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<br /> _ .. ,� " `'�• . c :�- _ ' .``'.:
<br /> --�� 13.Notis�.Any notic�ta$onoiver p:avided for in this 3aaaity Instrume�sl�all be given by delivering it or -,
<br /> °�- ;
<br /> � lry maiti�it by fuss dass ma�aaless applicable law requims o�sse of another methud.l�e n,atioe shalt be dir�to � �' �* �
<br /> � :L' � —. t l i e P r operty A d d r e s s or any o t her a d d r e s s B o r c a w e r desi g n a t e s b y noti�m Lendez.t l n y nodce to l,ender shatl be = - �
<br /> . �y �'y. given tsy Srst class maii to IRnder's addcess stated 6erein or any address Lender desi�by norice to Bormwer. �' _ ` �
<br /> Any notice provided for ia this Se�aIIit�►tnst�tem sha11 be deemed to have been grvea to Bormwer or I.eader w�ea �'-
<br /> CII �, "
<br /> .: 4 ' � ; given as provided in this paragta�ph. . � °
<br /> � ���:i` � 14.Governing I�w;Sev�6Nty.This Sectuity Ins�shall be govemed hy Fedeiai law and the lanr of .. ,,":.-:
<br /> .', �:, � i the jurisdIction ia wlrich the PmgPZty is located.Ia the event tvat aay psovision or clsuse of ti�s Seauiry Inst�sm�tt ��'`' :.;�t .._�<_ _
<br /> . - �` ar the Nate conflicts with agpiicab2e law,sacb contlict shaII not affer.t osher pmvisiams of this Se+�ty Inssrwneat or � . -`__-
<br /> `" T the Nate whic�can l�e given effecx witho� the confliaing pmvision.To ttus end the p:ovIsiomv of this Sewrity► `c��-�—�_,
<br />�Y. ' •. • I.. - _._.
<br /> . ��.� ,� �11Si[IIIDEIIf 8II�I�£�OIe 3T8 dEC�3l2d t0 bC SCVCI8b1C. �r .���� ���-_.
<br /> ° ,:.. .. :� £ �':=-
<br /> � ; : 15. Bansowe�s Cagy. Borrower shall 6e giv� oue canfarmed capy of the Note and of this Secv�ty � .�,���. • -
<br /> . Inshumeat. • � _
<br /> : 16. Ha�+dous S�uccs. Borcmvet sLall not c�nse or pe�it the piesence,ase,disposal.storage,or�tease ,
<br /> . , . �e�• � - .;
<br /> , of az�yr Razat+dws Subst�m:s an or in tT�e Pivperty.Eormwea shall aot do.nar aitow aayone else to ,anythmg .,,;
<br /> �>� ��g��P�Y that is im violadon of aay Emrtranmental Iaw. THe pm�mg taro senteaoes sltall uot apply ta � ` -�,=r; _-
<br /> . . ":� :}=��., the presence, ase, or stoiage aa ihe PrBperty of small quaarities of Aazandous � that ane generalty � _3�:-_ -
<br /> � ' . :s recognized to be appmpr;as�w ao�al residential uses and to mannt�ancc of the Pmperty. � .�`�,.•; - =- -
<br /> : !: �, � .�---
<br /> �` � Barrower shalj Pc'om�ttY gi�+e Lender wriiten notice of aay lavesagatton,ctai�ee.demand.laa►soit ar other action �;:�•;`�-,:s��
<br /> g�� ��,
<br /> ::�. ,� , � cJ-�:..r.�_
<br /> . . . . �.�`��. bY�Y 8ovemmental or iegatawry aS�Y pr P�P�Y involviag the Pmpeity aad�aay HarBdons Sobstanc�or '� .�-k,�,:;. ,�_..1
<br /> ' ' Enu3ranmental Iaw of wLich Borcbwer has acival knowledge. If Barnower leams,oa is not�fred�Y�Y g�+�� - _
<br /> ` - , ..�.t,., or zegutatory authmity,tI�at aay i+emaval or other remediatlon of anyr Hazardous Substances aff�dng the Pmpeny is _ ; .,:.:�;
<br /> ' aecessary,Borrower shall gmmptly take all necessary remedial actioas in accordaace cvith Envizonmental La�v. .. -_ _
<br /> La v
<br /> ... '�� � As e�sed in ibis paragraph 16, °Hazar+dons Sub�saaces` are those substances defiaed as toxic or P�cdons� . . `'�:. _--_—
<br /> se � .�
<br />%`��.....�r �, : . _:. ;.; substances by Favironmental Law aad the foltawing substances: gesOl�IIe� keiOSeIIe. oitles f{amm2ble t�iofiiC ; • fr'�.��,``�;,;>�
<br />__ . ,. .; peiroieum produas,tox�c pesdcIdes aad herbicides.volat�e solveats, rnatertals csontaining asbestos or furmaldehyde. ,�,',•'L�.".. -
<br /> • , o ,�� .
<br /> . ` and iadioas�is�matsrials. As used fin thts paragraph l6, 'Enviromueutai Iawe means fedetal laws and laws of tt(e -
<br /> �� jurLsdicdon�here the Praperty is lacazed that relate w health,safery or environmental protectIon. <'.:��'��. :`�l-
<br /> ,:+.
<br /> , , Q--�
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVEl�SANTS.Borrower and Lender further cqvenant and agc�as fo]lows: ��'��r" � �- -
<br /> ,,,�f.
<br /> � � 17.Asgignme�ti oY Rents.Borruwer�mcanditiomalIy assIgns aad uansfeta to Lender ali the reats an�ceveuues ,�;�� �-
<br /> . .. �;' of the Propercy.Borrower authorizes I.ender ar Lender's agems to collect the rents aad reve�and hereby directa �--
<br /> : .' � . each tenant of the Pmperty to pay the rents to I.eader or I.ender's agents. However, prior to Leuder's notioe w ' -�
<br /> �orrower of Eorrower's breacb of any coveaaat or agreement in the Socurity Insaument,Botmwer shail cc�and ' �• - '
<br /> � ' ' � • ' i s�c;eiye ail rents aad revenues of the Property as m�stee for the benefit of Leader and Bormwes.T�is assi��`�nt of �_.-,_:,:'��
<br /> �. . rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an assignmem for add3tional socurity oNy. . . �':,�"-` �
<br /> , � If Lender gives notIce of breach to Borrower:(a)aU rents received by Bor�ower shall be held by Borrower as , --,=-
<br />- , . , tsustee for.benefit of Ledder on1y,to be applied w the sums secar�d Dy the Sesvrlty Insuumtnt;(b)LeaBer sLall be -- ._
<br /> , ,. �ntiQed to collea aRd teceive a11 of the rents of the Property;and(c)each tenara Qf the Pmperty sball pay all rents �--
<br /> � due and ua�paid to Lender�z lxnder's agent on I.ender's written dem�d to the tenaat. Y r'"`�
<br /> � .. Borrower has not executed any prior assignment of the rents and has nai and will uot yerform aay act tlixt would . . � °
<br /> -• pnwent LenBer from exercising its rl�Lts under tLis paragrap�17. � . ;.. :'�� _
<br /> . . . Lender sUali noi be required to enter upon,take conaol of or maintain�he Property before or after giving notice ;'""*�'
<br /> ��. � of breach to Borrower.However.Leader or a judicially appointed re�eiver may do so ae aay time there is a breach. . .•
<br /> • � � Any application of rents sball not cure or waive any default or invalidate any other rIght or remedy of Lender.This , �
<br /> . � � , assignment of rents of the Property shaU terminate whein the debt secured by the Security Instrument ls pa�d in fuU. � -- _.
<br /> � � � .� . � ,:
<br /> -': � C � ..s..
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