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<br /> ` �aws of this,state from Yhe due date unti!paid. If any awner shall S , .
<br /> � � f fail or refuso to matce any payment of such ass�ssments when � � . �`-`
<br /> ---- - '���.�
<br /> � . . du�.the amaunt thereof plus interest shall constttute a�lien upon ' `'•��.•ti__
<br /> - � t h e o w n e r's i n t e r e s t in his or her unit and in the prapertY as, , �:� �:,`
<br /> ;.:. � .
<br />. . �:�:.�;`l: deflned in Seciton 7 E-874 R.R.S. Meb. upon the record ing a f suc h �`..:�. -'�. ,
<br /> ' ���" lien by the Assaciation in the o�fice of the Register of Desds of .;�:�°_:;-=
<br /> ` �'�i�� HaE{ County, Nebraska, such amount shall constitute a lien prior , �
<br /> �1vs ,,: ' Y .
<br /> ��� "' and preferred over all other Ilens and enceunbrances except� _ :
<br /> 4 R` ... - C [.
<br /> �..�� :, assessmenYs, Itens and charges for taxes dus and unpaid on a . :`4'
<br />= ����� � �'� untt and e�ccept prior duly recordec# mortgages � an d l i e n
<br /> � - instrumerrts. � '�`'�.`5�
<br /> -- �.. . . •,�. :
<br /> - � - !d� Each owner of a unit shall be responsibte: . -_� __
<br /> � c�' � � �`' . f _
<br /> � �� t9) To maintain, repair and replace at his or her '� �.� �•
<br /> expease, ali pertlons of his or her uniY which are not _
<br /> � inciuded in the definition and context of common ��x==_
<br /> '��1��'%° ch owner shali be responsible for J"°`"'`
<br /> . '`:�::�,:>.. :;°�: el�ments and ea _
<br /> . :;...�y��
<br /> ` .�: %: � . the �epair, maintenance. and �eplacement of aii
<br /> � - '�� ``".`. extertor dcors, inctuding gara�e doors and th� . � ��;�'�=-�
<br /> --_ �'� tA„'L.-
<br /> �� -<�,, ;:� . rtee�hanical operators t,hereof.a��urtenant to seid �
<br /> ��`� � owners untt; it� being understood that tEie only
<br /> Y /'` _. r.
<br /> ' � ' Association maintenance af exterior doors shall be �_._�:�_�_`=-�`
<br /> �a.�
<br /> �� ` '��� � � the painting or �in[shing bf the exter�or surfaces s__�.,_
<br /> . � �. �`�� .•;.}�^ � thereof. If any owner fails to repair, maintain or -��
<br /> rior do�rs, includtng garage doors of . . ����`�` -
<br /> � �� .�-�.�. reptace the exte ��'�,;-
<br /> ' his or h�r unit as set fonh in the Master Deed and F���.-,
<br /> `,..;- �;�.'.�`'.�
<br /> � ��.,�,�.
<br /> � Declaration ar amendments thereto and the By-Laws � . �'�,;=
<br /> • �,..�� 'w�-;'
<br /> � � � o� amendments thereto descr+9ued herein, the :,-;- .r
<br /> � Associatian may pe�form such wortc, invaice the � � � "
<br /> , .`: tA � :: ".�':> :
<br /> . • ;.t..,..��, owner thereof and secure and enforce a ctaim and �`:
<br /> � � ' tien therefms against the owner an� his or her unit in .�:.
<br /> !' � like manner as a delinquent assessment for common , ��:����-�
<br /> . :;�::==,
<br /> � ' • element expense. .
<br /> � -�:,:-
<br /> • � (y} To maintain and repair or replace as necessary all � � � F�_��
<br /> {. , �._,_•=��:
<br /> , utili�es within that owner's unit and any damage to � ,- �,y __
<br /> �� � � ttna common utiliues caused by use wtthin that unit. ' . �=_�,��:_
<br /> � � . , � i.—���
<br /> f . . , �
<br /> � 1'•±: 13) To reftain from painting, decorating or changing the - _ .
<br /> "" � � � appearanc�of any portion of the exterior of the unit � �
<br /> .' � unless approved by the Association in w�iting.
<br /> . �
<br /> . � � � (4) To properly report to the Association any defect or
<br /> � . , need for repairs which �re the responsibility of the
<br />�,•�: :''. . � .� � Association. _�=_
<br /> , . �::;;.`. � . ,
<br /> ' � le1 Each unit shall be used and occupied only by �one family, its
<br />-�• , . � .. ' servants and guests and be used for residential purposes onty. �
<br /> �� ' �' � � ' No unit may be subdivided into a smalter unit nar any portion
<br /> thereof sold or transferred without flrst amending this Master � .
<br /> ' � ' • � Deed and Declaration and obtaining the written consent of the �
<br /> . �� Association setting fonh the change ln the unit to be subdivided. �
<br /> - � � (f) No practice or use shall be permitted on the condominium �
<br /> '�•� •. � property or in any unit which shall be an annoyance or nuisa�ce
<br /> ��• to other owners or residents and which shall Interfere with their
<br /> -. � peaceful use and enjoyment of their unit. All portions of the .
<br /> . . 6
<br /> . .
<br /> .
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