. ,� .
<br /> • . < --
<br /> . .. ' �.1 .. .�;F
<br /> �. _+l=.�3_�..�.. �' �.:�.�.._✓" "' �.,.�,.�.=..._e,...� ��_::�.' � �VC - _- _ �Z_ _ _' 2`, — _
<br /> . . '-^-�V..�. � ,_. ..
<br />. . _ . - _"'- . .. _ 4.. z ti.. ._ , .� -- . - t _ ___ _`__- r _,
<br /> ��-'� - 1 . . .4 .6 ( r -�, � �ti ;�.� t.. � r E.-: R� :�� F s.
<br /> k , '$` " s .�K � - b _"� _ ,.4� �. _ ,;_';:�s z , ir — _i - — � �� 6
<br /> r«.d!:` _' '�_ �a .�L 'w :i �, ,
<br /> -_.r�:.:., ��- � _
<br /> :`4:. ';4, Y!' . • + -'c.
<br /> .. _ :.`' � �£` .
<br /> '��.cP,`F'•d;, ''.t���. � 4(�fic�j���
<br /> . ,f.�-t`4<;,,.',` .��` ' f��a����i°i. ��U ACf � `.�c
<br /> �, �4� , g �o�. �er os i�age�t maY maloe�sonable enuies��te�e�����P�O� •� � ' . .
<br /> �: <: �.:;� _ �-.
<br /> '``'` `� ' �`�° m co�ctton wItb . :`�
<br /> 'a , �_`,;;-.� , give Boamuer nouce at the tf�e of or�tor t�at1�� ,
<br /> ceeds of aay award or or damagzs.dir�or `;�`�`� ":
<br />. � 10.Cond�nattaa. �e p=a or for comr in lii.�e�aatio�, a�h�Y ..
<br /> p�F�y epan°e e
<br /> �., .:��� r , ����pbe aid to��f� ��of ttte .
<br />_ - � ,, ' ��.• � I�to ibte sums secnred bY this Secntiry `� ��''.
<br /> r`' ` i n t h e 4�►�o�a w t a t t a k l a g of the P m pe�,Y• a��ld B�o n a a r e t• t h e�e e n t u€a p a�i a 1 t a W n B o f t h e Pmpe�Y� y`
<br /> � `. ..��'•` Iasuume�nt,whether o1r aot thea due,aitl►a��9 aediateiY befo������q�a 1t w or gteater thaa the aafo�t of� ' � a`
<br /> ., . <,
<br /> '� ,` ` whir�the fair,a�a�ket valae af the Pmyerty ima �:.`' �
<br /> - - uus�ecauicy ��:..••••"'�swPt..t,s�f�re the taIdaa.unl��orio��1.eader_o�r��� �__r-_6__:
<br /> . sums secur�u oy �S����6e tedi�by the smoua� F
<br /> ��.� wridn ,the sums sewzcd 63► befo�the mking,divId�(h)�fair market � �-,
<br /> . �fra�on:(a)the wtai a�ouat a the sums se�uxrd immed��Y ���rer.I�the event of a pai6al takInS _ �_
<br /> ,t�. , v a I u e a f t h e �i a t e l y be foze t fl e t a k�n .A n y b a t a a o e aLatt be p�
<br /> p�°P� �iately,befoie t fl e m k i ag is I�s t L a a t h e a m u u n t o f�e 6_:`i .';�
<br /> ,' `��- � of t E�P c o P sa wtiic�the fair market ealue����a�I.eader o t h e r w i s c ag�cee in wtitin g or�tess aPPl�le
<br /> • �� suma secured�aa�lat�iY b e f o�e t he� tt�is Serurtty����e r ar not the ;`,��..
<br /> ~ " . `�' taw ottterwlseprov�des,the pr+oceeds sball applied ta the sums s�by • ,. ,:
<br /> t
<br /> -°: . -` sv�s ace thea dne. � ����y�w Bosrawer tbat the oondemuor offezs tn ��."��-'"-
<br /> �t ff r
<br /> .`•:��' c r' . . If the piopeity is abaadaned by Bosrower,or if. ��r the date ths notice -
<br /> - make an award or settle a claim far damages.Bouawer fa�s torespond to I.endcr with�30 • n or air of the PropertY . :,,_�.
<br /> � I�er is authorhed to collect and app1Y�he Pro�ds,ai its oPtion.either to r�swra�tto � _
<br /> 3,.:�" , ' .��'f�'' �8��' Insur�t,whethet ar not thea doe. � `T:<i'
<br /> _ f . ' . or to the s�se�aued b7►�s�Y in����Y aPPlicatlan of praceeds to p�iucipal ahall not extend ur .:�:
<br /> ' �'�..,.�.�.. Untess I:e�der and Boarawer.otbecwise agcee , . .-.;�,;,_.
<br /> .:,� postPane the due date o€the mnntbIq pa�me�r��tn in para�p hs 1 aad 2 or c1�ge tfle amo�t�of s�paymeais.. ,
<br /> � 11. Bo:rowe� I�Ioi Relea..�;Farbearence�yY L�e�Nat a VVaiver.'E�enslon of t�te Wine.for paYme�i vr .; :,
<br /> of the sa�s�d t��� �����t°an�i successor in i�resc
<br /> `�' • ' ��frc�oa of a��u � .y�:
<br /> of Boaower sha11 nat opetate 2o r�t e a s e t Il e l i a b�7 i t y �o�d 1 B oaower or Bnicow�'s su��� � _�
<br /> � y�d 1 r in mteaest os refuse to extend nme for pa�� :�,.�
<br /> ,�� - sha11 aot 6e to to�nae pr�nP,s 8D � �t 6 reasoa of auy demand maae by
<br /> - , �� athecwise mo�am�rtization of the snms seaued bY�arir�by�s�a exercising any ri�or cemedy sba11 - - -
<br /> . '' ,' ��' original Born�wer or 8ormwer's s¢scesso:s ta interest. Y . � '� .
<br /> � q or t+�medy.
<br /> ". �.� nat be a waiver of ar prECIude ffi��is�of an ngt�t eg. Thh�coveuaab aub a��°f ` `
<br /> . - ` . ]2,Successois and�Bouad:doi�rt�tI Sev�al Idahfltt9,_�crSiga eu �.
<br /> C�`}s iect ta the �
<br /> , � },,,.,,�� this S�auity ins�nt s�aU ind aud beae8t the s�ca�ors and a�s of I�endet and �Borrow'er a5o co-signs � ' `
<br /> p 17.Eorco�ver's wv�ants aad agr�e shaU t�:�c and seveml.Any
<br /> . � t�S�urIty ��h E'ti�3 S Insnnmens only to mortgage.8r�
<br /> , '� >:,: insorument but dnes a4t exQcute the Note•(a)is co-signing S��Insat�n�N)is not pe�'sonally' :.:
<br /> . a4d c�nvey that Bomavre�'s inter+est�this Se�aritg��c(�f g���Lwder and ac►p o�her BoTmwer maY . �':_.-,.�.
<br /> ,,..;. . _
<br /> _ � , ., obligate8 w Pa3► Ne sums seemced bS► �pm�dations with s�eg�d w trie terms of tbis Secority Ias�ame�3�a t� ' —..-_
<br /> w extend,modifY,fo:hear os make aaY
<br /> h
<br /> ; .. �ari out tbat Bormwer's�:�onsent. ��t�s snl�3eat to a taw wt�ch sz�s�toan ,�
<br /> � ,' �.�.oan Ch�ge� If ttie lo�►serure�by this S�nrity ��s: .. _
<br /> � es, an�that taw is fiaally intelPze�so tbat 8ie interest or other toaa charges coliected or eo be coltected i�s �'.-
<br /> d� �� ��: (a)anY such ioaa c��e s1es11 be�Iitced.�y the��
<br /> . . . c o ffi o c i fon with ths 2oaa e��e P� . • �,y c o l l e c t e d f r am Bomnwer wfiicl���
<br /> � n�es,aiy to reddce the charge W t hepemniu�d W a i t;a n d(b)a n Y the �'`��d �~
<br /> ' .("�'Y`.. '1: .
<br />_ ,. peuattt�d llmits will be reT�mded to Boirower. Le�der may��r e f�u n d �p����e I�c�t�'on�b e�ueane3 as a � r�.
<br /> . '. t�e Note oz b maWng a dir��paYa�t to Boaower �._._
<br /> - , �p�p �,Y-"�thout?uY P�PaY�t��nnder the Note. ¢ LL--
<br /> . ...:�•,.... � 14. otices..�Any aotioz W Bonower pmvtded for in this Secarlty������'det'ivering�it or by
<br /> . � � , . tu�iI�ng it�y fisst class mafJ antess applicab2e law requi�use of anotIter m�hod. 'I�e no ce be diice�te�W rhe ���,
<br /> pruperty Address or any other addrese BoYrnwez designates bY noffce w L�er.AnY notice w Lender aball be gi�►en bY �'_-
<br /> � ° �rrst class mail La Lender's address stated herein or aug►other address Lender designates by aotice to 8orrower.Any natice
<br /> .'' ,: st shalt be deemed w have been given w Borrower or Lendei when given as provided _ ' !i-
<br />- , ;, : ravided for ia this Seauity lastrument � ' ����;_"
<br /> p ig �
<br /> . in this gatagraPb- 'Iliis S��t shall be goveraed b9 fedetal laar end�or the � �:•'�
<br /> � 15.Governing Law;Severabilitq• rovision or clmise of tbis Se�arit5► � `
<br /> . � dion in whicb the Property is loc�red.la the evens that a�yr y �nt or the Idote � ( L
<br />- � � . � � . o t e c o n t ll c t s w i t happlicable law,such conflict shall not affeet other pmvisions af this Sea�rlty �and the : ,1.�;,;_'-
<br /> � whtch caa be given effect arit��t the conflIc�ing pro v i s lon.To t h i s e n d t h e p m y i s I o n s o f t W a S e c a�r i t y �_
<br /> � � Nate are declared to be sevetable. . " _.
<br /> , . 16.Boraa�'s Cogy..Bonower shaU be�Iven oae confonned c+ogp of the Note aad of tiris Seaui Iasuument. �; ,.
<br /> '" � �?. s.a��f th�YtaD of the�erty or�yr .
<br /> . .; or a Hmct�dt�l Inta�st��B�so d or�ferr�ed end Bosmwer is aot a
<br /> _ `•� � � . i n t e r�t i n i s i s s c T.��r t r a n s f e r m l�r i f a b e A e fi c t a l 9 n t e m s t at ita option,r e q u i r e�d i�p a Y m��f u l l o f e ll
<br /> , .' ... .. na'�*�1 pezson?without LenQer's prtor arittea conaent.Lsades sn�y,
<br /> . . � sm�sedured by this Seauity Insuumen�How�ever�thia�optioa sliall not be exerc�sed hy Lender if exercise is pmhibite� . �': :
<br /> � . . .• . � b y f P d e r a l l a w a n o f t h e d a t e o f t h i a S e c u n t y =_
<br /> � If Leader exercisea tl�s aPtton,I.ender shall�ive Borrawer no t ice o f a c c e l e r a i i o a.T h e a o t i c e a h a l l p r o v i d e a p .
<br /> of not 2ess t1�am.30 daya fromthe date th�natic�is delivered or mailed within whicm Borrower mnst pay all s�s secur�d .
<br /> _ —'. . - • . . Farm 30�9�0�a9g 4 of 61 - .
<br /> •.. . .:, ean»s srsraNS.nvc.,sr.ei.ow.ns:+easox u�aoea��.saau coarn Ma��ue aim9� �–�— � � .
<br /> ;:' : � . � .
<br /> . �.,
<br />„t,.,< : . , -
<br /> . . :it
<br /> •�i . . . - • - _.
<br />''��. ' . _ . .
<br />_. -'_ ;.'. ._.�___ __.___----__ -�_.- .
<br /> • _"_ ' --��"�.��.��....�..---�"`�-^-^ . '..V.'. . . �....'�.-..���� - i � - _ - _.
<br /> `-�.,,:-^-„—,._.-• 1�"':_�""':!r--.. •"'- -r. "�7 .. .5� � "^ i -*i..w.i. ,--v"�-»--'' .�r. , �� - --�,� .- .
<br /> .lsa_ 4.�.��5: . ....._. �...r-. .. �a�..� . . . . . _. . _ � ..._a. ..,. , . . ._. af.�tS.. i•-M --'v�e•�vl- ea �c_ ' . .i(-� . i.� -.. . f i - .. . aa {,. s�.�...A ...h�. �..a
<br />