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<br /> 4 .( �
<br /> �� (i}�or pan of the Pmpxrty.or a 6eneficisl iaterest ia a aust ownmg all or pazt of the Pr�perty,is sold `p , : -
<br /> ,�^^�"� � ar as�emrise traasfecr�(other than iry devise or desceatA aad � `'
<br /> .. � - fn�The Properry is nat,occapied by the pt�aser or�ue as tis or�er priacigai resldeace.ar the � ` > �
<br /> `. puc�haser oz gra�t+ee daes so occapy tlie Pmperty but Lis or her tK+Pdit lias nnt been apgraved 4n _ .; �. °.�'�.'::;�'
<br /> : r.soordauee with the requirements of dte�arSt. ` 4 . ."
<br /> (c)No�PaEver.If dxaimstances aaau tbai woutd permit Lender to reqnire im�diare payment in fult,but - � ��
<br /> , . � i�eatter does not�eqaire sw�paymears,Leader daes aos waive iu rig�u w6h�espea w subsequenc eve�s. ,�`� -�.=��:
<br /> ' . '• � �_, :
<br /> �� �, ;;°': (�R�ons af�tJD S�ry.In many c�ances regvlations Issned ls.y the S�y v�ilt limit , .<:�---�:�._-:_-_._
<br /> . . � Leader's ri�hts,ia the case of gaymeni defauits.w mq�sine immedlate gayment an fall aad foieclase i�nat . ��� --
<br /> � i:. � paid.Tbis SPrutity Ins�raent does nnt sut�or�aa�eleration or fo�ectos�e if aot peYmiued lry �ia.ons r-.,�- -_� - .A.-.
<br /> . . ' of the�ary. . .
<br /> �;�'~ � ` .�. (e)Moatgage Nat Yasored.Bo:mwer agrees tbat if this S�urity In�cameait and the Nate a:e uoi determfaed � , ..
<br /> .,,,:, . . __
<br />' � to be eIigible far�aader the Natioaal I+lousing Act within 60 days fcam the date IIereof,1.�der
<br /> i` ��.,,.•;;_.;'� ' maY,ai its option. require immediate FaYmcat in fnll of all sums sewt+ed by this Sc�uiity Instrument. A . , `�• .
<br /> ,'. .,, wrtuea sratemEnt of aay aathorized agent of th�Sectetary dated.sa6seqaent to 60 days fmm the daie Itereaf, �'::�:`s�.:_°;��`..�.
<br /> �< <. ` dECdining w iasore this SeauitY tns�uument and the AIote, si�all be deemcd couetusive piuof of.such � ��,r ��.,�._ .
<br /> '��-`-`` ..:-:-,. :� iaelig�ty. Natwitbsqading the forego�g, this optian may nat be exerci.�ed by Lender whe� the ' _-
<br /> ' �.t�. : � .��'�� unava�ab�ity of msarance is solely due w Lender's faiiure to remit a mortga�e insuranre pnemium to the , � .
<br /> _�:.,:. � - - -,_--
<br /> Secmtaty. .
<br /> � " 10.IFeta�at�eut.Borrower bas a rigt►t to be ninstated if Lwder has spqni:ed imn�edi�te payment in fiill � r��' -
<br /> i�1 "_.
<br /> :: because of Borrower's failnre to pay ara amnuat due under the Note or ti�is Sec�riry r „�,�±•_ '�tus�M appiies . f `t �'_�-__-
<br /> • . . even after_farectostuse pmceediags a�e instra�ed.To reinstate'the Sec�iry I�ent, Bom�cver shall�tender ta a - _ - _
<br /> •� ' �. 't Iamp smn all amo�mts mquired w bring Borrower's accauat aurent iaduding,w the exteat t�ey aze obligatIons of -
<br /> . .t Borrower under this Se�,arity fis�ument.farectosute costs and reasanable and wsto�y attomeys'fas and.expenses - � -_____
<br /> . . PmperlY assoetaied with the forectasure pmceeding. Upon ie�tazemern by Borrower,tiiis S�urit�►tasuosaent sud. :.`::_;-;__�. _...Y
<br /> � . ` '�� the ob2igaSons tLat it Seivr�s s1�aDl �ennaia ia effecx as iY Lend�er had not req�riced i�iate Qaysne�t ia full. ' -,� .�,r�r:�: -
<br /> .. ' Howeves, L�der Ls aat require� w pezmit reinstatement if: (� i�eade.r Las acceps� r�;�istatement aftsr ths ' '•' ,—
<br /> • ,; commencement of foreclosnre pmceed�ngs atithia two yeais immediatelS►Precedin8 the co�m�ncxment of a current �': .. -�
<br /> �- . _ fo�tosure pTaceed'mg. (1� reinstatemenc will p�echrde fomctos�ue on different grounds in the fu� or(in7 fl%.��.`"�� - -
<br /> �"� . . - n�Iastatement wiU adve�sely affecc ihe pr�oriry of s�e lien created by�his 3ecnriry Iastrument. . � � ,� ', _--.-.
<br /> . .,�-:`�' ' 11.Boao�cer Nai 1[te2�:Forbeaiaptce By Lender IYot a�efver.ExteasIaa of tfle time of paymem az � ___--- „�_
<br /> � . � madificazIon of amores�ation of the sums serured by tbis Sec,uriry lnsuument gaated try Lender to any sucsessor In ; �� `�--=
<br />� . � uuerest of Borrawer shall no�operace to release the liabiliry of�he original Bormwer or Eorrawe�s successor ia •..•�"°'`"''�-��-_
<br /> . � interest.I.ender sl�all not be requited w comme^^°ProceedinSs against any sucressor in interest or refiue w ext�d °°-- _
<br /> �. ' time for payment or othetwise modify amorti�on of the sums seaucd tsy this Se�urity Insttument by reason of nny . ,�•.;, °'-
<br /> ;, � demand made by the o�gipal Bosrawer or Borrower's suocessors in interest.Any forbearanoe by.l ender in exercising �
<br /> . � � any right or remedy shall aos be a waiver of or preclude the eaen�3se of any right or remedq. � . . ' .�� �;..�..•�-.:;;:.�—
<br /> - . iZ.Saccessofs�nd Asgigns Bound.Joiat antl Severa!LlabilIty;Co-Slgnae.The cavenanis aad agreements - -_-
<br /> 'f'�� . : . of this Secariry Ins4niment shall bind and bene�t�the successars and assigns oY Lender and Sonower.s�4srWct w the ' '"�'T- -
<br /> - � provislons ot paragraph 9(b).Borrawer's wve�ants and agreements shall be jaint and several. Any�ac�ower who � � �-. �, ---
<br /> . . co-signs this Security lnsuwnent but daes not exec�ue the P�ote: (a) is co-signing tLis Seasiry Iasuume�at only to ��-�-�
<br /> • - � � mortgage,grant and convey that A.�rmwer's 9nterest in the Propetry uuder the terms of tisis 5ecurity Insmiment;(b) • .�:.���
<br />��: � . . is nat personaUy obligated,to pay che sums seciued 8y tbis Securiry Insuument;and(c) agees that 1 ender and any - - __ __
<br /> ` � other�orrower may agree to extend,inodiijr,fotbear or make au}►accommodations witi��egard to the terms of this � �. �� �
<br /> : . Secnrity Iastmment or tLe Nate without Wat Borrowes's consent. ' .
<br /> . + . ' � ' .:�:';'�:.
<br /> ,• .. . � � �
<br /> • . . , ,S _ ." �
<br /> � ' . • �4S(NE)i96oa�.o� vaflo s o�9 iaciun:E� .. .
<br /> ... . ;:t �-.��- . � �
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