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, � . . ..,. . . <br /> � . � . � . ..:�i�:�':;. <br /> �,�.,r ' �;'. .y�..�r,r:,,.. . . . _.. . . .... -- - . nu. _.__,.. . . . —. <br /> ..�.�,rwwd���� <br /> . ' d In connectlon with the Prapeny lopeihar with <br /> ovlelona of the Unlform Cortrro►c�al Coda(ae adopte use�he siate whoro ihe real property If(oCaiods � <br /> 78. SECUPITY•INTEREST UND�a THEheN�FORM COMMERCIAL CODE. This Doed of Truet shall be consldered and b9 effeclive as a tlnnncing <br /> � atetement end a Ilxture(illnp pu n now ownad or hereafler attachai to or ta be � <br /> covsring(ixtures,chet:sle,end orticlen a1 peraanal propo Y� g <br /> rt ot sald premisos(InGuding 6nld Iixturesl Is aftuated. Thla , � <br /> ebove. Thls Oeed oi Trutt wlll t�a eltociNe as a tinencing etslemenl Illed as e fixture Iiling wilh rospect to all fixiures Included wi1hin <br /> B�y and�!I replace tlnis ihereof and edditlona thsreto(ih� Chattels'),end Qrentor haroby rants Lender e security Interost in such Chattels. he o <br /> the�rantor deacrlbe be Illod In ony othor epproprlata tillnA or recording � <br /> sald pren�leea end le to be tlled lor record In ihe rool esinto rocords ol each counlY where°°Y Pa <br /> pted ol Trust ahall also be eHactive es a Bnancing statemern covering any other ptornl6es�hR enderrd�o IcG��a���o�e���Rp��y�doem � <br /> „ o ry��, p c�rbo�,photoprePhlc or othar rep�oduction of thls Dsed of Trunt�Theaeeycured p�ar9tystetemort rnlatin�to thla Oned oi Trust shall bo auHiclont es a r�' <br /> finendng stetament for any of the pu rpo s e a r e t e r r e d t o In ihls PetaprePh� � <br /> � make,execute and deliver such securlty agreemente(as euch term Is deflned in a a l d U n l f o r m C o r m�a <br /> neceseary or proper or reaulred to grent t arenio r CiPen�or�hereby autho Izea�lender to 61e�fina clig�ar�WeV�e6'�Q��10������y lluosl lc Lende►� <br /> � � eign any auch ageemem e8 tha egent ot � <br /> Cortma►clal Code)wilh reapect to tho Chariele,at nny tfine.wlthout ihe signature ol f3►entor. <br /> slpn such Mancing statameNS. Grantor wiil pay n��if�ing�e88�or tha filing ot such Mancing siaiemont6 and for the retlling t oreot at tha tlmes requlrad.In r <br /> � sald Unilorm Cormierclel Code• ��iha Ilen ot ihis Daed ol Trusi bo subjecl ta eny sewrity agroomonl coverinp tho Ghattols,thnn <br /> � � the opinlon ot Lender,by <br /> ��^"""r ` the benefil of nny depos�l8 or payrnents now or heroafler made thereof by(3rantor or the predecossor6 or successors In tftle af <br /> In the event ot any default under this Deed of 1'rust, etl ihe rlght,tltle and Inlerest of C-Irentor In end to eny and all ot the Ghattels fs heroby ass gno 0 <br /> ...._. ,ay, : Lcnder.together wl <br /> Orentor In the Propeny <br /> act re Ired ta be taken by aranlor or to exerdse an'��9�h�e�����e est/hereon at�the lowereodi the highosiPate desulbed In neny <br /> 23. RCIMBURSEMENn OF AlIA0UNT9 EXPENOED 8Y LENDHR. Le�r,at LendePs option,maY expend funds(Including attorneys' fees and ega <br /> dy de <br /> expenaea)to pedarm a y <br /> ahall Immadleteiy relmburse Lender for all such amounle expended by Len � <br /> Obligation or the hlghoat rate allowod by law irom the date al payment untll the date of relmlwrsemeof•l��'°'I�s afte'r�tehenbe8��nn n9 of puW�ica��on of <br /> Obllgatlons herain and shall be seuued by the beneftclal interest�anted herelnea Incurred by'the Trusiee,and Lender In�cenlnee�ion�Wn�l'��d P������°�} <br /> notice of aele,a6 here�ln provl�ded,ethon1.Qranior sh�allapa yconlde Pmand ePl ex�pe�ns ntor to pa e�Y P� <br /> Including r�asonable ariorneys'tees to the attomeys for ihe Trusteo and for the Londer,eod a reasonable(ee to the'frusteo,and 1his Doed of Trust shall be <br /> securily for all such expenses and fees. ovided for In the Deed ot Trust, <br /> 24. APPUCATION OF PAYMENTS. Tho Trustee shalle�f Trusi,t�d�t thehpayment of Junforrdeeds of trusst,flmort9agens ot otherllenholde sand ihe <br /> ' snle and of the sale,of�the obilgat(onysocured�by t e Oee s oes ac ually Incurred not to ezceed the amount whlch may be P� <br /> . � <br /> second,to payrnor <br /> � balance,It any,to the person or persona legally entitled thereto. <br /> �, ppyyEp C1F AnORNEY. Grentor hsreby eppOlnis Lande of Lender'siaclr�a��o�such act onrta exelcutlon of sulch�docut►��ao�$mentlt <br /> pertelning to t t�Ob���te°�n�t�bydQfBniorsunder th�ls�Deed��r shall be e������W rs of anom y d8scribed�n�Ms Deed ot Trust areecoupied w��h�g� <br /> � requIred to be <br /> Interest and are Irtevocabl�����on or wre any detaull under thls Oeed ut Trust. N pc <br /> evlous Ilen, securlty fnterest or encumbrance <br /> rdlesa of whether these liens,security Interests or other enwmbrences have heen released of record. <br /> 2E, SUBRODATION OF I.ENDER. Lendor ahall be subrogated to lhe dghts of the holder of any pr <br /> �' dis�herged with funds advanced by Lender rega <br /> 27, COLLECTICIN COSTS. To ths extent permitted by Iawl 4reanntor�grees�to pa enforc ng anyr�l h o�r remedy undar thls�Deled ot�Trusl,whetheroor not <br /> �• and costs of attomeys and olher agents (fnGuding wlthout Ilrtitatlon paralegafs,deiks end consultents),whether or not such attomey a a n?Is an <br /> ; empioyee of Lender,whlch are Incurred by Lender In wllect g Y <br /> sult Is brought,Induding,but not Ilmited to,ell fees and costs incurted on appeal.In banlvuptcy,endv�orr,post•1A�ecarding tone Ot'orrare Fen�a� �eeds ot <br />— 'y 26. PARTIAL RELEASE. Lender nray release ils Interest In apo nion oi iP�e FrF»s"i�Y-••--- s ga <br /> t�•. ReconveyanceP o ho��e%��pgas requlred underrPere�9rng�38 or a�t�tnay a���te�est�et d byb he Deed of T�rust�remaln In efteot wlth resnpecl to • <br /> interest In the pe►tY <br /> � : of the Praperty if Grantor is in default under ihls Deed of rust. The <br /> t that portlon of the defined In the Deed of TrusL tnat Is not tho subjecl ot t Is or eny Pertlal Gaed o4 Reconveyance <br /> � rfprm eny of Bortower's or Grentors Obllgations,delay or all to exerdse an of its rights or acc�e 1 <br /> 29. MOOIFICATION AND WAIVER. The mod�flca�lon or walver ot any ot orantars C)bllgatlons or Lender's rlghts under ihls Deed of Trust mist <br /> contalned In a writing slynod by Lender. Lender maY Pe t <br /> ender emends,compromisea,exchanges,falls to <br /> payments hom arentor or gny�ne other than�rantor without causlnp a waNer ol thoae Ob�lpations or rl htc. A walver on one occas on ahell not constitu e <br /> �� a waiver on eny other occas�on. �rentor s Obllflations under thls Deed of Trust shall not be sN��i�S shell not�e deemed a wa�ver and I.ender shau <br /> exerclse,Impairs or releases any Lender�'s talelure to I�ns/t9upon s�i perto�omiancertof e�Y oi ihe Obrty or any of Its ri hts egalnst any aranlor 8orrower or <br /> e thlyd parly or any of the Property <br /> have the right at any tlme thereafter to Inslst upon stdct peric►mance. <br /> � 30. SUBSTiTUTE TRUSTEE;TRUSTEE LIABIUTY;COMPENSATION. In case ol ihe death,Inadlity,refusel to act or absence of the Trustee from the <br /> y� , ga ranted(ull power to appolnt In writing a <br /> �+• state where the real property Is�noeat�dw��N��e��hls�pleee e d st�e�ad,�the holde rof the�Obllgat ons Isthereby g�h°Trustee or any substitute trua ee as <br /> ,� trustea hereunder end fa appo <br /> 6UbSiItUT81NLtEB}0►g81C1 TNSf@0.�Stand ob icts of thla Deed lof Trust wi h a�llthe p�ower,dutlo�s and oblglgatlons here n confererred onthe Tdrust�Trushee <br /> , � i�ecome vested in him for tho purpo, 1� <br /> . ;I,a„;,ct b=Ilab!�for prsonali r IInWe�in case�ofaentry by I�t or�y ne actl�ng by virlue afsihe�6powers her�eln praneed I�upon the D ed of Trust for dobts <br /> Trustee shell not be pa Yge ge ph <br /> �e�umenlorrs gnat ure aut d h o z�n9 cr supporling anyaacl�c n�eken or�pro p�oI s e d to b e t a k e n b y f l hereunder ar belleved bylt In�rel fo�n'han�y���nuine. <br /> � co nsatlon due Trustee hereunder and relmhurse Truetee br end <br /> Trustee shatl be entitled to relmbursement for oxpenses Incurced by It In the pedorrnaneo of Ils dutles hereunder and to roasona e compensal lon fw su c h <br /> � . of its servlces hereunder as shall be renderod. arentor will,trom timo to time,paY � — <br /> save and hold It ham�loss from and agafnst any and all loss,cost.IIabllity,damage and oxponse whatsoever Inturced by It In tho per(ortnance of hs dul es. <br /> � All monoys recetved by Trustee shall,until used or epplled as herelnprovlded,be held In trust for ihepurposes for whlch they were recelved,bui need not = <br /> � be segregated In any manner trom any othor monoys(oxcept to the exlent required by law)and Trustoe shail be under no Ilabll{ty for interest on eny <br /> � moneys receivod by it horeunder. _. <br /> ' � successorsEasS gRs.vusteeSggeceNers,edlmin�istratorsTpersonal�r�esentiatives�legat esnand�devlse�nefit of C3rantar and Lender and thoir rospective <br /> . ; <br /> 32. N0110ES. Excopt as olhorwise raquirod by law,eny notice or other corrmn�ca��on to be provided undur thls Daed of Trust shall bo In writing en sent _ <br /> to the partles at ihe addresses dosuibed In thste eed�of Ttlusshallsbo doerrx�d give ihe earller�ofi hree(3jdays afler suchnnoUeeRls�sonl or�whon rneca�ved <br /> i no11Ce so givan end sent by flrst dess mall,po ge P� P� � <br /> by the person to whom such notico Is being given. <br /> � 33. SEVERABIUTY• Whonovor poss�blo.aach provislon of this Deod of Trust shall bo intorpretod so as to be effoctivo and valfd undor applicablo stato <br /> � law. If any provislon ol ihls Dood oi Trust violetes Ihe law or Is unenforcoable,iho rost of the Doed ol Trust shall continuo to be velid andli��►�w erovidos <br /> 34. APPUCABLE I-AW. Thfs Dood of Trust shall ba govomod by the laws ol the slate where tho roal proporty Is locatod. Unloss app P <br /> ; ethervyise,Orantor consonts to iho jurisdictlon and venue of eny court solacted by Londor,In ils solo discretion,located In that stato. <br /> I ; <br /> � �otost exce��1�eN o�yul od by law. All�rofe ences�to�Grantor nithis Deed of Trust shalltfndudo all ppro�sons�gning belowt�lf�ihaere Is�mo eh an o�no G an or, !I <br /> � ihelr Obllgatlons shall bc��oint^a�d soveral. Thls Deed of Trust represenis the corndQ4e�ntegretod undarstanding beriveen Grantor and Lender pertalning to <br /> `j ine terms ana w���"�c..�.._.__.. �, <br /> � 36. NO THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. No person is or shall be a third party benotidary of any provision of ihis Dead of Trust. All provisions ot this Deed o1 i <br /> Trust In fevor of Lendor ero Intonded solely!or Iho banetil ol Londer,and no Ihlra party.shall be antitlad to assumo or oxpoct that Lvndor will not waivo or <br /> i consont to iho mod�ticatlon ot a�y Ixovislon of this Doed ot Trust,in Londnr's solo discrouon. <br /> 37. PRESERVAT10NoOF%�ABSuTeI�AaN°tl?RIOR�9't Wlho paymen��and p'�Itrto��ir�nco of iho Obligatlons.rand without�atfecting t�ir�igh�s ot Londorwfth ; <br /> porson(oxcopt o Po P� 1' irin in any way Iho priority of this Deed of Trust ovor Ihe intoraat ol en porson I <br /> respect lo any Pro�ny not oxprossly releasod in wrning.And wllhout Impa 9 <br /> acquired or tirst owdoncod by recrordmg subsoquanlfablo�for payn�1 orhporforQmanaTi ol ailLor any paryt ot tho Obligations�Qmako a y�a��rennbm aWltoring Iho � <br /> and without natico or consont:raleaso any pe y , <br /> turms ot paymoni or,Parf°��n�ol all or any parl o11ho ObligaUons:exoreiso or rolrain from oxerdsinfl or waivo�ny�i M er remc3dy t al Loe Quirniny suc� <br /> m <br /> undor iho Dood of frust:accaP�°son'acquir�ingro�c ordin novdonco of�any�neQSiot�anyrnlauro nr tho p(oso„oa�hall bondoo nedrbyrso�nAl prgopotty <br /> h <br /> sewring iho Oblig�tiona Any po <br /> iniorosl or rocording any ovidanco thorooi,to havo consonte to all or any such aclions by Londor <br /> P[�u4 d 6 <br /> , NEDOTD Pov 2?7 <br /> . <br /> . . _.._..._.. ... ._.. _ _ ... .._.__ . ._. _--- <br /> — _ <br />