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<br /> �Y these sums rlor to the�pirat�oa�4�is petl�d�t+euder maY im►oke
<br /> .`-�:�F ``� , by th#s Seca�riry In.�^ccament.lf 8otme�rer faiTa to pay P. �- •.
<br /> � aay reme�es pe�mitte0 by this Sewnty tns�wlthutu li�cther notIce or demand oa�Bomawer. .., ,��F
<br /> ' �� 1$.Bor�bcs�'a Itlgl�t to S�Stata•Lf Ban�vJer meets c�caadttioas.Borrower sL�il have the rig8t w t�ave ::�y
<br /> °�,� �.�'4�` �
<br /> , �,�; e a 4 b�t of this Seauitp Insuaa�at discoat�aed at any dme rto:w the eariier t f�.�(a y p o w e�r o f s a le�c a n c a t s i e d�tms ..,`, °:
<br /> ap licsbIs Ia�r mxjt SpecifY fbr reiastatement}before sate��� �,',-._�-�
<br /> P 'Ihose ccuditions are tt+at Bosr�wer:(e)
<br /> � � 3`� . SewritY Ias�s�meni%or(b)ena�of a.judgment eafoictng �tY and the Nnte as if no acoe2eration had ..
<br /> . . � pays I,EIIder ali s�cvhich theu wontd be due nIIder i�is Sestuiry� � es inc,+ured in enfo�eing tbis
<br />_ ' � � acwr:ed;@?c�s any d e f a a t t o f a a y o t h e r c a v e a a n't s o r a g r e e m e a t s: (?P Y 9��� �c2�atxinn as bender maY• E.
<br /> - - - - «.. ..... ...ts...t► m [i+aFt►rl�}fle aitosIICYgf f�9. � �Qd2 a �'•-.-..
<br /> � ` � �s�W�1}3+ ws sw. ��� �
<br /> Se�it9 w assarc thaz ttt$ lien OY thtS 3ecuritY Instrume�nt. L�'a nSU� �"�.."�=''-
<br /> `� � r�aablY.re�uire �' _ `
<br /> obli�tioa to the sumg s�by this SeciuitS►Insuumeat shalt tant�tne unchaaSed•Ujten r�fn�t by Bortower,
<br /> �E '� ���y�aud the o6li�ions seau+ed hereeby sha11 remain fnti efrYe�tYve as if rm��a4 a�utaed• ' -
<br /> k ��pL
<br /> .. � Rotivever,ttiis rist►t w�einstate shall uotappiy ia� the'ihe PIoi�e or a�pastial intecrsp.t ia t�ie Note(tagether with shis Se�uity � `}
<br /> �� `.�;�.. � ` c�� I31.Saie of N�Ci�eaY Loa��ervic�. m�y _.
<br /> • . _ Instiument) b e s o l d o n e o r m o r e t i m e s w i t h o u z r E o r a o t i ce w Hoirower.A sate asd th�is�g in �I a s�t.'i h�e c e ._-
<br /> up
<br /> ' ' (bnown as t h e�L oan S e�v i c e r"j t�a t o n l t e�t s a Q a n t h t Y P a Y r�t e due uader the Note
<br /> • aLqo may be one or more ch�uges of the Loaa ServIcer unrelated w a sale of tSe Note.��o e aad applic�ble law. . �
<br /> ." .* . `.�,z�`.,� Senricer.Hurmwer wIll be givea writt�not�ce oP the chamge ia accordance wish Pa�g�aP shoald be made. ".�:.�
<br /> :.�. �. . � 'ihe notice�1 sYate the uame an�addnss of the neat I�aa Setvis�er a�d the address po which paym�uts , -,_;:
<br /> 'ihe notice vriI!also oontaim any other inforsnarF�a�quired bY eDPlicable law. osal.stosaSe.or celease of , = :
<br /> ., y ' � Z0.HazarBous S�ana¢s. Boaower shaU aat c�se m Feimit the presenoe,nse.disP h Y:
<br /> .`�° ' aay Aa�andous SuBstances on ot in the Pm�ar9-Bo�cawer shall nat do.aas allow anyone else w do.a�►YthinS ffeqing o,_.
<br /> ,.'. '- • . tLe pmgerty that is in vin l a t[m►a f anlr�n m e n t a l L a a+.T h e p�d i n g t w o¢e n t e n c e s s�a11 nat a PPI [o the preseace, ,. ;_: .
<br /> • mm �
<br /> . _ ' , a s e,o r s t o i a ge on the P m pertY of small qusatities of Hazallous Snbstauces that are Sene�ltY��tu be appmpriate _ -
<br /> ,` ,..� to uo�a l r e s�d e u ti a l uses a n d w m a i n t�s u c e of the P m p e rt 9. lawsnit or o t ber a�t ion bY ' �" 'ai
<br /> ", l3amawer sHari pmmpdY give i.endes wrltten not�ce of aay investTgation.claim,dea�aad. r -
<br /> .endes � Har.arduns Substapce ar Eavi:on- .
<br /> ` � aaq goveuuaenral or zegn1atazY agenc�+or Prnate mvoiviag the FmPertY �bY�Y So
<br /> party t =
<br /> �T .::�1, meuta2 Iacv of whirb Bouawer Has asxual Imowledge.If Bo:rower leams.ar is no Y��O1��� �` '`_�
<br /> . <� � � :'. suthosity.that aaY iemopal or ather�eme�'�ation of a�t Iiszasdous Snbstance affet�da the PmPertp n�Y• �.,:�_-
<br /> �u eia g
<br /> . • �� °�.';. •�"`<',, sha!!pmmpuy take all neceasary remedlal actions In accordance vrIth Eavimnmencal Law.
<br /> �;r : �`=._`� `
<br /> � v As used in tbis para slgit h 2Q."Razardol�Snbstance�"ate ttwse substauces defined as toxic or har�rdous snbstanc,es
<br /> , , .•• ' Y', . by Fsyiro�tal Law and the follow'sng substances: gasoliae.kemsene� other flamanable ar tolcic petrote�n products. �-::�
<br /> . ,t ''
<br /> w�dc gesticides aad herbictdes,volatile solveuts,�materials containing asbestos o:fosmaldehhy de.and radioactive matecials• �:�;.
<br /> : ��� }:�"""'f::' . As used in th4s para�aPh 20,"Environm�tal�aw°means federal laws aad laws of the jucisdIc�ton w&ere the PcopxrtY is �;.�.__
<br /> locateQ thai relate W heatth,safetp or eavironm�ant�l pmtecHon. ���'
<br /> 4. �-� ; NoiwUNttaoRre CovFx,trns.Bortower�d Lender furthet covenant and agreE as follows•
<br /> � 21.Aaoeteration;RemedIes. Leuder sLall gtve natice to Bosrowea prYor to aoqderat�an Pollowing Bortowa's � :_-
<br /> '6r�ch of any coveasnt.ar agr�rmeat fin tMs 3ecanrlty Instr�eat(but nat prior to acce2�e�ion�md�pazagrePh 17 � _:
<br /> imIesv app�csb2e taw provfdes other�vFse):The uotIce shal!spectfY:(e)t$e defe�ilt;N)the adion mqnir�d to cae�the .. .. ,_..,:�
<br />- , � � deFanit;(c)a date,uot iess t b a n 3 0 d a y s�+a m t h e d a t e t h e n a t i ce T s g i v�n t o B o r r a w e r,b y�v h i C b the defanIt naast be _�_:
<br /> . . . � cared;end(�tbat faiIure to c�e ths de�sult on or before the date specf�i�inn ce sheD f eher infom�osacowes �.�r-,-
<br /> • . a4 Ute s�s securea bp tlils Secmei�y�sameit ead saIe of the Propraty. co
<br /> �. . . .
<br /> . . . tha to a court adton W e.s�t the non-�ce�$ �-.:::=`
<br />.;;;:. .=:;.��. :: ot the rIg�t to retnst�te a£d�soceteration saal right br�g ;_"��`
<br /> � defaalt or any otiies defe�oY Bonov�w a�aad sat�If tiie defanit 1a nat e�ed oa ar bgfa�ttte date ` .
<br /> '' specifte�l in the nrotic�.L��der at Its op�fon may�ait+e irarnedtate paymeat in fall Qf sII smn.v aec�by t� . F ---
<br /> g�i t y Tnsls�eat without Pm�her de�nd and may iavoke We pflwer of sele aad�Ytlae remedies ovt��t� :
<br /> �h L
<br /> �, .� , ]i c a b l e T a�. I.e u d e t s'h a l l b e e a t l t I e�t a c�olled all e x peas�inc�red in puns�n� D �- _--_
<br /> � �ar�gr�h Zl,inciuding,bui not limited to,reasonable attorneqs'Pees snd casts of titte evid�ce. ast•oP the. -'�r=-�
<br />_ . .. , p �f the�oc�er of wte is invoked.'i'rust�smaU seoord a nottce oY dedanit in each caimt9 ia which a�p '
<br /> Praperty is lacated end shall matl copies of sucb aotice in the ma�er ps�3bed bY aPPlieabie lew to Borrawer and�
<br /> '' W the oiher geasons prescrlhwl by ap��CCab3e law. After the time reriuired by aPPl3cab2e Isw,Trastee s1�aD gioe
<br /> e
<br /> '�.�...•, cable taw.lYuste�without de�aad an .`
<br /> � , pnblit aot[ce of saIe W the pe�sons m��s the manner prescrlbeil by applt � �
<br /> � '.��: .�Q���s��¢��he Prop�at pt�D�r auctton W the hlghest bidder at the�and �p�e end uudes the ter�s ;
<br /> - ' deslgnated in the nottce oY sale one or mor+e pa�rcels and in any order Trastee �ermines.'�m�9�� F
<br /> '•�.'' saie af aD or aay pureel oY the YroperiY b9 publlc aRnoimcement at the ttme and place of anY Prevto�.sly s ed � __-
<br /> r�e . :
<br />-'� �. , sa2e.Lender or.its deslgaee msy pruc�se We PrapeadY at any sale. s��t e e'e d� �e .
<br /> n
<br />-; '�� � � Opan receipt oY payyffieat of the p�lce b i d,'i t�s t e e s h a l l d e l i v e r t o t h e P�
<br /> ;e� �..�., -
<br /> Pra�riy. The redtais in the Tcustee's deed shall be prims fede evtdeaae f tlt�tt�t11'dF'Q1d°st�i� ts ma8e � ,,;
<br /> - . �';<'�• �: . there�n.3Y�uste�sbn11 apply the pPOOe�o f t h e s a te in the foIIa r�i a g order.(a) ��'.�d�s�e i���,og ex� _
<br />-r ., . �__........ ,._...._..o�_ __._, �.. -
<br /> A_.• .....
<br /> _. . . __
<br />��'�... . '. Form 3028 9/80/A89a6 s� - . .
<br /> - , B/iNKERS SYSTE�S.INC..ST.GAUD.MN 863d�It$OQ-397.Y347!FO(iM M61�NE 2/891 ��?-- ��
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