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<br /> `' `` [f the amouut of tl�Fuuds Esetd 6y Leader.cogether witL ths future moashly inac��lenta e p�r ` . :'_.
<br /> . , .�,:...� . . , . ,_
<br /> ,W . . �`"'°—�-s. �o ehe due daces of t�ces,assessmencs,Insuraltaz premiuma and grouud rea7s.shall e�ccee�the amouut requized co pay •
<br /> •�r. 4 .
<br /> � -` - said taxes.asse�. ir�aacc�teamiums and gmun�rmts as they faU due,suc]i eaoess shall be,at Bormwer's _ _ �
<br /> � .. ' optioa. either pmmpt3y repaid to Borrower or ciedtt�to Borruwer on monthly iastaiiments of Funds.If the amuunt � t
<br /> , • . .,'. ,�> ~: of itie Fwids held by Lender shall not t e��r��Oamount nece.sgarymto�maloe up the deficiencyr ia one�or more x i:
<br />_ ' . _ °t : ss they fall due: Baaower et�aH pay Y, '.... _
<br /> � t '. �tS 8.4 LCIIdCL ID3Y [C�t11lC'
<br /> _ � '-�"' . tTpon payment in fnU of all sums see�red by this P�of Tnut,Leadec s1ia11 Fro�tIY refimd to Botrowes aay ..� � `' _ -
<br /> , . Fands hetd by Leader. If un�er paragraph 17 hereof the Property is so2d or the Property is othelwise acqvu�ed by
<br /> ' `� � Lender,Iender shali apply,uo later tJ�n immediazelY Priar to the sale of the Property ar its acquisidon by Lender, --
<br /> . t` au�r Furids held by �edder at the time of appIicatiun as a ccedit aga�nst the snms secured by this Dced of Tnast. � ___..
<br /> � .0 .. u
<br />..� . ` 3.A p plicatdoa af Paymeffis.UnIess appllcabte taw provides otherwise,all PaYments teceived by I�ender tmder ` .� _
<br />:�: �;:: ;•.� . . the Note aud patagrapbs 1 and 2 hereof shall�e appli�by Lemder fiist i n payment o f amfl u n u pay a b l e w 1.e n d 4 n 1 ry �` ---_
<br />° : .:% Bonower andcr pa�agraPb 2 hereof,theu tv iaterest gayabte an the Note,and then w the prInclpal of the Note. � .
<br /> , • .• ,
<br /> � ` 4. Vr€or R9or2gages ead Deeds af Tnut; Charge� Limus. Boaower sHaU perform all of Bonawer's
<br /> abligations uader a�r mortgage,deed of t:ust or other securiry agceernent witb 1 lien a�ich has pdority over this " r _ _
<br /> ,. e
<br /> � �'. � Deed of Tn�st,includin� BoYmwer's covenants to make payment�when due.Borrower shaU pay or cause to be paid , :
<br /> =, :t .- , �' .r4,.,` ari taxes> assess�ments and o�her ch�ges, fin�aad imposiaons atai'b�abie to the Pragerry�+hich saay auaiu$ „ _� -
<br /> , , : , ��, prioriry over this Deed of Ttust,and leasehold payments or grotmd rents,if any .
<br /> � . .'- .� ' S.�rd Iasureuce.Barrower sball keep tit�improvements now existing or I�ereafter�t e c t e d on t he P r o perty ':
<br />- � insured against toss by.fire.Harards included within the teim"exteaded coverage;and such other hazards as Lender '-�=-y
<br /> may requirt aad in suc�amowits and for sucd��eriods as Lender ma}►ieqnire. �' ' :. _.
<br /> � .
<br /> � The insuraace carrier providing the insuraBC�shall be chusen Dy Botzvwer subject to approvai by L�der; � �,f�
<br /> — - pravict�i, tt�s��praval d�11 aat be mnreasoaablg.rriibheld.All insurance policies aad ieaewals thereof shall be
<br /> ea �
<br /> - •� ia a foim asceptabie to Lwder and shalt iaclude a staadaN mortgage clause in favor of and'm a fomt aix�eptable to f °��,;=___
<br /> . Leudrr. Lender shall have the right to hotd t�e Dolictes and renewa]s thereaf.subject to the terms of any►morigage. 6 _ -
<br /> ' ,'. .,• ; deed of trust or otUer securiry agreemeat wit�a lien abich 6as priority over this De2d of Trmrt. . F.,�
<br /> � : '' Ia the event of loss.Borrower shall give pmmpt aotice u►t h e i n s u r a noe c z z r i e r a n d I e n d e r.l.e n d e r m a 5►m a k e � .� �_
<br /> , ," .. proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. � -
<br /> .�,�.��
<br /> ,� � If the Praperty is abandoned by Borrower.or if Botsower fa�s to res�aaW.o Lender witlun 30 days from the �'�� ."
<br /> • date notice ia maled by Lender to�orro9ver that the insvrance carrier offeis w settle a slaim for insoranse beaeSu, �..::,�t :.' -
<br /> . . I r e n der is au t h o:i z e d w c o ll e c t a n d a p p I y t h e i a s u r a n c e p r o c e e d s at I.ender's o ption either to restoration or repair of . .:�.�- � -----_
<br /> ' � . the Property or to the sums sec�ued by this Deed of Tnut. � -�,��
<br /> . • . . 6. gtcservatton and Mainteaance oY lProperty,Lease�otds:Condo�iniams:Planued UnIt Iieveiopme�. �-
<br /> res • •��
<br /> - � � ' � Borrower shall keep the Property m good mpair and s�a1}not commit waste or permit impairmeat or dsteriorarion of --_,;�, ', r---
<br /> � ttte property and shall compiy with the pmvistons of auy lease if this Deed of Tttist is on a leasehold.If tLis D�d of,
<br /> _ � ' Trust is on a imit ia a coadominIum or a pla�ned unit development, Boaower shall perform all of Boirower's �;,��_-:�' A.
<br /> n m
<br /> F� � �� obligations uuder the declaration or cocenants creating or goveming t h e c o n d o m i n i u m o r p l a n n e d u n it dsvelo pment, , _
<br /> � ''�;;�i;' � the by-laws and regular�s of the condominium or planned unit devetopment,and consttitucnt documents.�
<br /> c ns
<br />— '.::`'.' .; 7.Protection of I�er's SeAU[ty.If Borroaes fxils to perform the cosea�u and agreements contained ia this �'� f .-
<br /> � '�;,.;�.,.• C :�• . _ .
<br /> � �.�;�� Deed of Tnrst, os lf any action or praceeding is mommenced which�ma:srii?Iy t�ffects l.endet's interest ia the � . _ _._
<br /> • pmpe�ty, �en LRnder, at Lender's option, upon notice to Bar�uwer, may make such appearances,disburse such - __
<br /> . . . •�,� sums, cslr�ing reasonable attomeys' fees. and take sueb action as ls n�ary.to protea Lender's intecest. If _ _ -_-
<br /> -r;;,, :..� � Lender r�ired mortgage insurance as a con di t ion o f m a t ti ng t l t e loan secured b y ttus Deed of Tnrst,:Bomnwer shall , ��T -
<br /> �. ,r:�''" pay the premiums required to maintain such insuraaoe in effect unril such time a�the reguirement for such insurance _
<br /> . ��,.. ' � ' terminates in accordance with Borrower's aud Lender's wriaen agreemenc or applicabte Iaw. . _ . _
<br /> ' . Art}r a�aounts dis�ursed by l.ender pursnaz►t to this paragraph 7. with interest therean,at the Note rate, s�a1i � .
<br /> �.;��. � '� ' become. ��itianal indebtedness of Borrower seaued hy tbis Deed of Trust. Un3ess Borrower and Lender agree to . ,
<br /> � . other termg of payment,such amounts shall be payable upon¢ac:ce ftom Lender to Borrower requestinS paYme�t '
<br /> � ' thereof. Nothing contamed in this paragraph 7 shall reyuire I.ender to incur any eapense or take any actton ..
<br /> ' ' hereunder. • . .
<br /> . - S.Inspecaton.Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable enuies cpon and inspectim�s of the Property. � ,, �.
<br />_- ' � pmvided that Lender sha11 give Borrower notice prtor to any such inspectian spec�fying reasonable cause therefor .
<br /> � : relazed to I.ettder's interest in the Property. Forcn 3828 ., �.,
<br /> ,� ��7GtNFJ 1960s1 vaso 9 018 wt�m.i:/��5 • .. �
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