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<br /> :`,• e insarauoe oavr�a8e(in the�unt mmd for the paind • �
<br /> . . " paym�nts a�,no Iangea be reqntred,at the optian of Laade.r,if mostga8 .`
<br /> M.
<br /> � � ` � tbaz L�euder tequites)Fm'rided bY eA��V��Y�°��°beo�es ava�7ab2e aad is obtained.Baimwer shall pay tIIe .
<br /> �� vide a toss�serve,ara�7 the requiremmt for mortgage ` �`
<br /> '` `t' preminms�equired m maia�moc�age�smance in effect,or oo gru . .
<br /> .�� ., . '.<
<br />_ . � - ins�aance eads in acroaQdance with aaY watt���betw�Haao�uer and I�dea or apptis�b2e law. � , ; .� ;
<br /> � - its �t make ressanable eatries apon and inspe�aous of t�e Fmperty.Leader strdD gi�►e� '_ `
<br /> .. . . 9�specttoa. Leada or eg maY �. ° -r�• .:
<br /> . �easonabte cause far the iaspectian. � ,.
<br /> --—_,,.�� Rturawes itotioe 8t thC fdIIe Of OI QI�UT W$A 1�..`���� _ .. .• .,,..:,.� :...y.emartinn aritb anv .. � •,• ,
<br /> �--�� lO.Caad�nstton. �he pmoe8ds of any awarn os c[a�mr aan�as�.u�a.:��..�.•-..--- ---� -
<br /> � 7h
<br /> 4 ia lieu of sondemnatian.are t�Y ass��aad� � f � - -
<br /> aondemaari�or otltes ta�n8 of ffiY Patt af ihe Proge�ty,�for conveyanc$ 1-; .
<br /> � • sha11 be gaid to Laide�. � _ °`
<br /> � ;- � � In the event of a wtat talti�g of the Fmpeaty,the pmce�s shall be applied to the sams sec�ued by rhis Seauiry�t,f� _ - � ;', , ,
<br /> aa
<br /> , .._ `•� whether ar not thea�dae.with anY excess pa�to Brnaawec.In the event of apartial takiag of�he PcopeatS►in whicb ihe�ma�Icet� h.-
<br /> , rna
<br /> .. `' - valne of tLe Ptopeaty imm�ianeiy befoze ti��ng is eqt�ai to ar grearer than the amoant af the sams secared bY this S�it�►$� , :�,"` -
<br /> ` .°`�` Uss�ume,nt�ianely 6e�are the�mg,anless Ba:cower and Le�dea othe:wise agcee in wribng,the sams sec�rd bY this ``:,-
<br /> 6
<br /> �. : .��;`�.� S�Ins�am�tt sball be�aced by the amo�t of the p�ucee�is mnluPl�ed isY the following�n:fa)the mtai amount of , �.�_�_
<br /> t8e stims secvretl immediffieiY befare 1he�ing,divide�i by(b)�e fan m�tcet vaTne of the PcaPeatY imm�lY befote the r "
<br /> `;� taking.Any iralance st�all be pai�to Bonower.In dte event of a pactial�8 of the Pmpeicy ia which the fair market v�¢e of the • � �. i ..
<br /> ` �. ° •�i p�p�y inunediately befare the taking is Iess tisan the amo�mt of the sums sec�ued immedia�ty befon the tak�mg,� .� �. :.
<br /> , m —
<br /> , .'. . ' Barmwer and L�der athedwise agcee m wcirimg or unless a�ylissble law otheawise psovides.tbe pmceeds shall be applie�m the .
<br /> =___�;--:-�; sums s�d by 6ris Scc�ity Iasu�wh�ha�not the smns ase then due�. . :R
<br />: � . ' - If the Ptopetty is abaudoaed by Boaawer,ar if,a�er no�ce by I.endea w Bomuwea thai dte conde�nor offeas nu make� `. .,:•`. . _
<br /> , . :� award mr seute a ctam►fos damages.Bormwer fails to re�pond w l�er wiQiin 30 days aftes the date the notice is givan,t�czicTe�r .�
<br /> <#: ��y, apfvo eit4ex w restusatton or�af the Pmperty or tn the sams s�ed , {;1:� -
<br /> . :,.�•_�'i..- is anthorized L�colle�t�d appiy at its n. ..._.�;�:�;:� F
<br /> ----- -- '' by this Sec�ity lnsoram�t,whether or not ihen due. " � �.—
<br /> iJnIess Lender and Baamwer othezaise a�ree ia wrim°8.�Y��n of pmceeds ta principal sba9 nnt eatend nr pos�oae -
<br /> � �t..=---
<br /> , ' � � � .' the dne date of the monthty PaS►menis refesed w m paiag�aphs 1 an�2 oz ct�ange t h e amom►t of sach p a y m e n t s• , r :..�-
<br /> , . � :`:� 1L L�reower Nai geteasedi Forbearance By l.�der Not a Waiver. Bxt�Ion of the time for payme�t ar mo�frsxti�an , ;;;( ,`�.-___�
<br /> .ar_
<br /> '�. ..` .` ��:� af�on of the sums's�by�is Seauity Ins�mm�nt�b3►L�nder to�ny saccessor ia�of Baunwea sha11 _. :.._ .�__�._
<br /> � L�td�sha11 aotbe to �°"'`� ""�"='
<br /> . , not opeaate ro re1e�the liab�7ity of the au Bmmwar ar Bormwa's successms in int�st. � r;�_
<br /> . ° commet►ce pmce�dings a�sins�a�►Y snccessar ia iuteaest or refase to eateud mne for paymeat or atheswise taocliify amorq�tiaa af ' :• -�.
<br /> . , ,����. �. the sams sec�red by tfis Seauih►Insuu�eat by reason of any demand made by the origtnal Bosmwa ar Baaower's saccessois �`. v ,�a
<br />���;� ' � � in mteress.Any forbeacancc by Leudea in eicen�sin8 aay rIght ar remedy ai�aD aot be a waivea of mr preclnd$the ac�ise of aay .
<br /> � rlgDt os remedy. ts of tYris `.;' �;�,� ---
<br /> � ' " ` 1�.�accessors���Bmmd.Joint a��Seve�at Lia6ility,Co-sfgnere.'ihe cove�ants asatl a� < <��
<br /> , r��.
<br /> a... : .. ' .;: S e s a u i�Y �e�nt s�11 bind and benefit the sm�cessois aad ass�gns of Lendcr and Bosmwer,sn53ect tn the pmvisioas of � -�.
<br /> . ' pa�pb 17. Bm�'s coveaants and ag�ments s h a ll be jo i a t an d s c.w a a l. A n y B o a o w e r w h o w-s i g n s t h i s S e c m r i t y ::�,��.-. ;:_._
<br /> [ t..,. .�
<br /> r� ;� ' Inso�nneent but does uot e�ecate t9e Note: (a)is co-�igning this SecuritY Instrument anly w tno:tgag�,8�►t and cunvey that �,.`,'! ;�
<br /> �: } '' ,� Bmrowea's interest in the'Presperty►under the terms of this Se�urity Instnunen�(b)is not ge�sonally obligpted�o pay the sams , ,; �---
<br /> ' e that Lender and an o�hea Boaower may agre�to eactea�d,modify.fo:bear or ' .'-�
<br /> • ., ' ; serured by this Secwity Instturnen�and(c)agrees Y t . ..z�i=_
<br /> . ` ••'` • make any ascommadarions with regard to the teams of this Seauiry Insttument or the Note wlthout thai Banower's caasent
<br /> • ,-na►�:.
<br /> . • � `. �� : 13.Loan Charges. If thcs loan secured by this Secauiiy Inswment is subject W a 1aw whicb sets maxlm�m Ioau charges, ' . �,,. ��"�a._
<br /> . , : ' and tt�aat taw is finaliy inte�preted so that the inteaest or o�ha Ioan charges colte�xe3 or to be collscted.in wnnection cvith the loan . • . „�..,,�: . �_-
<br /> , � t .� ;_--
<br /> 4� , . ��' exceed the permiued licnits.thea:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by Q�e amoum�necessmy w reduce ihe ch�ge w the :;_„�:;.. .
<br /> �,:�.,_,. .--.
<br /> a.-;�,. . .�� '.'�� pau►iaed limi�end N)�Y�aheady collecteei fmm Borrower which exceeded peamiued limits will be refm�ded to Boimw�r. -- - _
<br /> � Lender maY chaose w make thi9 refund by ce�ucing the prinapal owed unda the Note or by matdag a dimct payment w .�„-
<br /> . a ent withoat�Y Ps'�Y����Se ''.�'`�:`
<br /> � . . „ � Banower.If a refimd reduces priacipal,the redacdon wiD be oreated av�panial P�P 3►m ,. . ,
<br /> ` � • .. .. •- undatheNote. ,. � -
<br /> . � • . i�.NoNoes. Any nodce to Bonower provided for u��#s Security Inswment shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it . -_
<br /> . .. . � . . . by tust class ma�unless ayplicable law requires use of auothea method.'lhe notice shall be directEd to the Ropeaty Address vr �. �.-.„:;;�. �
<br /> . . . any oWer address BoAO�ver designates bY nodce w Lender.Any noSoe w Lendear ahall be given by fust ctass ma�7 w Lendet's;: ..
<br /> � . a d d r e s s stated hea�:n or any othea add�ess Lendet designates by notice w Banowea.My notIcce provided far in th3s Sequiry :.;
<br /> � ' ' Instn:.�ent sLall be deemed W 6ave been�ven to Horrowea or I.ender when gven as pravided in this Dara�aPb• "; . ..��. . .
<br /> �;..� � . i3 Goveraing Law,Severabitity. 'Iriis Secarity insuument shall be govaned by federal law and the 1aw of the. �',!?, :'
<br /> '; � . � . .� jurisdiction ia which the Property is tocated.In the event that any pravlsion or clause af this Seauity Inswment ar the Note'`" ::,>-• ; � .
<br /> � � � conflicts with applicable 1aw,such conilict shall not affect other provisions of this Secu�ity Instrwnent or the Note which can be� .,
<br />_ �, � �. given effect arithaut the conflicdng pmvisioa To this end the provisioas of this Seauity Instrument and the NoLe�e declaneA ro � • � .
<br /> � be seve�able. , ...
<br /> � � . �. Fo�m 8048 9I90
<br /> ; . (�+BR(NE�tYlt2).Ot Papoeote inn�ats:__._ ..
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