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�� <br /> �� . .,� ... . . ..... . .,�t*r.r��� ,,; <br /> . . �:L•,wwi��`;,. .. .. ,�;.�. <br /> 97- iiQ55� �`�, <br /> � .� . loable laws and regulatlons,Induding,wlthout Ilmitatlon, Ihe Ame81ca e relaU gilo tWhe ProperlY bY virt e oSA 1Y tede►aL sic�ta oQm n�clPe� '" - <br /> (c) aB app� ����- <br /> repulatlone promulgated thereunder)and all zoning and bullding laws and rogu .^�,,_ <br /> autnoritY with wrindictlon over the PropeAy,presently are nnd ahall be observed and cort�plled wllh In all materlal raspects,end ell rights, censes, <br /> osoml aro and shali bo obteined. �'•:��` <br /> pormite,��w ethoretamporaryuornPe�`m��la�nWh��ne�II�'o�rl�n to the u6e e d occupancy�ho Proponyn�nlorml�g uROS.and flnal Inapecton <br /> A�fOV816�, <br /> preserved end,whrfre neceseary,renewed; t, <br /> (d) arantor has the right end le duly aulhorized to exeu�lo and pertorm Ita Obllpatlons under Ihis Dood ol Tnist nnd ihoso actlons do not end she no .r <br /> conflict wlth ihe provlalons of any etatule,regul�tlon,ording 8 Q�whlchlmlght�ma erlally e8ecl�e Propony'n d�y��nding on C3rentor nt eny timo: J," <br /> (e) No ectlan or proceeding le or aha116o ponding or thre letlon,ordlnance,nile ot law,coNrnct or othor apreemenl(Includie ent�to hlsl Deod�ot ���� <br /> ��� (t) (3rantor hes not vlWated anrJ ehell not vlolete uny stawte,regu n�:�' � <br /> those governing Hazerdous Matorlais)whlch mlght ma�erially eflecl tho Property or Landorc righie or Interesl In the Property P� <br /> Trust. . <br /> ior doeds ol trust then `' v <br /> 3. PRIOR DEEDS OF TRU87. Orantur represente and wnrrante ihat thera arAnd p�e�r�form Inse time�y at►nan�er�.e���he���re gnyr��y oxcopt as sot forth <br /> ••�"" on Schedu�e 8 ettechad lo thls Deed of Trus6 whlch arantor egrees to pay _ <br /> .^�r Grantor agrees to pay all amounts owad,end perform all oWlpe�lons requlrecJ under sucfi deods oi tmst and the Indobtedneas securod thereby end furt or <br /> .V agrees tha�t hde�I�t'�o���o whl�ch Lsnder wouldlhe entitlPd fnehe�even�of�eny o her det rult�end shall ontftlo Lender to ell righis and romedles cortained _ <br /> hereln orl 8� <br /> n of the real property described In 3chedu�e A,or eny intorest thoreln,or of el„ne ehl��aftc�or <br /> 4. TPIAN8FERS OF THE PROPERTV OR BENBFICIAL INTEHE8T8 IN dRANTORB OR BORAOWERS. In the event oi e sale,conveyanco, aase, <br /> wntract for deed or tranaler to eny person ot all or any pa �ons us accrued Interest thereon IrtmedlatelY due and — <br /> Intereat In Bo 1i y,e�n�'�y�ert��s optlon�dede►e he outstending�p�nG6pal balereice ot I e1�bllga r�ra�tlOn.Ilmited Iiabllfty companY,Pa � _ <br /> other legal <br /> payablA. At Len d e r's reque n t,C i r a n t o r or Bortower,as the caae meY be.6hall fumish a complete stelement soning lorth ell oi its stockholdero,me ►s,or <br /> parinors,as epproprlats,and the exlent ot ihelr respective ownershlp Interests. <br /> 6, pSSIGiNMENT OF RENTS. In conslderatfon of the Obligations,whlch aro securad by Ihls Deed of Trust, Grantar ubsolutoly essigns to Londor all <br /> drantar's estate, right,titie,Interest, clalm end derr�nd now owned ar hereaRer acqulrad in eA oxlsiing end futuro loases of the Property (Including <br /> hereafter rotorred to8as he'Legsea�)�and�g��a���esUOf lessees pe�o� ►mance nrde�ne�le8 es,topethe�r withh e Imned atetend conlelnuing rightto <br /> o(its and other Incorne of eny naWre now�o�h��,�e9 n�nl���o�,��a��tionai re 6f <br /> , collect and recuive all of the renis,income.��e�lPt�odV under heULeases or hom or adsing out of the Pro�erry � <br /> any neture coming due dudng any reclemp Pe � ge <br /> percentage rnnts, parking or corma�areA�menance��co of i�ns�urarica cov nng loss oi rent�esiuhing froim un et nantand ry ca�s�a b�destrucl�n oe <br /> • default In eny Lease,ell proceeds PaYebte under any pc Y <br /> damage to ihe ProperlY.all proceeds payeb�e as a result of a lessess exerGso of an option to purchase ihe PropeAy, all proceeds r{ved from the <br /> '� � teminatlon or rojectlon of any Lease In a bankruP�eY or other Inis of ho Property(all of he e�ho�e are her ea r wl ectave�ly referted to es�ihe Rents'�jr�This <br /> ma�have apaJnst any lessee under the Lease3 or any oc�P�o ihe Lendor to collect And apply tha Renis. Thls asslgnment is rocorde�l In accorden�.e with <br /> ass gnment Ts subject to the right,power and authority gi riacted,and choato u n the recording of thls Deed of Trust,all as <br /> �. appllcabie st¢te Iaw;the Ilen creeted by thls assignment is Intended to be specific,pe s In Grentor's business operatlons. However.Lender <br /> pro��dod by applieable elete Iaw as arnended from time to tlme. As long es there Is no default under the igatlons or ihis Deed o(Trust,Lander grants <br /> Cirentor a revocable Ilcense to collect all Rents trom tho Le2ses whAn due and to use such proceed <br /> may at any tlme require C3rantor to deposit ell Rents Into an eccount malntalned by C3ranto�a Lender at Lender's Instilutlon. Upnn default in t and Lender <br /> � Pro preIrty on r t e e rrms�e nd br e pe�lod�ot timel 1�haiLen d er d ee�Y p r o�p er�.p L e n d e r m�ayS p r o c eed�o��e�t e"nd eceive ell Rents fr�omghe praperty,e Il�R ertl s i n <br /> ' shall have tull power lo make alteraffo�shpea�atlo�ons or�to lhe paymen�cf the�wsPof such a�t reifona�enovat ons�r�opalr L s and repla��me ynts and any <br /> - - Lenders sae abuai�on�c pa;:r'�•� 9� � y !s�d_ _!etlon of the Property. Lender►naY kee ihe <br /> � expenses Inddent to teking and retalning possesslon of the Pro ny penauceii and ii�u r�a9��'�'" <br /> Property proPerlY�nsured and may discherg9 enY texes,cherges.clalms.essessmeMs and other I ci s w fl�may��a6 The06e 8�m�o�an5 i�og�e��her with <br /> -- � OlhBf COS 8y6I1El�l Ye�eome Part o ehB Obl�gatlons nsecured by hls De d of Truslt���d to the pin Pal <br /> Obl <br /> e. LEABES AND OTHER AdREEMENTS. Grantor shall not take or fall to take any actlon whlch rt►ay calnse o�r�'Pe����toe Wljho�utnlender's�prlorlwdtgten <br /> ` any payment in oonneclfon wlih eny Lease or other agreement('AgreemenY)pnrtaln�n9�o�he Property. <br /> consent,shall not:(a)collect nny monles payable under any Agreoment more than one monih In advance:(b)mod�fy any Agreement;(e)essign or allow a <br /> thereto. If Orantor <br /> �� ihereunder or(d)rterminat hor cancel enY 9reement�xcept fo he nonp�aryma t�of nIy um or o her roae rieltlxeacyh byihe oihe rpany amounis payable <br /> �� �'' recelves at eny time anY writlen comrruNcation asseAing a defeult by Grentor under nn Agreement or purporting to terminate or cancel any Agreement, <br /> �� C3rantor shallpromptly forwerd a copy of such corrmunlcatlon(end any subsequent cortr*wnlcatlons relating thereto)to Londer. All such Agreementa end <br /> , thg amounis due to drantor thereunder are heroby ascigned to Lender as additlonal security lor ihe Obllgatfons. <br /> " .�`• 7, COLLECTION OF�N�BBTEDNESS FHOM THIRD PARTY. Lender shall be enti�led to nLonder erQu�indebaedness ortobllgailon�rowlPng to�Cirantor�w�it�h <br /> , not Ilmltod to,lessees,Iicensees,go vemmental authoritles and Insurenoe oomPaNes)to pay Y <br /> reapect to the PropeAy (currx�latively Indebtedness) whether or not a detnult exlsts under Ihls Deed of Trust. Qrantor shall dillgentiy collect the _ <br /> °` Indebtedness owing to Grantor trom these ihird partlos untll tho glving of such notiflcatlon. In the event tliat Grentor possesses or recolves possesslon of _ <br /> ' constitute henprePay�rrwmrof any Indebtiednoss�orithe�pay Imentbof any Insulranco onc�on�dermat�6P�efl�cata��orr shall i�Id such I;�trutmente and other �� <br /> � remi�anlo of tho instrumenis e d other remlttances.PLonder shalebe entitle butsnotrt�qulred,o coV ct(by ogel pr noceed�s oreoiherwisej Lextend the " <br /> ` s <br /> `•`,•• <br /> �• t��s���`de�hietAgf ee�manis I-e�der eh�ll°notbo IIaWe io Grentorrfor�any acilon�orronr�mistekae om sslon or delay perteln ngeo the ectlor�s d 6cribed In thls -_ <br /> paragreph or any damages r e s ul tin g therehom. Notwithstanding iho foregoing, nothing horein shall cause Lender to be deemed n _ <br /> mori4fapoe•Impossosslon. <br /> 9. USE AND MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY. Grentor shali take alI ecslons and m3ke any��pa�ntor shaQl�u o thon�P oport Pso elyynn�mpl�anco�lW�ri <br /> Grantor shall not commit or permit eny waste to bo committed with rospoct lo the Property. =, <br /> ���With ut Idlmlting the foelgoing,all al`oratlons.addit ona end Impr v�e�ment ma'Ido ta the Proporty shall be subJ ct�to a�bene�flcial I�nte ost betonging . <br /> consent <br /> to Lander,shall not tn romoved without Londer s prlor writlen consent,and shall t�mada et Grontor's sole exponse. or an .- <br /> 9.�LnS h O�DA�M1AG�y�u e�whats lae�rr tln�tholervont of any Losa�or Damage.Q antor shaY,9a ihe pfo�n f Lendorrrepai�the aftected Property to its <br /> � p�revlous canditlon or pay or causo to be pald to Lender the decrease In tho telr markol value of Ihe aHacted Property. <br /> IoodNoarihq ake,to nado and firolillhoft oPtothorecasually tallihe exlontVelquired byL o dor.�Grantor Smay obtain insuranec9onSlherP oportay om uch <br /> companies as are eccaptable to LQnder In its sole dlscrotion. Tho Insurance pollcfos shall require tho Insuranco company to provida Lendctr with at Ieast <br /> 3Q days'writton notico beforo such pollGos aro altorad or cancelled In any rnanner. The Insurance pollclos shall namo Londor as a ioss <br /> payeo anfiproviof iho�Pro e n�r n Iholuv nft Grantor falflls t acqulroror malntaln Insu anwBhLonder(aftQrprovlding notico asnrr�a�be r qui�d by Ilaw)rr�ay <br /> loss or dam�go Pe Y• able and beanng interest as <br /> In its discrutlon procure approprlato insuranoe coverago upon tho Property end tho Insurance wst shall be an advanco pay <br /> doscrlbed In Paragraph 23 and sc3cured hereby. Grantor shell furnish Landor with avidenco ol insurencc3 indlcating tho requlrod coverago. Londor may act <br /> 0 g y <br /> � nttgotlaWe nsitucment drawn by any�lnsu orn Allesu�ch In'su anco pollclas hall bo�Ilmmadiately Iessigne,�pledgod and dolive ed to Londer as tunhor socurity I <br /> _ �..,ti.,.,.,,,.,, „i i�as Grentor snall Irtvrtedlately givo Londor�vritten no�la�and Londa��ahal�havn ii aht,at��s sole�optiong o � <br /> - ior ina vw�ae11V1��• �� �^° - "' ` �pnis diroctly to Lsntlor instoea oi iv Lor�wt a�..�,-•�-•• -••-- - <br /> Insuranco ComPany Is dirociod to make pay . <br /> epply such rnonles toward iho Obllgailons or loward tho a�st ol rebullding and rostoring�he Propony. My amounis may at Londor's optlon bo appioa m : <br /> tho Invorso order of iho duo datos thoroof. <br /> a 11. ZONING AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. Grantur shall not initiato or consent to any changoco�rnQS e nonc nforming usorfunder any zon ng provlsfon, � <br /> - uso ol the Properly wilhout Lenders prior wdnen consonL I(Gramors use of the Property bo i <br /> i Grantor shall not caus�er perrr.�t ���cn usa to bo disconlinuod or abandoned withoul tl�a pria writton consenl of Londor. Grantor wlll irmx3diatoly providQ I <br /> � Londor with wrinen notico of any proposod changes to iho zoning provislons or private covonanls aflocting iho Proparly. <br /> 12. CONDEMNATION. Grantor shall inYrxtdintoly provido Londor�:ith:.�ritten notia+of eny acival or ihreatonod condortnatfon or ai�nont doma�n � <br /> procoodinp portaining lo the Proporly. All monios payado to Grantor irom sucn Condermation or taking aro horoby assignod to Londor nnd shall Iw appliod <br /> - Ifrst to iha paymonl ot Londor's allomoys'teos,lagal oxpt�nsos and other cosis(Including appralsal fQOSI in tonnoclian with tho condormetion or ominant i <br /> -� domain procc3odings and ihen,at iho op�ion ol Lender,to iho paymenl ot ihn ObIlgalions or tho rostcration or repalr ol iho Proporly. i <br /> i <br /> = i <br /> � Pnaa2d6 � <br /> NEDOT6 Qw 297 i <br /> 7 <br /> - �l .._._ . .__. .. . <br /> _.... ....... ... .. .. ._._._. ...._ _.._ . _.. <br /> . .. ..._. .... -. <br />