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<br /> .p .S. ..
<br /> ± `( -
<br />_ ' � ' S,I�e�d or P�c�erty�n�ao� Bmmwer�hall keep the improvemeats now existing or�ereafter erectcd on dte Pmperty • .. .. �
<br /> �� , ,. ( 'u�ced against tass hy fue.l�ds iacluded aitt�in the te�sa"exCzade�wvr�age"and s�ny other ha�ds,iactudiag IIaods er
<br /> � ' ttoodi�g,far wbich Leades�equi�rres i�vuance.'Ibis ia�ance sbaU t+e main�iined in the arnounts end for the periods t�at Lwdear , �" .
<br /> u �
<br /> �'� '�� ceqa�xs,71ie ins�uance carii�prnvIdinB the ins�ranre st�all be chosea by Bonower snbject w L�eader's apgroval afiich s6aU not� ,.�`.,' ;;.�4 � ,:
<br /> � � �
<br /> ��.`.` .: s�` be u�sonabiy wIthheld: if Horrawer fa�7s m►aa�min cov e de�bed abovz, Le,nder may,at Lerider's optioa,abtain � < . . .
<br /> --=.��r��,- C6vC[Hge LD yr+�t,i i.caucs�sig�ii,i o vy��i:T..�.""'^'�....:�'ari.h�7_ � _
<br /> _ ;� � '=z�: AIt in4tuancc Dotic�and ratewals sbalI be s�ceplable tu Lea�ta and shalt indade a standard moitgage ciause.L ender shall� � _ � �
<br /> '`i have tIIe right ro hold tke golides and zeaewaL4.1f Leudea requires.Borrowea shall�omptiy givE ta Leader alt reccipls of paid . 4 -
<br /> ` °` premiums and m,uew�l aatices.In the eveat of Ios�.Bolmwer shall gi+re prompt aotice to the ins�ce canier aad L�endea Lender a ' ' �
<br /> . � , t �
<br /> . may make praof of toss if not made gromPt1Y bY$a�tower. � N`
<br /> '.,k
<br /> Unless L�d�and B�ower othe�wlse ag�ID wriung,insmance pmc�ads s6all tre applied w r�an or�epaa of tt�e� ., `` `°. ` .'
<br /> ,.~� �P�Y�ed,if the�es4uatinn mr repair is ecanomitalty feasible and ixader's secarlty is not I�ed if the rest�on or `, - '` ,
<br /> S . r�is not ecoaomicalZy feas�bla or Leade�s secariry wontd be te,c�ed.the ins�ce ptuceed3 sLa11 be appli�d w the sams 4,_ _.
<br /> as �--
<br /> . t: � s�tyy this Sec�uity Insamneat,whphea.or aot the�da�,wifh any excess paim m Baaower.If Balmwea abaadnas the .. --_-__.
<br /> . Proge�ty.or daes not m�swer wisha�30 days a notic�fmm l.eendea tLat tke msu�ce caaiet tms offered to seuIe a cisim,theo . •�', �--
<br /> �,':: �. . . Leand�may collect the insm�ce pmceeds.Lendcr may ase the procceds to�epai�r or ieswre the Propesty or w pay smns secared _Ly._
<br /> . , by dtis Sec�ity Tnsuameni.whethea ar nat then c�ne.'l�e 3Q-day peciod wU begin arken the notice is give,a. ° `
<br /> ec �y
<br />. , . Unie.ss Lemdea�W Boaowea athetwise ag�ee in wr�ing,anY aPPHc�aD of praceeds ta ptincfpal shait nat extead or pastpone .. .
<br /> : , `
<br /> � the due datc of the mnndsIY Payueeats ref�ed tu in paiagraphs 1 and Z ar change d�a�no�i of the paymea►b.tf undei paragr�dpb � = .._ -=
<br /> � ; � 21 the Pmpeaty is acquited by Leadea.Baimwea's right w any msuranoe polic�es�a pmceeds resutvng from damage w the ,,L:: .
<br /> ; P�ogertyr�m the�acqaisittm►sball_pass m Lemder to the exteat of the snms sec�ued by thiis S�r Iiosm�ment imiuediatetY _ - -- -
<br />"'`:,. ,`�. . . priar w tt�e acqaisition. -- - �-
<br /> -. - :'.;.,".:� , � .. —
<br /> 6.Oca�ancy,Pr�esvatioa,ARaint�aace and Fraledlon of the Ptop�t9i Borraw�'s Laan Applicattom;Leaseholds. ,` �;` _--—
<br /> "� ' � , Bamawer shall occuPY,es�ab}ish.and nse the P'tapaty as Borrower's prmcipal residence withm suty days a�die execudan of �`_
<br /> . ,1,�.� � this Seauity Instrmment and sba11 cantmas m accupy the Pmperty as Borrower's prmcipal�esideQCe f�at Ieastone year aR,�aa the "�=�
<br /> '�` ' . `�'. ' fi arritm wluch consent shaD not be un�easona62y withhela.4r��ss j'��-
<br /> _.. . .. date of aavupaacy,un�ess Leader otherwise ag�ees S, �— _
<br /> . . . : extenuatimg circamstances eaist whicb are�d Bomnwer's contml Bmtowea shaD not tlesiray.damage ar�pair the Pmper�jl, . ,='�_--- �
<br />- ' ` Boaowea shaU be in defanIt if an forfei�mre action or
<br /> . �� aIIocv the Fr+npeny to deteaarate.or c�mndt waste qn the Pmperty. Y . .. -
<br /> . � ; pmceeding,whethea civ�1 ar criminal,is begin►that in L�uder's good faith judgnaent cou2d resuIt i�forfeiDmce of ths Anpary or --_.
<br />_ ,. ottceaa�Lse mai�iaIlY�►Prur the lleas c�cated 6y tLis 5eauiry Insuumeat or LRnde�'s secarity intraest Barrowea may care such a . . -. --
<br /> ' .� defantt aad re�state,as provided in pua�apb 18,by c�using the action or proceedmg to 6e divnissed�wi9�e mlmg thas.in ,
<br /> . � L�atdea's good faitb detenninai�on,Piecludes forfeianre of the IIormwePs int�est iu the Pmperty ar othea mateeial impairmeat of � , ,;:��
<br /> � �• the li�c:eated bp this S�arity Iasaumr,nt or L.c,�de�'s sesauity interest Bormwe�st�aaD also be in default if Boimwer.dming the .. ��. _�-
<br /> � , � , Wan applicaum�nace.s9,gave maserially faLse or a�acc�aate iafosmadon or stateaneaus to�.ender(or faa'3ed to pmvide Lemdea wit6 ,_._
<br /> .:'`;': `. aay mateaial mfom�ation)in cannearon with tDe loan evid�ced by the Not�. including,but na2�nited to,represe�tatloas . .;���:-�-.
<br /> , . , o�acaning Bamuwer's occapancy of We Prope�tg►as a ptlncipal residemce.If tLis Secariry Insorument is an a leaseho�d,Bormwed , . .�: �� .�•-='`
<br /> . � sha11 oomply witb aU the provisians af the lease.If Bolrowed acquire,s fee tiile to the Frogerty,the Ieaseho2d aad the fee title sLaU :.'��'�.��"°
<br /> � : not mearge imless Lender agrees to the meager in aniUng. ���� -�g=�•.-_:
<br /> � . . , 7.FrolecHoa oYi.ender's Rtghts in the Propertl. Tf Bosrnwer failss to peaform the cove,nants a�agreementc contained in � .: ;��
<br /> tt�is S�ity Iasbrameu�or W�is a le�al PmccedinS that maY�i�ntly a�'ect I.euAea's rigtt2s in the Ytopesty(sach as a �,,�,.�,:.. �.�_
<br /> ,� . � pr�aeding in bantuaptcy.Drobate.tbr condcmaation or f�e�mre ar to enfarce laws cn r;.gaiati�ons).thea�I�ender�ay do and pay . ;;�,�_
<br /> ,:;1;, for whate�+er is necessary m profect the vatue of the Prope�s'and L�der's rights In the Prupeaty.Le,nder's a c d ons may i nc l a de � ��: �
<br /> :<< : ;
<br /> �s"._ �� ° P2y}ng anY sv�s seaue�by a lien whicb has priority wer this Seciuity Iasaument. aPII�rin�m c.mat�PaYing reasonable .. �' ._�__
<br /> a r �eys' fees aa�entQaing on.ihe Prapeny W make repairs.Although Leudea may mke acdon undca this para�aph?,Lender . ` '.�
<br />::�.;' , . '',�� � QOCS AOt hSYB iD d0 SO. . . ,. .%i!r;,
<br /> . . } Any amounts disbursed by Lende,r undea this paragrapb?shall be�ome additional debt of Borrower scaued by this Securiry � . . ---r_
<br /> � ' tasuumea�t Ualess Bosrowea and i�ead�agee to oWer te�ms of paymen�these amounts sbaU bear intraest from the date of ,.
<br />- . . �•�� . . disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with int�aest.upon notIoe fmm LeaiQer w Bomower requesdng paymeat � � .
<br /> " � ,"�'`.: � 8.Mo��e Insu�nc� If Lende�r reqiilred martgage IIis�uanoe as a condition of maldng tue ioan secuced by this Sec�ity � . . . � . �
<br /> . � • b�sunme�s, Bosrower ahall pay the premiwns required tn mainta�n c'�mmtgsge ins�rance in effed. If,for any mamn. the � � � � .
<br /> . . �m�tgage insurance coveiage required by I.ender layses ar ceases to be in effect.Soirower shall pay the preaniums required w ''� ' , ..
<br /> �i••
<br /> . . . . � .obmin caveragc subsmntiaii�equivalent to the mo�age insivance previously in e�Fc�,at a cast substandally equivaleat w the �► _� . . �
<br /> • u
<br /> '` ,. � . cost to Bmmwer oi the moitgage ins�uance previoasly in effeet,from an altema�mortgage iasurer appmved by I.endea. IP � , .
<br /> � � � substantialiy eqnivatent mortgage insurance coveaage is not available.Borrower shaD pay W I.ender each monW a svm equal ta � .
<br /> � � on�twelfth of Qte yearly morrge�e insurance premlum 6eing paid by Bortowea when the insurance coverage lapsed or c,eascd to �.. � ''•�' `
<br /> ,,.
<br /> . . . he in effe�t Lender arill accep�use and retaai these payments as a lass iesen►e i�tieu of mmtgage insutance. Loss reserve "�� , • �
<br /> ;+;f� . � ..
<br />?:`;;;: Form 8028 9/90 , � ..
<br /> . . ., . . ., ., .,
<br /> ; • ��BR(111E)ts2,2).ot Papo9ole bttiaU: i., ..:.
<br /> .��.�..,t„T: _
<br />.- . . . ,----------•�,—�-.. •---•�___�._..-•- _ . . . ....�—�—�r -_--_.....--..�...-..., _ . . .. . _ � - • .
<br /> - - - - _ . ' .. � � . ���,._._�,�„_._' . . .� . � ' _.
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