<br /> ... . . . .r ,. a� " - <` .' '_ a' i. ♦\ C� F
<br /> _ � o_�n.. ... . . .. �_. _ _. � :�: ir� ��_ _��_� _xtr__ "'-- '�y r�r- -
<br /> r=''..1 �,��.� _. _. -�_�. �_., _ __ _ _ - __ _ ' -_
<br /> -�- �--^ �i -��- -- . - v-�--�- -- � -=r - - — - :-- --- -- i -. .
<br /> , . ,
<br /> . � � } �
<br /> .�.�. r. . �` .,`. F � - � � .
<br /> .4 �'� . . -', 4 . < e.. -.f. __ ..:1�� .�-.+v 4 � R �4 .�S V4 .# t �S !i� 1 ��k
<br /> 'E' ' ' , .i ' :� . ' �c. " ° r��C�.- ' `.
<br /> ,.y�' '. f�t•i.'� : . _F . .c.�,;-r -` . ,y�ii�.
<br /> ��.i�.�� i:t�' 3"-_ _ 4�� o�..•;Yj�
<br /> . _�6. -c��� . . '4 q -
<br /> " ..`t
<br /> ` :a'
<br /> �LY ,t • ` � ` _ �f�:���F`'l.
<br /> ;}':: :; .�.. k�r�g` :=:�e°�i�.����
<br /> ;`° � .� . �asu�ce.TNs insurance�a11�e ma}�aed ia tke�8n+d
<br /> `� inr,Iudi�ttoads 6r ttooding,for whi�Lender t�� vi�the��be chosen bY Bonuwer suUjed w � ` � ;.:
<br /> �for the pedods t4�s Leuder T�����°�,If��ower fa�s w maintain oa�e�d�.scribed above, ,� ._-
<br /> �:•�� ° �,endds apgmval which �n4t be.unreasoaab Y e��in the Pcogertl'�8°0d�����h ` .
<br /> . ° � � Lender msy.at Leader's uPtiaa.abtein cavese�e co'P���� � ` .�, �,�
<br /> , table to Lender aad shall iaclude a sta�azd�mu�&aSe clause• . .�.,.,�
<br /> L ` � � 7. �Pll!i�s�ranoe Po1icI�a���be�.jf L�der z+eqaites.Houocver sha11 groa�tlY II�ve� � --
<br /> °: `, � ��:
<br /> _ �����. ohf M�Sffjd f�110�`�4 ._._ �........,ar of�o11 VQl MOtlIpL IIUtICC Ltf 1�� i--'.
<br /> � t1II19 8II$lCZ1L`VI►�II4tICe3.III ffiC CiCIII vi nr�.a•••••..�. °o��-
<br /> :i-"'�' aIl�eceiPts of pa�d Piem� � af ofloss if not made PsamPflY bY�aao�. n.
<br /> �`��,� carciea aad t�nder.Lgader�Y �e m�shall be a4Plled��nratian or air � Y_
<br /> � ¢� Unte�Ixnder aad Eorr°w+er°�a����•• � `-_"
<br />--.. ,,, -•_ . �. ;< �y� �f the restoradon ar r�pair is ecanormcaIIy f�d be 1����ce��p ���y '
<br /> ' �`� �p�f�t� feadble or I�ender's sec�Ity �'�
<br /> , �YW��• �,= �t�p ��}► V }� �DO��i�.�lL 4::.,.
<br />. �- �t1�Of��rGt��S IIOS E�OIIO���* � __4..d.CI O�IIOt i�4r..s���J����
<br /> �. Ii�tD t$iE SQII1S 6� y����� lY.l{i6iW�aM Wl1GY1 �
<br /> a��� I1�SLLISl1 'F,1 r
<br />`- � •� $�OIIB�tCT ab2adons the PmPertY.or daes not answet wIti�ia 30 days � Or reswre v.��,
<br /> collect 8ie iasurance P L�der�aY use tbep �b� °:
<br /> .- � o ff e r z d m set�e a cla�.d�l�ender may t a s�e n t,�ar not�a dtte.'ihe 3�0-daY P� _,=<:�:�_
<br /> .�- � � . � p� �y oF w pa�y sums s�ue��►�Sec�cy �x;�;°�
<br /> e � al ahat�not e�oY - =�- _
<br /> - . �. when�e notice_�$�v�andBorrawer o�+ise��w�ng,�9app�on of gmceeds W�P � — .
<br /> ;� . ; � Unless l,enaec p�gn�phs 1 and 2 as change the atnuu�af�Pa�� �L"'��`��
<br /> : `•�?, t::_,� postpone the due date af t�maathlY Pa9�� � to mstuance Policies an�Pra
<br /> t b 3�ender,Soimwer's r�ght au� �-_"'`_,.
<br /> r. . I121 th6 Pioperty�S acq� to the extent of the eums S�bY�S�ty.
<br /> ������e pcoperty pnor w tne 't�on s1�a11 Pass to Lender ;� .�.
<br /> . . = , ��Y r� �mmd Ft�on of the Yrny�tY*H°����pp��e : "
<br /> _ � ,; fi. O�tpan�9+ as Bomower's pr�ncipat . -
<br /> -•� �"�'` I.easei�olds.Bomower sball occupY+es�blish.and ase the PmP� the e�ty:as Borrower's priuc�pal c�ide�� �°'- °
<br /> ' atier the�a of tbis S�rity t�n�an�slzali ca�inue accu�Y ���g,�hicd�w�asse�t shari ant be ,, � �_
<br /> _ , . . .fcr at teast une�9���iml��f�pg�'un�ess Leuder otfiecanse a�s — , ,,_-:
<br /> �mstances e�st whicd�aze,bepond Boimvu�r's contml.Bomnw��t
<br /> �allowp��Y to deterloiate,br oa�w�an�e PropertY• � �'�
<br /> , , .�..;�' �� Qe ox aupair the PmFert�► wh�her civ�7 or cr�a1,is b�m d�'ia Lender's B� !`
<br /> . s8a12 be'r��i�t�anry farfeitnce acxcon or �• air the li� c�ated b3► tbia Sec�ntY � --
<br /> - . l�B�E �d�resalt in forfeiAue of 4�rei� �c:u�e� �ach a defautt and�.�I���p�b 18.by � _
<br /> , ,; . �t or Lende�s s �� � a�� �, ia Lea�'a good f�ich d�n.FS� --
<br /> a.ction � to be dis�miss� anth � � this e��3►
<br />:i':;�-Y:`;...:;.:�,..:..: �cm►sing'the � �ning 8te loan app - _ .
<br />`;�::, : ., . � foifeituae of the Baua ver's 'mt�est in tbe PropeatY or other p� of the �cat�on pmoess, :
<br />. :.i'' �OI Y+CIIdP.i'S 88C11I1�Y��.Bosmwer sbaU a]so be ia def�It if$or���, P���� � .-u-
<br /> '' ,. fa1se or inaoauate�informatton oT statemeriis w L�der(or fas3�to�Sm�+i�- g K-
<br /> �>.: gave maseriaAY but�ot linated t�.� _
<br /> ��... ' � ',..�IF;,.; . I�ent is�a;Easehold,Botmwet s1ialt
<br /> ;�;`;`.• : ;�,�;.�..� ' tnfom�tion)in sa�ian witt�the to�evIdea�������tY -
<br /> ,,r .- . , � Borrower's o�nPancY of the ProPertY P� ge titte to t'a�$aaperiY.the Ieasehold and the feE t i t te --
<br /> ,� ` cwm�ly with a11 tDe pravislons of the lease.-If Bo�w�aGN� . . ,
<br /> � .sball not mer�e unless I.ender aSr�es to ttie merger If Boaower fai;s tu perform tlie covenants�a i_
<br /> • 7.Prote�toa of d.eact�'s Ri�ts in the Yroperiy. affect lxnder's ri ta in the �' -
<br /> �. Instnmteiu, or theie is a tegal pro ;*���y si�aificatttiY C. , , -,.�
<br /> , . . contained ffi this Sacarlty � , robate,for conde�oa or forfecnue or w�foice l a w s or regnlatimns), . . i
<br /> prapertY(snah as a proc�dipS banIauPtcY F aaud Leader's ri u►the
<br /> ' Qiea I�ender ma3►do and pay for w jh�ver is n�sary.to pmtect�ie valuc of the�PraP�Y �. ,,_ r-µ.:
<br /> inc Pa3'mS �s secuted hy a liea wh�r� t�s primEItY over tlns Seairity .
<br /> :. • � '�, �P�Y• ��'s acdans maY aa�the Propertg to make repaus.AtttmuP,h , _-
<br /> ' " I a s t c u m e a t.a P P e��i n c o u rt,pa y i n g reasonable aitomeys'fees and 'enier�ng . �
<br /> ' ' laader m a Y take action under t h l s�a�r�a�P h 7,l.e n d e r does n o t h a v e t o d o s o- ' �- =�
<br /> . . . . pny amwnts d i s 4 u r s e d b Y a.e�C'u i�d e r t h i s p a r a g r a p h 7 s h a l l becosne a�3isional debt of�orrow�r secar�d by t L i s .
<br /> ..� •_ S�ry Inst�°eut-Unless Bosrower and Lender agc�e to other teims of payment,t hese a m o�a t s s h a U b e a r i a t e r e s t fr o m �!�:M-:
<br /> ;� ., abte.with interest,nPon notioa Emm l.ender to Sonower �±�4�
<br /> ,.. ,' � tTie date of disbnrsement ai the Note rnte and shaU be pay ' -- _..?�
<br /> �. � ' esting PaY�t• e insa�ance as a condiuon af maklnS the loaa s�ured by th3s ___
<br /> ' � 8.1Ko�tgsge Iasnrance. 1f Lender required m°rtgaS e incuraaoe in efxc�t.lf,far any
<br /> �' . . ' �`,,�` ���A to maintain the mnrtgag .,�:;:::_,,.
<br /> ��:. . : . Sec�uity Inst�nment.Borrawer sLall pay ti�e P��I�1�
<br /> � . . reason, t�e.mnrtSa&e lnsvtance c�verage requued by l.ender lapses or ceas�w be ia eff��y ia�ect. aP a cost �_`„-
<br /> to the awrtgage�nsurance'pr
<br /> � '�. ... premiu�r�n�red tfl obtala wverage substauHallY e�aivalent . �;•,'
<br /> _ . substan"n2:�Y equivatent co the aost to Bonawer of the mortga�e uuard°ce Previonsly in effect,from an altemate mortg�e - -
<br /> ' � nvaleut martgage ins�uance c�overage�s not avaitable,Borrower slu�lpay
<br /> msu:er aPProved by Le�er. If sabstan�ialry� iemiutn being paid by Bortuwer when • _ ,.
<br />'`�;'��;`'.�. : . ..�.. .. ��. w Lender eacb monta a stun equal to�one-tweliih of the yearly mortgage insar�e P ts as a lass reserve - -
<br /> m Leader wiU accePt,.asa�d retain thae paymen ;
<br /> . • � : sed or ceased w be in effect.
<br /> - . � �����v��� Loss resetve paymeata meY no Zonget be reqnired,at the uPtion of Lender.if mortga ,�
<br /> .. ' �,;:�.. in liw of mongage insnraace• mvided by aa insurer ap�roved by� -.'�:{.�
<br /> ,,`{��, ay w maintain mori lnsurance�n
<br /> --:.,�i .:�._:,f4,,;:�- . insurance coverage(in the aa�ount and for We perlod tLat I.e=d��p�)P�� � . . _r__
<br /> a�aln becomes ava�able and ia obtatned.Borrowcr s1�all P for mort e lnsurance ends in accordaace wrth aay writE�
<br /> � e�fect,or to pro�ide a loss rese�+e, until the requirement $aS
<br /> �, agreement betweea Barrovuer and Lender or appttca6te law. Farm 8028 !90 fpnge 3 of 61 .
<br /> `"�, � . . KEpg.rry/STEMS.INC..ST.C6CU0.ERN 8030211�80P997-13411 iORM MD1�IE 218191 /� ��
<br /> � gqN
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