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• n a� <br /> .• +�� . '�•b <br /> � - . . .. .• " .. - � _ <br /> ._..�...a�.�_ � . - <br /> . . ....-._..�.-�- �..•..�__'_"' __ _- ._ -.�.. <br /> ..__"" �-__ .._'"_"_ _..__. ..."' _ __ _ <br /> _"'_'-__"_'__':��..��..�.�.__.._ �_�.."�_" <br /> .� ur �� �.^..'y. ...o:..�... <br /> .�.._:Id.�•��.��__. . .... .. . .._._......___.___.__,__ '___�.r.�_ . _ <br /> •ti.r�v^.S�N��MMMrh:-� :.. ... . . � � b♦ - ._`. <br /> 1( '� <br /> [� ia. ` e�A <br /> ' D�ED OF 'iRUST a��� �1.Q�3,j p�� 3 �^:�., _��_-:. <br /> � 12.-01-1997 `�'`��n <br /> , Loqr4 No 903at5 (Continued) , �-.a:: <br /> ::�{��:_ <br /> _ .:._'[•'::['bF" <br /> Property. Truslor shnll narnp Lendor es en eddllional obliq9e under eny surefy bond lurnlshed In Ihs conlost proceedinys. . � . ° . <br /> Evtdance o1 Paymenl. Truslor shall upon demand furnlsh lo L�ndsr eapsfactory�vldenc�ol paYment of Iho tazas or assassmanis Qnd ahall •. . :. t,: <br /> aulhalia�he approprtete povernmenlnl oHiclal lo deliver lo Lendsr at any lime a wrlHen ntelema�t of the faxss end asshsm�n�a�GaIMt lM � „ <br /> :.'��.. <br /> P���. . ;.. <br /> Notk�af Consiructlon. Truslor shau no�ify Lendw at least 8fteen(16)days bsfore�ny wak Is commenced,any s�rv�c�s u�turnkMd,a any ;,� :�_ <br /> materi�ls are supplied to the Propert/, If any mechanlo's ikn,malul�lrrhn's Ilen,a olhsr INn could bs assarted on �ccounl 01 lh�wodc, ;,,�r,^:_= <br /> se�vkea,or maledals. Trus tor w l l l u p o n r e q u e s l o f L e n d�r fwnlsh to Land�r advana wunnoa sarisiaotory to L�ncNr tlul Trualor can and wIM ir�-�"- <br /> ppy ttN cosl 01 such improvemont5. ''�-' <br /> pqppEqTY DAMAOE INSURANCE. The IoNOwinp proNslons rN�tinp to Insur�rp ih�Prop�rly a►�a Pu1 of�hls Deod of Trtnl. ;:^�x� �� <br /> . .....r^�"" ��-,,z7�'... <br /> Maintenance of Insurance. Trustor shall procure and melntefn pdicies of fire Irtsurana�"►Rhin�n�moun sutflcN t to svdd app�Ncadon of any �"�s�• =-- <br /> _ .�a . �{..,,c:— <br /> replacemenl basis for the full�nsurab�e velue coverinp all Imprawmants on the Re�l P►oD�Y <br /> Colnsaranco ctnuse,and with a standard morlpapee cteuse In f4vor of Lender,top�lhsr wHh such othar hazard and U�b►8ty Inaunna as Lmd�r �,:--W- <br /> may reasonAbly require. Pol�les shell be wrllten In form,amounts,coverapes end basls reaaorntbly acceptabb to Lend�r�nd luu�d by a .�.. <br /> Company or companles reasanebiy acceptable to Lender. Trustor,upon reqwst of Lender,wfll deliver lo lender hom UrrN to drr►�th�pd�kf� �,�ri? <br /> . a cKtificales ol insurunce in lorm sausinctory to Lender,Includiny stlpulaHons tlui cownpes wiM not b�cancNMd or dim��bh�d wl�hout d �,_`- <br /> 1� bast ten(10)days'prlor written no1W to Lende►. Each Irtsuranc�pdicy�iso shQN Indud�an�ndors�rnant providirp thal coverape In hvot W �- ,. _ <br /> b Lend�r will nol be Impalred In any way by any act,omhabn a d�hull uf Tnntor a�ny o1hK pM�on. Should tIN RNI PropMy 11 anY HrtM _ <br /> dh <br /> � become located In fln area designeled by t M D lreC t M o f the F�detll ErtMrO�nCY Man�WrM���'O��y�s a�����d�r�'Trustor <br /> i aqraes lo obtaln and melntaln Federal Flood Insuranc:�for th�fuM unpald pdncipd Wknt�of t►w lan,up to ih�matdmum p o N O Y N rt�s M _ <br /> n <br /> under tha NaUonal Flood Insuranca Propram,a�s otherwis�nquk�d by L�nd�r.�nd to malnl�ln auch inaurana lot�h�brm d�M lo��• <br /> � � Apptic�tion of Proceeds. Trustor shall promptly notlfy Londer of any loss or tlamape to the PropeAy. Lender mey make proot of toss It Trustor _ <br /> � falls lo do so wilhin f�nee�i(tb)days ot the casualty. Whether or not Lender's secudly Is Imp�lred,Lender may�d�ts Naal�on,recNw and rstsln <br /> the proceeds ol eny Insuranco and apply the prceeeds to the nductlon of the Indebtedness,payment of any A�n aflsctirp tM Propety,or th� <br /> restoration and repair oi the Property. If Lentler e�ects io eppiy lhe proceed�t0 rasiorn��on end repalr,Trustor ehatl repak or replaCO tha <br /> r�elmbuese Tnstorf/om�he prOCeed55for lhe easonable}c st of,epalr or restorat on IitTrus or Is ntot}Intdetsu�t un�d�r th�s DNd o�`T�►sp�A y <br /> proceeds wnicn nave not been disbursed within 180 deys aHer their recelpt end whlCh Lender has not commlHed to ihe repsk a rastondon of <br /> the Property shell ba used tirsl to pey any amount owing to Lender under this Deed of Trust,then to pay accrued Interest,And the remaln�,It <br /> � any,shall be applied lo Ihe pnncipal balance o1 tha Indebtedness. If Lender holds anY Proceeds e�w F`Y�nt in fuN of th�In6ebbdn�ss,st�ch <br /> proceeds sha�l be peid to Trustor es Trustor's Interesls mey appear. <br /> ' Unsxpired Innurence et Saie. Any unexpired insurance shali Inure to lhe beneRt of,a�d pass lo,iha purchaser of tFN PrOpwly covN�d by thb <br /> ' �. Deed of Trust a1 nny trustee's sale or other sale heid under the provlslons of thls Qeed of Trust,or et any toreclosuro s�ls ol suCh PrapKty. <br /> Compllance wlth Exiatlnp Indabtedness. Duriny the period In wh�h any Gxistinp Indebtednoss descrlbed below h in N(�ct,ComplianCS wKh <br /> � lhe Insurence provislons Contalned In the Instrument evldenclrW such Existln� Indebledness shttl constilute CompNana wHh th��nsura^c� — <br /> provis�ons undor thfs Deed of Trust,to lhe extent compliance with the terms oi Ihls Deed o}Trust would aonslNute a duplic�tlon ol Insurana <br /> requiremenl. II any proceeds from the Insurance become peyabb on Ioss,the provf4ons In thls Deed of Trust for dlvfslon af prawds�shsM <br /> — apply ar,�!0 lhst p^�!!^^^f n�a nroceeds not payable to the hdder ot the Existinq Ind�bledness. <br /> D(PENOITURES 9Y LENDER. It Truslor fells to comply with eny provislon of this Dsed of Trust,Includirp any obipation to Rwiritnin G�t:Ns� <br /> Indabtedness In good siend�ng es requlred below,or fl any ectlon a prxeedlnp Is commsnCSd thai would mat�rl�Hy�tM�ot�L�lna�tunNr�q'b snda <br /> Rn <br /> prppetfy,Lender on Trustor's behalf may, but shall nol be requlred to,tuke eny ectlon that Lsnder da�rtn app op N ��t by <br /> ;` expends in so doing win bear inlerest el lhe rate provided for in Ihe Note from the dtte fncurted a pald by Undw to tM daU of npay <br /> � Trustor. AIt such expenses,el Lender's option,wlll (a)be payable on demand, (b)be added to tM bNanc�of ths Note an�bs�p����t m <br /> ,� and be payable wilh eny inslnllment payments to become due durinq either (I)lhe term o}any appNcabfe Insuranca poucY () <br /> '� of the Note,or (c)be treatad as a balloon peymont which will be dus and payabN at ihe No19's maturity. This Desd of Tnnt also wW isCUr� <br /> entl!ed Orif 8CC unl of lheSdefaulL 9Any 5 h act onr by�lende ashau not be constaued'es curinp t defiultfso as t rbdrrt�Le d�r�hom any nmrdY lhN <br /> • �• Il Otherwise would heve hed. <br /> •1' <br /> WARRANTY;DEFENSE OF TITLE. The fallowlnq provislons relalina to ownershlp of the PropsrtY u�a pa�t of thfs DY�d of Trus. <br /> �}'- 7itb. Trustor warrents Ihal: (a)Truslor holds qo0d end marketabl811ti8 ot r8cord to ths PrOporty�n H9 S�mPM�hM�^d c�r o�aN�S�nd <br /> r� polky,I�it e roport hor f nel tilhe op�8on/55uied In evor of,and aCCep�edtiby,elnder InEco'nn�ectlon�with thfs D d of T ust t d (b)Tiustor has Ihe <br /> � full righl,power,and authority lo execute and deliver lhis Deed of Trust to Lender. <br /> pete�ae of 71t1e. Subject to the exceplion In the peragrdph above,Trustor waR�nts and wHl forswr dNs^d the tNN to Ih�Prop�rty aW�ns�th� <br /> � Iawful cialms of an persons. In the event any actlon a prxsedirp Is aommenrAd that questlons Trustora Utl�or lFN Intanst 01 Tru�tN or _ <br /> � Lender under Ihis Deed ot Trusl,Truslor sheil delend tho eCtion et Trusto�'s expYn".,a. TtUStOr maY bY tha nomin9i parly In auCh proC�Md�np,but <br /> Lender shall be enl�tlod to partfcipete In the proceedinq and lo be repres�nted In the prxeedln0 by counsel of Lend�r'e own chaky,�nd <br /> � � Truslor wlll deilver,or cause to be deliverod,lo Lender such Instruments as Lender may request hom time to tlms to p�rmft such portiCipltlon, <br /> ,� i Compllanca H11th Lews. 7rustor warrants thai lhe Property and Trusta's use of ihe Property Compllas wlth�II sxistiny oppMCabw lav�n. <br /> ; �� Ordinances.und regu�ellons ol gove�nmentel euihoNlteS• <br /> ., Y ! EI(ISTING INOEBTEDNESS. The following provislons concernlnp exisiinp Indebtedrsss(the'�xl,liny Indebtidnsss')arY a P� o�«���� <br /> 4 7rust. =----- <br /> S Faclsling Uen. Thv iien o�thls Deed of Trust socuring the indebtadness may be seco�dary end inferlor to m�xblinp Nsn. Trustp�xpratly �._.�_, <br /> covenants and agrees to pay,or see to the payment of,the Exislinp Indebtedness and to prevent any defauit on suCh Indebtedness,�nY���W� --- —_ <br /> j u n d e r t h e I n s l r u m e n l s o vi d en C�n p such Indebtedn0ss,or eny datautt under any Securlty doCUmenb for auCh Indebtsdns�,t. s;���� <br /> pe}euit. If Ihu peymenl of any inslallment ot pdncipel or any Interest on the Existing Indebtedness Is no t m�de w l t M n I h e t l n w r s q u l t�d b y I h� ,�K��,,-,_- <br /> noto evidencing suCh indeb�ednoss,or should e deiault cecur under the Instrument eecudnp such Indebtedness�nd not be cur�d dudn9 o^y ; =i.:ti:.�, <br />- eppllcable grace peilod therein,then,at ihe option ot Lender,the Indebledness ttecured by thfs Osed of Trusi shall bacorrN immedklNy du� ,.y�-_ 'r <br /> end peyable,Bnd Ihis Deod of Trusl shall be in defau�t. „��'?':. `� <br /> No ModHlcallon. Truslor snall nol enlor into eny agreement wilti the holde�of eny mortgage,deed of trust,or other secu�lty agreertwnt wh�h ; : ;� <br /> - Londe��rfTru lor h1allDnn her erquesY o�'eccept any�uee1ud anc'es unde eany such security afl eementl without the prior wrlflen consenl of <br /> ILonde�. <br />- � CONDEMNATION. Tho foilowing provisions reialing lo condemna��on proceedtng�ere e pert Of lhiS Deed of Trusl. <br /> _ I Applicatlon of Nel Proceeds. i� a�i or any part of Ihe Propo�lY�s condemned by eminent domeln proce+3d�ngs a by eny prxeediny o� .. <br /> purchase in ueu ol condemnnlion,Lender may at its eleetion requlre that all or eny po�l�on ot the net proceeds ol the flward be app�bd to lhe <br /> Indeb�ednc�ss or Ihe repalr or restorahon of the Property. The net proceetl5 o11he ewerd shstl mean the aw8rd Bfler ptYment ot tll rNSOmb19 <br />= 1 .....�.. e,,..o��o� A��a�tornnvs'fees incurred by Trustee or Lendor�n ConneCtion with Ihe Condemnatlon. <br />_ � � ,..,.....,.._r_..---•- . -_ _ <br /> i NroCeedings. II:�ny prceeed�ng in condemnalion Is���ed,Trustor Shali promplly noti}y Lender In wriUnp.8�tl TfUSl016►1aB prompiiy iiwo 5w�. <br />� - � steps as may be necossary lo de�end Ihe action nnd oblein Ihe awerd. Trustor mey be the nominal perty In sueh proC9edirp,but Lender Sltill <br /> 1 b9 enidled�o p����c�p��e in Ihe procood�ng and to bo represenled In ihe proCeed��g by counsel ol Iis own Cho�e,and TruSta will deilver or <br /> + I ceuse to bo delive�od 10 Londer such ms��umenls as may bo requosled by II trom time lo Ilme to peimlt such part�lpallon. <br /> - IMPOSITION OF TAXE5,FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AU7HOFIITIE8. 7he�ollowing provlslons relating lo governmenlal lexes, <br /> ' lees end cha�pas a�e n n��l ol ih:s Deed of Trust: <br /> Current Taxes.Fces nnd Chorges. Upon requesl by Londor,Truslor shall exeCUto suCii documents in addfllon lo this Oeed ol Trusl and lake <br /> whatever olhar aclion is�equeslad by Lender lo perloCl end conlinue Lendor's lian on lhe Real Proporty. Trustor shell relmburse Londer lor ali <br /> laxas, as descr�b�d beio�v. loge�her�wlh all expensos incurred In recording,pe„ect�ng or continuirg Ihls Deed ol Tru51, fncluding wilhoul <br /> limlta�ion all laxus.��es.doCUmenlery slamps,end other cha�ges�or recording or refliste�ing Ihis Deed ol Trusl. <br />� Taxc�. Tnc icuo�,•+^q 5��811 CUnSUhilA IaxaS to wh�ch this seclion epGlles: (a)e specific lax upon this lype of Deed o�Trusl or upon flil or nny <br />_ ' part o�Ihe indnbied��t�ss srcured by Ih�s Deed ol 1'rust; (b)e speci��c lax on Truslor which Trustor Is author�zcd or rCqufred lo deduct irom � <br /> . I <br />