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<br /> My e��nourats disbwsed bI►Lenttar under this Paragrs�A shaD beeome an addittartal�Dt ot Borrov�er and 6a sec�ued by �.(c,
<br /> � `�o F�`a tht3 SL'L�7f$!!1�S611m$1lS.Th8s8 8mWl1rtffi Shsll ltP.aT G1tEl�E.'9t ifOm th0 d9fe Ut dl3buTSemil0l 81 the NOtfl�828 8t1d flt 1A9 G�2lCi1 0� "
<br /> ': �' ��...� ': �_
<br /> �...°. . Les►der,stis9 be imm�atdy dua and payabla � ��
<br /> • 8artovrer aha6 pramptry�se.hac9a et►Y Qen whicA has pdoriry over thL3 8acudty t�strume�t unfoss BAnower (a)a�e�N ° •t;
<br /> �";�.,:�,. :� � � wrRin�to the priyymm�t af the ob�gat[on seeured Dy the¢en�n a m.anrter a�bta to Lender.(b}cante�ts tn good faith tho U�
<br /> , ' ' by. ot detenQs ega5tst �a+fotCement ot tAe�2n N. tegat protee�t�fls inrhlCfi (n tAe Lendeta aptntoti oDntatB to Pravmtt tAs � ___
<br /> 6
<br /> . �� �,��,`�•°'` er�forcemart of t�e QEn:ar=e)seeu�q iram the Aotder a!the flsm an a�ment sattsfa�ary t�lenQar e�R��fng Ne Ben to �
<br /> ��c ��� ,,- th�Sscuriiy instrument Ii Lsider de2etminas fhal any pf�t ot the Propett�le 6uDjeet to a lten wt+!cA may atffiln pdofiy ov¢t thts �
<br /> $E�/�ti15IiURt2[i6 CM+o�-�"�:�Aww/wvs o w.dtr�. n n ' ..�.�w ...r..w q..a... ...�.W w"��w�►o�d � _ -
<br /> - .— - L tA�,,..,."'W.�.�"�y wo av:�.wriv.�a�o�mn oww7..w w'.�.r. -.
<br /> _ . � _� f the acttaets sei tntth abave witNtn 10 dzys of the gktng o!noUce. � � �
<br /> e� 4:
<br /> . «� .° $.�B�S.!E►t�r taay�tQSS antt cAecges sutliotlzed by the 3�Y. �
<br /> `. �<< '�' `S� 9.�rounds for Acaele:atton M De64. � .
<br />.�����'>: - (a)Ce�auii.I.end�may. excePt as limited by regutaBons iss�ed�y the 8eaetacY In ihe ease af payme�t deta�ts. � , .
<br /> �equire Itnmedtate paymFnt in Ai6 at eU s�mis secar¢d by this Seewity tnshumert B: ' , _ °
<br /> . • n Bortowcr defauqs tsy tatBng to paY�Ml enY monthty paymerR re4ulred by this SeauRy tnstrumeni pdcr�a or on
<br /> the due date ef tAe ne�mo�Rhty paymer�or � '��
<br /> (iij Bortowe deffiufts by faTmg.tor a pertud ol thUly�ys,i°pa6onn atry other abUga9ons canffiitted in thl9 3et�stf�► � '"�
<br /> � �'� r .:-% � -
<br /> •. •.". �. _.•.°'�? (nstrument � .
<br /> '�«.•.�:. : '� � {6j �ate Wittl�out Credit Approval. Lender shsfl..ff pertnitted by apA�c�bte(aw Mdud'ing se�lon 341(dI ot fhe �..�L'.
<br /> " � C�amSt QermeTn OeposttaN Ins�udons Act o!1982,12 US.C. 1701j3(�)end wRA ffie pdor approval of tP�e&ecretaryt. :
<br /> �' , , "� ' ' requfre tmmemate paymart tn fuU af eII the sums secured by thts Seentfiy Instrumertt ff: '` .
<br /> � -'�.�
<br /> _ , () AU or paR o?the ProP�li, or a benefledal(ntereat �k a lrust own�ng aA or part ei the FtoAetty.(s sofd ar r .,,
<br /> ` oth�rise trans[ated(ather than by dsvtse os desaen!).end, ��:
<br /> `, ,
<br /> � , � .:. . ,�The Property is not occupted by the pu�aser or grantee as h1s or her pdndpai rasldence,or Ne p�chsser or ` � '
<br /> ,�•
<br /> �,_:, . � ., ,_ . - grantee Qoes so ocwpy the ProDe►tY. f�ut hie w her c�d'it Ras not been apprav�d in accar� w$h the
<br /> '. . requiremerqs oi the S¢cretary. � ° S.
<br /> . t,�i:;�.< ' (c) Na Waiver. �t dreumstarices aexvr that woutd pamft Lender to requUe tmmedlate paymertt in fi,lt. but Lsndes �{i _ -=.
<br /> , ,.,.�Jt:•� . - � .[ ,.
<br /> � �. d o a s n o t r e q u t r e s u c h p a y m e rt t s.L e n d e r d o e s n o t w a h�e F t s d gMs with r e s gect to subs e q uert evertts.
<br /> . , . �r�. - T -
<br /> ;.',.....:.� i td1 R+agula4dons of HUD Secretary. In maw dm�msmnces regutattans tssued by the Secaemiy w11i amit •
<br /> : � �', Lendefs �ights.tn fhe case of paymerrt defa�is.to require Unme�fe P��t in tUA anQ toractose fl not pald Thi�� . �. F�t-;
<br /> -"1 • . �.�•+' � Security tnscumenf doe3 nat auihorize ecceTerallon or torectoaure H not penn�ted by re8uiatlons at ttta S2CrE7ary. • �
<br /> ..`, , . •Y:�• � . (a) Martgag� Mot in�a�.Barrnwer��ees that ri this Secutit�l Instrumert end the Hofe are not Q�termined to :
<br /> ' ,�`..��� be eiigibte tor Insvrance urtder 4�?e NaUonai Haus6tg Ac!within 90 irom the dais h2reof. La�d� ,., �.._.-�.
<br /> . may,at ib op8on require immetIIate paymertt tn tu0 of a11 sums secured by t.his 3ea�riry InsUUmectL A�rr3"',..en s�te►rt�t . ,
<br />-_ ` .'� of 6ny euthor(zed agent of the Searetary daLed subsequent to�0 tro�n the date�trereoL d�n(ng <<.
<br /> � ` � to Insure thls Sew�ity Instrument enQ the Note, ahail be deemed conclustve proof of such ine6gih?Gry.M1loiwithstandfng ��f`
<br /> . . � thfl taregofng.1hls optl�on may not be exer�sed by Lender when the unave�abDityy ot tnsuranee ts soiety due W L�ndet's
<br /> � . :: taiture to cemft a martgage insurartce premtum to the SecremrSr• • ,. • ` � . � _
<br /> .� ' 10. ReinS4&temen�Borrower has e dght to be reVistffied 8 LenQer has requtred tmmetflate paymeM tn tu0 6ecause oi
<br /> 4 .�.
<br /> • � � 8omawe�s faGure to pay an amourtt dua unQer the Note or thts Secufityr tnstrumenf.Thts dght aypQes even aftar for�dasure . c
<br /> " . .. � •, � praeee�IIngs are Ustituted. 1'o Binstate the Seeuriry (nsttumenL Borrower aha0 tender in a fump sum aA amourrts retWired ta � , °
<br />-. • . ;•_F 6dng Borrowe�'s aceount eurrent (nctu�rtg, to the �dent they are ob8gatians oi Borrowev undar thi� 3swifty Inshument. �� �
<br /> =;, toceclosucs costs end reasonaDfe and astomary attomeys tees and e�enses properiy associated witt� thm forecloEUre . . �.`��_
<br /> _ . ' procee�'ing.Upon reinstaten�ent by 8orrower.this Security(nsVument end the obllgaUons that It securBS shall remal�l In eftect ea
<br /> • • if Lendet�ad not reqi::.�d Immediate payment tn tulb However. I.ender ts not requirrnd to pennit retnstatement If: (q Lender hes . � -
<br />- - � � � acceyted reinstatertser.t after the commencement ot toredosu�e procee�ngs vr�ha� two yeara tmmecllatefy ptecedtng the
<br /> - ��� ' commeneement of a cuaent foredosura proceeding,(i�reinstatement wm preciude torectosure on ddter�ent grounQs.in the tuture, . •
<br /> • � ��`:,,.�" . or(�reinstatement wi9 adveraety eftect the pdoitty o1 the Uen created by this Securny Instrumen� `
<br />_ .. .;,��
<br /> � • . ' � _ 11. 8orrower I12a! Reteased; Forbearata�e By Lender Na'�a Watvo�.F�ension o1 tha ttr,.e ot payment ar �
<br /> '•�•` mo�iH�a4lon of amorTi�tian oi the sums secured L�Y�:s Secudty Insbumeni granted by �ender to any succes.,�r In(nterest of .
<br /> �; Borror+ler shall rtot�operate to re;ease the Qabiltty of trte odglnal Borrower or Borrower's successor in interesL Lender shall not be
<br /> �• . � . requlred to commence proceedings agatnst any successor in interest or retuse to eoctend tima tor payment or othenrAse tna�ily '
<br />'F�; �" •� ; amort�aUon af the sums secured tiy this Seeurity fisWment tr�reason af any d�mmanc! made by the odginel Borrower or , •
<br /> � ' � . -. Borrower's successors in Interest. My tarbearance�y Lender In exercising eny dght or remedy shaD not�a a waNer at or
<br /> � prectude the exercise ct any dght or remedy. ' .:
<br /> : , . ` 12. Successors and Asstg�s Bourtd; Jolnt and Several LiabQiiy; Co�sfgnere. Tha cavenante and ' �
<br /> � ' � �. � a�eements of this Security tnsUumerR shatl bind and benefd the suceessors and ass'�s of Lendv and BoROwer.sObject ta the
<br />•'�� � provislona of Paregraph 9(b). BorrowePs oovenants anct agreements shaU be joinl and several. My Borrower who oastgns ttiis
<br /> .�;,_..�. Secudry(rtstrument but daes not execute the Note: (a)ls ao-signing this Security tnstrument onty to martgage,gtant ertd convey
<br /> � that Basovrer's Interest in the Properly under tho temts o1 this 8ecudty Instrument (b) is no!perconaQy o��gated to pay lhe •
<br /> . suma secured by ihis Securdy fnsVumenL• and (e) agreas that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to e�Rend, mod'dy. . .
<br />�� • . . � torbear or make any accommodations wRh regard to the tertn a thts Securiry tnatrument or the Note without that Borrovra'e
<br /> .. consem.� � �
<br /> ' � . ,. � 13. N10uCe9.Any nollce to Borrowar provided tor fn this 3ewriry Instrument sha(1 be given by delNertng(t or by mai:Ing fl
<br /> .. � ; py flrst ctass mail unless eppticable taw requires use of another method TAa no8ce shan be d�reeted to the f9operty Address ot �
<br /> -- '. . any othel address Borrower designates by noUce to Lender.Rny noUce to Lender shali be given by tust ctass ma�to LenQer's
<br /> � ' � address stated herein or eny address Lender designates by noUce to Borrower. My notice provided for In this Security :
<br /> � � • Instrument sheA be deemed to have been given to 8onovrer or Lender when ghren as provided tn this pere�aph. .
<br />- � � ' 14. QovOrning law; Severability.This Secudty Instrument sha�be govemed t�y feQerat taw and tha taw af the
<br /> : . � -i JudsdicUon in which the Property is located. In the e+rent Ihat any provislon or ctause of this Seeu�ity Instrument or the IVote
<br /> . '. f .
<br />_. � . � c�n.3.i'!3;4.55; Paae 3 ot 5 .. ..
<br /> ", -- . �
<br />. � � ,
<br /> . i �'v3T0034 ---
<br /> ' i
<br /> _ C. .� . �.
<br /> . r . . _ .. ._. _._ _.. . .. .. ._ . . � . � ... . . .. . . .. . . ... ... . .., . -.J.�.,� . .. . . .. • _ �._. . _ �_r, ' � . _ • ._ . ._ .
<br />