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<br /> ����• ���:����'' condomtnium and og each unit shai! be kept cl�an, safe and �� :�'
<br /> � � � sanitary and no use thereof shaii be mad� which constitutes a , �. �, .., � �;_
<br /> « _
<br /> � � � � violatlon of �ny laws, zoning ordinanc�s, govemmental � , G:: _� �_
<br /> � ,"� ,.,°��� regutattons, ar�egufatlons af the Association. Na one shali fix or . 4,�,n Y T.� .��
<br /> tepair vehtctes on the condomintum propeRy except minor raut[ne , . � � ��� R_
<br /> ' �``�` repair of veh[cles owned by the unit ovuners. No vegetabte ` � ��°•
<br /> �-„�'�°";:_.
<br /> _ gardens shall be attowed on the conciominium property except for _ �, ,� _
<br /> � �� � � � designateci areas not exceeding eighty square feet parceis and �- 2 X,� �-
<br /> � located withtn twenty feet of the outside perimeter of the __
<br /> � `.. �1G �` ��" � candominium property. Atl gardens are to be weq maintained and �-"-� -
<br /> � ` 4 � � shail be tcept free of weeds at sll times� The Association may �`` �_-�1-
<br /> . 4.. ,C� `.._ , i_Y'��_-_._1-.-�..
<br /> establish from ttme to time rules and regulat8ons regarding ,..._ ._-_
<br /> 4'„,,����� � gardens and oiher uses and pra�ctices of ovuners, guests, and � _.
<br /> ��'. . residents of the units: �+ �� .�-
<br />. _ , �' - . .1;�-f'-pt'
<br /> �. �.y}�� . . . , .
<br /> % �� (g) No animais of any tcind shaq be kept In the unit for commercia! �,�,� �_
<br /> - `-� ���� , puryases. Household peis in the unit wilt be subj�ct to regutation, :���:�"�
<br /> ,,�;,.
<br /> � ` restrlction. and excfusion and speciai assessment as may be �:� .;�,J•.
<br /> � ` �-�. determined by the Associatton from time to time, including � _
<br /> � remavat of any pet which becomes an annoyance to other unit � .',L f , . _—_
<br /> � owners. Each unit owner shaii indemnifiy tu�� Assoc€atio:., a!! = r,�,=�-�_
<br /> �� �` � ��` other unit owners, and the Declarant against any and a11 liabillty =� ��:,_
<br /> . , �.__
<br /> �; afising from matnta�ning a pet. Awnings. sunscreens, outside �, �_
<br /> ' � television or other antenna�, sateliite dishes, starage ar park+ng .•.;�:;. = -
<br /> • ����' of boats,carr�ps, traiters, mator homes, equipment, machinery. or � ti :'���;�< �..__
<br /> f��: -
<br /> • � similar items shall all be subject to regulation, restriction, `.""�""�'���
<br /> �:. � �• ,.,�;.�,..
<br /> :.�r�-_ -
<br /> �`.�����.:. �.: � excius[on and special assessmeni by the Association. individual : ;�;;� �-
<br />.� � �. . garbage cans or trash re�eptactes are to 6e permitted outside only �..�;f..,,_;.,,.�--
<br /> . . � in areas designed therefor by the Association. Outsede wood � ; � "�=
<br /> - � �� � �� piles, ctothes Ilnes and clothes. hangers wiil be �acmjec� to ��.,._,'::_.,a�
<br /> F�t?� � � � ��-� � regulatian, restrictifln, exetuslon and special assessment of the ��n���--
<br /> �.�af:_�:�. �--==
<br /> � • � A�ssociation. Outside use of barbecue grilis wiil be subject to . •��-�-�--�-
<br /> ,, �.. �'r.: .. �`—'"'-
<br /> � regulation, restriction or exclusion by the Association. No out � •"':� r =
<br /> , •.. . � .. � .
<br /> � �.� ,.� buitdings or other structures may be erected on the co��ominium ' -.� x. _�-
<br /> � � ���t��� pro pe r t y without the approvai of the Assoctation. No ���yground =� .
<br /> '� 1 �'. . '� equipment may be erected on the condominium prope�ty without ���=-`
<br /> - F .°_-,�: -
<br /> i'� • . -
<br /> ,4' ' . .T , .....'4�__
<br /> . , :'�� i the app�oval of the Association. ��:,��',,;:..
<br /> . s - -
<br /> ; . . . j s � �_ .
<br /> � . • f (h� This condominium may be terminated or waived by wr3tten '•`L�s r„
<br /> � : ; �;� agreement of four fif�hs t4/b) of the unit owners or mare with the. .�_° ,_ ,Y:�_�-
<br /> � :'�:,..%�,� � � ''• co��ent of ail lien hoiders of record; whic�a agreement shall be • -�
<br />