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<br /> ` � ' ," ° • -a �B ����� � , �
<br /> `t ` ..� �,�,� � 17.TrnnsYer of ttte Property or a Heaeresial Interest ia Borrawer.If all or any part of the Property ar any iaterest it L , „
<br /> - � i�r,�td ar transferred lor if a beneficial interest in Borrower is s�ld or uansf�.ned and B�onon�ii�tA�tm��r,ecore� E►v�t1'►is ° -- �'-` _, '.
<br /> <��� '``� 'L e n Aer's prior wrltten consen� L e n d er may. at its aguon. c�q u i� �w�»m.• r-,----- = __ : £ —,:.s`�,<
<br /> � ' �'� � Security Inswment•However.this option s6a1!not be exercised hy I-ca►der if exemse is prohibited by f e d e r a l t aw as of the date � .
<br /> ``��� ° o€this Security tnsttument - —
<br /> F� �f��P�rc;«s this apdon.Lxnder shalt gi e Borrower notice of ac��elesation.The notice shal!provide a p�riod of not �:
<br /> v � `
<br />,_...�,,,�.• �". ':`:'� ' �iess than 30 days ftom the date the noiice is detivered or maited�vithin whicfi Bormwer must p�►y al! sums sQCUred by this :,::4 r:t_:._� l
<br /> . ,: t� g�rityr Instrument.If Bornnwer faits co gay these sums prior to the expirarion of this periad.Lender may u►vok�ciny temedies , ,_ r
<br /> ; ��Y pErmitted by this Security Instrument withrnn further notice or demand on Borrawer. rF.�
<br /> � a lg. gutmwer's Rig[tt to Retnstate. If Borraqcer meets a�rtaia coadirions. Borrower shall have the right to have c,�.<< : .':
<br /> ' . '� '� � enfarceme�of this Seccrity Instrament discoatinued at any tin►e prioT to the earlier of: (al 5 days(or such other periad as ;{:
<br /> , .. ';� applicable law may spec'tfY for reinstatemet►t) before sale ef the Property pursusnt w anY power of sale cantained �n this ,:
<br /> � �t � :r 5e�uuritY Instr�men�or(b�enny of a judgmer►2 enforaing this Security Instrnment.T�ose conditions aie that Borrower.(a�PaYs � *-- -.
<br />' - ;°n,�•:? Lender all sums which then would be due uader this Security Instrumeat and the Note as if no acceleration had occurred;(b) _ ...:':r : --
<br /> . � -�;>, cures a q y defa�tt of aay other aovenaats or agree�aents:(c)PaYg all exPeases incu�ed in enforcing this Security Instrumeat, � ;,;_ s
<br /> '` .;���� including,but not limited to,reasonahle attomeys'fees:an d(d)t a kes s u c h a c t i o n a s L e n d e r m a y r e a s o n a bl y r e q u i r e w ass�u+e . �`=.:�-
<br /> � � `y= that the lien af this Security I»sm�mem, 1.ender's agi�ts in the Property and Borrower's obligauon to pay the sums secured by --�
<br /> �. .s._�
<br /> • ' this Securiry Instrument shall con4inue unchanged. Ltpon reinstatement 6y Borrower. this Security Instrumeai�and the . . _
<br /> '�� -° • • `':� Huwever this ri t to ceinstate s1�a11
<br /> obligations�herelsy st�all remain fu11Y effecpve as�f no acceleradon had o�rred• • S�
<br /> ,<<"�' .. :'�, not apply in the case of acceleration under paragr�ph 17. _
<br /> �r, � 19. SaIe of Not� Change of Loan Serv[ce�'•The Note or a partiat inter�t ia die�Iote(wgether wnth this S�uritY
<br /> . '' ��"� � Inswment)may be sold one or more ames without prior notice to B�orrower.A sate may result in a change in the entity(lmown '°��•:� .: ,_ __
<br /> � -�--�.;:- as the"Loan Servtcer")that oollects m4ntlilY PaYments due under the Note and this SecUritY Inmvment.There aSsa may be one r�Y r 4�
<br /> m
<br /> ' �`:; , ar a�ie changes of the Loan Sen+icer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there is a cbange of the Lban Sen+icer.�ormwer will be
<br /> -�-'�� girea�ritten nouce of the change in accordance with ParaB►aPh 14 above and applicable law.The nodce wiU state the name aad �= �_
<br /> , . �,:,��
<br /> addcess of the new I.oan Servicer and the address to�vhich payments should be made.'Che notice will also wntain airy other � ti, ___
<br /> � � ' � ` .�� infomiation req�:�bY aPP�icable law. '� T"�'-;
<br /> • �;.�.-'`
<br /> ,,.;�;. . y0. ��gubstances•Bomower shall not cause or pernrit ihe piesence, use. disposai, storage. or telease of any __
<br /> � �z� Aa7ardous Substainces on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyoue etse eo do. �ng affeccing the _ _
<br />- '1':.,�,y,.� , pn�perty that is in vio l a t ion o f siry En v i r o n m e n t a l L a w.T h e p r e c e d i n g t w o s e n t e n c e s s h a ll n o t a p p l y to e preseace,use,or �"" --
<br /> ,'. ; stU.�age on the Property of small quantities of Nardrdous Substances that are generally recognized w be aPpropriate w normal. �� _---
<br />- �`_t°;; residential uses and to maintenance of the ProP�Y• �`�-_.�•-
<br /> ;:'•';,•.,,.
<br />-_'�`r-':�.�••' �: •�.•�1 Horrower sha11 promptly give l.ender wratten norice of any investigation,claim,demand.lawsuit or other action y anY _ _,.�...__,._
<br /> . � governmental or regnlatory agency or private parry invoiving the Property and any Ha�aadous Sa6stamce or Environmental Iaw �
<br /> of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Horrower l�trns,or is norified by any govemmentai or regulatary authority.that r.,
<br /> .��,��.'� any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous SWbstance affecting ttie ProPertY is necessary.Borrower shali promptly take �.,:;.;, �
<br /> . : � a11 necessary remedial actions in accardance with 8nvironmental iaw. �
<br /> . �- As used in this paragraph 20. "Hazardons Substances" are those substances defin�as toxic or ha�ardous subsrances by �" , --
<br /> . ,'t� gnvironsaental Law and the following substances: gasoline. kerosene, other ttammable or[oxic petco2eum proclucts, toxic . £� .
<br /> ' pesricides and herbicidzs.volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or formatdehyde.and radioactive materials.Aa used in ._.�=�.,,j ': _ -
<br /> ' this paragraph Z0. "Eavironmental l.aw" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Properry is located tthat �. �,.,.
<br /> - - �% relate to heatth,safety or envimnmenta!protection. _ --
<br /> � NON-UPIIFORM COVENANTS.Bonower aad Lender further covenant and agree as follows: ,� �
<br /> � 21.Acceteration;Remedies.I.eudes s6a11 give notice w Borrower prior to aocelerattoa foltovvins Borrower's breasA : ��,j
<br /> ° , .' ' � ;` . of any covenant or agreement (n this 5ecur(ty Instrament tbut not prior to aaaeleration under parag�$pb 1?unless
<br /> �� applicabte!aw providcs o3herwJse).The notice shall specify: (a)the default;(b)the action required to care the default; -:�, __
<br /> �' :
<br /> . • ,:� � (c)a date,aot less t han 3 0 d ays fro m t h e d a t e t h e n o t i c e i s g i v e n t o B o r r o w e r,D y w h t c h t h e d e f a u l t must 6e cure�l;and �r �� ��
<br /> ' � (�E�at faiture to cure the defauit on or before the date specified�n tbe notfce may resatt in acceleratton of the sums � ._
<br /> ' � seccae�by this Secacity�eseea�eat and sale of the Property 'l7�e notice shall Surther taform Borrower oS'the�ight to � - _
<br /> � � ; rein�sate after acceleratton ze3 the right to Grfng a wurt actfon to assert the non-existence of a default or any ot6er = �
<br /> � defense of Borro�ser to acceleration and sa1e.It the default is not sured on or before t6e date speciTied in the not�re, '-,:_�-"
<br /> � � on ma re uirP fmmediate payment in full of a.�snms secared by thls Securl4y Instrament without �' �` -=a '
<br /> • • Lender, at its opii . Y 4 '��' ..: �:_:-:;-
<br /> � �. ��. �, furthes demand aad may invoke the po�ver o!sale and any othes r+�r.'edies permitte,sl by appUcable law.Lender sbaU be ,, ,.;�_;r�,
<br /> entitted to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedtes provlded in tiils paragrapb 21,inciading,bat not Nmiled �����1,��
<br /> � to,reasonabte attorneys'4eesand costs of title evidence. . .,
<br /> � � If the po�ver of sal�is invoked, Trustee sha11 record a noitce oY default in each county In Nhich aay part af the
<br /> Property is located and shall mail copies of such not�ce in the manaer psescribed by eppliqble Inw to Borrower and to ..._..,,�;-g_-.
<br />��. :�•.: . � • the other pers�ns prescribed by appllcabte law.After the time requia�ed by appficable law,Trnstee shall give public notic¢ .. . . ,
<br /> � � ' • ot sate ta the persons and in the manner Qrrescri6ed by appltcabte ian.Trustee,without demand on Borrotiver,shall s�:9
<br /> ° • the Pcoperty at public suction to the highest 6ldder at the time and place and under t8e terms des}gnated in the notice of _, __� :
<br /> - . � sa[e,in one or mom parcels�ud in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parce!of the .;z, .�,,,,,�,,��.
<br /> u
<br />_ �� Property by publtc announcement�t the time and place of any previously scheduled sate. Lender or B�d�signee msy .
<br />,..�• ,� � •= purchase the Property at any snle. . ,`.' '
<br /> . ,. . �j, : .. .
<br /> . . . .. `• Form 3028 9I90 ";: .
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