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� .:.� = <br /> ""'�y <br /> �-�---��- —�--- - – -- - - - . <br /> �-- --- - – -__-------_._.. _.. --------�-----�-- �- <br /> . .,,� <br /> _ " c�re-.,,b.. -•----�—�----___�_.�_. --- - <br /> •� ��. <br /> . ... ,. . .__r. 6�� <br /> -- _ _ <br /> . . ' . ..- --.._... . . _..._ ... . ' � � . ���'. — .��.e,.4 C�. <br /> � _ .-a.-,_�.........�.,r_-- ,.. . . . .. ••`�°�°,�"��ra�R <br /> .� '` `��'�»S' <br /> ta-o9-ts97 DEED OF TRUST ��1�--� 1�0�3`7 P�p. � ��.9i,��.';,:.'��- <br /> Loen No 603416 (CoMinuad) ., `"'�T�� <br /> • �,a�� <br /> �.�..�.�=--�.— . , <br /> owrtad by Truslor,and now or here�Her�It�ctwd or�f�x�d lo ItN Ral Prop�rty;topNhK with �N�cc�tlon�,p�rts,�nd addiBons lo,dl <br /> nplacamenls of, and a11 aubslltutlons for,any of such propwty; �nd toQ�th�r wNh eN procs�ds (Includinp wllhout Ilmltslion aa Inwnnce <br /> prxeads end retunds of premlums)hom�ny 5aM o+��hM dKPo�MOn of(M Prop�ty. <br /> Prop�rty. The word"Property"means collecllvely the Ral Propafy�nd thi Peacnal PropKty. <br /> Re�l Property. 7he wor�3'4ieal Property'mean th�propsrty,IntK�tts�nd rlphls dacrfb�d�bove In ih�"Conwyana and AnnP pctiqn. , 4�,: <br /> pd�itd Documenb. The worde "Ralated QoourMnts"rt�n lnd Inciude witho•rt Nmllallon NI promisaory nota, cndll �yrNmenb,lo�n . {,,:,• <br /> eyreemenls,environmentAl eereemenls,�uoranibs,asCUr�ty�prMrn�nts,morlpapa,dNd�of Iru�l,and all Wh�r InstrurrNnts,�prNmsntt and • _ <br /> � docurnenls,wheiher now or horoaftor nxistinfl,oxeCUled�n connecflon with Ihe Indebl�dnaa. <br /> R�nb. The word"Rents'meang all pres�N and futun ronts,nwnu�s,Incorrw,Issws,roydUbf,profit�, and oth�r bsn�fits tNriwd from lh� <br /> . "-' PropeAy. <br /> �� Trustee. 7he word"Truslee"means UNI7ED NEBRASKA BANK and any subsdtute a succ�wor trustees. „ <br /> T�uator. The word'Trusla"means�ny And all p�rsons�nd snlltNe ex�eulinQ thla Do�d of Trwt,ineludinfl wllhout Ilmtlatlon tA Truston rum�d • _ <br /> �bow. . -- <br /> THIS DEED OF TRU9T, INCLUDINGI THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTB AND THE SECIIRiTY INTEREST IN TF�RENTB AND PER�CNI{L �.. - <br /> � PROPERTY,IS CiIVEN TO SECUfiE (11 PAYMENT OF THE INDE9TEDNE88 AND (2)PERFORMANCB OF AMY AND ALL OBLIOATIONi OF ,�_y•-=-4 <br /> � TRUSTOR UNOER TME NOTE,THE R0.AT�D DOCUMEHTS,AND THIS DEED OF TRUST. THId DEED OF 1AUST 1�dIVEN AND ACCEPTED _,,�1__ <br /> ON 7HE FOLLOWINR TERMS: " <br /> PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except as othervASe proNded In thls Oaed of Trusl,Trustor shall pay to LondK tli amounts acurW by thls DMd ��_ <br /> o}Trust ss they become tlue,and shan s1rlcliy and In a tlmely manner perfum ell of Trusta's obllpiHans under th�Not�,this Deed of Trust,and thn � <br /> Relaled Dxuments. <br /> �_ <br /> POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE O�THE PROPERTY. Trustor eprees that Trustor's pnssesslon and use of Ihs Ptoperty shaN b�poverMd by ;�, <br /> the following provi5lons: �� <br /> Possesalon and Uae. until tne occurrence of an Event of Default,Trustor may (a)remain In Rossasslon and aontrd of flw Prop�rty, (b)usa, _ <br /> operate or manage Ihe Property,end (c)colleCl dny Rents hom ths Properly. __ <br /> Duty to Malntaln. Trustor shau malntein the Propefty In tennntabie condlllon and promptly pertam all repalra,repiacam�nts,and rrKlnt�ntnce _ <br /> , neCessary to preserve Its value. • . <br /> ,�,_ <br /> Hpaerdous SubstanCes. The lerms"hazardous waste,""hazardous substance,""disposal;"retwse,"�nd"Ihreafoned rslease,"as us�d In thb <br /> ; peed of Trust,shall have the same meaninps as set forth in the Comprehensive Envlronmentai Rasponsa,CompYnsntion,and LlabAity Act of <br /> ;i; 1980,as nmendod,42 U.S.C.Secllon 9601, et Seq.("CERCLA"),the Superfund Amendmenls and Re�uthorliaNOn ACt of 1988, Pub.L.No. =_ <br /> �• 99-499("SARA"),Ihe Hezardous Metarials Transporiailon Act,49 U.S.C.Section 1801,Yt 5�q.,lhe R95oura Cons�tvatlon lnd R�COVYry ACt, <br /> 42 U.S.C.Section 6901,el seq.,or other eppllceble state or Federel Iews,ruies,a rspu4itlons adopt�d pursuant to tny of tM fotpdrp. Th� <br /> terms"haznrdous waste"and"hazardous substence'shall aiso include,without IImIU►tlon,petrobum arsd petrdeum by-producb a any k�ndon <br /> �• Ihereof end esbeslos. Trustor represenls and warrants to Lenoer ihat: (s)Durinp the perlod of Trustora owns►sMp of th�Prop�tly,th�n has <br /> been no use,generetlon,manufacture,storape,treatment,disposei,release or threabned relaess of any ha7�rdous wYSt�or nubstanCe by any <br /> person on,under,abuut or from Ihe Property; (b)Trustor has no knowledp�of,a renson to beueve that thlrs haa baYn,exqpt Its pr�NouEly <br /> diSClosed lo flnd flCknowledged by LenOer m wrninp, (ij uny u5o,ya�wr.Son,mantttaCtuts,�,�tme.^.!,dl:po�al,rel�sse,a th!!w!�e� _ <br /> • release of eny hazerdous wasle or substance on,under,about or hom the Properfy by any prta owners or occupanb ot tta PropKty a (Y)any __ <br /> patual or Ihreatened litigetion or c�alms of flny klnd by any person relatiny 10 suCh matters;and (a)Except as prevlousty dlsclos�d to�nd <br /> ecknowledged by!.ender In wriling, (i) neither Tr�stor nor Bny tenant,Contrector,epent w other nuthaixed user of tha Property 6ha11 use, — <br /> generate,mnnut�clure,store,!reat,dispose oi,or roleaso any harardow wast0 or aubstance on,under,nbout or hom th�Property�nd (N)any _ <br /> svch a:livily shall be conducted in compllence with ell appllCable federel,state,and local laws,repulatlons�nd adinanCes,Indudinp without <br /> Ilrt�;o:�on Ihose laws,reg�lotio�s,and ordinances described ebove. Trustor euthortzes Lender and its apenls to�ntsr upon ltw PropKty to � <br /> � make sucn Inspeclions end tests,at Trustor's expense,as Lender may deem epproprlate to detsrmins compikna ot ths PrcipMty with thls <br /> � sectlon of the Deed of 7rust. Any inspeclions w tesls made by Lender shell be for Le�ders purposes only�nd shaN not b�conatnHd to cnaN � <br /> any responsibility or liabirly on the part of Lender to Trustor or to any other person. Tha represantaiion�and warnntla conl�lrud hKaln ar� 'r� <br /> based on Trustor's due d�iigence In Investigating the Properly tor he7ardous waste and haurdous subsltnces. Trusta hersby (11)rN�a�s and ,;, <br /> w8lves eny future claims agafnsf Lender lor Indemnity or Contrlbullon In the event Trustor beCOmes(18b1e(Or Cletnup Or ot�;��I��ndy <br /> � such laws, end (b)agreos to Intlemnity and hold harmless Lender aqalns!eny and all clalma, losses,NYbllllks, dtma <br /> • expenses whicn Lender may direclly or IndlreCtly sustaln or suHer resulqnp hom a breach ot this SeClion oi thu Oaad of Trust or as a � <br /> consequence of eny use,generaflon,manufacture,storage,dl5posal,release or threatened release oCCUrtiny pda to Trlritor'6 ownerShip or •�.+�,-� <br /> ' Intorest In the Property,wholher or not the same was or shouid have bsen known to Trustor. Tho provlslons ot thls s�ctlun of Ih�QMd of Trint, r.:"'`�" <br /> �. ; Including the obligation to Indemnity,shnll survive the payment of the Indebtedness and the satisfectlon�nd rsCOnwynnCt+ol tt►�Ilen Of thta <br /> Doed of Trusl and Shau not be affec�ed by Lender's eCqulsitlon of any Interest In the Property,whether by foreClosuh or olhs�wfs�. ��-'___ __ <br /> ' � Nuisance,Waste. Truslor shell not cause,conduct or permit nny nulsanc;e nor commit,permit,or suNer any SMppinp of pr wast�on or to tM <br /> � PrOperty or any porlion of the Property. Wlthout Iimfting the generfllify Of the forepolnp,TrUStot wlll not removs,or prant t0 ony Other puty tA� ,_: <br /> right to remove,any Ilmber,minerals(InCluding dl 6�nd ges),soll,pravei w roCk produots without the prla wdttsn Consent of Lender. �,r�� <br /> �= Removal of Improvements. Trustor shall not demollsh or remove eny Improvements ham ihe Real Properly without ths p�ior wrftl9n consint <br /> of Lender. As a cond�uon to the removal ot eny Improvements,Lender mfly requlrA TruStor to make arrenpements 68HsfeCtOry 10 Lender to - ___ - -- <br /> repl�Ce such Improvemenls wdh Improvemenis Of et leest equal velUe. _ - __ <br /> � LendePS Rlght to Enter. Lender nnd i1s agenis and representatives may enter upon the Reai Property al a!I reasonable tlme3 t0 atlend to �'.` - ,__^� <br /> Lender's Inlurosts and to inspecl the Property for purposes ol Trustor'3 comp!lence with the terms nnd condillons of thls Deod of Trust. _ <br /> .i: M1:',r_..�,- . <br /> "�tV'J.:_ '�l';. <br /> Compllence wHn Governmental Requlrementa. Trustor shali prompliy comply with all iaws,ordinances,and repuiations,now or hereatter In ;�x,Y,i:. <br /> eNect, of nll governmenial authoritles epplfcabie to Ihe use or occupancy of the Property. Trustor may cOntest In pood fallh any suCh law, <br /> ordinance,or reflulalion and withhold complf�nce durtng 8ny proceeding,Inciuding epproprlate appeals,solong as Trustor has noti8ed Lender •;�,,. .: �_'•i�.,` <br /> 1S 1'' <br /> In writlnQ prior to do�ng so nnd so long es,In Lender's sole opinlon,Lender's Interests In the Property flre not Je�pardized. Lender rtuy requlrs <br /> Trustor to post adoquate security or a surety bond,reasonebly satlsfactory to Londer,to protect Lenders Inlerest. �•-•`.+:�i��•. <br /> • .�`.:i <br /> � Dury to Protect. Trusior agreos nellhor to abandon nor leave unattended the Properly. Trustor shell do all olhar octs,In additlon to thoss ects .. . .,. <br />- set lorth ebove in In�s secl�on,wn�cn from Iho characler and use of the P�operly ere reasonab�y necossary toprotect and prescrvo tl»Property. . �.�;�.•� <br /> DUE ON SALE-CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender mny,at iis opllon,declore Immedialoly dus and payeble 81I Sums SeCUred by ihls Deed of Trust ' � . <br /> - upon Ihe sele or Ir�ns�Q�,w��hout Ihe Lender's prior wnitun Consenl,of all or any part of the Real Property,or 6ny Interost In the Real Ptoperty. A <br />= "sale or Iransior"means Inv convoyance o�Real Proper�y or any right,title or Inlerest thereln;whether 18ga1,benefiClal or equllnbte;whether vduntary <br /> or involunlary;whelhei by oulrighl sale,deed,installmen'Sale coniract,18nd ContrBCt,coniracl for doHd,Ieasehold Inlerest wilh e term yreater than <br /> ihree(3)yeais,leuse-oplion conlract,or by sale,ess�gnment,or trensler ot any beneficial fnterest In or to any land Irust holdlnp lit{e to the Real I <br /> Property,or by nny oiner �neinod of conveyance ol Real Prope�ty Inleresl. If any Trustor Is e corporfltton,parinershlp or Ilmited Il4blllly Company, <br /> trflnsfer elso includes e��y changn in owner5hip of mo�0 thgn twenty-(ive pBrCent(2596)of the vDUng S10Ck, partnershlp Inlerests or Iimited Ilabfliiy , <br /> company inlerusts,as tr+e case may be,o�T�ustor. However,thls optlon shall not be exerclsed by Lender If suCh exercise IS prohlblied by federal � <br /> 18w or by Nebraska Inw. <br /> .,aa.�o... ...�.. e.�nl Il.le flm�l ni Tni�} <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. Tha toii0wing provisions reiyiiny iv i��b�u:to5 0����:o:3�.�,.�o..�i•�.��'���-..-.....------• �--- � :—__-=-.-._ <br /> PaymeM. Trusior shan pny when due(and in all evenls prior to delinquoncy)nll taxes,speclel taxes,essessments,eharges(Includlnq water <br /> end sewer), hnas and Impos�hons�evied agelnsl or on eCCOUnt oi Ihe Property,and sh611 pay when due flll clelmS for�vork done on or tor i <br /> servicas rendered or malerial furnished iu Ihe Property. Trustor shall maintaln lhe Property Iree of ell Ilens havinp ptlWlly over pr equYl to the <br /> interesl o�Lander under Ih�,Doed of 7rust,except tor 1he Ifen of taxes end assessments not due,excepi for the exlsUnp Indvbtedness referred <br /> lo below,and rxcF•Ui cis olhenvise p�ov�ded in ihis Deed ol Tn�sL � <br /> Rlght To Contest T���clnr may w�inr,o�d peymenl ol env tax,es5e55men1,or clelm In ConneCtlon wlih a good te�th d�5pute Over the obllgation � <br /> to pay,so iong as�c�nder's�nie�esl�n Ihe Property is not Jeopardized. II a Ilen adses or Is filed aS a resull of nonpayment,Trustor shnll within <br /> (�Neen(t51 day5�����r U�f�hen anses or,d e hon is fded,wdhin hNeen(15)days eNer Truslor has notice of Ihe filing,secure the dl:,cl+arge of ihe � <br /> hen, ur d requ�sled by Lender, tleposd wdh Lnnder cush or p SuNicienl corporate SurBty bond or olhQr Secunty SalfSinCtOry t0 LOndBr In pn � <br /> Amounl 5u���c��nl lo rtisch,�n�a Iha hen plus a��y cosls und 41lomey5'lees or olher ChflrgBS th9t Could eCCrae es e rosull of n Ior�Clo5ur0 Or gelg � <br /> - . �md[�t Ihe Iwn. In anY CJn�osi.Trus�nr shall de�o�d dself and Lende�and Shell c;iisfy any advoise�udgment beloro onfotCBmpnl FIg91n5t Ihe ; <br /> , , � <br /> _ � � <br /> a • � <br />