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<br /> inctuding tloada or Aoodiag,fer which Lender raqaices m.s�uaase.'Ihis�nsuraaoe shat!be ma�saiaed in tLe amouals and ��, �:
<br /> ���a s�I___�es rnmi.e.s.'ifee i���i�r .t,a ins�umsoe sbau t�t c#�ese�ny Bertower+a�ea to � _- _
<br /> �a
<br /> la�dder's'approval tvhici�s`&�nat be mueasoaably witt�e�A. If�armsver fails W mamtain sover�ge d�cn'6�F a�ove, � �'
<br /> 1
<br /> ± ;:t�` Lend�may.at l�eader's option.o�sin wverage to pmnect Lender's rIg�ts tn the Pmpaty in eooundance with paragraph . �
<br /> �� T. �:
<br /> � All ins�uanfle palicies aad ieaewels s6a11 be sx�tsb2e w Leader aad shall include a s�dacd mortgage c�ause. ' .�
<br /> `. � Lender S1�a11 Bave the rip�tt to hotd tte pollcF�s am�ieaewats.If Lender�.HonowPr s2�al1proaaptIy give w Leader � �
<br /> • •..�:. � all�eipte of patd,p�iums aad�ewal nottcea.In the eveat of tos.s.Bormwer shatJ give PxomPt a�tice to the ms�tt�ce , :� ::.�-� ; . �
<br /> �;N,,.�=_., c�fer aad Leader Lender may make praof of to�if not made�mmPfly b3'�armwer. ��: . `�
<br /> nder
<br /> - Untes,s I.eadee and Borrower oth�wise agcee m wpidng,�naaceprooeeds sbsll i�e applied t�o�estotabioa orcep air
<br /> a
<br /> �- - of!I�Pmg�ly damagefl,if the�estoration or�air is eeonorr�ically feasib2e and 1�dEr's s�ity is not le�s�ecl.If the r �.`
<br /> ` � F �t, restoration or zepair is nai ewnomic�lty feasi'b2e or Le�der's sesucity wauid be t�e�,the ins�rance mceeds shaU be ,y �
<br /> �,. `� �plied to the sams seaued by this SacurIty Insor�, wheU�r or nnt th�due,wlth eny eu�ss�w Boma�er.If ..�._
<br /> . ,, B o:r d w e r a b a a d o n s t U s e P m p e rt y. o r d o e s n o t a n s w e r w i t h i n 3 0 d a q s a a o t i c e f m a n L e a d a�hat the carrier has . ' �--�r�" . �..__--
<br /> . � p �.� '. offered to settle a claim.th.en Leader may colIect Ute insutaaoe psaeeeds.LEndet may oss the��prace�s to�►air or testore
<br /> � `� �'_ the Prop�ty or to pay snms seau�ed by thfis S�y Instru�eat,wher�er or not ttaen dne.The 30-dag period will begia � =- �--__
<br /> pe �
<br /> whea the nouce�en. . <•. ' .°"`°' '
<br /> � Unless aad Eaaawer otheiwLse ar�ee ia wridng,aay . . of groc�s w princFpal shall not extmd or � ,
<br /> postpone tfle dae date of ti�mo�hlY Paymeats refened to ia 1 and 2�r c5aage the ama�t af tte payna�nts.If ' ;
<br /> � .. �p� D 2i the is by Leadet.Botrower's rlght w�aaq nusmaacepoliaes amdpmoeeds re�sWamg . ._ ---.
<br /> ' s{' . fmm ad ma�eYO the Piag�or w� ' 6on sbaU pass w Lead�to the ercoeat of the sams secured bq this Seaidty '; ._—
<br /> � . . iast��t�iatel q p r�o r tn the a��t[n i� ��
<br /> • . ' b.�Qccapaacy, Yt�vatton. Maint�anoe and Frotedton of the Ycageriy; Borso v�'s I oan A p p i i c a t ion; - : --
<br /> �;��. I.e a s e ho l d s.S omawer s b a 1 1 occaipy.e s t a b l l s h, a a d n s e t fl e P m p e r t y a s Ho a o w e r's P�c i P a i te�idence�s i x t y_ da ys � `:'�.-
<br /> after the execat[oa of this 8e�uity Ins�+�ent and sbaU condaue w eocap the�ropetty as Bormwer's principal rescdeace .
<br />, • � far at Least ane year afoer the date of occugancy,im2ess Irader othe�avi�e agrees�n wrning,whici�conseat ahall not be -,
<br /> ���. �` ` �. ' unreasonably withfletd.or unless e�enuailng circumstanres exist whir3i are tieyodd Borrower's oanu+ol.Barrower sball not '.; _. _ _�.
<br /> _ �: . desuoy, or tmgait ihe.Pmpe�y.allow the Fmperty to deteriorate,oa oommit waate on the Pmperiy.�aaawer �`�.'_'t 4':�:.`-------
<br /> � < ;: shali be�t if aay forfeInue actfon os pzao�g,whether civil or cai�nsi,Is begun tPiai,in�.euder's good faith r -
<br /> .ead _-^
<br /> • . 'judgment�tcanld result in forfeitiue of the Pmperty or otheiwise materially Impair the lien c�eated by t?ds SequIry r --� —
<br /> wis _ __.
<br /> Ins os Lender's se�rity int�st.Somowermay e�re suc�a defanit antl reinstate,as provId�in parageaPh 18.by � �
<br /> causia� the acdon or praceeding w be dismissed wIth a ralmg tbai, iu Lender's good faith deee�nanon� P�Iudes �,.__ �= �
<br />�° I �, forfeituse of the Boxlawer's interest m ti►ee P r o p e r ty�or athea materlal�p aument of the Uen creased ytbis Seauity �- �-_.�_-: ---
<br /> ' hea
<br /> , �..;:,.,� �:�-�_�. _-:�_-
<br />- , . Instmment or L�der's security�nterest.Bomawer sba11 also 6e ia def�tt i f�o n o w e r.d�tt 3 tg t�he Ioan a p p l i r a t ioa.pmoess, �,,.�..-��._
<br /> . . : �ave m a s e r i a l i y faLse or;nA�+rp info�matioa or�tatements to I�nder(ar fa��aci to�mvide Lender with any materlal � �:
<br /> � . �� �5;� � � mformatiton)in coaaeaian with the toaa evidenced by the Note Inclu¢ing,b�not l i m i L e fl to,rep r e s e n t a t F ons can� ���,
<br /> Bonnwer's accap�ccy of tiie Prupecty as a prlaclgal iesideace. I�thls S�uritq Instrumeai is on a leasehold,BoAOwer „
<br />- - -- - -- c�Iy with a12 the pmvis�obs of the lease.�f Boaower acqaires fee t[tie to the�ropertY.tbe leasettold and the fee title :,=
<br />