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<br /> •.y 'j'Qd�j'[��-� 8� t� � IOV�ffi IIIfVl 0[ b,�E8�C! 2�� ,;i
<br /> _ ' �r 3IIa IDa�es uCAr or� ss pat°s ck'ba*.� ;-��-'z'�--"`�'�� as the' •�a1�S'D be oo� k 4.�
<br /> �, � t'.�•.' . 6y thi8 SeC¢Aiy�.ctn,m, t_All of the foleg8lII$is ieferced to ��ed ead�t1�rlghi t6 gleut and ` .` "
<br /> ,?`c��°�`. ;.. Soneav�x Cav�aiarris that Boza�ovr�is lac�fully seised of the estate hereby comey ,
<br /> .`:�,. � < . , oomey the Pmp asW tbat tAe`Property is uaencum6ered,exaePt for encumbra¢c�es of recoid. Boaawer warranis an� � `<�' `'\` �.
<br /> � � wili defead g�aer�jc the title to the Pr�ettY�g�nst all claimg aad d�s,subjea to aay eacumbrances of recard. �";.;;�..
<br /> . .5,: T�cs S�cusmr��as�ve¢rre cmnis�unifutm aov�ts fos national use and noa-uaifo�m coveu�ts with limite� ,:
<br /> � cu u
<br /> � • �-ti--..��,
<br /> : -` ' ' r: variations bp jur�sdic�on to c�nstitute a unifoim seattity iastrumeat cave�ag real PmF�Y- , F ,
<br /> .�.r� _ UNgo�uu Cov�nrrts.Bonomer and Lender Goveaaat�d�foUows: when dne � ..�
<br /> s, i.Paym�ut 6YPrtndpa3 au�Int�P�pay� ��Bflrmwer shall pmmpYlY PaY . :
<br /> ' rincipal of and int�rest on the delst ev�deac�d h5►the l�ioie au�anY P�?a3►m����es due under the Noie. . - -
<br /> �`�W--- - ' the P �.��ds for'Fea�and L�svranc��j��applic�ble Iaw or w a wnttea waiver by_Lesder,Bomower sEall pap � '` " .`Y
<br /> ,, b a'som("Funds")for:.te)
<br /> �:�.. to L�r oa ttie day�unthly payments -the Nat�,uatil the Note is paid ia fug, �P�►' N)Y�Y
<br /> yeazly taxes and ass�ts a►Lich maY auam PrIorit�►uver this Secusiry Ias�aunent as a li�on the , -
<br /> auaia r�iums. (d)y�y � ,
<br /> � � . teasehold gay�ts oi�ro�d�ts fln t�:Pmperiy,��yb.(�)Y�Y�or pmperty�ns�P * �; _
<br /> ,�° reunums,if aaY:(e)Ye�Y a�orcg�Se�Premi�s�if anY:and(�anY� �le by Bocmwer ., •a:;,�.. .
<br /> . :�_ � to L�d��, 'm��ccord�c�h t�p��of p�ag�8.�ia li� of td�e pa of ma�tga;e� P��• ,:, '
<br /> � -
<br /> .. ;:,;. .Th�s items ffie caRed F.�cmw Items. L�ader maY.at ea�Y t�,wllect sa0��ds esctow a�t tmder t$e '" ,��°':
<br /> a er _
<br /> - ma�m am�d a Iender for a fedezaIIy�lated rt�g e loaa may �qufre 12 U.S.C. § 2501 et seg• �"�``�`r=+°
<br /> � , , � federal Real Pstate.S�4tlement Pmcedus�s �x of�19?`4 as am�ded from time to time. ..
<br /> '`:',5` (°RESPp°),iml�s aaother law tHatagpliea to the Faads sets a�ser a�ount:If so, Leader maY, at enY time.collect and ,:�i -_-.
<br /> , . . ho18 Fnads in aa am�unt ttot to exceecl the tesset amouni.lxnder may esd�ate the amouat of F�nds dne on th$basis of ,_,
<br /> < T•�•.
<br /> ` • � caa�t dara�d reasonab2e est�ies of e�dit�rea of i�re Fscraw Items or athec�vise in accasdance with applisahie .._
<br /> `. law. ,;nst�uat�ntality,or etitiry r��:
<br /> � ' 1he F4mds st�U be hrdd in an iastidutlon whose d�osits aze insu�ed by a fedecal ag�cy ntali _ :_ .
<br /> . � � (inciud�ag I�ender.if I.ender is such an inst[t�ton)or laaay Fedetai Home Loan�ank. I.�der s�aU appt�►��c�O. ��.,,.;
<br /> ' ."'�. �`,` P�y �g�� Items. LenQer may n o t cL��e B o r r o w e r f�h o2�ng and a g p l y i n S the Fands. aAUUauq . °; .
<br /> ___ , .�:.�,:;:,: ��a�ount,•or verifyiag the Fscrow Items,ualess L�nd�t PaYg B�icower.iaterest on the F�ds'a�agp�4e� _--- ,
<br /> ' ` � Leader niay�i�e Bormwer w pay a une�time c�arge for�. -,..
<br /> �ermita i.ender to make suc� a cLarge. However, :,.
<br /> , mdepelident real estate tax regortiag service used 6y I�en�er in coanearou with this loan,un2ess appl�cable Iaw provtdes .
<br /> - o t h e r v+n s e.U n 2 e s s�a p��e n t is made or a p plicaDle law mterest to ire�add,Lec�der shall not be requircd t o P a Y ' � --_
<br />- . •F... Souower anq imerest or earmags on the F�mds.Boaower�I,ender may agree m writmg,however.ttaai i a t e r�.s t s i�a ll b _-
<br /> '�,..�.<,���'„�. paid an tIie Fuads.I.eudet shall give w Borrower.withoui a a a a m u a l a c c o u n t i n�go f t h e F u a d s.showin g txedits and .':"j - _
<br /> .��.. ��.,, debits to the Fuuda mm�t theg�s e for which eac�►debit�FtmGs was'made. 'iLe Faads are piedg�as addit�onal _
<br /> � . se�uity for ail sums secared bq this Sean'ety Insaument. `'����
<br /> 1f the F�mds helct by I.ender exceed the aafounts Felmiued w be hetd by applls�ble law. I.eadec shall aocannt to _i��.�
<br /> o fappI i c�a b l e l a w.I f t h e a m o�nt of the Funds held by ° �
<br /> �� � Bormwer for t�e�s F n a d s i n a c c o i d a n ce w i W t 8 e s�C e m e a t s :h;� ;.
<br /> � - • L�ndra at any t'r•r��s aot saffi�t to pay the Bscrow Items wh�a due.L�dermay so notify Bonrower ia am�ng�and.ia _
<br /> . � Lender the ammmt ne�essery co make uP the deSciency. Borr+naver sbari ma�e up tbe �.=_;-�-
<br /> such cas�Sotra�rer s�all pay r.� a .
<br /> y al .
<br /> � deiic�ency in no mme ti�aa twdvesnonthIy payments.at I.eader's sole dissretios�. ��
<br /> '. ;�s<``, Upon payment in fall of all sums secc�ed by this Setucity tnsut�ment,Lender d^r�J' pmmptiy refimd w Bosmwer �'-
<br /> r,. �
<br /> ; �_ , . aay F�mds held by I.ender. If, under patag�'dPh 21, Lender ahail acqaire or sell the Property.Leadez, Prior w the . � .
<br /> � � . acquisftlon or sate of the Fco,gert9, sball apply any Fundv tceld Dy Lender at the time of acquisidaff��sate as a ccedit � =_
<br /> : ' against the sua�secared by th�s Secauity Insuament. r�eived by Lend�rander �-
<br /> • 3. Applic�on of Paymeats. Untess applicab2e law pmvi�tes ot�cnvise, a11 PaYmeata
<br /> i�en
<br /> . `� t p�aphs 1 and 2 shaU be applied: fust,w aaY P�PaY���es dae undet the Not� second,w amauata gc�yable _
<br /> � ` � unner ParagraPh 2;third,w inierest due:fourth,w PruiciPal due;and last.to any lase charges due�der the Note. . - -
<br /> ' � �, ` 4.Charge�Li�s. Boirower shall psy all taxes,asse�ents.charges�fines aad imposiflons aunbntable to the
<br /> pmPeny► which may attain prlority over th9s Securiry �mrmeat, aud 2easeha3d payments or ground rents, if any. _
<br /> � Borrower shall pay th�e obligastons�n the mawnet Provided in paragraph 2.or if aat paid ia thas manuer,Bormwer sLaU _ „�`.;:--:._�
<br /> :: . pay the�on tirne diiectly w t3::e pe�son oa+ed payment. Borrawer shall pmmpUy farnish to Lender all nofloes of amonnts '„-,•:;;__
<br /> � the
<br /> � � ':� ' ta be p a i d u n d e:t h i s p a r a g r z{r L.I f B o r r o w e r m a k e s these pa y m e n t s directly,Borrower sball promptly futnish to Lender �. ..-� ..
<br /> .: ��. r�ts twidencing the payme�r�. F� '=
<br /> .. gprrower shsll pmmptiy�discharge any lien wLich has priorlty over this 5ecurlt3►tns�ment unless Borrower.(a) �
<br /> � , agees in wrltinp to the paymept of the obHgation secured 6y the liea in a manner aoceptable to i.�der;(b)eontests in � ;y _- . _
<br /> � >'�..'� goo d faz t b t h e l r e a b y, o r d e f e n d s a g a i a..�c eaforcement of the liee�in,legal proceedings whlch in tf�lLeader'a opinion ,
<br /> � ogerate to prevent the enforcement of t�e t:ess; or(c) serures from tho ho2 der of the llen en agrec�ent sa d s f a c t ory to � :`:. ..,`:.
<br /> . . • , Leni3er subordutating the li�r��is Serauiry Instcument.If Lender detetmiues that aay part of the Propetty is st�tl+ac�t�o a -;
<br /> � li�which may attaiupn oritp over th�Se�u�Ity lnstrument, Leader maq give Bortower a notice�tdet►dfylmg d�.LteR-• . ---
<br /> �� Boirower shaU satisfy the lien or tak�e�iu ciore of the acdons set fonD a bove withia 10 da�ra o€the giving of nouce.
<br /> � ' ' S.He�ud or Pro,pertY Ins�anee. l3oaower shall keeP the impmvements now exlahng or hereafter erected on the ''' .'�" •
<br /> . o
<br /> Property iasured against loss by fire, har�rds included cvith�o the tena "extended coverage° an,d aay other 2�rds. _.,..-�::;
<br /> Farm3�_28„8l9�/p e� ?olsl •:� +•" .
<br /> ,' • (1�t�f \\�D ll
<br /> . • • ... gp�KEpS sySTEMS.INC.:ST.CLOUO.MN 5830Y 11�800391•43471 FORM Mo-1�NE]16191 Ef��•:�--- ��td—
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