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<br /> . r:;.s-�-'" 9.Coadema�tion,7�pmcceds of aay awaN or claim for damages.dimc or cons�uzuti . . ,
<br /> r_�,.,.,, ema
<br /> _�:� aay►oon4esnnatioa or at�er taking of tHe Piroperq►.or paYt ther�f.or for wuveyanc�in lieis of condemaation, ate Y ' ' i k. 1 r�
<br /> hereby ass�ga�f and shal!be paId ta i�der,subJeei to the terms of any mortgaSa,deed of ausc or otlier scs�uity► -
<br /> agreemeat wtth a liea ahfct�has prio r t t y over t h i s D e e d o f T n i s t. s � �`
<br /> .' ,,'4s� 1tD.Bnrrow�No3�teieased:Forb�ce By Lendcr Not �Watver.Extwsion of the time for payment or _. __�_
<br /> ; , .� mQdification of amorti7ation of the sums s e c u t e d by t h i s D e�d of Tzust g t a n ted b y t-ender to any snccessor m ` '�
<br /> . , .� mtetest of Sarrower shall not op�ate to telease, in aay manaer, the liability of the original Borrower and _ ,
<br /> _ ,;�. t such successoY or � ` �=��;:
<br /> Borcoaer's succe.ssoss in interest. �.e n der s h a l l not l s e r�q u i r e d w w m m e n ce gmceedm g s a,g� . _
<br /> . � :� ' . refuse to eatend time for payment or othe�wise modify amortization of the suats secu�d hy this Dzed of Tn�st by _
<br /> ' ' reasoa of azry demand madc by the ori Bomower and Eorrawer's suscessors in intetest. Any forbeazance by .: - -
<br /> l�tder in exeressing any riSht or reutedy�heteander. or otherwise affosded by appl�cabte law,ahall not�e a waiver ':�:.'`:�'' `
<br /> . . of or preclade the exercise of any such rigAt or�emedy. . �
<br /> .. ' 11.Suocessflps and A�[gas Bound;Joint and Severat I�bility.Co-slgReis.The covenanis aud agreements '.�.•_�'�.is--a.=.,-._ ..
<br /> , ,' hcnein co�ained shall biad,aad the rights hetamdes shall innrc w,the�espective saocessors and assi�s of Leadet - -
<br /> and Bormwer. sub�ect to ths pmvisions of paragtaPL 16 he�eof.All wvemants aad agreemeuts of Boaower shall be � . _���.
<br /> .�,':,`•.. �` .�.,�� joinl and a°veral.A�s Barrower who casigns t h is D e e d o f Tnut, b u t do e s n o i�T e n�e e u n d e r t h e t e r m s o f�t b i s � ' _ _ -
<br /> � t h i s D e e d o f T n u t o n l y t o g t a n t a n d o o m r e y t L a t B o n o w e r s l a t e r e s t m t h e P r o p e rt y _
<br /> � Deed of Tmst,{b)is noe personaily Uable on the Note or under this Deed of Ttust.and(c)agrees that L.ender and
<br /> - �� . .._ :.::.:,�=: . aay other$oirawer heneawder tnay agtee to cactead,modify.forbear,or ma&e aay other accommodations with regard = --
<br /> nea te
<br /> - ,:; to the terms o#tbis Deed of Tnut or the Nate.a+itkout tbu BosoweYa consept and without releasing that Barraarer
<br /> ' � .: _ ' or vnadifyIag ttiis Deed of Tn�st as to that Bormwer's intes�est in the Property- �c -___-
<br /> ; �,'•.'� 12.No�Ce.Except for aay notice required under applicable law w be g►ven jn another maaner..(a)anJ►notice to - -
<br /> . � ` '��. B o r m w e r g i nvlded for in tLis Deed of Tnuc shaii be given by delivering it or by mailing such aotice by certif ed mail -
<br /> �� � .. addressed co Bomawer az the Propercy Addr�s or af svch o�her addces.s as Borrower maY designaze by a o u c e c o y,=�'-'_=—
<br /> '.: '';' I:ender as provtded Qereln.and @7�Y uailee w Leader shaU be gnrea by certiSed mail w I.ender's add�s siat� : .' . _
<br /> • ',, r notice to B4rrower as provtded hercia. Any noace ---
<br /> • ,., ,__' , •.,:�. I�erein or to sucb other address as l.euder may designaze bY . .f_�.��_,
<br /> . pmvided for in this Deed of[rnsc sbaii be deemed tn t�bcea g'�vae to Bormwer or Lender when given in the _ ---_
<br /> Le
<br /> � .;�:� maaner designated herein. . _ -
<br /> . 13.Governing Law;SeveraMUty.The state and local laws agplicable to this Deed of Tnut shall be.the laws,of =
<br /> ' : the jurisdiction in whicb We Pioperty is tacated.Tfte foregoing senteace shaU not limit the applicab�iry of federal _
<br /> � law to this Deed of Tnut.In the event that aay provision or clausg of this Dced of Tmst or the Note watlicxs wilb ..
<br /> .. � , . applIcab2e law,such conflict shall not affect other pmvislons ag tbis DeEd of Tcust or tlte Note wBic�cau be given � �'��'_'--�:,-
<br /> ... �:�-,..�
<br /> ., - � e ff e c t without the conflictin g pmvision,and to this end the gnar3ions of ihis Deed of Trust and the Note are declared .;=�,„ .�, --- -
<br /> .. to be severable. As used hercin, 'costs," ••expenses,• aad "attomeys' fees" inciude sU sums w the eateat aoi '
<br /> • � , pmhibited Dy appllcabte law or limited heretn. - �;;��ax., -.-
<br /> .� '��� 14.�arrower's Copy.Borrower shaU be fumished a coaformed arpy of the Note aud oPth�s Deed of Trost at �:°°'��
<br /> = hi .. --_�:
<br /> � �� ;� the time of execution or after recordarion hereof. µ°'-" �` -�r
<br /> � �*^��_--
<br /> 15. Rehabilitatiom I.aan Agree�eu4• Bosrower shaU fiilfill all of Borrower's obligations uttder any home �r
<br /> e �_
<br />� ' . rehabititation, improvement, repair, or other loan agre�ment wluch Borrower en[ers into witb Lender. Leader. at , ��, .�-_'
<br /> - �. �. Lender's option, may requue Bonvwer to execute aad deliver to Lender, in a form acceptabte to Ixader, an �.'', . .,_
<br /> . assigament of aay rights:claims or defeases whi�Borrower may have against parties who supply labor,mateiials�or ' ' . •
<br /> .,:�,��--;����
<br /> , � servlces�n connec,tiaa anth improvemen[s made to the Property. - •. ::;� -�i
<br /> , . � , 16.Trans�er of the Yropesty or a Bcnefidal laierest in Bon+ower.If all or any part of c�e Properry or any -_ -
<br /> � • intemst ia xt is sold or transferred(or if a beneficiat iaterest ii�Borrowet is sold or transfer�ed�l 9orrower is not a. . __-__ _
<br /> ��•:' � ' nat�ral petson)without Lensler's prior aritten coasent.Leader may,at its optlon.require immediate payment in full _ _
<br /> • � ��.����� .� of aU sums secured by this Deed of Tnus. However. this option shall not be exercised iry Lender if exercise is _ __
<br /> : . . pmhibited by fedcrai law as of the date of this Deed of Trnst. � - -_
<br /> If Lender exercises this option, Lender�a11 give Borrower nodce of acceleration. The notice shall provide a ' �
<br /> ,. � .. � . period of aot Iess than 30 days from tI�e date the nottce is delivered or maile8 within which Borrower must payr all
<br /> �� sutns secured iry tbis Qeed of Tcust.If Borrower fails to pay these sums psior to the expiratian of this period,Leades .;.;,,s,',. �
<br /> ' � . . may invoke a�remedies permitted by this Deed of Tnut without further nodce or demand on Eonawer. • .>�.'�: � .
<br /> , ' NON•UI�TIFORM COVENAriTS.Boaower and Lender further covenant and agce as follows: � � . .-�
<br /> " � 17.Accete►ation;Remedies.�xcept as�rov[ded tn paragrapb 16 hereoY,apon Borrower's breacb of a.oy � .
<br /> � � � covenant or agrermeat of Borrower in tbls IAe�o!Trast,iaclading Borrower's�spure to pay,by the end o! �o.:. . .
<br /> � 10 caIendar days after t6ey are due,eny s�s s�ured by thls Deed of Trust,Lender pr�or to accelees�tton sba11 � �� •
<br /> �_i. J. . . . give nottce 4o Borrower as provlded in paragrepb lE hereof specifyln�:p)the breach;(2)the actton required to . , .
<br /> cure such brescb;(3)a date,not[ess t6an ZO days irom tfle date tDe notice!s msuled to Borrower,by w6fcb .. ,
<br /> � stccb Dreac6 must 6e cwed:and(4)that failure to cure sucb br e a c b oa or be fore the dsste speci�led In the aotice :�� �_ �
<br /> � Form 3828 � . • �
<br /> .. - �- ._ � �a�7B(NEI 1960t1 Ftyo a o18 �uffi%.Q.1s-7�5 - ' . . .
<br /> . •r, • ..
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