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<br /> .F__. � i Y .S �.� s y C.. . J' .i., _
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<br /> �. '. - - �i. _ � _ - �_,, .d � - -
<br /> . .l -� Q. . `t �� Y i .. � L' Y .'`�` t .� ..!- s .1 + -p ' .
<br /> �t fiC� L' - " �L5''C _ _ � _ _ __— '5�.--_ �.c"_ Ff�• �e{i., f. -a _.�..L�� �_,
<br />.. , .� F y", �Q'_^.
<br />� `6. � �,`'n( IIIG i111J11���� _:V.
<br /> � y '��•'` ' rto!on er be at the o uon of i.ender.if mort e insuraace covera (�a unt or e�eriod � �`
<br /> . P���Y S ��. P � Sa8 P,e .
<br /> y: , ...� " " that Leader req�{i�+esf Provided by an insarer appro�ed by Lender again 6ewmes avaitable and is a�itained.Sorrowe�shall�ay �� "
<br /> LL ` , �:,'< th�premiums require0 to mA;�A;n�ng�snsuratice.in.effect.or ta pmvide a toss ceserve,�ntil tlte re�niremem for mortgage .�
<br /> ,- •:.',• � $t�e�neat betweea gor.�oNerand I.eader ar appluxble law. . �f .
<br /> .�r}`•� . , insw�ance ends in.uooardanrc�vith an writcen a
<br />� _---- � q- T�. 1�P7 IfI:te ooM1!m��,s�w��a��/�/.�����L�����w.. r /... 1►�.......... r..w.�..��:�sv ' -_
<br /> � `y��� m Vs YR s�y!`lvaa�.aa4�awa $a __ _
<br /> .< :,.-_ .�orrower notice az t6e tim�af or prior io�nn inspection specifying reasona6le cause for the inspec4ion. � .
<br /> � , _, im
<br /> ...,::. .`..° �•°; !0. Conde�n�ion.The pmceeds of any awal�d or claim for daznages.d�r�or c�asequeniial,in wnnection with aIIy -
<br /> � <:.., , :
<br />_ . ,...�'':'�q wndemnation or ottier taking of any part of the Propeity.or for oonveyance in iiw of cand.emnation,are hereby assigned and
<br /> -�:- ,sf�be paid to Lender. . �
<br /> F; • 4�' <.;.,� .. In the event of a total taking of the Property.the pmceeds shall be applied to the sums secamd by this Security Instrument, �
<br /> .,` � wl�ther or noi t�en due. with any excess paid w Borrower. tn the event of a partia! talcing of the Property in wfucb t&e fair �`�-�• -
<br /> � :.`,� marget yatue of the Progerty immediately before the taking is eqnal to or greater than the amount of the snms secured by Wis s�
<br /> � .� ..' °.: Security Instnimem immediately before ths tal�ir►g.unless Borrower aad I.ender athe�vvise agrex in ovriiing,the sccros secuted by ..;�_.
<br /> .. :,�., this Security Instrument shali be reduced by the aarount of the proc�ds multiplled by the following fraction: (a)the�Wtal
<br /> � .,• �•`".;'
<br /> ;. ,,�-:� .,, ealIOUttt of the soms stctl[ed iv+m�liatPly 6efor�e the takiqg,divided by{b)the fair m�ket valne of We Property immeAiateIy �=°'
<br /> � before the ta�iag. Any balance s6all 6e�faid w Borrower. In t6e event of a partial taldng ef the Property in which the fair �
<br /> • '' markei vat�e of the Property itnmediately 6efore the tatdng is less than the amonnt of ti�e sums sacured immedtately 6efore the ;_..���'
<br /> < � ` �%" taking.unte�s Borrower and I.e�der otherarise ag�ee in writing or fmtess agpiicable!aw otherwise pnovides,tt�e proceeds shall
<br /> . .:'c`•':.:': °�;.•:: be apptied w the sams securett dy ttris Seauity Insuument whether'or not the sums are then due.� � , � _.�'�':`
<br />` "'° , If the Fmperty is abaadoned by Borrower,or if,atier notice by Leader to Borrower tharthe condemnar offeis to make an
<br /> ,-°` award or settte a claim for damages.Borrower fa�s w t�espoad W Lender within 30 days after dte date the notice is givert, _
<br /> "`•` . . . � , Lender is authoriz�to ooltect and p� repair of the Property or ta the sams --
<br /> �� appiy t6e proceEds;at its o oa.either to restoration or
<br /> _ . :.,u:. sec'ured by tbis Security instzameat,whether oF nut then due. � � � . . -
<br /> . `". ` ; � Untess Lender and Borrower otherwise agne ip writin�, anY apPtication of praseeds to principal shaU not extend o; ;`'��,�
<br /> . " �" postpone the dne,date of the monthly paymenfs refen�ed w in paragiaphs 1 aad 2 or change the amonnt of sucb payiments: .'.;.-:�°
<br /> ' ` �•i � ` r ll.Boreower 11Iot ReleBSed;Fol'b�*a*��By Leader Not 8 WeivA'.Extension of the timc for a
<br /> - p yment or madificaaon '
<br /> °. ' � � ���' :s`� of atnorti�ation of the sums secaued by this Seauity Inswment granted 6y i.eader to zny s:.�c�essor in iaterest of Borrower shaU '�' -
<br /> .° '��`: rtot operate to reIease the liability of the originai Bormwer or Bmrower's sacc�sors in ia�,erest.L,ender shall not be require�W �
<br /> , . ` ; commeuce proceedings agaiast�any sucressor in interest or refnse w extend rime for payment or otherwise mottify amartiTation
<br /> E �.' of the sume scaued bq.this SecnrI Inctn�ment h reason of an demand , �: �
<br /> . ... ;:' tY Y Y made by the ongmal Bortoiver or�orrower s �v�.:_,�
<br /> . succaasors in interest.Aay forbearance by Lender in eaercising any rig6t or remedy shali not be a waIver of or preetade the �� •.
<br />�� e��e�mf a�+rig6t ur remedy.� �....
<br /> �i ;:...�
<br /> ' : ' � �: Sac�oessora arid Assigas Bomcd;doi�and SeveraR�f�ety;Co-signe►s. 'ihe wvenant�and agreements of this. �:'_�`_��
<br /> ' �, � , Seeurity Instiument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigc�s of&.�der and Borrower, subjeet to tlte ptovisions of ���!: ��•,.
<br /> ;;: ,. �.�_� . < paragraph 17: Borro�r`s covenants and agreements shall be joint and s,.�dal, Any Borrower riho co-signs this Security " '
<br /> Insuument but doas noi execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instn�ment only to mongage,grant and convey that � `
<br /> y-�..,� � L Borrower's i�rest�n the ander the terntis of this Se��s Instcument;.(h)is not ersonal � F,--"---.
<br /> _ _ •` , `;'; �� ;Y P �Y 9bligated to pay the sums _
<br /> - . �• secured by tlris Security Insuwnent;and(c)agees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to eaten�,madffy.forbear or �`
<br /> �,; ��.,_'_�:
<br /> . _ _ make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Securiry instrument or the Note.witttout that Borrower's consenG E. ?=--
<br /> � 13.Loan Chs�r�es.If the loan secured by this Security Insuument is subject to a l�w whic�seu maaimum loan chatges, _`
<br /> � . . ,� and that!aw is finally interpreted�so that the interest.or other loan charges collected or to be collected in con�ection wid�the
<br /> '' �. . loan exceed the permitted limits,then:{a)any such loan charge shall 6e reduced by the amount necessary to redace the charge -
<br /> ;�;• '� • . to the�aermiaed Iimlt;and(b)any sums already coliected fro�L'anower which exceected permitted limits will be refunded to
<br />�� . . � � � Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct � . `
<br /> � � - , ` . payment to Borrower. If a refund redures psincipal, the reduction will F�e treated aq a partial prepaymeat wiihaut any
<br /> � � " � ��' ' • prepayment charge under the Note. � x°
<br /> ��' � :'� •• 14.Nottr.es.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing � `��
<br /> � . �:,'.;: . ,��'�:.:; _
<br />,.;,'..; : F it riy fr�t class mt�il unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notic�shap be directed to the Property Address • =
<br /> �;. �. ' �� or any other address Borrower designates by nodce to Lender. Any nouce to Lender shall be given by frrst class mail to °
<br /> + • . I.Qnder's uddress stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bprrower. Airy notice provided for in Phis
<br /> _ � � • Security lnswment shali be deemed to have been�ivven to Borrower or Lerider when given as provided in this paragrapb, �
<br /> _. . ���. . � • Is Governing I,ew; Severa�ility. This Security In..Ctr�ment shall be governed by federa] iaw and the law of the.
<br /> '`�"' , '` ' urisdiaion in which the Pro e es located.In the eveni�'�:3ny provisian or ctause of this Security Instrument or the Note
<br /> �,,;,,,,;,;,,,;,' . j v m�-- �::_,-��.
<br /> .`• • . conflicts with applicable law.such conflict sha31 not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> ri`�. . . given effect without the conflicting provision To this end the provisions of this Seatrity InsWment and the.Note are declated
<br /> �:.� ' to be severable. �',:., ���
<br />�-:�y � .' ". ` 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shali be�iven one confcm:ed wpy of tI:�Note and of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> :,
<br /> ��;;.; � Form 3028 8/90
<br /> , � . Pago 4 0l 8
<br />�j,i' .. . � .
<br /> .. 't.. • . . _
<br />. . . . ' �f^ .. � .
<br /> •__ . ..
<br /> . _r. , . . .. . �' , ' , . .. . : .. . _ . � . .� . . . . .. � . - _ .. ' , , . . . , .. �..
<br /> � . , , . .� . � . ' • - ' _ . . , .; . +'-. . ' ;'. - .. .. � �`-..-�'- :F�_. -.
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