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<br /> _ .�j <__.____ .-,_;. _,.._._.� .-,.�_,� _._ " — { \� .K _ _ . _._-`-`S. . -__ [ .GU C �i�i�t y � Q .
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<br /> i �( . P . .. . - <y . � . �` _. . _ 4 �
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<br /> c <r M1`r _ . ,� ' r' . 1 • ot� �%` . , .. • ;..� `,. .,
<br />_ . � a .�".,,o .`� �` ?� .. '�y;- _ �� .` - , � ��_ f: .. ' - , .i .
<br /> t F�y c Yc .. . ``._�'_ —' - . . . . .. ,. � , ' . :•r . �,Z� �;�c
<br /> , t •fb � `'T s, �<4� .. , , . _ � ��t� t� ' t`. =�. - .
<br /> � - --
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<br /> . <..
<br /> `. . ..�' ' ' �� µ-.
<br />. 4 - : i ' , ii�
<br /> . . , h;� ib.8onow�e Co4y. Bormaer shaII tse gi'v��e oonfamned oopy of the Nosc aad o��5�
<br /> 19.'E1ea[�s�er ot t�e P[apeztt or a Beaeftcda!Interest in Banm�er. If all or�y gart of the Raperty or say int�est in it is , . �:•:..f�:����•, :
<br /> .. i e3 . �
<br /> soId or�.de�red(oi if e be�c�cia1 intcsest ia Bos��r is snld��and�mmwar is uot a aaz+ualgason)withom "
<br /> . � � � La�drr's�rIot wriuea cons�R I.euMa a�ay.at itsop�o .req�he immediase pa�rmeat in fn11 of s11 sums seaaed bp t6is S�uny . �' '
<br /> cat
<br /> ` �•� tnstr�uneat Huwever,tbis oprion shaI!aat be a�c3sed�6y L,eader if ex�ise�s proldbited by fedeaal taw as of t�e date of isth• . � .t
<br /> � : `a_� S�LosWm?atL tl .."'_,
<br /> :a�,..,.�,,.;�.o t1�io�sNinn l.vneler r.ha1!oive Rmrawet nOitce of acoeleratioA.'I9ie n6uce shell piovide a pt�i0d of nOt�SS • •.
<br /> -<`"'°"� than 3fl days fmm tlte dafe t$e aotioe is deliveseit or maiie�within w6Icb Borrower must pay aIl sums sectnred by�tis Seauity t"— .
<br /> •.,:'�` -- IaStrumCAL If BOfttO�tee�s ffi p3y th¢59 Sums grior tD t��aII Of lhi9�ei0d.I,e�et msy m�Ok�AAy temedte,4 g�dued [ �._ ' � . °"
<br /> � . .. ` by tHis Sex�uiLy Insuumea►twlthout fuithei antice ot demaad oa Bauower '�.' : . ,�..,.,
<br /> � . �. .� 18.�orrower's Rlgi�tw B�•.. �°g�'.�ts c�in condi�ons. 8aaow� sLall have the rigLt oo have ' �;4 ; � .
<br /> .. �. wfo�emen►of t�is S t� "f�qissr�t�µe�Si'any time prior ro the eadier oF(a) 5 days�(or suc6 athea perind as `'�'��.`4 �''.5-
<br /> ` ' �:�. apphcable taw inay foi�� c�4)h e f�e`sale o f W e PrQperty pursuant to any powea of e�ate con�med in tLis Secmrity .. , -
<br /> .. .. . • . 4 Tnalrnmm�pt N)�ttY�����I{L���$'tT1�4��Ilit�(�Sti11�il.11tOSB COIId1t10D9 S[C f�12i B�IDWPl:(8��sa S�dCt 8n , ,'•. '�r.• -
<br /> � . � sams whicb f�would be dus aadea this Seauity Instrumeat and the Note,as if no eccele�iion 6ad oocaned;y(b)a�s�►Y �'� '- �-�,'_
<br /> . ...;. . . . default of any oth�oaveaants or agteemeat�(cj pays a11 a�ge�ses iucW�ed iA wfarc�g U�Se�Ity Insorttment,mcWd'mg,but ., :?��::
<br /> ; ses
<br /> � ' not vmited to.xeasonable att�meys'fee�and(d3 takes such as�ion as Leadet may masonably requue to assare tbat the tica of dris ��., -_
<br /> °, S� Instrament, Leader's rights in the Ptoperiy end Bauowds obli�tion to pay the sums seaued ity tLis Secumy . _ .�-
<br />- � � S�� Insavment's6ari oontinne unchanged.Upan reinsmtement by Boaowe�r,dus S�Inst�neaY a6d the ablig�ans seaued .. a—_
<br /> `� , � ;� 6eaeby s6aII remain faily effeexive as if no acced�on had occmred.Anwevez,tbis n oo mdn�t�shari not epply in the case of � -
<br /> �`,, � .. ' . ti
<br /> � as�l�ion andea�h 17.
<br /> , .'y.
<br /> �� � � 19.Sale ot AIate:Cbange of Lnan Servicer. 'Ihe Note or a pardal �t�st ia the Note (tngdher witb this S�cmriey �
<br /> In�eat)may be sold aue or more timcs a�fwut psior aotice W Barmwe�A sate may resuIt in ac�g e m the e�iry(Imawn .�:�' ' .
<br />,,k:�' ` r� a s f h e'I.o a n S e n r i c a"}t h a t c o D e c t s m o n t h t y d a s andea the Note aad t6is S e c;a r i ty Instrumeat Tfie�e also may 1�e oae or ` -
<br /> �% `:��� ,�'::� awre chaages of the Laaa SeYVicer to a saI�of the No�If tIiere is a ch�an e of t1►e Loan Seivlcea.Boimwea v�l be ' :: `:; ' -
<br /> g e �
<br /> _ .. .��. giveu written nodce of the change in�wAb s�ag�h 14 above aadapp1ICab1e law.lbe natice wU smte the�ame ansi. .�,: :�,' ,` ,
<br />_ .- --.:� �. address of @�e new Laan Se�vlcea and the addne�Wpwhich payrmc�ts shonW be made.'Ihe natice wUl atso con�in auy ati�s �f v . -- __
<br /> info�matinn��ed 6Y aPPlicable 1aw. � '
<br /> � .�' Z0.�dans Sn6stances. Bormwer s�aU nut c�use ar pe�mit the psas2nce. ose,disposal. s►;aaage,or re2ease of any , ..:,�: .:L f ,�-
<br /> ,.�. Haaffidous SabsOances oa ar m the Prapezty.Banowea sUall noi do,aar allow aayuae else to do,anythmg affeaing the Property �. „ __�
<br /> .. tbat is in vlolaiIoa of any�Eavaonmeatal Law.Tke pmcediag two sentc�ces shall natappIy to the piesence.use.or s�age an d►e , _.�,�
<br /> . ,�:. PraP�aty►of smaii qaaati�es of Ha�aus Subsiamces tbat are geneaally reoogn'v.ed to be approprfate w normal reside�tial asea ` --�
<br /> . and to mam�nance of�e Propeny.
<br /> , , � . . Boaawer sl�ali pmmpsly give Ien�a written uotioe of auy iavestip,ation.clahn,de�an8.lawsuii or alhea action by�ay ''� �-°_.
<br /> : - .;:"'�-. ` gwe,mrdental or ngnlawry ege,naY or��partY involving tt►sa Pkegeety and any Aa�dons Sv&stance or Environmental Iaw � '� .,,', ;--
<br />--, � of ahich Boaower!�s acma!Imowtedg�Ift BaQmw�leams.or is notified bY�Y,Bov�nme�tat oi r8gntatory ani�orinr,thal�Y :�...:.,> . ,--
<br /> -• '' maaoval or offier remediatian of aay Fla�ardoas Subs�ae affer.t�g the Property�s�ecessaQyr,Bonuw�shaU Pm�►F�Y�� ---_, y
<br /> � .' necessaty re�ediat actions m aocarctance with�nmear�l Iaw. --�-'
<br /> ' . ' As nsed 'm this paiagtaph 20, "Haxardons Substances" are those sabs�ances defined as mkic or hazarduus sabstaners by .:-".�';�.'�-
<br /> . . Euvimnm�tal Law and dte foliowlag sabstv►c.es: gaSOline, keroseae. otheir tlamma6� � roaic peuo2enm �rodacts, t�oxic `, �...:�'�:
<br /> r
<br /> ' � pesticIdes anfl heabicides.volan'3e solvea�s.materials contaimng asbestos or fonmaldefiyde,and radioactive matea�ats.As�in , , -
<br /> ;. this pa�h 20."Envsonmeatal Law"�means feQerallaws and laws of the j�aisdicdon wh�e the Prapcaty is lacated tbat:e3ate -r� `�=„
<br /> , -� tu heatth,safety ar ea�vironmenral groTectinn. . -�_!-
<br /> . . •r'Y ,�',.�,L:=...
<br /> � ' � NON-UN�ORM COVENANTS.Bamawea and Lender further covenantand agree as fo�owa; � -� .:`��._...
<br /> �_•_s�-�
<br /> ;:;.� 21.Aeoe�ration;Reme�es.Lendar shatl gEve notice to Bosrawer prIor to acrcleratIon foIIa�wing Borrawer's bseach o? �-. �
<br /> �� ;`:'.�:': � ; any cavsna�2 or agreemeat in t63s Sec�Ity Instramen4 (6ttt aot prlor to aoteleeatton aader paragrapb �7 a�ms . -�-- -
<br /> :.- ... ;.��:.,. ;_
<br /> . � � . � a�pttcabie law provfdes otherwise)-T�e nottce ahaD spectfjs(a)We defanit;(b)!he acHnn requircd to cmre the de5'aalt;(c) � .:.___. :; ���__—..
<br />- �. a datg,t�o!tess tLan 30 daye 1'e+am the date t�e nottce is givem to Bmrowea,by arhirb the defonit ma9t be Cmedi and(d) �.. _�=�:_. _•.-�-
<br /> � that PaQure to cure t�e defanIt on ar 6efore W2 dete specifte�in the na8ce may resalt in ace2leratlon ot ffie sams set�e� , . ��_
<br /> :Y' �: . '. 6y t6i9 S�ty Iasdrument aad sate of t6e Property.The noti�s1�a0 farther infoam Boreower of th�aJg6!tu �n4 .� . � ._---
<br /> t6 - �,. .:
<br /> � . . after acieleratIon su�the right to bring�oowt action to ess�the aoa�extstenee ot a�2'aalt ar any other defense of . . .. . '�:.�.-�_:
<br /> � . .�'.�� Borrocver to acceleratinn and sele.IP the defsalt is�ci cure�on or before the date specift�d in the notloe,Lcader,at ita =--- - ----
<br />-.. � option�may reqnire immediate p�yment In PuII ot a�suma secared by thts Szc�ty Iastrament withoat ftuRher de�an� �. •,.'�,-- --
<br /> � � and maq invoke the�otiver ot saie an�any other reme�ies permitted by apD�rabte law.Lender shall be entitted to ooII�t ��. ' ' ' : :;F ..
<br /> . � all�apenscs 6acarred in pnrsuiag tDe remedtea provided in thLs paragrapb Zl,inc�uding,bot not iimited to�reasonable ' : .
<br /> .� . � . � atto�eys'tees and casts af title evtd�. � :"i:;.•:� ..
<br /> � � I!the pa�v�er of s�e i� Invoked,Trastee ahaID�cord a nottce of Qefaai dn each cou�aty in wfltch any part oY flse : . � :...
<br /> '��� � . Fraperty is tacated and s�a'�ma7 copiee o8 sach cm�m in the maaner pressn'��J by appllcabte�aw to Bore�wer and to the � � � ,
<br /> � .,�.
<br /> �� � � ot6er persons prest�nribed iby appt�ca6�e law.After the time reqoire�by applicable Iaw,Trastee sLal!give pnblic nottce of � � � �
<br /> e
<br /> - � � ssIe to the persons aad in the manaer pracrWed by appllcsbte law.7Yossee,withont demand on Bosrower,shall s�ehe � � '.
<br /> : . Propertq at pu611c andion to the 61�dest bidder at the time aad�Sace and under the tetm9 destgnated in the nottce al�sale �. � .,
<br />:_+ . � . .
<br /> . . ;,;�
<br /> ' '. ' , � Form 8028 918� .
<br /> �•BA(NE7(9212).Ot Paposote mmau: __ � •
<br /> , � ,��. rc� ,
<br /> . �..� �._�---_-.-;�-.�,�.., _.o_�.._ . , , . . . � ' . . .
<br /> � _ . ' . . . � :: :. .,• � �. � . , .. � . � �. . . •' . . . . '
<br /> ,. --- .- -- ---- ---- ---- - — -- - -
<br /> +��.. , '. . . ` ". . . . , . . � ,. � , . ,
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<br /> .. . y . . ��:' . .. . , ..
<br /> . ... � --- .. .- '_ -_ ..., ,.__ _ .._. . - -'- ---- ' ° .. __..._. � . . ' . _ . , i • .. .. �ti .. - --�- . ,._ _ ...,_, _ .... ..� .. ., ... .. � .�=- -. . .._. . ._._. . ._. _ .
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