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BOX 6018 GRAND ISLAND� NE �b8802 (roternd to below a <br /> ' , . "Truatee"). <br /> ' CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For velwble consid�r�tton,Trustor conv�yi to Trus1N in t�uN,WITH POWER OF SALE,/or th�Mn�M of <br />- L�nder as Beneflclery, all ol Trustor's rlght, title, end Inlerest In and to Ihe toNOwinp d�scrfWd rwl propwty, top�thK with all W�kUnp a <br /> �" subsaquentiy erected or aHixed buildings,Improvements end fixturas;nll easements,rlphb of way,and�ppud�nanca;�N wafK,w�tpr rip�h�nd <br /> � d��ch riphls(Including stock In utilitles with dilch or Irrlpetion rights);and all oth6r riphlS,�LL�o n���5tate of Ncb~aalc� "REl1 <br /> wlthout Ilm(tetion all minerels,ofl, ges, geothermal and slmilar mafters, located In �}I � <br /> _. Property"): <br />"- ' SEE ATTACHED EXHI�IT "A" <br /> The Reel Property or Its address Is commonly known es 337 PHEASANT DR, GRAND ISLAND,NE 6d801. <br /> • Truslor Dresenlly assigns to Lender(also knpwn aS BenefiClery In this Oedd ol TruS.t)dl af Trustpr'e rlpht,titk,and Int�nst In and to aN pr�nt�nd = <br /> � � future 16eses of the Property end all Rents from the Properly. In flddltlon,Trustor prents Lender a Unlform Comm�rdal Code seaurilY Intsnat In th� <br /> Rents and lhe Personal Property dehned below. — <br /> DEFINITIONS. The�olluwing words shall heve Ihe following meanlnps when used In thl�Deed ot Trust. Terms not olherwise definad In this Cvad of = <br /> Trust shell have the n,ennings eltribuled to such terms In ihe Unl(otm COmmerClal Code. All relere�ces lo doNar amounts shaH m�tn amounb In <br /> - Iawlui money ot tho United Slates ol Amedce. <br /> Beneflclery. The word"Beneficiay' means UNITED NEBRASKA BANK, It,successots end 6sslyns. UNITED NEBRASKI► BANK�ISO Is <br /> i referred lo as lender"m Ihis Deed of Trusl. _ <br /> Deed of Trust. The words"Oeed of Trusl" mean Ihis Deed of Trust among Trustw,Lender,flnd Trustee, and Includes with0ut IlmltallCn ell _ <br /> ussignment nnd securily inleresl provisions retaling to the Personal Propedy and Rents. _ <br /> _ � Exlating Indebteriness, The words"Ex�sting Indobledness"mefln iha Indebtedness deSCribed below In ihe Existinp Indebtednes8 seCtion of � <br /> 1h19 Deod of Trust. <br /> n..�....�... rti� .......�•(:��oranlnr'maane and Includes WI►hOUt IlmHfltl0tl fl�Y 9nd 811 4UStAfltOtS,3Ut6�105�and accommodatlon parii�s In <br /> � � conf�eCtlOn wilh tha IndabtodnoSS. - <br /> + Improvements. Thp word "improvomenis' means end Includes wilhout Ilmitetlon aU exlstinp and future Improvertients,bulldinys.6truCluris, � <br /> 1 mobile home5 n��ixad on Ihe Reul Proporty,iaciliues,edd�tions,replacemen►s and other constructlon on Ihe Real Property. � <br /> Indebledness. Tne wo�d"Indobtednoss"moans all principel and Interesl peyable under the Note end any amounts exp4nded a advanced by <br /> _ Lendor fo d�sc��:uye ot�i�flntions ol 7rus�or or exponsas InCUrred by Trustee or Lender lo enforce obllpatlons of Trustor undet lh!s Doed of Trust, <br /> 1 logeihpr wdh uderast on SuCh amounls as prOVldod In Ihis DUed 01 Trusl. <br /> l.Ender. Tho wo�d"Lendnr"me:tns UNITED NEBRASKA BANK,il5 SuCC855or5 8nd aS51gnS. <br /> � Noto. The word"Note"means ihe Note dated DeCembEr 1,1997,in the principal amount of 543,144.72 irorr�Tru5lor lo LendO�, ; <br /> IOgelher wilh ell �eneH�nis, exlensions, modificalions,reffnnncinps,und substitullons for the Nolo. 7ho maturily date of thfs Deed of Trusi Is � <br /> D�:nuiLei S,cii0•�. � <br /> - � PerSOnpl Property. The �vords "Par,onal Properl�'maan all equlpment,(ixtures,nnd ulher arlicles o�personal ptoperty now or hereefler i <br /> ' i <br /> i <br /> I <br />