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<br /> .�:.: �' maq r�utt in a�era8�n of the s�s ss�ured by this Dxed of 11�ast an�sale oi the ProF�S� a�s°�• . . ' .`�,-
<br /> = fmttaer i�orna��wer ol tter et�t to reiastate efter ascelaatio�and tDe d�t to 1n3ng a couri ac�ion to << f V� .:�
<br /> '_ =�. mt .,_
<br /> �• �ert the nonexis�e�tse oY a defan[t or any otQ�er deS�se oY Horaawer to arcelerattoa and sata If t�e 6r�ad+Ls . .' ,
<br /> aot caned on pr kdore the date sped4fed�in We nottoe.i.en�'�at I.gude�'s opdan,ma9 aad may ia�o� '' _ .
<br /> - � sec��l bp tt�s Qe�al of Trast to 8e immediatelY dae aad payable wIthaut farthes d�nd . �`�. ` �,`,,,: _�
<br /> .. mm .
<br /> � �"� �� � ed b licebte law. Lender shat! 6e ent[tted to c�liett all �.���.�� •l:�.t... �.--'•
<br /> �� � pc►w�af sate aa�l say o3lter c�edles.gemnia Y app L nd . _,-F�-:
<br /> � I~ `� ,• reasonabie easfs snd esQ�ses fasarred ia pm�ing the r�ae�es provtded in tlsls par��raPS!7.inc4udigg,but ° _
<br /> _,"�'.s�^°�"`' �at Smit�to,ceasonsSs2e stta;�tey�s'fee.s. __
<br /> � � IB We power oY sate is iavok�.Trustee s5al1 tecord a notice of deYauIt in eacb oouaty in wLic6 tlte -
<br /> �, pu�op�ty or some paR thermf Ls[ocated aad sbaa maU oopies oY sacL notice ia the marmer p�sacte time
<br /> . g r�rlbed Dy apglIcabls taw.Aftei the lagse :. --
<br /> � . ,"•;< � appltcab2e Iaw w�orrower aad to the o4�er persuns P - _- ---
<br /> .t.'�.
<br /> b I�CaLte faw,�shaU give publtr notiae of sale to tlx petsoa�s aad in the�anrt� `�;:--�;--
<br /> Y �'�` as maY 6Q ee�ittired �$PP
<br /> �, prescrtbed by appllca63e law.Tcastee�wIt�out denaad an Bnrrow�,s�al1 se11 the PropertY st Pnb9�c audton :
<br /> ,. to the filgh�st 6idder at the ti�e an�l piace and under the+t�rms d�gnated in the aotioe of sa�e in o�e o oY the n L-4`---
<br /> . _ pan,els aud in such ord�as Trastee msty detesmiae.Trus4ee maY P�Pune sale of aD or a�r parcel -
<br /> ��, :"-
<br /> `' , . �+►F�9 dY D�c annouaccmeat�t ttte ttme aad place of any pmvLoussty sshednle�sale.I.eQdee or Lender's = _- -
<br /> . acsignee may pm�ct�ase the Praperts►at any�le. 'f� ``
<br /> � Upan ra�etgt of Papm�t of t�e price Did,lY�stee sdaD deliver w t�e purc6aser Trostee's de�conveying _ � -
<br /> ' the R�npertp said.The rediats in the Trast�'s deed sbaD be pri�fade evtdence o4 the t�ruih of the statemgaEs -
<br /> er '.
<br /> �de Werei�n.Trustee sdaU app4y the praceeds of tlee sale in the foIIo�ordeac:(a)to aD reasonahle casts aad . "__. _�
<br /> � - � expenses of ttce sai� Iaclading, 6ui aot limfted w, �astee's feas aduslly tasurred of nat more tdan �^, -_ _-
<br /> � 5.Ooo %of the grvss sate price,reasnnable attorneys'fees and c�sts o?title evtd�teet�dtied �.A..,�
<br /> g .ss
<br /> _ __ . ail sufns secmed hY t&Ls iTex�of Tras� aad te)tite� �enY.to the[�ersoa or peisoas legaiiy �.. .:._�.. -----�
<br /> , ''� t$rsdo. .
<br /> � a.=-- ------
<br /> � !S.Bomawer's R�;ht to lteinstate.Notwithstanding I.ender's acceIeration af the sams secured by this Deed of ---
<br /> � Ttust, due to Barmwer's breasb,Horrower shall have the rlght w have any pmceedinSg begW►b3'Lender t°enforce . .��.-:-�--�----
<br /> � � tius Deed of Trust discon�ued at any time prior to the earlier w accur of(�the fifth day before the sale of ihe - __ - -
<br /> .;;7`;, f eafarcing this Deed
<br /> �P�Y P��t to t h e pesa�of sale containeA in this Dead of Tn�st or(ii)enuY m_a 7�8�
<br /> �,;•'"..� af Trust if:(a)Bormwer pay3 Lender all sums wiuch would be then due und.,"r this t�Dced of Tcnst and the Note Ilad � �=` -
<br /> , . . �'� no acceleration occ�ried; @) Borrower cures all breac3ies of any other coveaaars or a� of Horrower .�..�;.
<br /> incurred b Le�s.':er and Trustee in �._.,�-~..�./.—.
<br /> ' contaiaed ia t�s Deed of Tmst; (a) Samower PaYs all reasonable e�nses Y , ,..�,-�� - .--�
<br /> . eaForcing the co�en�u a�!a�re�nenu of Borrower oc�;�in this D�d of Trust . �;' - --
<br /> , • an�in enfarciag I�ader's�d Tnutee's remedies as�S��ed in paragagb 17 heieof.includin$,but not 1'�^�i,to. . -���,.�-: '----
<br /> , reasonable attomeys'fee.c;aa d(d)Bo r r o w e r t a k e s s u c�:c a c u o n a s L e n d e r m a y rea�n�bl y s�e q w r e to assura�the �r:.��-.._;
<br /> .. ,.�
<br /> . lien of this Deed of Tnut, Ixnder's interest in the Property and Bosrower's o b li g a s ion t o p a y t h e s u m s s e c s:."�b Y •-.� _�,�-.-
<br /> � � - this Deed of Ti�st shall watinue unimpaired. lJpon slich Payment and cure by Borrower,this Deed of Tmst an d t he . �
<br /> :. ::•,�s:�-�;.sir:=:.;-
<br /> � obligations sesured hereby shall remain in fu11 fonce and effect as�f no acceteration had occurred. : . .T-s.=,
<br /> "�� 19.Assignment of ReU4s:Appoit�meat of Recxiver,Lender ta Yassffilom.As additlonal security hereuader, —
<br /> ' '.. .';� . Borrower hereby a5signs w�.endes the rents of the Propercy.Pmvided that Bormwer s,hall, prior w acceteiation , � :
<br /> have the right to ce��'�t and retain such rents zs tiiey . '
<br /> under paragaph I�hereof ar abaadonment of the Property, ;;;,k:-; .
<br /> - � '.•; 3 • become due and pay a b le. •'��-
<br /> eotor �'����: .- :--
<br /> ' �. ,.� Upou acoeleration under paragraph 17 hereof or abandonment of the Pcoperty,i.ender,in parson,by ag _ �.�`�
<br /> . � � by judicialiy appointed r�eceiver ahall be enritled to enter upon,take possessioa of aad manage the Froperty aad to � �
<br /> 0C
<br /> collect the rents of the lacoperry including those past due. All tents collected by lxndet ot the receiver shall De ,,;�-.
<br /> � � . applied first to payment of the wsts of management of che Pmperty and coltecaon of rents,iacluding,but nus Iimited . �t':
<br /> � � to.receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and re�sonable attomeys'fee.s.aad then to the sums secured DY this "�-.�� 'v
<br /> ��� Doed of Trust.ixnder and the receiver shall be liabie to account oaly for those rents actuallY receive¢1• .-=-- -
<br /> � ` '. 20. �raoeaveyance.Upon payment of a1i sutns secur�d by this Deed of Trust�LL�nder sha11 request Tnutee to , : . ..
<br /> � �convey th�Yroperty aad shal!surrender tti;s Deed of Trust sud all aotes evidenc�g indebtedness secured bY� �<,. ... • : .
<br /> . � ' Deed of Trust co Trustee.Tnutee s�all recomey the property without warranty aad without charge to the person or .. : . .
<br /> .. � ' persons legally enritled thereto. Such petson or persons shall pay all costs of recordatlon,if any. ,�.;,.� .
<br /> . Zl. Subst[tute Trustee. Lender. At Lender's option. may from cime to cime remove Tn�stee und appoint a '�,,`;i;:;: ..'. �:
<br /> n
<br /> ' successor tnutee to any Trustee appointed hemander by an instniment recarded in the county ln wh�eh this beed of �.� � � .
<br /> � � - ; Trust is recorded.Without convayance of the Properry,the successor trustee shall succeed to atl the tide,power and : .����'..
<br /> �� �� � duties confened upon the Trustee herein and by applicable law. � . �•
<br /> � 22. Request for Nuttc.es.Borrower requests t hat copies o f t h e n o t i ce o f d e f a v l t a nd IIotice of sale be sent to , . . . �
<br /> Borrower's address which is the Properiy Address. Fam�3828 .. . .
<br /> . . . ��76(NE�19602f Pape 8 0�6 I^'�:Ce'J.iry-"T
<br /> ' � � __..T-» -.—�. . . , - - •-'�—r____--__..._..__._�.._..._. .__.�. _ . - � . . . � , .. , ' • _d3 , •
<br /> � . . . . • . .. .. • .� . . . ' ` � � _ � . . . .
<br /> t� . • _ . , � � , . �. . . �.. �. _ . ' , ' _ .. " � _ . ._—�'."�._......�..,�.....�-.��+�".^-'• .. �. .
<br /> .w, . . . . —"—^— ' '- . � .
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