_ _ _ _
<br /> . y..._.P�'a. . . a. . �.i.r, . . .. i': h y ' t- '.i y ` 4 '�".' ' }
<br /> ' r" .- K. . .. - ..1.. �`_�'�\ < G.�„'"1�' -�.'_'"C � ':l L�G .'.l+ �� -Q.s . l t..:�C....'f:�
<br /> '." uL___--_ ._�.a.a�_.nw.: _..v..n.a_.u«..a_sv.Y�r...« - � , i- � .. ._ _
<br /> . . . . v� r� . — . ' �� t S ��(, ' .. �(� ���
<br /> _ �r___ � C. .2 - - . .
<br /> � �_�� • f . ir � . /t � \ `� { q� c.w` � `C L t � �`�
<br /> 4�. _„til' ti ., w 4 d, , .
<br /> . � " '� .c G, _ ' I� a� .r� <'<,� .c ' i t . �.c . G,. .°c " r " r� � ���.
<br /> �(t S 4 � .4 �T�••l� 4 F G" C� '
<br /> , . .Y i_. S.V � � k. . �t < 4 � • . •��� � � r '4
<br /> . .}`.!� � �. ; �.� t �r � � ' S ^ r C.
<br /> . e `• !., < .� i� � -i • ,� - � -_ ' . . , . . .,�i 1 y - �-L .
<br /> Y . :p. _ _ � �` ' � . .i"_ - � f � _ .
<br /> . . , a �. • ' •:
<br /> _ `F. ' �` �f�•��•••. `..j�
<br />. f. ' . �OQ�OYAVV� .,���`�.,
<br /> _ �' ��� �'. i . . '7"(:.
<br /> ' _ �,pi. . ° �'�.�,c``i'i::a: ..
<br /> . . _ ; � Payrneaits may no longa be required,ffi the opticn of Londer.if m�insumnce oaverege('m the am+sunt and for the p�d . , , - `:.-`_,
<br /> � b Leader e�in 6eeomes ava�Tsble and ia ob�.Bos:awea adatl paY the
<br /> �;� thaL Lsnd�teqtu�s)pre�by aa iasu�er apPrm'ed Y . ���� �
<br /> , ' ., piemi,�.s required m main�a►am�e ins�aance in e�r�Hosow�gI�eaderar�Ietaa+`�°�eat for ffiort�ge �`• ,:� .`
<br /> � i n s t�c e e�d s i n a c c o r d�e w i t h a n Y��Ie eaui�s�on�a n d i n s p e ar o n s o f t h e P r a p e a t y.L e u d e r s h a�1 B i�►e �� ' �,
<br /> ° .. � 9.�n a g�tan. I�enBet or its a�ent may �able c�se f o r t h e msp e c ti o n- ' '
<br /> , . °:�...��si�w?i the time of or gtiDr tD en inspe�an sp�]►m��fl �
<br /> �..�..t-�_ or r�u ���-��-m connea�aa wbt►� -
<br /> —�--"��r 10.C o n d e�n a t t n n. 't�e p¢o c�d s°f a a y a°�n d iar�• �eu of cande,mna��n.are heaebY a�d
<br /> - ' -� coademnation at asher 1a�ug of aaY�rt�the Pcop�jt,ar for com►eyaace �
<br /> ,mnati �
<br /> ��
<br /> .�: . . . sbal�be��o��tal t�ing af the Pro�catY,d�e pmceeds s�all lse s��to the sams seaued bY tms S�a�°ent, `�-�S� ,;;,'`,,
<br /> - ," m Baaowa.In the eventaf apazdaltaking of thePcopeitY in which th�faa market
<br /> � � �vhether ar aot Siea da�with anY e�P� ������tLan the amount of the sm�secured by this SecuritY , •; �.Y"'°�`'
<br /> � ;mmec�ately befare the ta�ag � � .-��r�
<br />_ �. . � . vaTue of ds ProPertY unl�Bormwes aad Ieader otheewise agre�in w��• s�s�red by �•
<br /> _ ... Insuuiment imra�i�tY Uefaie tha�g, '�°
<br /> g �ent suan 1�reduced iry the auionrt of die gmceeds mWdPli�d by the fu'�awmg f�aCxion:(a)t�e totai ammmt of , -
<br /> . �: �► � iffime�iatel 6ef�e the r
<br /> � �.� � the sum4 ser�ued invmediate�Y befa�the raking,�ided t�3►(b)the f�r market vaIae of t�e Pmparty mffikeivaIaeof the ' ,�� ,:=�-�:�:
<br /> a � m wticds t�fair
<br /> , ,�f m Baimvmt.In the e�eat of a pastisl ta�ag of the Pmperty' =y
<br /> v
<br />- . ` ��--` ` �'��iaiely befos��tatang ia tess tt� the amaunt af the snm�secured imm�y befia�ree the taking,nnie� : �; --
<br /> , m wriiing ar�SS uppt"�able laa►otha9vise pmvides,the piuoeeds.shail be applied m rhe , �
<br /> IRUdcd ot�e:wise ag�e� uoe
<br /> � Boaaweraud . ;.:�;'
<br /> . � . saa�s securedbY�S�Y��twhethea ar antthe sams ar�then du� , _.
<br /> :',. ��piopeat9 is abandoaed isy Batrawea.or i�aftea nouce lry Leader to Baao�er ti�the oonde�nor offeas to m�.ke an __�: -
<br /> :.;t�. .� "�� award ar seule a�im far daunages,Baaowea fa�s tfl respond ts Lender within 30 days af�'the date the aotice is gtven,Lr,nder -,�-�.,-
<br /> ` ' at its o n,eit�w�°1�P�o£the Ropeaty ar tu the smms seau�d �-F
<br /> :.� �,., i4��o¢^�ct and appll►the Pioc�ds► lm° , ` ° -
<br /> �, .:': iyy this Se�itY lnstinmeat,w�et�ar not the,n da� '� �
<br /> �n w�iting,aay aFP�n of proceer�to Ps�ncipal st�ll nat extertd or postpans ..�
<br /> , � Unless I.endra and Boaowea othawise agree'. _
<br /> �`,.' the due date of the monBifY PaYments iefer�ed w in pazag�ap3�s 1 ans12 ar change tUe�n�nntof such paymeuts.
<br /> ° `=�` 11.�orrawes Not Bete�ed;Forbearance By Lender Nog a Wa�vei. Extension of the wne far paymca�t ar modificatilm `; � Tt.�-
<br /> .... _:.�'�. of aruorti�tion of the s�s s�t+p this SecaritY Inslmment�►�bg Lemder w any sucaes�in inr�rest of Baamaer st�all : _
<br /> ' ` . � nat.operane 1s m�easa tbe liabitity of the�rigtual Ba�mwer or Banmwa's sacce�o?s ia m�L+ea��shail uot iie requtred w . S _��
<br /> �" ,.,: .` aa succe�sor in int�aest or refuse to eraend time for payment or othawise madlfy�on of ' •,. -----
<br /> •,� • COIQA1PdiCESpI0CC8�$S S$� y PdC �_
<br /> �"� �: . �� the sums�d by dda S�itS►1ns�fi'�n of�y demand made by the�Bomuwa or Bartawea's succcss�ors `, -•.• -
<br /> L st�all not be a waiv�of ar gr�clnde the exe�ts�of any .-.f•::-
<br /> � � °' in iatenst. Lendes ia exeacising any ri�ht ar remedy . . "'�-,-- --
<br />_ :<<;. Any fasb�c�bY �_���-
<br /> ",<•, � :,;j rtght or remedy. Boundt Jufnt and Several Liabit�ty;C�ae�a.'�e. coveaants �d �ecan�ts uf tbis -:;r-�.� ..�..
<br /> .�• '�`. ?, 12.Success�a.s and Assigns �_ �----�-- ,
<br /> . . ' � r. Se�ttyr Insoctnm�nt shall bmd and benefit the saccessass�d assigns of Lendet and Bonower,sublect m the ymvisions uf � ��:•,,. .�
<br /> �'���'�. - b 17. Baamwea's cm�enaats and ageements shall be jnint and sev�al. Any B�uwer who co-si$ns t�s 5ec�iry .���PZ:h� __s
<br /> . �; . I�eut 6ut dm2s not execate the Note:(a)is co-slgninB this SecaritY tns�caeat only w mortgage.Aant and canvey that - _ -
<br /> ��: '�'-:��'..._s
<br /> Barmwds ino�r�,st m the Prapaty wnder the t�s of this SecasitY ins�u�en�(6).is not peisonaliy o6tiga�d w pay the sums ,�,,..,
<br /> . . .�. that Lendes and any otha Barmwer may agnee W extena,modifji•fotbear or .;'ax.,:,.."'�r';'��
<br /> ' � . S�ed by this Secmity Ins�umeA�anA{c)agrees �_..�;- �
<br />_ .. � � � ,�'�' mz4e aay accommodations with regard to the te.rcns of thts SecarIty Ins�ucnent oi the Note artd►ont that Boimwes's oonsen� -- �:,_ _--_
<br /> � � . � �3.Luan Charge� If the loan sec�reA by this Seauiq►Is�uument is sobject tn a law vrhich sets maxlm�loan cDarges. ��;; .
<br /> . �; s a with e toan � .
<br /> ';.:f. a n d t b a t l a w i s f�n a ri Y m t e a Pre�d so d�at the inte�est or othea toan charges collea,ed or m be oo]IectRd'a�connecdon Th =
<br /> , . �.;'°, Wnits.then:(a)aay s�ch Iosn charge shs�l6e r e d u c e d by t he a m o u n t n e c e,s s a r�+t o i e d u c e t h e c h a r g e t o t h e r�..•^�°:.: �_
<br /> eaceed the perA►iGed � � _ —
<br /> ;. � . . . . p�mitted tim�and(b)a�►Y sums a1�adY wtlected from Borrower wh�Ch exceeded peamiued t�nits w716e refimded to Borrowea. ,;.. ��
<br /> .�:� `` La►der ma chaose w maka tLis refund by reda�ing the pri�pal owed vndex the Nate or bg making a direct paymeat to -•-�..
<br /> ''.:�:��� . • � y the retlnction wnII be treated as a paidal ps�Yment without aaY Dr��*tnc,nt chasge -_
<br /> � � Bssnowa.If a refand redaces piincipal. .
<br /> � .. . . .. undea the Nute. ' ¢ °
<br /> . . i4.Nodcea My aotice w Bairawea provideA for in this Seauity'FW^suument shail be glvea by Qelivering it or by ma�ing it _ d:�v,_
<br /> . by fusc ctass mail untesv applicxtb2e 1aw reqaires ase of another method.The notice shaU be d'aecte�to the Propeaty AdQcess or :�:..; .
<br /> ,. � .. any other address Bormwer desi,gnates by notice to Lender.My nadce to Lcnder sbaD be given by fl�st class�ail w L�endea's � -
<br /> �° � � address sfated hen'1n or any othar address Lc�der designaces b1+notice w Bomuwer.Any noticce provided for in this Ser,urity . � .
<br /> :�: ' . ' � Inst�umra�t sball be deemed to 6ave been gtven to Hoimwes or Lender when given as pmv�ded in this paragraph. :`� .'
<br /> •• . � :�,,:.;`, 15.Goveming Lasvi Sevcra6�lity. This Se�urity Instrument shall be govaaetl by fedaal law and the taw of the ,
<br /> . �..� . jurisdictton in which,the PtopeatY�S located.Jn the event that any pm�r;sion ar claase of t1�LLv Security Instrament or the Note
<br /> � . .. . conflicts with aPPhcable law,such conflict shaU not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note whicb can be . .
<br /> . �" ' , �ven effect without the oonflicting Psovlsion.To this end tbe provisions of thls Seauity Iaswment and the Note are declared w . _�---
<br /> _ : ,..: .
<br /> � . . . � be severable.
<br /> ,! - . . . Form ao2a s1�4 • . ..
<br /> �':r;<. . .
<br /> ;':;i: IniHatr. _. J
<br /> �-BR(HE)tea�x�.o� oaaesote -. . . . '.'°
<br /> � .xp•#+- ;
<br /> ..._ .. • .�' �4.�9a 6��r` .:,•
<br /> . . ''! •
<br /> " : '. ' �--.----�-�--- . . . • • i , , .. . . : .
<br /> � . , . . . .. . .. . . . . . .' . . . .� .
<br /> . � • • <, ' , - � • , . . . . . .
<br /> . . ; . . �, . - . ' ' • .. . �
<br />� i•. � . • , � , . +� . � ,. , ' . � , .. _ . , y, -�--r-s^__,�,_..,,_,..,_,.....v;._.,......—. � R- ' _
<br /> � - . .— ._._._ e
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