lender Induding,but not Ilmitod to,monies, instruments, and depo <br /> . ,. accounts malntelned with Lender or any currently nxlsting or future ettillate of Lender;and <br /> . � (I)to exerclse nll ather rights avallable to Lunder under eny other written egreement or appllcable law. <br /> • �e�very o�any of h Pro�pArty by way oi aXPrefud8ment�h°me�aan g°t on legalnst Grantor,�C3rentor walves lhe Posting of ny bond which m�ahi <br /> • � othenvise be requlrod. Lender or Lenders deslgncw maY purchase the Propahy at any sale. Proceeds of eny Trustc+ea sa!e hereunder shall be eppll�d <br /> f fex�ed the amoum whl�may bef Fxovided tor In thls Deod of ITru ta s fe�nd,toepayment of t e�Obligatlons�ecur dthe eby,thlyd,o the payment of funla <br /> �� truct deeds,mortgages,or o t he r I l e n h o ldors,end the balance,if eny,ta the person or persons lepally entitiod thereta. Thoproperty or any part thoreol mey <br /> ; be sold In one perco��or In aueh parcels,manner or order as Lendor In Its sole discretion may olect,en d ono or m o r e exercises of ihe p ower herein granted <br /> .: � ehall not extingulsh or exhaust the power unless the entire property Is sold or tha obligatlons ara pafd In full. <br /> I pp, ho U�ST�E1e�n�ERo�����?�I�R�eeAn the�aDE�FAhon roqulred by law ts to sell Qrantors Interest in tho Properry by exerdse of the power of — <br /> I salo - <br /> Upon rocelpt of such notice of Londer and at Iho directl�n of Londor.Trustoo shall causo to bo recordad,publishod and delivorod such noticos�f dotault <br /> 1 and notleos of salo as may ihon bo roqufrod by lew and by this Decd of Trust. Trustoe shall,only nt iho directlon of Londor andwithout domand on Grantor, P <br /> � after such tlme as may ihon ba requlred by law end aher racordatlon of such notice of do(auit end aRer notice of sata having been givon as requlred by law, <br /> ox1p1 e�dlenL and Inesuch order as ft�may detormina abpublic auct on to`he hlghos bledder or cash in law ulrmonoy of thoUnitodrStates payable i tho timo of <br /> t <br /> Sconveying the prolps�riy�o�sold,but wlihoutbany co enant or warranity�oxptess�orulrtplaledr TheUrec�tals In suchrdeed eftinY matt�ersnor�fg d oe ae bo <br /> - � Fn <br /> conclustvo proot ot the 1rLuthfuines�s�hor�eo�t'�ot��ll or anv IDOAIon of huhPro Iperty."�n��rantor,Trusteo or Lender,may purc�ase et such sale. Trustee rt�y <br /> -,_. . - - � In tno manner��.�.:o....�.....r=-.,._.._. . I <br /> � 21. REQUES her�o at�ho eddro srof such peQSOn�sot fo�ho�elnnet ihai arrx��timo and n hesameflmannnr oQulred as though e sopara�o raquvst t eroof <br /> i who is o pany I <br /> ; had beon lilod by oach su c h parson. <br /> ' I <br /> + I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> i <br /> i <br /> ! Pnqo3d 6 �i <br /> NEDO:C qw 297 � <br />