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<br /> F� ,L j'��• .al ah a�.t �r � C �+� � :�t f� �' �- -;` --( — .,�- -- . :�k. '
<br /> j� S y'.
<br /> . �_ai_ - A. _ _ _ �� _ _ -
<br />. -``'_'��, :.r�a•.l� � - .
<br />� � n``j(`�C t' � - /� •�t�.4.`���.`.
<br />'f,.ta '�� . • �`�il$���� � ,'a�i_ t4-` ..
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<br />- ~ .`, 41•.,`.
<br /> .• �f.." •��`-..'E._'.�[�k '..'1'`.l:r�:, .�i 4
<br /> . _ . without the peio�uu�itten �w�thi the condaminiumtt rt►ortgages . Y .
<br /> _��` - ;' , af�ecord against any uni - °' ��
<br />� �:��:,:.: , :• � ,
<br /> ' `�4.�.. � , law. owners of units � .. ' 1:.:
<br /> ,.:.� . : '`��. - ..
<br /> � ' ��� Uniess a greater numb�3�o��ore of the �units may �t any time �,1�� < <i•<<..
<br />� �' � :-. '�� regreserning�a thirds l °;�
<br /> �•�'� � �',"� � ;n writing, duly scknowted9ed and recorded in the offtce of the
<br /> r , << ;:
<br /> �:::�,..� Nebraska. effect an�amendm$nt � :���4����.
<br /> `'�`��� .. Register of�eeds of Hal1 Caunty. :: .�u �
<br /> to the BY-ti.a�►s.�ic� are attachsd hereta and as m�iemn�mber
<br /> f . f �,
<br /> ` �'�� ` ' T from ttme to time, have been amended. Unless a 9 . „ . _=
<br /> �.,.. ,.•`:. .: ..
<br />"� F . is required bY law. owners rep�esenting ith a�oW,�g�a�� .
<br /> �.,,;��h,•:�`r in writing. du Y �
<br /> , .. � more of the urots may , ` .v
<br /> recorded in the offtce of the Re9ister of Deeds of Hali CounRy. � ,'4
<br /> � . � Ne�raska, effect an alteration, deletion ar amrtna mhave�beein .`,•``�.`.��`
<br /> ``�4 .,: ,`���•'� ` �'• Master Daed an6 Dectaratian as the same Y . - - __,.-
<br /> .: �,:• ,
<br /> amended from time t� Ume, except for ti�� time that Deciarant �:; .
<br /> 4;; �
<br /> has conuol over the Association pursuant to Article Vi, Section ,
<br /> , .. , i�). Changes shall nat bind any then enis in9 0�9d�ange n }� "
<br /> :F : .�. �� of record unless they shall likewise co ,x.
<br /> . �:�` :�
<br /> , writing. �� .�.
<br /> .: =�, `�.r'�..fw
<br /> ��' =�� '� �j) Aii norices required hereby shatt be in writin9 and sent by cercifted �
<br />`�'`; �. � or registered maii, retur�► recaipt requestad' ;.,z;
<br /> . �,
<br /> ;:' ` ,
<br /> -:, ;� (1) To an owner at his last [cnown address on the books . °�- `
<br /> ` • � - of the Association. '`� `� '
<br /> .ir " ..y.. . , :'
<br />. � . _1-3��...
<br />� /�• ',• •.. ... . '"' . .
<br /> � �� 12) To the condomintum or the. Assoc�ation at e • . .�, -
<br /> ,.r:.,- 'T _
<br /> .� . r e g 9 s t e r e d o ff ice of the Association. . , _
<br /> � �_
<br /> . . • . -
<br /> � . . ��fx
<br /> ' '�'` " :�.'� � : ARTICLE IX. SEPARATE TAXATION -�-
<br />'`. ., af Ha0 County. ��'"��..
<br />� . Dectarant shall give vvritten notice to the County Assessor ...�.
<br /> . . �, Nebraska, of the areation of the condamimon element ppurtenant here oinsha f ��"��
<br /> � inciuding 4he undivided interests in the com ;,,.,.;�'
<br /> ; � � ���' be deemed a parcel and subJect to separate assessment and taxation. � L�'.Ii,Rl�_
<br /> +; . . . . o�. -_
<br /> . �_ - --
<br /> - .,;�::� _
<br /> � .,. � -::- .:_
<br /> �: , :•• ARTICLE X. EASEMENTS �-�_^:_
<br /> ;�� ; --- --
<br /> �_ ��.�� � � � � Eas2ments are he�eby �es�rved and granted f��m and ta owner a��each o�nrner
<br /> F r° ���•�'�� � � •�� of unit fo�encroachment. If any part of a unit encroaches upon any otP�c�r unit or the -,,-,-,;;`
<br /> r:��� � common elements ar if any such encr�achment shall hereafter occur due to the _
<br /> . � . settiing or shifting of the building or forruct on.heThe Associat on s�aU have an --
<br /> • repaired or rebuiit after damage or dest
<br /> � � easement in and upon each unit for the performance and repairs upovo the common .
<br /> � .� ' �'. elements and for emergency repairs to any part of the unit. :
<br /> . . BY-LAWS, AND RULE
<br /> ,�. �•'��� �-�- All present and future owners,tenants and occupants of units shaN b�subject
<br /> ��� ' � to, and comply with the provisions of this Master Deed and Deciar�tion, the By-Laws, ..
<br /> : � ' ;• . � and the rules and regulations as they may be amended �ease ofr the enter ng nto • :
<br /> � acceptance of a deed or conveyance and entering into of a
<br /> � ' � occupancy of any unit shall constitute an agreement that the provisions of this Master
<br />•� � � Oeed and Declaration, the By-Laws, and the �uies and regulations, as they may be :. :
<br /> ;�: . :� �• . , amended from time to time, are accepted and ratified by such owner, tenant or
<br /> � ._ g
<br /> . , .,_
<br />� -- . . . . .__
<br /> _
<br /> . �_ - . ._._� • '
<br /> • . .___,------ ._._._. �..__..,-- --- , .__._ _._.. . . ._-- ���._.. . �---<•---� .
<br /> . . �.-.-,;.-..-.-..,_--�. .� _ ....-,--:-.- ,,� . , . . :,--� . . , ,
<br /> -- - J —_ �_ . — . . . . __ - _ ,_. - -L� _ _ _ _.. _ �- -- � � � -_ -�
<br />