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<br /> u_ - �i s, , �..' . _,� .,_.F`FC. .< < - �� �, c. .�k_°� _ .:�1 'E �.
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<br /> .. ,... :.�: _ PaYm�.�Y�longer be ceqnired.at th�rtpti4a o�IaAder,if mort�age�sx o�verage('m ihe auwuat and for the patod
<br /> that Leader req¢ires)Provtd�d Dy sn insuter approv�`by Lendec aga�ecom�s aEaas�able sad is.i�btained.Banower sha11 p�Y -
<br /> ' ,�.� , the premiums�qtured to maintain mottgage insarance m e�Ct,`or ta gY+�lea lass:trserve,um���ui�eanent far mortgage ti ..
<br /> • ' �. �� . insurastoe ends in acootdaace with any written agrecment betweea Sorrotcet and L�ti�tet oi applicable law. ``,
<br /> < �', 9.Inspectton.Leader o.r its agent may mat�reasona6te mtries e�a�ii ancE ii��tions of the Fmpezty. €.ender shall give � f;.
<br /> �..; ;;� • Rorrower notice ac�the tirae of or prior w sit inspestion specifjring�so�aable c�vs�fortbe inspection.. ���,
<br /> . . �.+...,a.,:...�,,.� �Ct7pV�t{1T IYtflCM11PJ1t/Aj in ms+�rsian arith anv
<br /> -- ------ �iV�itOa.iuc p►uwws vs cvT o::$sv.» . - - - � ;.
<br /> ,,` mndemnation or oaher taIdng of any part of the Property.or for convepanc:e in liea_af.condemnaxion.are hereby assigned aad ;
<br /> �' � .,��, shall be paid to Lender. . . :.
<br /> . �# `
<br /> ` ` `-` in tbe event cpFa tvta�tak�ng of t6e Progeaty.the pmoeeds shall be agp3ied ta ih�:mams s�d iry this Securiry,Instnuneat,
<br /> c..���_s;.:� -�"�"y 'y�,heu}er or not theit due,with aay exeesss paid w Borrower.In the en+e�E of a talciag of tfxe Pmperty in which the fair
<br /> s P� �.
<br /> martcet value of the Propecty iaunediatetY 6efore the taking is equal to or�reater tban.t�e amoiuix of We sums securetl by this � -
<br /> Security Insttament,fimmediateiy before the taking.unIess�orrower anci E ender�se agree:in writinS,the sums secwred by
<br /> an. �° '
<br /> this Security Iasarument s�l be c e d u c e d by t he smo u m af the pmceeds m¢t t i plie�d•.�the foltowing flactiun: (a) the mtal �
<br /> ` liCd
<br /> • amnEwt of the snms secared irnn�ediatety l�efore the taku►g,divided�y:@j the fa�r•i'narTcet vatue of die Praperty immediatelY � ;�:
<br /> mt �;:
<br /> Y�--�(.---�-"-!�_ 5efotc ttte taksng. Any balattce shalt 6��iF1_��+Losrow_er, in Ehe eve�t oF apartitt�takiAg�f+#+e.FroPertY in wluch the fair —
<br /> � ��'� m�rket tralue of the Property innmeQiately 6efore the tatdng is lcss tHan�t�ie amous�x of the�nas se;cE¢ed i�iat�=iy before ihe �
<br /> CEQ
<br /> «��i. . ��'�` taIsing,untess Barrower and Lender atheravise agtee in cvriting or qnless agplicable!aw otheaatsse�rnvides,tlte praceeds shalt �.-°.
<br /> : , �� 6e appli�d ta dte s�m�s se�ured bq this�ttriry Ias�nent whether or nut the smns�e.itien due. .
<br /> � , .�: � ' . i: . �.�'-'
<br /> ;..;,' .:" . If the Property is abandoned by�orrawer,qr ifi.t�er notice by Lender to&3?�±�'that the contdemnor offcts to maalcce aa �.'-
<br /> Borrower fails to nd to Lender amSvt��3q days afte['the daYe tha uoeice is gtven, � --
<br /> award ar settle a cta[m for damages, re�O
<br /> � _:-
<br />-_ .::;c_� Ixnder is amhorized tu colIect aad apply the proceeds.at its option,either to restoia�on or repair sf the Pmperty or w thc swns
<br /> , � secured by►this Securiry Iasuument,whether or not Wen duc. � � � ` � "
<br /> U n l�s s L e n d e r az t d B o r r fl w e r o t I i c r a t i s e a g t e e i n w r i ti n g, a r►Y a P P����°�t o p r i n c i p a l s H a ll not exrend or �
<br /> _.��`• _
<br /> � ' . �-• p o s t p o n e t h e d n e d a t e of dse momht y pa y ra�nis referred to in p s�a g r a phs 1 and�or'�ge the amnunt of snch payment4. � :
<br /> : :° � : 11.Bosrower Noi Releasedi�'orbeaa�ace$y Leu$er�Not a Waiver.Extens�l�n•of�e time.far pa}rtneut or mo d i fr�eon � .
<br /> "'. 4.��'� a f�t o r t i z a t i o n o f c h e s a m s s e c u m d b y this Secuci t y Insmiment g r a i lted b y Lender w any saccesspr in uuerest of Borrower atrall
<br /> • . '���:; not operate to retease the liabiliry of the original Barrower or Horrower's suocessors in interest:'��nder sLall nat 6e required ta � :
<br /> ` �'E comm�nce praoeed9ngs against any successor fn inte�st or refnse to extend time for payment or othera�ise moc6fy amortizatian _ _
<br /> af the sums sewred by this Secvsiry Instnuc.ent 6y reason of�ry demand made by the original Bdrrower or Borrower's �
<br /> � r ' ' suocessors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising aay riF,Li or remed�shall not be a waiver'+af or preclude�the
<br /> i
<br /> ' �':'��:; � exercise of any rigiit or remedy. . . .� . a =
<br /> > ' � :�:�; 1Z. Saccesso�s and Assfgas Bonad;Joint aud Sevaal I.IabUity. Co-stguers. The coveti'ants and agreements of this _
<br />_ `' �`' ' '��: � �Security lnstrument shaU bind and benefit the successors and asstgns of Leader and Borrower;'subject to the provisions of . , -_
<br /> �� " � � paragiaph 17. Bonower's covenants and agreements shall be joint aad several. Any Bonower wbo ca-signs this Security �, _:F'
<br />_ ,.,�q, : . ; ,v;�: Iasunment but daes not exeeute the Note: (a)is co-s�gning t6is Seeurity Inswment only m martgage, gcaitt end convey that �.
<br /> • � � --� ',x Borrower's interes!in the Property under the terms Af this Security�Instrument:(b)is aot per�onaIiq obligated to paY tfle sums -
<br /> • . ..4 � �-.�.
<br /> -: . . secured.by tivs Se�urity Instrument;and(c)ag+eea tbat 1,endor and any other Borrower may a�iee to extend.modify,forbear pr � �. .
<br /> . �. • ' '•1 cnxke any accommadations with regard to the tenns of this Seturiry Instrument or the Note without that Borrowe�'s wnsent. �. _...
<br /> � . '� ' 13,Loan Cliarge�.If the loan secured by this Seearity Instcumertt is su6ject to a taw wiuch sets maxir�ura loan eharges, �, :'
<br /> �'�; and that law is fwaify interpreted so that the inter�st or otIler toaa charges collected os to be collected in conneaion with the � r.-
<br /> - � '�.���'-s loan exceed the permitted limits,then:(a)any such toan charge shall be redaced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge _ -
<br /> � � to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected from Bomnwer wluch exceeded pernritted limits will be refunAed to •
<br />_ . , s Borrower. l,ender may choose to make shis refund by reducing tSie principal owed nnder the Note or isy maldag a dlrect �._.�-;
<br />- . . ' , .�� : ' � payment to Borrower. If a refund mdaces principal. the reductFon will 6e ueated as a partia! prepaymem without any . -
<br />--- `�,,� : PtePeYmeat c�arSe uader the Note. . :t` :..
<br /> c ar
<br />-- .:;. .�,�� 14.Nottce4.Aay notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Jasmrment shall be given by deiiverin�it or by mailing "
<br />=-- � ;`�.'s�.:, it by first ciass mail untess applicabte law requires use of another method.'fhe Botice shall be directed to the Prape�ty Address :
<br /> �� " or any other address Borrower designates by notice to I.ender. My notice to Lender shall be given by fnst class mail to __
<br />`�r� .��'° �• • • Lender's ad�ress suued herein or arry other address Lender designates by�aorice to Botrower. Acry notice p;ovided for in this �
<br /> � , .�,:.;;'' � Security Instnunent shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given.as provided in this�amgraph. __
<br />=�`�� � 1S.Governdng Law; Sever�6llity. 7Y�is Security Instrument shatl be govemed by federal law and the taw of the
<br /> °: jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated.In the event that any proviston or clause of this Security Instrum�nt or the Note .
<br /> � " �`.i;;;�; �; conflicts with applieable law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Securiry Instrument or the Note which can be :
<br /> � ' . `�? given eEfecc without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisi�ns oF this 5ecu�ity Instctunent and the Note are deelared. •
<br /> . ` to 6e severable.
<br /> _ R lb.Borrower's Copy.Bonower shall be given one confomied capy of the Note and qf this Security Instrument. �
<br />-?. � � � i ' . Form 3028 9/90
<br /> ..�� ` ,
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