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<br /> s, ` 5. H�zatd vr�ro�sty Bonower shaU keeP the 3�'�� �existing.or hereaftec etected on the�
<br /> " ' �•a.�4� included within the term°extended caverage'arcd aay other hazazds.including _
<br /> _ ; propetty insured ag�inst loss by fir�.l�a2ards .
<br /> ' `:, .• Qoods or ftaoding,for�rhic6 Ixad�r reqnires insurance.7�is insoraaoe sh�ll be maititain�tn the amnunts and fdt the periads .
<br /> ha °:
<br /> .. ,`w�•. The insrnance carrier pmviding the insarance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to i.ender's apgroval .
<br /> �t that Len�er reqnues. .. ...._.. a,ao•w.�,t�eain a►verage desrriDed afsove, Le�tder may.at Lender's �"r _
<br /> �` ` � wbich shall not be�reasomniY wii�c� _• •T,,.�•:.• -�
<br /> ` u tian.obtain ooverage to pmiec�Leader's rights in the PraPertY in axordauce with paragaph 7. t , F�
<br /> ```"�° p Iicles aad renewals sball be aocePtable to Lender and shall iaclude a standard mortgage clausE. Leader
<br /> �-,�� ��0°p° wer shali ro give to I.ender�Il receipu af ' ; . ;
<br /> . . _ " shall have the right to hoW the policies and:enewals.ff Leader re4vit�.Borro P mF�Y
<br /> f `�� ,�"�� , ,p,n++�and r�ewal notices.In the event af loss,Bormwer stiall give Pmmpt notice to ttie insurstnce carrier and Lender. �.
<br /> �:° paid p.r..._ , •� � =
<br /> Lettder may mal�e PTOO f o f toss if not made prnmptlY bY Borrower. -�4 ,
<br /> � ` in writl�g,insuranue PTaceeds shal!he applied to rescoration ar repair a f t he t �
<br /> � ���.'Y. UnIes,s i.ender and Bomovirer�otherwise agr�e • :
<br /> �� ,- �f the renararion�or rePair is evonaancal[y feasible and T.ender's serurity is not lessened.If the restoration or .L r,
<br /> . Properry damage�.� � t �,
<br /> `� ' � repair is aot economi c a l Iy feasi'6 1 e or L e n d e r's s e c m i ry w o n id be le�sened,the insurance praceeds shalt be applted to tRe sums
<br /> -- secured 6Y dns Secarity�ns�'��er or not then due, wtth any excess paid to Borrower. If Borrower ab a n duns d te �; r;_-
<br /> p� Esr dues not answer Rithia 30 days a notice from Ixnder that the insaranoe cartier has offerat to setde a ctaim.tttea a --
<br /> P�Y• . :
<br /> ' •�a'��� Lender�aY.collect the insv.rance Proceeds. Lender may use the pmoeeds to mpair os restore tne Property or w puy sums
<br /> wiU n when the notice is gven. � e `
<br /> •. �-,� @� "��`�
<br /> ,, ,�; `.�����::` s e�i e d b y`t fi s�e c a r i c y Iustrument,whet[ier or not then due.The 3Qday h c a t i o n o f r o c x e d s t o p r i n c i p a� s h a l l n o t extend or
<br /> • C,�.:��
<br /> � ', . Unle�s Lender aad Borrower otiierwise agree ia writing, anY aPP ems. If � ,�,
<br /> ` � pastpoae t h e d ue d a t e o�t h e m o n t h l y p a y m e n u r e f e n+e d to in para g r a phs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paym _
<br /> ��.<,�;�
<br /> • ` mxler para�a�aph Zl the Pcogerty is acquired bl+Lendes.Borrower's right to siry insurance tHIlicies and pro c e e d s r t s u ldng f r o m �i��
<br /> �'�`�.� ri o r t o t h e a w�u i s i t i o n s h a l l pass to I.enQer to the extent of the sums secuted bY this SesuritY iastrument
<br /> :i<. � :, d a m a g e t o�e F r o p e rt y P �V;
<br /> -- - - 'rt7:- I.eaSChald9. . ��'�.; ::�
<br /> � . , ;;;;;,.'�, ��m iatPly pr[ot to 8te acquisiqon.
<br /> . . . . 6.OccnParu9,Preservgtio�Ma�mtenauce aad Protecxto�of the Pm�y:Sorrower's Wani�ipplic�tion; , ,.�,
<br /> as Borrower's nci al residence within siary days after the execution of ' ���,_':
<br /> , B a a o w e r s i i n l l oxu p y,establish.and use the PcopertY Pn P. _
<br /> �.�' .` this Secarity Insttament aad shall cantinue to occupY t Ae P r ope r t y a s B o r r o w e s's p r i n c i p a l c e s i d e n ce f o r a t l e a s t onc�yeat.after ���;�:•
<br /> � • ;�'-:' "•-':�. in writing,whicb oonseat sball not 6e unreasonabty wit6deld.or unless ��;�
<br /> . ��__,;i�.� �r. the date af occupancy,unless Lender otherwise agrees'
<br /> `'.� �� � extenvating circumstanc�s �n w�� � �yQAd Borrower's co�'ol. Borrower shaU not desuoy. datnage or unpalr the [�=�o.
<br /> - � • property„ allow the Pcaperty to detcriorate. or commit wastcin L.ende�s g�fa�tij judgment could aesultt�'w forfeiture of the �L. :
<br /> . • action or pmceeding,a�ther civil or criminal,is begun that � � ���
<br /> �:
<br /> . �, Property or otherwise materea1ly impair the lien created by this Security Instrument or L.ende.r's security interest.Borrowet may �l? .
<br />- � � �'''--�.�" cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18.bY causing the actian or proceeding to be dismisse0 with s culing �__
<br />- � ! .:�;`:';` . t h a t, i n Y�xi d e r's g o o d f a i t h d e t e rn t i n a t ian, p r e ctudes forfeitnre of the Borrower's inte�est in the Propetty as other mateda! �:.
<br /> � ' . ' �mpairment of the liea created by this Se�curitY In�trument or I.ender's security iaterest. Borrower s h a i l a l s o 6 e i n d e f:�u l t i f �_��
<br />':."' "��'. � ' during t he loan app li c a t i o n p m c e s s.g�ve materiall y false or inaccurate information or statements w i.ender(or fuiled �
<br /> . • ', � .:`�;.: Boaower, �.�;.
<br />- . ' to pmvicte Irender with any u�aterial information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note.including.but nat t i m i t e d �_
<br /> - ' •.�." to,represeutations concecning Borrower's acwpancY of the F�opert}'�s a Pr�nc�p�1��den�e. If this 3ea�rity Instnunent is on s+ _
<br /> , .. . • � Leasehold.Borrower shall wmply with all tbe provisions of the lease: If Borrower acc{aires fee title to the Property. the �.�,_
<br /> � • �• leasehotd and che fee title siiaU not merge unless Lender agceES to the merger in writing. n��n��i� �-°
<br /> � ...�t. . 7.�rotection of Leader's R.ights in the Properiy.If Borrower fails to perfarm the covenanis and a8rceme �_`-='
<br /> - . , .• ' ' tlris Security InStmmcnt.or there is a legal ptaceeding that may significandy affect L.ender's dghts in the Property(sach as a =_-__
<br /> ' '�� • . . � proceeding in ban�au�iuy.pmbate,for wndemnario�or forEeiture or to enforce laws ur_tegutat[ans).then Lender rnay dn amd . --_.`.
<br /> - � � .< '�.. "� pay for whatever is necessary to piosect the value af the Property and Lender's rights in the Property.Lender's actions may _
<br /> . . include paying uny sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Tnstrument. appearing in court. paying �
<br /> reasonabte attomeys'fees and entedag on the I'roperty to make repa��s.Although I.ender may take action under this paragttiph �. _
<br /> �'` ��"��' 7,I,ender does not have to do so. F
<br /> �:� � . • � � h 7 shall beoome additlonal debt of Borrower secured by lhis. �` -_-:
<br /> � � Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragrap :.:
<br /> '' ' � g�rity,Instrument.Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other ternis of payment.these mnounta sha11 beaz interest from the t . �
<br /> � . ''.' ,. - .. � date of disbucsement at t he Note rate aad shall be payable, w►th interest. ugon notice from Lender to Borrower tequesting
<br /> E_.:-..
<br /> •� . � ' payment. ::^-
<br /> �' -� � � S. Mortg�e Insuraace•If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of maicin�the loan secured by t8is Security
<br /> for any reason,the
<br /> • ' ` insm�meat. Borcower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If. .
<br /> � � mortg�e insurance coverage reyuired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect.Bonower shall pay the p�ranlums reqair2d to .
<br /> � � � obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mort�age inswance previously in effect.at a cost substantuilly equivaient to the . ��
<br /> " ` � . cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in'effect. from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br />" � � substantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br />_ • � on�twelfth of the yearly mortga$e ins�ance Premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage Ispsed or ceased to .
<br /> ' � � ' be in effect. Lender will accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage Insurance. Loss reserve :
<br /> ' • � Form 3Q28 8J90 •
<br /> � • �3o�g
<br /> .. . . .:-. , � , . . . • .
<br /> . • . . , ,�_..._.. . . .. " � . . . ' ' • " ' , .. .
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