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<br /> =�:�---a'° �'-a<�H: Unit 10 2.309.72 6.32 9 - � "�_-
<br /> ".,.
<br /> =:i_C `,(� - 3.
<br /> : . . � Ur�it 11 2,154.20 . 5.89 9 -:� ��'= _�`
<br />.. . � ' . . S' - ' .
<br /> _ _ ...:T.-�--, Unit 12 2.273.68 6.22 1 . :�... �,,;:
<br /> . �_�: -
<br /> � '.'''��'�� Unit 13 2,438.26 6.67 � . . `r�� �
<br /> .� ; : - � = ,� ..
<br /> � ' t ° Unit 14 2.486.96 6.81 � °
<br />' .' 4 • � �f.�..:
<br /> - 4 19 2 304.9 5 6.39 � ;-��`
<br /> � � . �` Unit . " � r u��z:-:�
<br /> ._.. < � . : . .
<br /> `� `��' Unit 20 2,042.31 5.59 � ��� ---
<br /> . t F _
<br /> < f` , ,4.
<br /> . . .�t x .....
<br /> •.-' .'r' . . ' � `�•. .(:' :,'�_..
<br /> , ,' j ` The following covenants, condiiions, and restr�ctions relating to this :�4�'r�_
<br /> ��`�: . .
<br /> ` � '- � � condominium shali run with the tan�and shaal be binding upon alI grantees, devis�es, ��;_��•�
<br />.�:��..,. :",.� :�. . .'.�" .
<br /> . - mortgagees, and any other persons who use the properey. including the persons who .�-:`�;�;,: _
<br />�"�"`�� - ����� '�'��='`''� acquir�a the interest of the awner through forecfasure, enforcement of a�y lten or _
<br /> �-'y .��. . - � - -
<br /> . . . . _ otherwise: � -�_
<br /> :. �_
<br /> .. . �; k ���_---
<br /> ��' ' (a) The Oakwood Condominium Unit Owners Association, Inc., a , : f� .g,,
<br /> .._. ,.... .,...._�._:r,.. . - � ---'
<br /> - � • .��-: Nebraska non-profit corporation, has been organ►zed and ---. , ___
<br /> �� •��' � � incorporated to provide a vehicle for the man�gement of the ' :-___
<br /> � . ntwood Fourth Subdivision �' Y
<br /> condominium that is created in Bre �,4 _.
<br /> "' including any additions of reai estate and any units. Each ow�er � �_ „
<br /> � �•;�''�"��`� � of a unit in the condominium shalt automatically be desmed a ' �,��r�.��'�;,�_
<br /> ... . ... 'r��:.l. . . .
<br /> ' ��.�'.__
<br /> ' � `� member of tha Associatton. The By-Laws of said Association are �,rt,,,�
<br /> , .... : :.. . .._�
<br /> � - • �" also the 8y-Laws of th"ss condominium property and are attached •�; ,___
<br />- � � �. :..; :,`.,., � hereto as Exhibit "B". As un'rts are added to the condominium, . :�-:�:;��
<br /> � ,� �� � �,�` the expenses of the Association shall be ailocated as provlded in � � �
<br /> . .. � . ��:�;�' Articie Iil, Section 14 of those By-Laws. �:�• �:Y"
<br /> .., � , . • ';:� , ;,.�_-.
<br /> � � � tb1 The general comman etements are for the use and enjoyment of :�;,�;;'.':-
<br /> �� �� ����'� � all owners. The limited common etements are for the.exclusive �':� �=
<br /> , ,,;,:, �;;,,� �:
<br />- � ���''•�� use o f the owner of the unit o� units to which they are ,
<br /> . ��
<br /> ' �� "�� appurtenant, their family, guests, servants, and invitees. � �--
<br /> �
<br /> P - ( �J•
<br /> � n rshi of the common elements shall remain undivided. � �� - : �
<br /> � , (c1 The ow e p =
<br /> �� � and no person or owner shail bring any action for the partition or ��:-�':.-;
<br /> � � '� ��' .��` division of the common elements. The phrase "common -_.
<br /> rt:, � ��� elements" used in .this Master Deed and Declaration and �:� � �. . :
<br /> � � �� � amendments thereto shall include both genera{ and timited .� � •�: .
<br /> ' � �� � � � ' common elements unless otherwise specified. The Association �'��°`-`�°:��
<br /> � � � � shall trom time to time estabiish �ules and �egulations for the use �-
<br /> � �� � � of the common elements, and all owners and users shail be bound � . �
<br /> ��� thereby. The Association shail have the sole jurisdiction ave� and �' , �
<br /> � � responsibility for alterations, improvements, �epairs and . • �
<br /> '� maintenance of the common elements. The share of an owner in .
<br /> ' � a common etement is appurtenant to his or �er unit and .
<br /> - . � � .. . : , inseparable from the unit ownership. Assessments against • �
<br /> . owners for insurance, common elements expenses and reserves, ,
<br /> ' �:� � and for other exponses incurred by the Association shall be made � �
<br /> _ • pursuant to the By-Laws. Assessments made within teR (10) � � • . ,
<br /> days after the date when due shall not bear interest, but ali sums � �
<br /> � � � not pajd wlthin said ten (10i day period shall bea� interest at the • � �
<br /> . � , � . . highest legal rate at which individuals may contract under the _� � � �
<br /> , . � 5 .. . '
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