. . - .
<br /> _ .�, � ..w
<br /> _. �`'`_ .a�.' -:a,i..*. �-i,. �t'i� : -ys . - ..� _.'ya1_.. -...�._- "_C.. �����"`� p�S4 '?- �. ��,a_n:_.:= � �.
<br /> ..� .: •
<br /> ........._ . '_ __' _. -.6. .L�� .-i— - .�
<br /> — ,�; ��-- --- -- .,- .- - - r�- - ..:--: - - _- - — _
<br /> • a. . �5 ' . ' A k r 2',C
<br /> .. . '` ' +�' " ' ". �r-' A Q �' l 2 r p-+
<br /> � L C t +.-5-
<br /> �.f� t� i"` " . .( I :.n "' <( �
<br /> k�'_ . . S�` 'E•� , �S. � .(�p _ 'st _�` 5. . �_�' . .� _�y - - ,p. 6f-. ;.
<br /> _ " 1' Et f �b
<br />. .f' t4�' .. _ f�
<br /> _ oti.' . . - ' ' .tR"
<br /> ' . �T�f.. .fI�" ' . ' �
<br /> �.��:\ �,`�.`� � �` � ' Cantitcb wM appIIs�bte ta�v,sueb cot�lid ah¢Q rtot affeet other provis[ons af tNs Seeuriiy tnstiument.a ffie Hate v�hlcA�n EQ „;;;t, :;::
<br /> � ,.�,� �. ":.=.`- `
<br /> �. `R g�'v2t��Heel wfthout the co�S R+�vistan.To t�1ts atd the pravtslans at tNs 3awrtty h�shument end the Note sre daNaucd to <.�o:.,•.
<br /> .. ' � be savcra�lo. ' � `.`�.�: '',,
<br /> �� `�� � 1S.��n�tnrOP�Copy�Borrowa shaU Qe gNen ana ca�arimed eaAY of the Note an�ot thta 3�u�yr Inahum�nt � ' �,:;�-� ,
<br /> ,`S� 18. HBaetd01t8 S1tb9t8tt�@8.Bertower aht�!'!nat causo oc permit the presenc�uss�dteAosab smra�tt. or ralcs�te at
<br /> �' `}�:, arry Htuai�ous Substanees on or tn the PrPP�Y Bortawa eteaT!not do.nai aIIdw anyono dse to do. enyt9�inff aKee!!hg tha(g ,:.; '
<br /> . �4��r: Tho rece�n two senbences stia0 not eDPly to the presen�use.at� .
<br />. propeRY that is ts�vtotattaa of.any Envtronm�ta! L�►• p 9 •s.'. -
<br /> ben �
<br /> p�} i1t BRiSQ Q�71SU���°wOi�°O°t�'�•M»'�.���n�+haA fA ha an�nrttaRf3i8 t0�O1RIII� __
<br /> , BLOTt1$8 OR ZRi! p�Y �...�- _ .- � .
<br /> tR!
<br /> �,_� restd�►tiat uses and to ma:ntenance ot the Properiy. ' �a
<br /> �� ° �o�'straU Prosnptilf S�e �e�►der w�n nottce of anY fnve�stiBatian, �ahn. d¢�nartd. [awsuk ot ath�Bdton Is1►�I�°� �
<br /> ° `''`.`� � UnroNing the Properlyl and erry Nazardous Sub�ne�or Emdronm2r�1 taw of6� .. -
<br /> .n� . gavammenffit or�eguTatory agency or prt�rate party _
<br /> . • . whtdt Botto►ve� has ectuaJ lmowiedge. It oua Substanc�s�aftectin�e PropertY ts nec�serll.Borrow�st�a0�pmmpUY��� �.
<br /> r; .•���' reit►aval ar otlier remedIation ot etry kataN � -
<br /> ;a . � ne�sssN�med'ial acdotis(n aecardance wfth EnvhnnrrterKal kaw.
<br /> <<� ��� . ' ILs used in thia Da►g9�Oh t8. `Ha�rdous Suhstanees•are those substar►ces deftne0 as tox(c or hazardous subs�ncea 63► -
<br /> �.. . `•:.; EnvUonmentel Law and ttie iaUowing substanoes: gas�Cna. kerosene. alher tlartnnabla or to�dc pat�oteiun products. to�de -.-.
<br /> .,,.��.�%< . . pestllctdes and habl�des.vala�Te soNents.me2�stats corrtafiu�g esb�OOS or tormaidohyde.ana radlaacUve rt�fafs.As used in �E:.`.'-`�
<br /> p st
<br /> , , the paia�aph 16. '�vhonmerrtai Law'means tederal larvs and taws of the Judsd�cUon where the Rroperty is loc3ted that m.ffite --
<br /> to hFaOh.sa�Y or emrtronmentsi protecdon. ; -_
<br /> �,�::,, � -_,
<br />_ t�tON-UNiFORM CQVENaNT9.Bo�rower end LertdEr 1urtRer cav�azit end agree as toUaws: . - --
<br /> ;.<
<br /> .' � 1T.ASSigntRen#ot ROM�.BoROwer un�nd'itlanaityy asstgns andtranstera to L�tder e0 the rtmts end revenues of the _, .
<br />.' a,' ; . . p�op$rty.Borrotiu�suthorizes lender or Lendee's agertts to coIIect the rerts and ceven��artd heraby dlcects each tenant of the . f _ ,.
<br /> � ��Y m P�7►the rents ta L�ender pr Lendds agents. However,pdor to Lend�'s nogce W Borrowa oT Barrowds ase3eh ei ' � -._
<br /> � ,:.c.. ...-�:',� E °°
<br /> .- ',-i. . a�ry cavenant or agreemertf fi the 8ecur!ry(natrumertt. Bamwer shaft coffe�end rece.NB efi rerrts end revenues ot th°.�tY : —
<br /> as trustes for the beneft ot Lender and 8oaower.This assfgnm�t af cenis constimtes er►a6sotute assi�ment end not an. � -_
<br /> '• •. ' assigmnetit tor�dd,tionai secxuity onty. • ' '°�;
<br /> 8 �.�
<br /> :r� �' � * B Lender gives nodce ot 6reach to Borrawer..(a) ai{rents reeeived�y Barcower sha0 be held by Borrower as trustes tor
<br /> '',.:..`.;.:.� .�
<br /> :;. ',j,z�.,.:;. •, � Isertefit ot tender onN.to be aPF�d to tAe sums secured�y the Se�t Nstcumers�@)Lertder sha0 6e entflie3 to eo¢ec[and ' � :';:��i
<br /> �':�. secetve a0 af the rents ot U�e Pmperty, mid(c) each xenartt of the FmP�f►shau pay e11 �ts 6ue end unpaid to Lenda or ,
<br /> s
<br /> ' f ,.�",'} . • Lendds agettt oo Lenders written demarsQ�to the ttennarA. � ,_ `�`;
<br /> Borrower has not eocewted ar[y Pdor assi�mc�nt aE tha rents and t�aa not an0 xn'6 not pectoms enyt aei that would p�eveni :�. � { �
<br /> ~ � i.ender tmm exeretsing its dghts ander this Paragrapb 17. --
<br /> Lendar shall not be required to enter upon.tmce control of or maTntain the Property betore or after gd►fi8 nosticce of 6rea�►to � ,�,,.-
<br /> , ...•,��' Borrower.However, Lender or a judfciayt apDotnted r¢ceNer•may do sa et any tUne there is a breaeh.Arry appII�fan of rerns _-_
<br />- .':,. ., ., shaU not cure or waive any deTault or InvaIldate atry otfie�dgM or remedy ot t.emder.Thts assignment a!�ts ot the Froperty F __
<br /> • .�; .� shail t�tNnate when the debt secured by the Secur(iyy tnstrumenYis patd tn WA. � --
<br /> � �' •��� 18. Foroetosure Proe�dure. i!Londe� tequir�s tmmedlai�e payrrtetrt in �uti uader 6�ar�ger�ph 9. � __
<br /> . �,;
<br /> � ,} Lse�der may invoke tiio power af salo and any ather ra�a�iea parmittet! by applicable �a�n+• �. ;,r
<br /> Lortefos �halt be entiUed td cottoet ail exp�nse� tncurred tn puesuing the remad[oa provtded tn c ;1
<br /> - � _�� � � thIa Parag+raph 18, inctadTng, bu4 nat Ifm(ted to� reasonabto ettomays' teea and coate.af t14to.
<br /> .. . • :� ��-
<br /> ��` � �. � �: evtdence. . . ��,;-�-
<br /> � �,. �r. ' 1�tho power of sate is [nvoked, Trusteo sha11 �ecoM a natice a! dofauR In each caunty in - ___
<br /> � ' wtiIch any part ot tha Property ls tecated and sleall matl coples af such nottco tr� fli�=e�: - .
<br /> , . � . � prescribod 6y epplicable iaw to Borrawer and to ti�e otliev persons proseribsd by ap�
<br /> :. .�' p�r tiio ti�ne required by appiica��e tativ. Yrustea shall gWa pubita no3lce o!salo to ffis persona
<br /> _ ' � � � '' and !n ths manner prescribed by applicablg taw•Trustee�without demapd on�orrower,shall seU
<br /> � � •• ' - . :; the Property at pufolic auctton to the hig4test bldd�r at tho time snd placv and urtder trie 4erms •
<br /> ' ' destgnated in the notice of sate tn ono or mora parcela artd tn airy order Trustee deterrnine�. -
<br /> �;;.�� . ,� ; � ' 7rustoe may postpone sala of a1l or any parcel of the Pwperty by pubtl� annoancement at ths - �,.
<br /> � �' � �� #Jme and place of any previousty scheduted sate. Lender or Its deslgnee may purchase the � ��<��
<br />_ ''' . Property at arry sate. � '
<br />-_ .� � Upon receip! ot payment of tt�o prlce btd, T�ustee shail deliver to tho purchaser Yn�atee's ;
<br /> .��� ... �•,; deed conv�ying the Property.The �citafs tn 4he Trus4eo's deed shafl Ae prirtea facte evtdenr,�of ,�"
<br /> . • � tyie truth of the statements made ther�in. T�stee shall apply the proaoeds af 41ta oale in the
<br /> ' toltavring order. (a) to all costs and expenses af eaercistag the poirrer W salo. nnd tho eaia.
<br /> � - � iRCtudieg the payment of the Trustea's iees actuafty incurred, not to exceed 1�95 �
<br />�� � . � v¢ tha pr6ncipat amount af the na�Ze at the tlme of tha decfaratlo» of def3ult, and r�a��nablo .
<br /> • � � , "�. attompy�' feea as perenit4ed by law; (b) tm all sums secured by thts Secu�ity�Inatrumar� and (c)
<br /> � � . ;" any excess to the �oerson or persons togalty entitted tm it
<br /> • �� H the Lende�s interest in thla Security tnstrument la hetd by the Secrotary en�thv Searetary �� ,.;
<br /> � • � � . � _.•� requires lmmediate payment in tut! under Parag►aph 9,ths Secretary may Imrotca tQ1� nonjudtctat •
<br /> . . .� pou+er af sale provided in the Singte FFUn1Iy Niongage Foreclosure Act o! 1934 ('�cY� (12 U.S.C.
<br />- , . . 3751 e��og,) by ►equesting a foreclosure comml3sioner deslgnated uetder tha Act to ComrtsOrtae .
<br />~ � � � foreclosure and to sell the Proparty as pravided in the Act. Nothing in the precading sontenco
<br /> _ • . shall deprtvo the Secretary af any eights otherwtse avaliabte to a Leader a�nder this Parag�h 18
<br /> . ' or appficablo law.
<br /> � 19. Reconvcyance. Upon pa•,rment of aU sums seeured by this Security InsVument, Lender shaD request TNStee to .
<br /> � - - reconvey the Propr�; and sna0 surrender this Seeuridy Instrument and.aU noted evidencing debt secured by.this SeatriiSt °.,
<br /> � • • � (nsVUment to Trust��r. ;�,,�•c shall recon•rey the ProAei►f►Y+iihout wartanry and vrithout eNatge to the persan ar peraons[egaQy
<br /> � entitted to N. Such F ers�° �r persons snail pay erry recardation eosts. �
<br /> . . � .. � ,
<br /> ._.- -- _ -- ..:.:s�'.:a;4�°C; va;�a nt s � ____ _
<br /> ' . ! �
<br /> F ' • � .
<br /> . __ •�.�_ _�t �.._ . . . .. _.� . . i i . _ ._ _ w _ . ... ...� . ._ . !.�.�_. __ .... . ._ C... _. � _ � . � � ... _. . , ... _..r ..` __..
<br />