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<br /> �L�,�'� sale,snd the saie,ind'*�the gayai�t of the-Tn�stee's fees a�lty iucun�ed.not to escee� S:00 `� `�
<br /> �:"""r"^=�. ag t�p�g�aa�nni of ihe note ai 4he t[me of the declaralion oY defanEt,aad rPasnaa6le atterneys'fees as p�rmi� `
<br /> , ;•; �� by ta�v;lb)to sIf sams�by this S�srity Iastr�ent;am1(c)an9 escess to the�erson or pepsons t�lly�Itt�Eo
<br /> . ` :�'`�; ��`: �' �t of alt,sums sec�irad by this Seciuity I�trument, Lender shall �quest Tnutee to
<br /> - ?Z.B�oomreyanoe�Upon paYmel► ,,
<br /> _- • � ���.:. F raoom�ey tlie Property snd s6ai1 sunendsr this Seeurity Inshwnent and and witIwut��to t8e psec�srei,6�ons 2egal�y . '�`•"
<br /> " •'�• • insuument to Ttustse.Trustee shal!�rney ttae Pmperty withoe►t waraauty� �
<br /> . • . - e�itt�to it.Suds pecson or pe.rsans shatl pay any recnrdauou costs. � ' _.
<br /> . , . 23.5nUsGttate Trustee.f.ender,at its option. may fcom time to tube remave'I'n�ste�and appoint a snccessor trustee to --
<br /> : .'3� any Trast�aPP��h�+mder by an insuvmiem reaorded in tfle oounry in wpich this Security tn�n,.±,�_a�is iecorded.Withaad _
<br />- • wnveyance of the Pcopt:ny.the saccessor�ustee sl�all snecer�w all the tiBe,power and dnttes casferred upon Tsustee h�rein
<br /> ��;,: � � and by aQplicabls taw. •
<br /> ``, • 24.Request for Natioes.Borrower cequest�that capies of the notic�s of dei'avlt and saIs be sent to$orcower's'addre�
<br /> .:�';. .. .�`;�' ° wluch isHie Pmperty Addt�ss. , :
<br /> +..:.?;
<br /> ` ".., :�_,: ,� ' • �? 15.Rtders to tbLg Secvrlty Instnmieat.ff one or mose riders are e�[eruted by Bormwer and recorded togeiher witli ihis, .�.,•
<br /> : •Fr�-'. � : g��yr tnsvoment,.the cove�ants aad agree�r�ts af eac�i such ridec sball 6e incosporated iato and shall amend and st�ppletnent. � „-
<br />'' ���� the wvenants amd agreemenis af this Security Inswmept as if the rider(s)were a part of tTr�s Secarity Insua�ae�• �
<br /> . . ,.. -� [Check applicable box(es)] �. � �, ,
<br /> . � .� •��.: .� � ' [�I-4 F�i! Rider , �°k-
<br /> • . : 'i;��� ,�Adjustable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider Y , _
<br /> ,. - � Geaduated Payment Rider �Pianned Unit Development Rider O Second Ho�n�eRides • -
<br /> _ .� .. • `����, Baltoon Rider �Idate Impmvement Rider . � �• `
<br />- (''� V.A.Rider � O.Otbcr(s)[��Yl �'�''
<br /> ". .. .'. '' ' ' ' � �
<br /> ' F _ . . . . ' �,'.'
<br /> _ . . '.; . , ' ' . . . �,�t.� .
<br /> - . . , .� � : SY SIGNIN(i BELOW.Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenanu.contained iri W9s Secucil�:Insuumet�and -�.:..
<br /> ' :'; in any ridex(s)execnted.by Bormwer and recorded with it.
<br /> . .. VY'm�esses: ' � (Sr�at) • ' ��
<br /> �, _ . . •�'
<br /> • • � r; � � . � DARLETTA M BKOADWAY . -soi-o�ver � _
<br />-,,.'. . . .
<br /> ——_- __. _ _ j.L . • - . - lvT� ,�)
<br /> , ' � . -B'orrower
<br /> _ � . , ��' _
<br /> F ,. • �+ � (Seal) ' , (Se31) . �'
<br />— . . . � • � -Botrower . � -Borrawet- � _..
<br /> - . '':, , . . . • ' . .:;:,
<br />_�. . SI'ATE O�NEBRA&KA► . Caunty ss: AALL ' . -
<br /> . � ' � f� Q;n�mstrument was acknqwledged before me this 1 ST day of DECEMBER , . 199� •
<br /> ;i. �. by �eAR��T�A M BROADWAY • ..
<br /> •`� in said County.the date aforesaid.
<br /> -- : ,:;,'t;:. . ' Witness my hand nnd wrarial seal az f3RAA1D I SLAND NEHRASKA . . ,
<br /> � : . N1y Commission�xpires: GENEAALN6tAA1•S�d�(ebru�a � n.� �,(� _
<br />-- •�, , � II lAAAN E.KERSiEH Notary Gc ..
<br /> ,.: � I.y coma►f�,1U�t�.19sa
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