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<br />. . �•� � t.C:�' c..
<br />.��^.t• .1�� n rr F'.
<br /> '' � ; .by tHis S�uity Instr��t.If Burmwer fails w pay these sams prior to dte expira�on of tIus peri�sl.Lender may iavoke , . "' • '.
<br /> `' '°r" asy�em�es pee�itted b this Sea�ity Insu�nneat withont faither notice or de�nand an Borm�rca. , 4 _
<br /> d� i �A An:mwes s�att t�ave the r�QAt co have r "
<br /> - - ��°sv..�"�-e M RoSitdala: �R�`°�1�'��'«�!! ��--• —
<br /> .. eufo�ent of shis Secm�Instrament discaatim��t aay tea�prior w t�e�rlier o�:(a)5 daYs�(or bvcb other�iod as � "` 4 ._
<br /> . � agp I i c a b l e f a a v m a y s p e c i f o s r e i n s t a t,�n t)b e f a i e s a l e of t h e P n►P�J►P���Y P�af sale oontained In tlils _ -
<br /> , . , . �.��`�'' S�auity tnsnir�ent;cr(b�ent�y►of a j�enforcing tHis Securlry Ins�L'ihuse co n d i t Ians are t h az Bormwer:(a) -
<br /> � ..� Y ' Fays I�eader a I!s m m s w l�i c b.t h�w 6 e d u e�d e r t h i s S e r�i t y�m�t�d t h e N o t e a s i f u o a c c e l e r a s i ou had �,. _
<br /> er
<br /> 4 -,' . occuaed; N)�aay def�lt af amp other covena�nta or agr�auea�ts: i�?AaS� ����is enfon�Fng tLLs .�
<br /> , . ..v.1.-:...__
<br /> : � " S�carity Insnumwt, inciuding,bat not limited to,reasanable attnmeya f�s:aad f�takes such asxion as I.ender may . " __ �_
<br /> , <` reasoaaUly requi:e to assute that the lien of this Sec,oritq Insnumeat, I�nder's rIghts in the Fcog�rty mmd Borrower`s ';,.,;'
<br /> `- ,r-�'`,�,. ttu , �.
<br /> Y f,. ..:_,r obligatiott Wpay the stuns secu�ed b�r tt�is Secarlty In�sl�all contimte uncitanged.Upon teinstaLement by Boirower, - '
<br /> . . this ty ins�t and'the abhg�COns seaned h�eby sflai!r�main fully eff�arve as if nn acceteraann had ocanted• � °: _
<br /> � � ter 'nn
<br /> ``��.� Howevs er�this rigLt to reinstate sball not apply in the case of a�oelecatioa vad�r 19. -
<br /> .. 19.Sale oY Nut�Chsnge of ifian Scrvioea The Note or a paitial interesc�Note(tiug�her with this Securit�► :.. :-,:<��o-
<br /> , f. Iastr�eai)ma�►lre so2d one or mnie times without prior notice w Boirower.A sate�y�ntit ia a change in the eatity .� * _ _
<br /> �� `�'.�. (I�own as tt�e Lo�Seivicer�that coliects iuontb1Y Paym�s dne uader the Note and ttis Securiiy Insuumeat.'Ih�e _ _
<br /> � ` a l s o m a y 6 e o n e o r m o r e c E�a n g e s o f t h e L n a n S e n ri c e r�m r�l a t e d w a s a l e o f t h e N o t�.I f t h e r e is a d�an g e of the Loaa � �.�; _
<br /> �'� � `� 14 above an�app}�C a b le law. - r �•.
<br /> ��_..'-; ��:; �Secvicer;Bmmwer w�t 6e give�w:itte�notice of the chaage in ezannda.nce vvith paragraph shaold be made. — -
<br /> • � �< -.�: �. '1he no8ce wi1l state ths name aad addmss of the aew Loma 5ecvicer and tl�e a d s t m s s w w h i c h p n y m e n t s ��
<br /> tvi :.,
<br /> b licab2e law. -• µ--
<br /> 'i$e notIce w1D also cantaia any other info�ation reqaired Y aFP ar zelease of . . �
<br /> � . ZiD.Ha�rdaus Snbstanoe9. Bormwer shalI aot c�use or peaflit ttte p�eseace,use.disPosal, stordge.. . �._.�,r_�-—
<br /> . • _ aay Hazandous Snbstances oa or in the��rapertp.Bonrower sball not do.naz allow anyone else to do.aaythsng aff�ng .
<br /> � the ProPertY that is ia violaiton of any Envito�al Law.lhe pmed'mS rivo seu�ces sha11�apply W the p��, ��`---,°:_---
<br /> F. � : ,�.. � L ' �e of smari of Aa�rdaas Substances that a:e generally recognized to he apprapriate _
<br /> ;' • � , -','•�' w om�al res�deaH21 oses���of the Pmperty. � - -
<br />; �.� �� - Boaawer sbalt pmmptly give L�der w�aotioe of any inves7igation,claim.demand.lawsnit or other actinn by � ,_ -A.
<br /> , �p gavemmeatal or regatatary ageneY ur Prlvate pa:tq iavolving tbe Fmgeit9 and anq Hazardous�SubFinace or Euvi�n� E __
<br />�•..�.;,' . � . mental Law ef whicl1 Bo3rower bas actaal Imowledge.1f�mwer 2eams.or is notified by aaY govemmeatal os�ry
<br /> � �` �
<br /> - at�soritq.that any iemoval os other mmediation of any F�dous Snbstance affectmg ihe Pioperty is.necessary.Boaower � --
<br /> �;. � `_ shall prnmptly take all necessary remedial acHons�on arcorda�e wit��al Law. . �_ . __
<br /> �_,�.;` :, ' �'• As useb ia thispata�h 20,°Hazardou�Substaacea"are thosz sabsKaace.a deSaed as Waic ar bazandons substaace4 ��.,.:s_. _.___-
<br /> .°.°;-'' b y E n v i r o n m e ntal Law- a a d t he following snbstances:gasoline, l c emsene, other flammab2e or toxic p e t mleam pradncts. ---
<br /> , _. ��'-�'. toxic pe�cides and herbiddes�vo1�1e solvenis,matcaiats oo n t a i n i ag as 6estos or f o z m a t d e d►y d e,a n�.t a d l o a c t i v c m a t e d a l s. � ____—
<br /> - �t�` As ased ia this paragr�h 20,°Envuonmeutal Law°means federal laws and taws of the jmdsdicHan wher�the Property is ._.._�,_ _�
<br />- ...._ `�, lacated that retate to healtb,safety or emrSronmental pmtection. s _'_
<br /> ,41�� � NaH.Uxrno�CovFarnNrs.8oimwer aad Lendear fiuther covenant and a�ee as follawe: �'''_..
<br /> ar
<br /> a � 21.Acaeiera�on��emedtes. L��sbsD give notioe to Bn3mw�r prFor to acce2erat2on�oIIowing Bo;rowe�s
<br /> �, � bmad�of any coveuat�t or�eat w r .�:.�__..
<br /> ,-�,�_-- . i n�s S�u r i t y I n s tr u m�Y t b u t a a t o r t a acce�eiattan omder p a s a g r e ph 17
<br /> R � � unless apg1ica62e taw provtde�s ot��svtse).�e notf�e s�lt spec�y:(a)the N)t6e actiom reqaired to c�e the -----
<br /> ��'.. .•�. .�� . ' .:: d e f a�t;(c)a d a t e,n o t t e s s t i t a n 3 0 d a y s f r o m t h 2��'s e aottce is g i ven to Borrower,6y whir�6�e d *� tmrst be ._ --
<br /> an ;.
<br /> F ;° : . c�ed;and tdD tbat Paffure Lo c[ae the ddanit on or t�are the date spPCitted#n the nottce may r�ult im�on =:_,'::l.:.y" �--:,_
<br /> � of the st�s�by tbis Secmr►ty Inslnungnt aad sa'te of ttie Pa+op2rty.The notice shall fiath�infores E�rcawer ;:� .
<br /> ;:: . ' .•.' ;� of ti�e right tr�retnstete afler accr2eratlon and t6e slgd�to 1�a oomt actIan to asert thc naa existsi�oP a •':::�.�';,,::;'<=
<br /> �.. � `_ � .';� `' ��or a���def�se of�flrruwer to scce2eraflan and sz"�HP 4�e dc.�nit is nat a�on os before t�e da;e ,:,�!-- __
<br /> � ��i In the not[ce.Lender at its op4ton may req��e Immediate pa�ent in fnll of aD su�s seca�+ed by tids °. ,` '
<br /> , ty Instr+mment wlthoai tmfher demaa d au d msy i nvoke tfle power ai sale su�a�h p oth��nedf��ued bY
<br /> . . apPllcabie 1aw.Lcad�sHaD be e�nHtl�l to voIIect ali expmsc4 inc�red in gmsatng the rem�Ies psov�de�]i�t6is �-
<br /> :.,. ,y.;w.:c*� r,r -
<br /> . , � �paragta�pb 21,igciuding,6ut not limited W.seasonab�e attorneys'fe�and�of title e�rtdeace. - �Fi- ..�: -
<br /> . . _ '. ..��,:: If the gower of sele ts t�volaed,Trustee sbaD reoord e aot�ce of d�fanIt in esci�couYttq ia�ch aay part oY th� " . "�. : ..,.—
<br /> . '' �Propzrty is tacated and sLall mail cogi�of such notice ia the manner presceibed by appjtcab2e t�v to Borrower and . . ,
<br /> ' • w the athcr parsons p r�I�e d by ap p l i c s b 2e t aw.�t e r t l x e t t m e r e q u l r e d by a p p l i c a B I e l a w•1 l r e r s t e e s h a ll v�e �� �� �_}
<br /> `�' ���:: " ; ' ` p�lic aotfce of saIe to t�persons and in the man..,.-`a�rescat6ed bY SP?�iseble lsw.R'rustee.without d�an�on �:',.$r-",._.._..
<br /> ��' ,.•.�� ��: , � Borro�ver,sball seII the Proyerty at pnbllc sudton 4��hJ�est bidder at the tiffie end plaoe and tmdes tE�terms _�',....� —
<br /> ,� :� ; .'- .�,:., .1�:°' dc5l�atcd ia the nattce of sat- e fn one os more pm��d#n eny ordea Tra�stee detera�ines.�lrastee ma�� ne . .. ;;.
<br /> � saIe of all or eny paraei of t�e Froperty by pnhlic aanouucemett et the tJme and plsce of any prevfously�ed .;, :.
<br /> ,,` 1� � . � :; sal�I.ender or[ts desigu�may p�chase the P�op�ly at�y sa!�._ � �'':� �_
<br /> Upon re�dpt of paym�t of We�rtce bld,Trast�sLaII dellver to the p�c6�ser�ee'e deed c��ve�og tTie °� -"
<br /> �'�. � � �+ngerty. The recdtels in.t1te Z�rustee e deed shaII 4�prima fade evidence of e trai6 of the sta4�ts made� =;.-.:
<br /> � � ' � . t'�ereta.T e u s tee s h a D app ly t he pm c e e d s o f t he s a le i n t he f o II o�e i n g o r d c r:(a)t o�t.i,t a s t e a n d.e a p e m s�s�¢S�cis�n g .�=.-.-.
<br /> , . �� " • ... ,` � , . ..
<br /> �� . . . . '.. .� . � . Fortn 3028 9/90 fPe9 oI61 .
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