_.... 4,:......:?x'°,�. _ 'xr'. ,tr �gt:`f�,'.'^^ V :� _ .� ..e_�'`'f- _
<br /> ... - .�t. i � ZZ d�. _ __ _ _ �` _ '— i�c y-. �� , --- ` -
<br /> 4 4
<br /> �t _ �� .� r -� �u� a - .ti _ . . , � _' a �:i.. r(-t '�� x.E� `r F f -���._•
<br /> .m� �: a. � b- _ ,f- � �t.� . ' �.c " ' s-Y .e � c: ,� _ .�v t � f��A, i` <.2•
<br /> ,��C'. -o �. ��� r Y`r: �i �.{ " '�-. .
<br /> :•o" , :`.�"° � . . . . _ II,°
<br /> � . ,V� tt: ' . .. .
<br /> ` � ;W�
<br />_ �.F�. ' , , �.,
<br /> � : `�` !ender may.at arty tlme.coRac!snd hoTd amauttta for Escraw Rems in en aSSregate amourR not to �d ths m�dmum
<br />-`. `4`���`;.,:}'`�.• antanqt tftat maY be raqutred tcr 8orrovres's eserow tsccouM under the Real Est�e Seffiement Fraced�ues Att of tB?4.12 U.�.0 J��
<br /> -'�.,:; �., �... ;.
<br /> `.:`�� _. �28Q1 c�j e�and implernentth9�9�9�24 CFR FeM 3500.es they may be arnenQed�am tIme to Sme('iiESPAq, m�p1 • A '�
<br /> ,��`,,.. �;.�..,`,� ; . that tha cuahIon or resetve pemitued by RFSPA tor una[�Ndpatad �rsertenffi or �llsbursemerrta d�tare the Bonotiver's � +•
<br /> ' :•�� � Payme�rts ere ava4abte in tde account may not 60 based on amowtta Qua tor tAe moRgage tnsurartce premI�mi. �
<br /> . ": it ti►�8mourta held by teffd�tot Esaow ttsms war�eed the emowts pennit�d to be hetQ�yt RESPA.lenQer enaU aoGOUnt ` .
<br />_ �, � .� �:';., ''� to Bomow�tor the exc�ss ftmds es required by AE.4PA t��fa em�of f�mds Aetd by Lender ffi arry tane are not eufRcfert to� .,F
<br /> V' .� ;�.
<br />_ '"`. t�•. psy the Eetx�ow ttesns when dic�Lender may notdy tho Borrov�er end requim 9ortower to maJaa up the ahortage as pr�rt�ed by � `
<br /> �` ocaa� � � " � a.s
<br /> ' --�yj1�� The Esaow Funds are ptedged as addiflnna!sec�aFty tor a0 sums secured by thTs Security InstrumenL If Bortavzr tanders� `
<br /> . � ,:�- -�� to Lend�the Ail!payment ct efl�fi sums.Bartawefa account shaA be aedned wfth the bafanes renatr�ng tor e0 tns�QmEnt � `,
<br /> �� ° � � ' gans (s?. (b).and Ic) 8n0 atry mortgage fnsurance p re m hun tn s t a l U n c m t t h a t L e n der h a s no 1 Dffwme a 5 fl g a te d t o pay t o t h e�
<br /> _ `�_ • ,'�` �-,� � Serxeflary.and LendEr aha[I pro�Uy rahnsd any excess fund�to BoRawer.Imma�atey prfor to a breaosuse sate of the F4op�rty�
<br /> �: ,.,:.J.��•�. �� ,qr fts acqutstUon by I.ender,Bomawefs account shali bp aedHed wBh einy Datance remaining tor eD(ns�meMs for ftems (a).lbb�
<br /> -.. � � ��,_.-.` , ��Q�, � ..
<br /> : . �. � ..,: , .. .-
<br /> '�.; .� r- .'; . � 3. lit�tlon ot P ofiL9.AO paym�urtder Paragrephs 1�ertd 2 shari b9 appffed by Lendpr as ta9ow� . ' �` ,-
<br />�• :r:•. .. , a8P � ..,.,.
<br /> . � ' RpBt,to!he mart�ge insarsnce P�um tc be Patd Oy Lender to tho 8eaebry or So the mo�hdy chargs by the S e a e l a ry > ..
<br /> , �.t�.�, �.".` _ instead oi the man"Juy mortgaga tnsu�ance premhmr, .. • �f:.�:
<br /> �,.�•e•`';• . ' �seC0f4@. m anY.taxes. sAedaf assessm�is. teasehotd payme�tts or ground rents, and Rre.Qaad and ather t�a
<br /> , :° . ' tnsurance prerdums.es requlred: . :
<br />. -�s � � T�Tfds to i t�t du��unier tha D'ot� . 1,:� ., .
<br /> ; . . IFoulth.4a smort�Zatlon at the pdnc�gal af the Nat� and
<br /> , Fffth,to tate cfiarges due under the Note.,
<br /> , , , � ..,
<br /> � " � 4. Flre. �7aad an� O�kter Heza�fl lnsurance. Bortowv sfieD Nsure eU tmprovar�ents an the Prap�ty..whetti� :
<br /> _ �_ `T" �:_'..4::,.�v�:'� . - � . __
<br /> . , • aaw in exFs'�ca or sut�seque►nty erecte4 a�inst enY�haz�ds. casuetties,and corrtingencte�.tnciudfng fire.for which'lettdQt
<br /> }}} requIres insur�+�a.Thb Insurance shall de maintained(n the amounta end tor fihe pertods Thet LenQer requtrea Borrowe�ahaD � �
<br /> � ��`�` �� ��`�.�"� aLso Insure aD improvemenis on the Froperty, whether now In�e�dstence or subsequenty �eCteA. 8galn8t tos9 by iloods to the • �•'�.�
<br /> ••' `.';�,s�;' e�ent r�qulred by the Seccetary.AB insurance aheU be carrted with companies apploved by Lender.The(nsurar�ce po4ctes m�d .
<br /> �• • < ... ,
<br />- , .. _,;__h; � etry renewals shal{be he(d by Lender and shall�nciude loss payabla datt�es u�favor o�and fi a tomt ac�pffi6te fe.Lender. _
<br /> .. . ' • tn tAe evertt of tass. Borrawer sttalt gNe Lender�{mmediate noUce !ry ma0. LendEr may matce pr�at of�toscs it na'!mada . •
<br /> � � promptty by Borrowet. Each tnsurm►ce company conceme6 ts her�by aufhor(zed end dfrected to �halce payment for sutt�tnss ,
<br /> � ��"i.;�;" �-.'`'; ditectty to Lender. Instead of to Borrauver and to Lender jotr�f.M or any part o!the(nsurat�ce proceeds may ba�pUed by �� .�'
<br />_ , ;:r;� ,: � • :'' ' Lender.at Rs aptlon. eftha(a)to the redudion of tde fndebtednesa under Ne Note end th�s Sectu�y fnsQumer��2 to eny► � -
<br /> :• ...�:.ltt�.,. .. . > . -
<br /> QeMquent amoimts apP�ed In the order in Paragraph 9,astC then ta Prepayment ot pAndpal.or(b)ta the r�atecaHo�i or�epair ot
<br /> .' , ' ' t • th¢ damaSed ProPeriy. My apPUcabon of tha proceeds to the pdrtctpai shaA not e�Gtend or pastpone ths,due dato of tna
<br /> . � � monthry paymenta which are referted to Irr Paragraph �, ot changa tAe amount of such payments. My �ess f�surei�ce _ --:_
<br />, -. • A . ,.;.,;i • �: proe�eds aver er�amount required to pay eU outstan�g trt+debtedness urtEer the Nats and this Sscu:f2y L�s4ument ahaU ps pald � `•'__
<br /> � .�- ;.: : to the�itty IegaRy enUtted thereto. .'
<br /> � ' � � (n the event of forectosure of tfiis Security Instrument or other trenster ot title to the Prop2riy tAat exdngutshes the
<br /> d�� � �' ` � ' '.� � inde�tebnesa,aA dgh�tiUe an�fnterest oi Borrower tn and to insurance po�des tn torce shaU pasg.to ttie Pu�haset. '
<br /> • E .
<br /> , � .`. ,��:,'. 5. Oe�upancy, Presen►agtan, Matntenaneo and ProB�etion o� tPoo Property; �oRa�•aer's Lo�n
<br /> � ` ' . AppiteaHon; Lea88Di0t�9.Borrower shall occupy,establlsh,end use the Properly as Borrawer's D��p��de►►ce vdthtn _
<br /> '` ` ' - ' shey days aiter the executlon of this Securiry Instrumer�t(or�v3hin s6ery daye ot a later sata or Uanster.ot the Prepertyr)end sha0 ` -
<br /> :••�: ��.� `, ' coM(nue to occupy tha Property as BorrowePs pdncipal res[Qence tot at leasl one year aRer the date of occupancy. untesa
<br /> • • `� G �` Lender detem,5z�t�at reqniremeM wID cause undue,hardshtp�or Bortower,ac untess extenuatlng circurt�.5�ces�Qst whlcU� �-'
<br /> . :;,;,
<br /> �:T �;: beyand Serrow2�'s control.Bortower shaU notii�r�Lender of arty mdenuating ctrcumsffincea Botmwer eheD aot camm(t waste or �
<br /> �,, '�y,.,:: �. � destroy, damaqe or substan".,a:'y ahange the PropeRy or aQow the Properiy to deteNorate,reasonabfa wear and tear excepted. : ,
<br /> ' " '��• � ` 9Rnder may inspect the Property B thu Property is vacant or abandoned or the toan Is in defautG LenQer may take reasonabte �
<br /> i acUon to proic:i and preserve such vacant or abandoned Properiy.8orrower ehalF eiso be tn defauit H Basrawer,dudne the loan
<br /> , ;., ' ,: . ,
<br /> � •• r appAcaUon pro�ss, gave matcMelty tatse or inaccurate fifortnaUon or statements to Lender(ar taited to�AQa Lender wM ar�y �
<br /> . �, �(� ' m.atedal tntom�ation)in connection wkh the toan evldenaed by the Note. Indudfng, but not�rnfted to. represer�Sions aonceming
<br /> "`•'�• . .: ,!�' �� BortowePs oeeupanry M the Properiy as a Pdndpal �esidence. If this 3ecudty tnstrurrra.t is oe a leaseho(d. 8ortower shs0 ,
<br /> '•:�� com wfth the ravisions ot the fease. if Bonower a fres tee tNle to the Pro
<br /> pty p cqu perry,the Iessehofd end tee tWe aflFill no! 6e
<br /> � ' � � merged un!ess Lender agreea to the merger in wriWg. � , �
<br /> • � . • 6. CoT�E�nnBtlon.The proceeds of any award or ctalm far damages,direcl or wnsequenUai,(n connection w(th airy �
<br /> • . , � condermatlon or other tai8ng ot erry part ot the Properly, cr for comeyance b ptace of condemnation,are hereby as�.�^�ed and � •
<br /> , � .sha0 be paid to lender ta the �ctent of tha tult amount c`. the(ndebtedness ihat remalns unpald under tho Note�r.d this � �
<br /> Security InstrumenL Lender��ail appty such proceeds to tta reductlon oi the Indebtedr:esa under the t�lote and this Seqirfiy ��_
<br /> ' ' � • Instrument,Urst to any deUrtquent amounts?yplied in the order provided In Peragraph 3.and than to prepaymant o}prindpeL '
<br /> {•:.,
<br /> : .. � . My appUcatica ot the proceeds to the prini:Fal ahefl not eMend or pos�ane the due Qate o!the moniAy payments.whi�are
<br /> • � , reterred to in Paragraph 2.er change the emount of such payments.a,y excess proceeas�over an emoum requUed cc pay e0
<br /> . . � . outstanding indebtedness un�r the Nate and this Secur(ty Instrument shatl be paid to the entity legally enNtled there�a •� '
<br /> . � 7. Charg�a 4o Borrawer and Protectlon ot Lender's Rights In the Property. Borrower shali pay e0
<br /> - . . � govemmentat or municipal charges, ifnes and Impositions that ere noi lnciuded in Para�eph 2. Borrower sheA pay these
<br /> �� `�. '' : obit�atlona on time directry to the entity which is owed the paymertt.It ta➢ure to pay woutd adversety aHecf Lertde�'s initere,t b '
<br /> � . . the Properiy.upon Lender's request Borrovrer shall promptty fumish to Lender receipts evldendng these paymenta. � I�
<br /> • , B Borrower faits to maka these payments or the payments requUed by Peragrapb 2, or fails to peAorm erry ather covedant� .
<br /> � . and a�eeme�s cornained in this Securiry fnstrumen�or there ts a 1¢gai proceeding that may signiftranUy afteet lertder's HgMs(n
<br /> � - the Property(such as a proceedtng tn baniwptcy,for eondemnation or ta entoree taws o►regutaUans),then Lendet may do end ��
<br /> �.�,' �. pay whatever is netessFUyr to protect the valua ot the Property end LendePS dglfts in ttte Praperry, tnGudtng payment o!taxe9, �
<br /> ;_ � hazard insuranee and other items menUoned in Paragtaph 2. •
<br /> . FSJI3.LMG f9195) Pago 2 015 .
<br />'�, �� • .• .
<br /> , C5970034
<br /> � i i � '�i . � P ! .� �T '7. T„F-:�i
<br /> . �°i t•ri'•. •'. .. c.�C'S� . ... - . � .,, . �. -� • .,�". . . ... . • .. . . ♦. 1. • . . - .. __ _ '. . _ • . - , i _ '
<br />