_. 8.F.�o-..::?� � �. ,� _ . .. .: : .:. :..:. .-..::r.�K.°. z�,��.-� =�c.. _.:ia�._ �c .._�?i'di °R'••.,s,..t, $ - -
<br /> ,�� ;r - - : a � — �� �.�, -`
<br /> �, t
<br /> `"� :i.o ' ` ' " .'.� - . ,_��, E _ 4 I Y 0, h�.',E [�. ' Y'if G �F �;
<br /> _ '�"c:�ai.�'. . ,
<br /> . y-�� ' ' sv6stantialty�quivateni aiortgage�insusance caver�e is ndt available,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to �_
<br /> �_�.,:,�.-��'``-��,� - one-twelfth of i�e yearty fnp�t�age insucauce prem�um 6eing paid by Bomower�vhen the insurance coverage lapsed or ceas�d to —
<br /> `•'`� �'' ` 6e in effect.Lend�wtH a t,nse art8 r�etain these a ments as a loss reserve in lieu of mo
<br /> .�:��:;��' . ,ti>. �P P y rtga�e inswance. Loss teserve �
<br /> : ��. . payments roay no longer�e rcqiured,at thc aption af Ixnder, if mortgage insurance coverage tin the amount and for the period E:�'
<br /> �,;4::r� tiiatt R.ender re�uiies)provided by an insurer approved by Lender a��ain 6PCOmes availabte and is obtaiaed.Borrower shal!pa
<br /> ,; ", ;� shc premiums rcquineQ to mainfaia mort�e insuranoe in effect,or to provide a toss reserve,unal the requirement fnr mortga� '
<br /> _ ``;ti� • ;�":' inwr�ce en�ts in accaNar►ce with any written agn�ement bet�veen Bor�ower and Leader or applicabie taw. '
<br /> -� �.. >�.':'��.
<br /> . ,. 9:iacp�ti�n.Lsnder or its ugent may make masanable entries uQon and iaspenions of the Propertg.Lendei sh�It giv�
<br />'-�Y. 4��;� -,,� ` Borrower.notice at the time ot or prlor to an inspeetion specifying reasanable ca�ue for the inspection.
<br /> l0. C�demnatdaa. Thc prooeeds of any anmrd or cltedm for datnages. direct or consequentia{, in oonaeation with any�°�
<br /> . _ • �� condemnation cir other.takln�af any part of the Prapenp.or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation.are hereby,pssigned anc� �
<br /> , S' stia}I 6e paid to i.ender. ' • ��s
<br /> _ in the event of a tatal takin�of the Propertv.Ihe pmceOtic rhall he s�sm�tietl tn t�c��mc�.,rrorl i�v�i�io Gnr�wti.�.r.�......-...� -�°' �
<br /> .._� _. . ._ '1......rwr� J w.M1WfM1�7ti��
<br /> - : .:v;.- ��vnettter or nqi titea due,with any eacess paid to gomower. In the cvent of a partialitakin�of tke Property in which the fail�
<br /> '�,`. ' mar6et value of the Property immedlately before the ts�lcing is egual to or grrster t�san the amount of the sums sewre�by this =
<br /> '..;�,---°'."��;.� Security Instiument immediately befare the tatcing.unlQSS Horrower and Lender othenvise agree in writins.the sums s�cureA by •
<br /> -_---- �� t�is Seauity Instn�ment shall bc redaced by the aniount of the pr+oceecis mulapfied by �he following fraction: (a) t6e tcrtai "
<br /> , ,. ,-,.-:::..: -
<br /> . , amoiusi af the swns secured imme�diately 6efoie tlre takiag,divided by(b}the fair rtuuket valae of the Properqu immediatefy
<br /> d
<br /> N`�°� � • ' befor�the ta�ing,qny 6alance shail 6e paid to Borrower. [n tfie etcnt af a parasl taking of the Property in which the fair �?
<br /> �t .: . . .
<br /> • .. . market value of the Property immediatefy beforc the taking is tess than t6c amount of the sums secured immediately 6efore the �'�
<br /> �.. � _ _ �' ta�ing.unl�s Bnmower and Lender odierwise agree in writing or unless applicable!aw otheraise pmvides.the proceeds shall �.
<br /> , •��'' be applied to the sums secured by this Security Insuvment wkether or not the sums are thea due. ��
<br /> .y `� ' if the Propetty is a6aitdoned by Barrower,or if,after notice by lender��Borrower t�at the oondeawor offers to m�tce an =
<br />• .. ' award or sptte a claim for damages�Borrower fails to respon0 to I,eader wiUrin 30 days after the date the notioe is given. -
<br /> . ,,��':� ,'r: ;,� Lender is authorize�!to collect and appty the praueeds,at its option.either to restoration or repair of the Property os to the sums �
<br /> �, ' secure�by this$eamty lnstr�ent,whether or not then due. �'_-
<br />_, ; :'F��,�- Untess Lendea and Borrower atherwise agee irr writing. any �pplication of proccecis to principal shal! not extend or
<br /> • ° postpane the due date of the monthdy paya�ents refemd to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change the amount of sach payments. �.'`
<br /> ' ���". ; . - 1i.Bormw�No!Released;For6eareQCe B Lender Nat a WiiIver.Extension of ihe time for
<br /> Y t i�' paymEnt or modification � �''-.=
<br /> ' ` ��"' : . of amort'vation of the sums secured by tl�is Secarity Instrument granted by Ixnder to any s�ccessor in"snterest of Borrawer shall �
<br /> �. � not operate to�lease the liability of the origina!Borrower or Borrower s successois in interest Lender shal!nnt be required to �r�:
<br /> • � . commence�procx.,dings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend tim�e for payment or otherwise modify amorti7ation '
<br /> .. . of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by r�ason of aay demand made by the original Bomower or Barrower's �L�,
<br /> -� - -° �`:� srica�ssors in interest. Any fori�eaiattce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall noe be a waiver of or preclnde the � �"�
<br /> .. ��. �u•. exerciseufany rightor remedy. '
<br /> .•; .�� -!•: 1Z.Succe�so�s and A�fgns Bound;Jo3nt aad Severel Lfa6llity; Co-signers. Tfte cavenanu aud agreements of thig ��.
<br /> .. , • Securi ty Insuument ehal l bi n d a n d b e n e�t t t h e s u c c e s s o r s a n d a s s t g n s o f L e n d e r a n d B o r r o w e r, s u b j e c t t o t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f .
<br /> "::��'°:, .N «' � paragcaph 17. Borrower's coveqaau and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower whp co-siga4 this Security @�-
<br /> •. �-- - ' Lutrumqnt but does not execate the Note:(a) is co-signing this Seca.vIty 7astrument only ta mortgage,grant and canvey that
<br /> � .�• ,;, '� `�"'<< Borrower's interest in the Pcaperty under the temu of this Securiry Instrument; (b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums �...�
<br /> . � '• secured by this Seq►rin Instniment;and(c)agrees that Lender aAd any other Bosrower may agree to extead.modify.forbear or m'
<br /> "F.,:•: �_� . : .�'' make any acxomraodat�ons wiW regand to the tesms of�this Se�urity Instrument a�the Note without tdat Borrower's consent. = °
<br /> �.; :r.. ::� ....: .,�'? 13.I.oan Ctiarg¢s.�:the luan secured by this Securiry Instrument is sab,ject to a law wluch sets maximum loan charges. � _ -
<br /> „t and that taw is finally interpreted so t6at the interest or otAer loan charges oollected ar to be collected in wnnection with the �°
<br /> , I�an eaoee�c�e ermitted limiu.then:(a)an such loan ch ';!�• •:
<br /> • , i•.� P y arge shal!6e reduced by the ampunt necessary to redace the charge, �-
<br /> �• .' ':�.�: �; to the perm.i�.ed limit;and(b)any sums already ooltected from Borrower which exceeded pertnitted limits will be refunded to
<br /> : `�'
<br /> •� • • Sorrower. I.ender may choose to make this refund by redacing the principal owed under the Note or by making a direct �
<br />�r.. •.___•_,� ... '; gayment to Borrawer. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction wi!! be treated as a partial grepayment wfthout any ��:_:._-
<br /> � � pmpaymeni chasge under the Note. �
<br /> ° � ^ -= 14.No3ices.Any notice to Bonower tovided for in ihis Securi Instrument shalt 6e �'-
<br /> P ty given by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> „ . � �,; it by first c�ags mail un2ess appllcable law requires use of another method. The rcadce shall�e directed to the Pcoperty Address
<br /> _ _ ' � or any otl:.r address Barcower d�ignates by nodce to Lender, Any notice ta Lender shall 6e given by first cisss mait to .�'�f:.
<br /> , � •.��; Lender's address state�.herein or any other address Lender designates by natice to Borrower.Any notice provided for in this
<br /> , Security Instrument sha116e d��med to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph. �`�
<br />, . '.'� 1S.Governing Law; Severability. This Security Iqstrument shall be govemed by federai law and the�law of the � �-��-��
<br /> �- jurisdiction in wiuch the Prnperty is located.In the event that any provision or ctause of this Security Instrument or the Note . �`�
<br /> `�• ,.� ; conflicts K:"rth applicabte law.such conflict shalt not affect other pmvisions of this Security Instrument ar the Note which can be `�'`
<br /> � :.
<br /> _g,iven effect�arithaut the wntlicting provision.To this end the provisions�f this Security Inst�vmcnt and the Note aze declared
<br /> . ` _ to 6e severa6le. • , ��:=:.
<br /> ' , . - 16.Borrower'e Copy.Borrower shall be gives�one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Ir.sirumem. � :�•: '-
<br /> 17*TrensPer of the Propetty or a Benetidat Yntenest in Bnrrower.Lf all or any par3 of the Property or any interest in I!
<br /> • �_ is sotri or transfeaed(ar if a beneficia�ir,�erest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)•without
<br /> -�- � - - : L.ender's priot written cnnsent. Lender may, at its option. reqairs immediate payment in ful! of all stims secured by this
<br /> _. ', , Security Inswment.However.th�s aption shall not be exercised by Y.ender if exercise is prnhibited by federa!law as of the date -
<br />- _ of this 5ecurity Instrument. . •
<br /> -� � if Lender exercises this option, Lender shall give Bonower notice of aceeferation.The notice shall provi�e a period of not
<br /> . � , less than 3d days,from t6e date the nqtice is delicered or mailed within whidt tiorrower must pay all sums secuted by this ��."�
<br />- � Security Instiument.If Borrawer faifs•ta pay tkese sums prior to dre espiration of this periad.Lender may invoke arry'remedies
<br /> • . permitted by 5his Security Instrument tvit��out fnrther noticc or der�nd on Bonower.
<br /> . , 18. Borrower's Rip,ht to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions. Borrower shall have the right to have
<br /> enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discontinued at any time prior ta the earlier of: (a)5 days (or s¢ch other period os ��=-
<br /> - . � applicablc law may specify for reinstatement) befcs� sale of the Properiy pursnant to any power of saie wntuined in this
<br />_ � . Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgmene enforcisg this Security Instrument.'i7�ose wnditions ate that Borrower:(a)pays
<br />_ ,,; Lender aU sums�vhich then would be due under this Sccurity /nstrument and the Noto as if no acceleration had accurred;(b) •
<br /> � .. ���;,�:: �� , � cums arry d,efault of any other covenanes ar agreements; (c)pays all expenses incurred in entorcing this Security Instrument. •
<br />_ � � , including,but not limited to.reasonable attomeys'fces: and(d)takes sucfi nction as Lender may rcasonabty require to sissure
<br /> . that the licn o f t his Secvriry Instrument.Lender's rights in the Property and Bonower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> � . this Security Instrument st�all continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the
<br /> � • • abligations secured hereby shall remain fully effecti�e as if no acceleration had occurred.However,this right to reinstate shall ,
<br />- , noi apply in the case of acceleration under paragrdQh 17.
<br />-- . • � 19. 5ale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interat in the Note(together with this Security _ �
<br /> . Instrument)may be solJ one or more times�vithout prior notice to Bonower.A saie may resutt in a change in the endty(known
<br />- ' ' • ' as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Securiry I�sstrument.There also may be o� •
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unnelated to a sale of the Note.lf there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be '�' �
<br /> � � . • given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice will state the narttc and '� � '
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer anii the address to which payments shonld be made. T6e naNce will also contain any other
<br /> _ . . informatian required by applir.�ble law.
<br /> ' . Z0. Hazardous Substances.Bunotver sh•all not cause or pem►it the presence. use,disposal. storage,or relea5e of nny
<br />-_ Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. $arrower shall rtat do, nor allotv anyone else to do, anything affecting the, �
<br /> , . Property that is in violaiion of any Environmental Law. 7he pmccding two sentences shall not apply to the presence. use,or
<br /> storage on the Propetty of sm;ill quanq6es af Hazardous Substances that are gertemlty reco�rnixed to hc appropriatc ro rturmal "
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. �
<br /> . ' ' ''� Ped�3 of 4 Form 3028 9f9D .
<br />' ' . `I - .
<br /> . _. �r, , _ . .......` . ' ' ' _.
<br /> - ' - .-.__-+—.-.-.�-�.. ...-'---�ar.----+-._,...-_..-..,..-_......�-•, ---^-'^—�--� _ _-- . . ' - . ' .
<br /> •...�.�.�.�. ..._. L ....��,��. �'. __ ' . _ _ .._ _—_ _ � . �—._`Yt f. _'1_. .. . . _ . . - � , .1� . ... . . . l'. . � ... . .
<br />