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<br /> 9.Ya�pe�tEoa. I�der or its ageni may make reasonabte enaies upoa and insp�ons of the PsaPertY-Leader st�aall t ` � ° L:
<br /> � - _ give$osivavec m,iivG oi�c ii�i�C;.:s-Y„����'^�•sc�c.g"te.....�"' 't.�„�f�t.�*".�n.
<br /> '� . 10.Conda�ttaa. The gmceeas o f any a w a r d or c�i m f or d a m a g e s.d i m x o r c o n s e�u e p d a 1.m connertton wltdi • ;`,.. .�;; ° .
<br /> -. ' aa cond�ama:iom or other takSng af aay part of the Pmp�rty.or fos wnve,yance in!f� o f ooademnation.are hereby ;� . ,
<br /> � • �igned and sstizall be aid w Lender. p� �eds s6all be co the sa�secared by �his Seauity ` . n 'F`-�. ,4'a
<br /> II p .
<br /> .. � tn the event of a wtal tak�ng of the Prnperty.t�e pm apPlied `.,`.4��,„<:Y,,,�
<br /> tnsuttment,wbedaer or not thea dne.vrith aay exce��s pa�d to Bormaer.Ia the ev�t of a partlal tat�ng of the Fmpe►ty in - : -,.
<br /> .`` which she fair market catue of the Pmperty immediately 6efare tke taldng is equal to or gre�er thaa the amoumt of the � `�' . .
<br />,- ' :r� sams s�by tbis Secutity�Insot�eat imu�edIately Uefare the taking,�mtess Bormwer�nd Leader otheradse ag�ee in ,;
<br /> nd .: .
<br /> <-- writin ,the svms serurcd ify this S�r In�tswu�t st�all tie�iured fi►t�e amnunt of the prcceeds m�altiplie�l bY the ` ``
<br /> ° �-� -�: fait�g€sacdaa:(a)th�totat amoant o tt�e sums�imm�iatety�efone tLe takiag,divided by(b?the fair market �
<br /> vatue of thep�p erty i�diately befure the taking..Any balaa�shall 6e paid w Borrower.Tn the event of a partiat taking � �' �
<br /> �. . of ttie Property,3a wAirh the fair mark�vatue of the Prope�ty�mmed[ascty►before the taldng is tess d�an the amuuui of ttae � f .
<br /> � s�ms seaued ia�edi�ely before the taking,unless Bosrawer�ad i.eader othelvvise agree ia writiug or imless app]icable � .•;� .�.�-.
<br /> .; law othecwise provIdes,the pmoeeds sball 6e applied m the sums scc�ued by tWs Secarlty Insumneat wh�her or not the ,..,�; �iL�,�
<br /> sams ate theu due. .�- -----
<br /> = - S�t�Prngerty ia ab�doned by Borrower,or ifr,a8er aotice by Leader w Bo�awer tbat the condemnor offers to =_ --
<br /> �' � make an awerd or settte a claim for damages.Bosawer feils tn respand w I.ender within 30 daqs after tIle date the nauce ' =
<br /> .�, ` - is g[ven,I.eader is suthorized to c�Itect and sgply the prooceds,at its aPttan,either w restoration or�air of the Pmpecty . `a —
<br /> - o r t o t h e s u m 9 s e c ar e d b y t W s S e c.a�i t y I n s t c n m e a t,�v h e t h e r o s n n t t h e a d u e. :� ,'.'�;,�
<br /> . . - Ualess Leader and Boaawer otherwise agree ia wrIfmg,aaY aPPlteation of pmoe�ds to princlpal sbaU not e�tend'or ,' ,..,. :_'—
<br /> , a
<br /> .. . pnstgone the dae date of the mos�Hiy p refeaed w in p l and 2 or chaage the aa�ant of snc�payments. ��•' �;�.':------.
<br /> ;:��:.-
<br /> '� . ' • � iL Banows Nas R�; arH�ace By 1.eadgr�Not�e waiver.Ext�sion of tfie tsme for payment or 4•-
<br /> . , � modification of amorti�ttian of the svms seca�ed isy this Securit�Iast�ment granted by Lead�er to any succ�sor in imerest �' -_
<br /> � �� of Bornower shal!notjapei.�ate m release the lia6iliry,of the origmal Bomower or Boauwec's sac�sors in int�cest.1.ender . ', . -
<br /> t � .. shall not be rec�uired w commencs pmcee�ngs a�uastaay succe�sor ia i�or iefase W extead dme for pa or � ��' ,'. -
<br /> ': . othecwise modify amortirali+on of the sums secored by this Seauity Instrum�i b�r�ason�ffi►Y� so �9� �. -
<br /> �:! _. ' o ri g�n u l B o u o w e r o r S o m u w e r's s a r c e.s s o r s i a i n t e m s�An y forbeara�e b y Leuder w exercLs •
<br /> . y.. c � aot be a waiver of or prEClude th�exercise of�right or temedy. � .��v���agteements of
<br /> � !Z: Suocessors aa� Bouud;Jo an�Several I3ability;,Ca-sF�c¢sis. __
<br /> Ca-s
<br /> ��''�' this 5eaudty lnsbru�nt shall��nd and 6e�eSt the snccessois ar� assigas of d.ender and Bonowet, sub'ecx w the . �� _
<br /> �"� �, prnvisions of pata�rapH 17.Boimwer'e cov�ants and ngcecments shall be�oint and severaI.Any Bo:rower�o co-sigus t,._i_f�-
<br /> ;` this Security Inst�meat 6ut does�t execnte the Note:(a)is casi�►ing Uus Se�ty Instrument onI to tnortgage.g�ant .- �===
<br />^ , �:; "° 1 aad c�nvey that Boaower's int�est in the Pru �mder the 4em�s of thia Seau�ty lust�a�nt:�)is uot petsaas)lp - _
<br /> ��' � ' obli g a t e d w p a y the s�s secared f s y this Serun�and(�)agre�tLai Leader and aay otit�r Bortowet maq r "�� _-_
<br /> ag�e w extend,modify,foibear or makc aay aoco m m o d a t fons w i t h t e g a r d t o We t e c ro s o f t t il s�l a s t n�m e n s o s t h e �
<br /> . .• :. :, ,: � men _
<br /> � . � Note withaut thatg�rrower's��onseat. � f_ �-
<br /> 1 3.I aan C l a r g e 9. I f t h e l o a a s e�v n e d U Y t h i s�a u t ry 1�t c u m e n t i s.s u 6 j e F x w a l a w i A fi i c h s e t s m a x i m N m l o a a �-° --
<br /> es, aad that law is fmally i�apreted so that the interest or atber toan cl�gea coltected or w 6e co3lected in. . -
<br /> ' , ..< .� .:-+ UIICO�ear'on with the loan exceed the penaitted limits, thsea: (a) anY snch.loan charge shall he reduced by th� e�amount • . v�� . -- —
<br /> a: "
<br /> .� : � ��� � n e c e s s a ry w reducc the c 3�a r ge to the permiued limit:an�(b)anY sums ycaltec�ed fram Bortower wLicds exceeded� . , -�'�
<br /> . . ,,; refand b reducin 'the ' al owed ' � '�.--��' `'�,,.�
<br /> -4�:. ,. . petmitted limits�vIlt be tpfundedtm Bormwer. Lender may choose to mak�this y S P�F , �'.,.: '. �
<br /> �. t,,� ' � nader t�e Note or b}r.making a d iro�payment w Bonower.If a refand reduces p�3acipal,t�e reducxiun m'll i�e treated as a . 1��, ,,--,_-.
<br /> • = P�P�Payment wtthaui anY Pr�a9ment c�ge nuder the Note. � j n�'*;,, / � ,,,
<br /> - 14.NatIcc.w. Any natice w Boimwer pmvided for in tbis Securlty Insmiment shall be�iven by delivcttng it or hy ,.�,; 1_�
<br /> `' maitin g it by fust class mail vntessapplicable law r�uires use of another method. T6e aodoe shall be directe�i tn the � + ,°�-
<br /> � .��,;; Property Address or any other addzess Borrower deaignates by ao t ice to I;e n der.A ny no t Ice w I x n d�r s l t a l t b e g i v e n b y, -,.s- -�-�
<br /> ' .. .; first class mail to Lender's addzess atated I�crein ar any other address Lender designates by nodce to Boaower.At►y ttot�ce .-- -- - _
<br /> , � :t pmvIded for�n this Sec�ity Instzument shaU be deemed w have been given to�orrower or Leatder when given as pmvided �:.-._::. -r��.
<br /> .�. '. inth9spara,gra�ph. ,:.7:;�.�,,,; .,.'.� .�
<br /> � • ly.Governing I.aw;Severebllity. 'I�is Security Instrament sball be govemed by federal law and the law of the . , ,�
<br /> . . .. i u r i sdiaian ia wi�ch tl�e Ptoperty is locat4d.In the eve�thai aay pmvIsiun or clause of this Securflty Inst�ument or the , _
<br /> � • ' �Iote aonflias witbappl�cabte law, sa c h co n fl ict s h a U not a f fect o t h e r prn v i s ions o f t h i s S e c u r l t y fnst:ument or the 1V�te �_ �=
<br /> ahicd�can be givea eff�t without the ou�licting provisIon.'Co tBis end the�rov�sinns oY thls SecurIty Iusuvment and the . ,. .
<br /> ,�� Note are declared w be severable. � '�� _
<br /> � ` �, ��., r.: Y6.Bonower's Copy. Be;sa�er aLall beg�ven oae w n fo i m e d copy o f t h e N o te aa d o P t h i s S��udty �I n s a u m e n t. �� ,,,�_.•:
<br /> � ^ ` i7. Tr�nsier of the Pcopsrty or a Beu�k3da1 Interast in Borrower. If all or any part of the Pro or�y . ,
<br /> .. : �- Intereat iti.it is sa'.d er traasferced(ar if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or t�sferred aad 8c�rower is not a �.�, .� �� --
<br /> . . . nawial person)wiLTMc�t Lender's pslor wrltten wnsent, L e n der may,at its op i ion,r e q u�e i r w m e d i a t e P a�e n t i u f i il l o f a I i °..�4��, _-
<br /> '_''�.�`; sams secured by this Seauity Ensonsment.HIowever,this option shall nof be execcised by Lender if exercIse is pmlribited .. .,.�,�..� _
<br /> ` � �, .,:y by federal law as of the date of this Security Inst�ument. `i ` . ..
<br /> � Lf Lender exercises this option,Leader svall give Borrs�r notice of acoeleration.The aorice shall p:ovlde a periad '� ` _ _
<br /> , a ,.
<br /> .. • of nnt Irss than 30 days fram the date the noiice is delivered oz mailed withia�vhtch Borrower mnst pay all sums s� ' , .
<br /> . Form 3028 9190 fDa 4 of 6l .. � .
<br /> . . , ' eaMCaissvsrEnas.nvc..sr.ewuv.re�vaesosn�eoaa��•aaanFOw,�nno-�.r���s� ��.._ � � , .
<br /> .. .. .. �� � � ' .
<br /> .,'`, . • . .
<br /> :.� � . . .
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