. ':. . .,�,. r, . ��. . ees.`ti, it --:o _��. � �� _ �
<br /> - .�-...<. ...�� .e. r �_.. ..._.�..y ..:.�i�.:. .<w�.. t�::.! � _a�_`. ,.s c r ti _r_.^- .'-f�.:�`w ,f
<br /> _� d`:t �s l� . � . . �, . - '_ . :.
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<br /> t .:+,, 3:.. 'k. .�Y
<br /> :�;- :r ` 4�'��:-
<br /> . . F'
<br /> `4`� �`'�� -,o:,'. Tlte Funds shall 6e heid in an i�stimtion whose dcposits are insiued 6y a fedeial ag��tru�me�nta +��t3' '`'''L
<br /> . �,'� ,°.<• (inciuding i.eader.if Lender is such aa�asritution)or in any Federa[Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the ,�°
<br /> Escrow Items.Leader may nat r,harge Borrower,for holding and epp?}+fig the Funds.annusily analyzing the escrow acman�or `4;:
<br /> A2. "` _'` ��'� verifying the Fssrow Items.ualess Lender pays Borr4wer inter�st on the Funds and apPlipble Iaw permits Lender t�make such f_`�-,
<br />- '' ;:, x.,,�:,=" a cbarge:How�ver. Leader may cequire BorrBwer to pay a onc-wne charge for an independent real estate tax repocting servioe
<br /> , .. rued By Lender ia aonnection with tlus loan; usjless applicab2e law provides otherwise. Untess an agreeme� is made or �`�_-
<br /> � applicabie!aw teqnire.c interest to 6e paid.Lender�hal!not be requir�d w pay Borroae�r�y�nterest or eamin�s on the Funds.
<br /> • 'n
<br /> , `..,' , BorrovqeT and•Leudrar may agree in writing.however.that interest shall6e paid on the Funds. Le�r shall give to Bocrower. T�,;�
<br />.` �hF�`•��:'°• withoiu charge. an annual accounting of die Funds.shnwiag eredits and debits ta the Fwids and the purpose for wlucd c�h �:. :
<br /> ' `�� � debit to the Funds was mude.The Faads ffie pledgeQ as additiona!security for all sums secured by this Security Insaruneat. ��
<br />- -_ -- '� If tfie Funds tteld'6y l.endet exceed the umounts permittv<i rn t,P hrld I+y applieabte law.i�ndes shall account to Botrower �•�_
<br /> . ::#..-:.�t _
<br /> ' ' for the exces�Funds in arcordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Fands hetd by Lender at any
<br /> ,t;i'"��: rime is aoi suff�cient to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so nodfy Borrower in writing,an�.in such case Bomawer
<br /> _� shall pay to Lender the amount necessary tn malce up the deficieucy. Borrower sflali meke up the deficiency in ao rnore than ._.
<br /> - tweive momhly payments,at L�nder's snle discretioa. . ��,
<br /> • Upan payrrtent in full of al!sums sea�red by t l tis Security I n s u u m e n t. 1.e n der s h a 1 1 p ro m p d y r e f u n d t o S o r r o w e r a a y
<br />� . ,`: ,`." �ands 6etd 6y Leade,�.If.urtder paragrapit Zl.Lender shall acquire or setl the Property, Lender.prcor to the acquisition or sale•
<br /> �`"" '� � �•`� of the Froperty.shalt agply aay Funds�etd by Lendee at the time of acquisitioa or sale as a credit against the sums secured by ..,�F_
<br /> . . : t�• ; this Securiry In�n�ut. �=`°�
<br /> � - ��''�� ` ' 3.Appl�catton ot Pay�tents.Unless applipbte!aw pinvides othenvise,all paymems received by Lender under paragraphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shalt tre apptiod:Hrst.to anY P�PaY��charges dae�der the Not�second. to amounts a able uader ara h 2: �•'�=-�'
<br /> P Y F S�P ��-_ "
<br /> ; third.to interest due;fourth,to prineipa4 due;and last,to any late chaages dae under the Note. �--�:_
<br /> • � _ '. 4.Chargeg;Lteas.Bocrower shail pay al!taxes.assessments,ch3rges, fines and impositions attributa6le to the ProAerty
<br /> • � � � r';,:, r � w 6 3 c h m a a tt a i n r i o o v e r t h i s S e c u r i I n s u u m e n t. a n d l e a s e h o l d p a y m e n t s or g r ound rents, if an y.Bonower shaU p ay �����•%�
<br /> `: Y P �Y tY �._.--
<br />� ; ''.: ' �•', these ob}igations in the manner pmvided in paragtaph 2,or if nat paid in t6at marrner,BoTmwer shap pay them on time direCtiy
<br /> � ` ���.• . to the person pwed payment.Borrower shal!promptly fumish to Lender.a!I notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> ,, If Borrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall pmmptiy fumish to Lender receipts evid�ciag the payments. � y`
<br /> � . � � Borrower shall promptlq discharge any lien wluch i�as pnority over this Security Instrumeat nnIess Borrower.(a)agrees in -
<br /> �! '� • � a�iting to the payment of ihe obligatioa sec�ued by the tien�n a manner acceptabte to Lender:(t13 contests in good fait6 the lien �=�`�
<br /> '` ."": ,' }5 6ry.or defends against enforcement of the tien in, legai pmceedings which in the Ixnder's opinion ope�ate to prevent th� �.;;�
<br /> _ : _.. �'a.€or�cement of the li�n;ar(c)secures fmm the holder of the lien an agneemeru sarisfactory to Lender subordinating t6e lien to �,z;.
<br /> ' .. dris 5ecurity Instrument. If Lender detemunes that any part of the Pr+operty is subject to a lien which may uuain pnority ovet ,�:..
<br /> Pert
<br /> �� this Security InsUUment. Lender may give Bormwer a notice idensifynug tfie lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or talce orte or �� =`
<br /> � more of the actions set forth above arithin 10 days of ttce giving of noti�e_ •
<br /> Y• , y; Hazard nr pcoperty Insuratme. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereafter erected on the �;
<br /> � • .." Property insured against toss by fire,hazards inct�ded within the term'extended coverage"and any other hazards, inctuding �,
<br /> "�- ""�" floods or flood'mg, for which Lender requires insurance.This insurance sha116e mainrdiz►ed in the anmums snd for the periods
<br /> `•�'°•'. �',�� `� '� that I.ender requires.The insurance camer providing the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject tn I.ender's appt+ova!
<br /> ` which shall not be unreasonabty withheid. If Bortower fails to maintain coverage described above. I.ender may,ai l.ender's ____
<br /> �� , ' 'u option,obtain coverage to protect I.ender's rights in the Properry in accordance with paragraph 7.
<br /> �...�`�� :¢,.�.;;...,� .;� Al]insurance potic�es and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall ic�clude a standard mortgage clause. l.eader --
<br /> , � shall have the r�ght to hold the policies and re�rewals.Ef I.ender mquires.Boaower s�a11 promptly give to I.ender all receipts of
<br />