: •
<br /> _ ' ' • r -..:, u, n
<br /> �.� ..- .. . ....' ''. . . -.. . x,._.�::-_._......��,._,ci__c.` . . :�.�t rx�y5�-t.�'"' . . _._._...._. • ..._ _ -�� .._�__'
<br /> -- �2'�'RF'.--. _. - ' '` — __.— _r ._�; 4.__ —'_ _ _._. _ .,. �_
<br /> -.''r ♦ ^»..+.-. � d, +- . �4. -�E' 'S h. - w . } �i'a �3 -
<br /> �t E � c� s� ' „�,��� 1
<br /> :9:r . �"yr�T c�&` �F ?t-^'. � '' y.- .y ` , r. '9� c '3-- t�'` �'�_
<br /> o t�i ,�� Y �' . .r.., + 't ''t4
<br /> . '' _ .< .s;.� °.- ��-r._-
<br /> . -'`Y_ .k-�.c� . . • _ _�.}_
<br /> ,<..
<br />._,r.' c -' . 1 ����.
<br /> .`� '"�f` Bomnwer.st�al!pro�agt2y give Leader vlritten aotiae af any investigation,ctaim. demaad.l�vscsnit or other action by anY _ -
<br /> - ,'A ����y gflvetamattai or re�ulat�=YageacY or private p�rty u►volving the Property�nd any HaT.�udous Substanoe or Environm�tal Law �,��,:
<br /> •`. ;' of whic'h$oaower�as actual kaowledge.if Erniower l�uas.or is na�fed by any gavemm,�ntai or regt��nry awh�ri3y.t�at
<br /> ' Botrovs�er sl�all promptly tak� •''�,:
<br /> - ;. •.�- '• arty cemoval or dther r�iation,of�ny Haiardo�ts Substansx affecdng the Fmpe�Ry is ae�ssary. ' -;=.
<br /> n
<br /> _ .:.. . . a!g r�sary'rem�al actions in acoondat►�oe with EnvimnmeStat�.aw_ °=-�"
<br /> ;.�.c.r`, .�,:,'. . �
<br /> ��. ��.:.� . .As used�n this P�Ph 2Q, °Haza�dons Snbstanoes are tho�e substanoes defiaed as wxic or hazardoas substances by.� ��;
<br /> �>:� � gn,trimnmental Lnw�nd the following substances: gasolitte.ketoseae.oihe�flmm�i3ble or rouic petrol�n Qroducts. taxic i
<br /> �<`h �; e�ticldes and I�bicid�..vofasile solv�nts,arat�riais oonta�ning as6estos or fom�a[de�yde.artd radioactivs materials.As used In �.•;..;
<br /> �P��?P�Z0,`'Enyitonmea�l Iaw" u�eans federel taws and taws of the jorissiiction where the Property is tocated ttrat� _
<br /> ' . re�at�to heaIt]�.safety or e�vltonmeatal pmtection. � '��
<br /> = �..�.�*� .+r�ni►ss sv�7rvai�wt•on o .....t t�w..i�.R.wiw.�...•rrwnf a.�.i aer►nP wc Fs�/lnWR: � � ' � .
<br /> � �- �c- ,. ..—- �--�� - 1tVis—i71�'V+��»���.�v.�ov�.vw..ow. '�---�r.... �---—+." s
<br /> ' ` 2I.Ao�Ieration;Remedi�.Leudes sbaD give aottae to Borrnwer prlor to soceteea3ion folio��orrower s 6�sb�• �.:-
<br /> � - of an� w�eaaat or ageeem�t �a tLLs S�rttY Instrument (but ao! prtor to aocdexatfan nud� arag�aPB 19 aat�ss�
<br /> tL to cure tLe defa�tit;c�
<br /> a�pllcabte taw�rovides otherwlse).Z�e notfee sl�ali specnfy. (s)t�e deffault;(�)We astfon require � •.L.
<br /> -: - (c)e date,ant tess t�3a days,from the date t8e�cot[oe is gtven to Su�rower,by�s�tl�+defsa�uae�st be c�red:a�d � „
<br /> � (d3 that:Paii�e to'wre the defanit on or 6�ar+e t�e d�te spedf�ed ia ttis Qottce may resu[t`ia s�oeteratlan o�titg su�as ;� :
<br /> ��'. , s�u,ed by Wis Se�Tastrnmceat sud saie of the Pc��gerty.T6e natire shaD f�t�er inior�Sormwer of i�e right to ,
<br />��.'��`c'A:.;�� `�� � reinstate after�ce[eraHea aad tbe r�ht tb br6ng a wuri sctton W assert tQe nan�extstence of a default or any otEtc�
<br /> - sal�YP th'e�d e€a n l t�s n o t c u r e�o�o r b e f o r e t h e d a t e s p e c t f f e d in the ao t t�e, , -_-
<br /> • deFense of$oarower 4o socei�dion and ��J,_-
<br /> . ;``.' , Lend�, at Its op93on,in�Y r�ire immedlate @aYmeat In fall of sD saam4 secured 6y t�ia 5�Insriument�vithont ��-- �
<br /> � �� 6�ariher deinaad and may[nvoke t6epawer oi saje 8ad myy other remedtes petmttted bY aPP�cable law.I,tmder slt�llall be• • ,� .-_
<br /> �'-"�`� �titted W colled ail eapenses incutred in p�'suinS ttie r�edieq pmvided iu tbLs pata�aph 2t,.i�Tud�,but aot Uin[t�d _
<br /> ; ' ' �>: ":�` to,ceasanabie attnrneys'fees snd casts of tltie evideace. . °
<br /> ,.,...� . .
<br /> ,,. � �• �,,,s� If the pmwer o�_�te t�Imroked, Tr�.stee shall.record a noifce of ddaW!ln rac6 county in wh[ch any part of the `�.�•,;c�.
<br /> .' . "..-;� FropeKy{s[oeat�and s6a11.mail coPi�a oS sad�nottce in the manIIer prescribed bY applica6le law to Borrower aa�l to �r-.`.
<br /> � `.�,; the ather pe�sons gr�crlheil by appltcabie taw.Atter the tlme reqm�d 6y apglIca62e law,Trustee�Lall give public a�ut�me � _�:
<br />_ �, .. %`' '� of sa[e to the persons an�in the maaner PF�Ibe�1�b9 appl�cable taw. Traste�withoot dem�nd on Barrosv�,sl�ati seU i. ;
<br /> �:.,:4 the Property at pubitc ancttoa to tT�e highest btd�ler at tT�e Wne and pla�e and uader th�tPnds desIgnated in t4e aotice of
<br /> .�� ��i•'`'• = ue s�tle of.st!or of the �:°---.
<br /> : �:` � � °- sate in oite or�uor��sa+rr�ls ana�ia any order Trast¢e d�tw�niae�.Tra�steE�nay past� �9 F� ___
<br /> .. `� , .°-� Pr�o�rtp D9 p'.r�iEir annouucean�t at the t3me and plar�aY any prevtausly schedated sa[e. Lender or it5 desi��may � t _
<br /> ��.�;. . �u�BSE 4Ae F1�r�ty at any sala� . . . • �.�' �
<br /> °�., � U��lrt pg PaY�ent at ti�e price btd, Truseee shali detive� w the p�cbgser Trastee's depd co�veying the _
<br /> te
<br /> � ,'.,. :� �er�y.The redtats i,n tt�Trustee's d�erl shaD 6e pri�ma fade�vidence of the t�uW nf the st�t�e�ts m:�e ti�ser�n.
<br /> r
<br /> . , . . " 'IYu�tee sha11 a�Iy t&e p�raceeds of the sale In tRe foltav:eng order:(a)to all costs and expenses of exerd�IIl`�power of � � `'
<br /> ..��.,;... :�;�.�';` satr�and the satrK i n c lnding t he pa y m e n t a 4 We T u u s t e x's f ce s a d u a i�y!'i a c u r r e d,u o t t o e x c e e d t h e j o f$5 Q.O O o r i 2 0 .. �-�,--_
<br /> , """ .;,:-.:: of tUe Qrtncipal�mammt of tite�trote at the ti�ae of the dscleratian o4 degaulb and reasnnable attoraeys'f�s as p�rt�itted . � �=
<br /> �.; . by�law;(b)to ali svms se�used by tfiis Security IashtameaN,�aad(c)any excess W the ge�son ar pessoas tegaTty entitt�to � �
<br /> ';:�:-•`, ., , ;� . _- -
<br /> .r i _.
<br /> , k��. .., 22. Rero�eyauoe. Upo� paywent of a11 sums secu�d by t�is Seturity It�strament, Lender shall req�st TT4stee to _
<br /> .�. `� . ., :�5��;�. reconvey the Pcoperty and shall surreadca t*ais Security Instrument an� all aotes evideucing debt sewred by this Securit}�
<br />- ' -.�,ty�.' Instrutnent to'rrazs.ee.Trustee s1�aU reoon��y t!�e Propr.rtY withoat warla�'ty and without charge w dtie persan or persons Ie�ally -
<br /> `��� � entitted to i�Scx�gerson or persflns shall�y.any recardauon costs. ---
<br /> . ��,'f ?3�gubstftat¢TroStee.Lender,at its opdon.may from time to dme nmove Trustee and appoint a suocessor tzustee to ___
<br /> � � � ' ' acvTnutee appointe�herea�dE.�hy an instrument recor�fr:fm the eouaty in whlch this Security Insuurnenc is reurr.r3ed-�Nithout _
<br />.-:�i�:_;': �:.; ..;':� i�aveyancg of-the Fropecty,,ils�successor tr�stee sbal��xed to alt tfie title.Power an�duties oanferred age��►7:stee.herein _.. .
<br /> � '• �: andbYapPhcablelaai. • `�'' - ---
<br /> �t�'�"� ?,�b.Reqaest Yor NoBces. Bomower,requests that oopies of the notices of defauit and sale 6t sent m�otrc�wer's ad4ress
<br /> �;.: q.,���; . —
<br /> t.i:�. __
<br /> - +. whic�is the Propetty Address.
<br /> : c
<br /> ' ?3�Tdideis'ta t�3s Seemity I¢stremen4.If one or more�ideis are exesuted by,Borrower and rCcorded togeRher witli tbis _
<br /> _.%�:� �- �`:�'r'-': Y Sacuriry Inswmen�the coveilants and agreements of each such rider s6a11 be ineorporated into art�d sha11 amend and supplement ___'�
<br /> _-- - ',t � the covenants and agreements of this Secvnty Instrument as if the rider(s)were a part eP this Security Insmtmen� �.�_.-
<br />- • :..; [Check appllcable boxtes)] � . _ . . ---
<br /> �.�., . Q Adjustabte Rate Rider ' a Condominiu�Rider,. Q 1�Fa�nily Rider ' . . _
<br />- . . �.,'�� []araduated Payment Itider 0 Planned Unit DeveLopment Rider Q Bicyeekly Payment Rider� � . _
<br /> �:_.-.:
<br /> •.?-�. •�O Balloon Rider C�Rate Improvement Rider •C�Seooad Hnme Ride�c � . : -
<br /> ... :1:; p v.n.R�a� D o�n�ts�[��vl v-.
<br />. .� _ __-.__ .1+r�, � . . r �-_
<br /> . . . ,1',.1 . . �r...
<br /> - . . . . , ', R=�..
<br />_ .. .. � 1 • :�'P'i
<br /> � - BY SIGNING BELOW.Barrower accepts and a�rees to the tem�s and•covenants contained in this Securiry Instrumenl and . ..��;:�
<br /> , ' . � .. ` in arry rider{s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it. ' . _ � . • �._�
<br />_.. ; Wimesses: � ' a .
<br /> - .. ' + X (5eal) �
<br /> - . . ,. ; . J nie M. CII83r22 •Borroaer , „
<br /> - . � .
<br /> ' (SE3�� .
<br />_ -Borcuncr
<br /> . ' �a� -
<br />_ , . . . , ` .
<br /> . ($eal) (Seal)
<br /> ° � � -Eorrauer . •Bmrotirer �.
<br /> ,.. . .
<br />-. � � .. STATE OF NEBRASK�►, HAI.L County s5: .
<br /> . , � ' The foregoing instrument was acknotivl:dged before mc this 2 4 t h day of Oc t ob e r • 19 9 7 '�• �
<br /> • � by Jennie M. Caearez, a siagle person " •
<br /> � . _ �tYimess my harai and notarial sea!at Grand Is laad I3E , in said Coun ,the date aforesaid. •
<br /> � Q� , ,
<br /> • . . l�ty Commission Expires: becember 23., �000
<br /> . . P:utit(y PftDI1C
<br /> _� _ _,___ .__� , . . �6f�EAAiF,OT1[AFSte�clfle4�tsl� . Farm3oa8 91ao •.
<br /> VlCitl GOER . oe�o a or a
<br />-.�•:_. . � � •�
<br /> ..
<br /> , .
<br /> �1rOt;nn ErA Qt�29,Y0Q0
<br /> �
<br /> _._:..._.._.__�_._ . ... .... ... ....._ .. .,..._.;. _ _.. . - - - , . . . ,. . . . ., •
<br /> •� . . .
<br /> ... . . . . . . . . •. . • � • .• . . _. . . .. ..r . . � . , . • _ ..
<br />