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<br /> abrmdoned Propert�r. Bouaw�r sl�all alsu be in def�It if Borrower, dureng the loan applica�ion process, gave .
<br /> � materiaiiy faise a�I�e imform�ioa or s�ta �der(or faii�! to grovide I�er with a�r m3teiial
<br /> 4 ,:� �-
<br /> . infom�ativn) in connectian with the loaa evidenced by the Note. incIuding, Uut not limited to. r�presentations ` '
<br />_ .: ,
<br /> �f:.�.? � coacemmg Bomnwer's acca�paacy of the Pmperty a4 a princ�pal �ce. tf this S�uriry Instmmest is oa a ..".�,.,.._.
<br /> � . .t teasehold,Bo:rower shail ccmpIy with tI�pravisions of the tease.If Bonawer acqaires f�title to the Pmperty.the •� . *�-�--
<br /> ' � teas�hold�d fee titte shaU not be merge�untess I�der agcees to the merger in writing. '���`'' : -'=°--
<br /> t . . --_-
<br /> _ 6.Co�d�aation.The pmceods of mry awaN or ctaim for damages,d'uect or oanseqnendal,ia conaectiaa with ',F:., 4 :��'
<br /> ` any condemaarioa qr other takmg of any part of the Propr.rt�r, or fnr coaveyanoe in plare of wnde�ation, at�e �� _
<br /> , '�� h�bY assiS�ned and shall 6e paid to Leader to the exoent of�he fiill amouat of the iadebte�ti�zeunains mapa�d "t _
<br />- , . - under t�Note amd dus S�urity iasn�ameni. Lander sball apply sach prorceds to the ndaccion of[iie iadebiedness , ``�` _�__._
<br />• . uader the Note znd tbis Se�aulty Ins�n�nt, 5ist to aay deiiaquent amounts applie� ia the order grovided in =-...
<br /> . � .� ,`,'.;:: ParagraPh 3.�d thea w prepayment of principal.Any agplication of the proce�eds to ti�eprins�pal shali not ext�d or - :_ •
<br /> .. . �• • j postpons the due date of the monthtY payments,wls�ch ate ref�d to in paza�aph 2,or c�ange the amnnnt of s¢c� «`•�'. ' °
<br /> - . t: -- ---
<br /> . . � , payments. At►}r e�s proceeda wer an amotint required to pay atl outstandiag indebtedness under[he Note�this _
<br /> � Secusity Tnsm�neat shall be paid to the ent�y legalYy e�titled therew.
<br /> �f'-._�....
<br /> , � ?. C�Srges tu Bontia� and �on oY.Lend�'s Itfg�ts.fa ttte Praperty. Boaower sball pay aU � :° -
<br /> .. . `•'�' as ti�at are net iaduded ia h 2. Borr+nwer shall - -
<br /> . � ., govemm�tal or mimicipal charges.fines and impositIo P�B�P PaY ' _-
<br /> _ .� _ _; � thesr obli�ations on 6me directly to the eatity wtrich is owed the pa,�'-.�n�If fa��e w pay wanId adversely affect . • ';_,:l.-
<br /> . : ' �`�'. Lender's in� in the property. upon Lender's r�quest Boavwas shall pmmpt�y furnish W Lender receipts . '�'c.:`�'�
<br /> _ • , `: ;.� evidenchig thes�paymenis. . � ���►�'`��-j—
<br /> ..``�"... , ' If Bormwer fails to make ti�se payments or the Payments�aaed bY P�S�2.or faib to perfomi aay other . T- �`��r'
<br /> � ' ' cavenants aad agreemeatg caataiaed in this Sec�uity Instrumern.or tflere is a legal pmoeediag that may sigaific�tDy . , •���_-
<br /> � '�� . ��� affect Lender's rights in(he Property (su�a as a pmceed�ng in bankraptcY,far c�ondemmation ar m eaforce laws or � _- _
<br /> �.' ` � ` ° . regulattons),ttten Lender may do and pay wtaatever is ne�ssaz�r w pmtect the value of the Ptoperty aad Lend�'s a� ;;_:;'�:,'«--_
<br /> , ,> ' .° ;' rights ia the Property,mcluding Payaseat of r�ces.hazard�se and other items a�entIoned ln paragraph 2.. . .
<br /> . .'a: , —
<br /> • . . Hnyr amounts disb�sed by I.ender uud�r tf►is paragrapb sha11 bocome aa addit�onal debt of Bormwer z�tse • _�-_-
<br />. . '`.� secured by this�ecuriry Instnuaent. 9'hese amo�mts'ahaU bear intenst from the date of disbursement, at the Note �'::
<br /> . � • �ate,aad at the ogiioa of Lemder,shall be immediately due aad payab3e. .. , '���`.
<br /> - • Bormwer sl�aU pmmpdy discharge any lien cvhich has pslority crEr this S�arity Jnst�aiment uWess Borrower. . . .^"�`= - ..,. ---
<br /> ' (a)agnees in�vriting to the payment of the obli g a i ton secured b y t��iea in a maaner acceptable w I�nder;�N) _ '�`'�' �- -
<br /> . �-�. _ _
<br /> � • . , coniests in goad faith the lien by. or defends against eafon�ement of ihe lien in. legal pmceeding,s whiah ia the �::,.��
<br /> , . � Lender's apinioa aperate to prevent the enforcement of the lien; or (c)secures from the holder of the l�ea an , �. � --
<br /> � ".���—.:
<br /> ,. . agce�meat satisfzaory to Lender subordinating the liea w this Saauiry Instrumeat.If lande�deter�mines that anY part °.,�`:•�:`.' .-'�3aY
<br /> of the Propeny is sn6ject to a liea which may anain priorlry over this Secariry lasuum�t. LEnder may gtve ,.. --_-
<br /> . � Eorrower a nuticce identifyiag[he liea. Bonower shall satisfy the]ten or take one or more of the actlons set fortD � —" , ___
<br /> ;;' � . .. ; above withia 10 daya of the givin�of aotice. . _ � ".'z� --�
<br /> - S.Fecv.Lender may�oltect fees and charges authorized by the Secretary. :r�._- _��_-_
<br /> • . 9.Grot�s for Acceieration of DeDt. ' .`"
<br /> M V , (s)II�slt.Lender may,except as limited by reguladons is..raed by the Secretary, iu t�e case of payment � �..;.;:,,.
<br /> . , 'I . .
<br /> . .. . �. )'' def��.require immediate paymeat in fiill of all sums secused by this Sesurlry Insttument i f _ _..;;.t.�-
<br /> . ' ('i)Borrower defaWts hy failing to pay in fWl a�+monthlY FaYment required bY ihis Security lnstrument '_ ' `-�_ �-
<br /> . . � � prIor to or on ffie due date of the next monthly payment,or �. ' . .
<br /> , � � {ii)Botrower defaults by failing,for a peslod of th�ty days,to perform aay other obligatians contained •
<br /> . ia this Secoiity Instrument. . „ �
<br /> ;:.f. , (b)Sale WiWo�Credt3 Appsusal.Lender shaU, if yermiued by applicabte law(including Seciion 341(d) . . .. .-
<br /> " , , of the tiara-St. tiermain Depository Institutions Aa of 1982, 12 U.S.C. 1701 j•3(d)) ana with t�.prlor �`:�z.�� � � �
<br />` ' ' approval of the S�cretary.reqvite immediate payment in fuU of aU sums sacured by tL�s Secvrity tnsuument � • ' . .. .
<br /> . � if: . �:
<br /> ,. • ��1RINE1198CS).m vapo a ot a tnrtta�: E� :' �' �.
<br /> . a�!.��• �. . �. � �
<br /> ,; . . . . . . . .� � . �. � , . , .
<br /> � � � . � }. � � � � � . . � . . �:T � �. � -.:._:.;._.::��.�.:..�:..:..��_:;..��.-:�._:. � . �.
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