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<br /> .. r ,t- 2{. . R , v .� - i .Y�.r- . � .. �os`� , ,. � ' � - - - .<c � � .. � .:�� ' � �`< . ;
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<br />- � r G.f`• ' �„ • tt . Y,� .��1� •F V'��C � .
<br />.. . l' � i�, . .
<br /> C . . `•k.. . + ������ �f�^ • � '��� -' �
<br /> � pt�Q�tC�OD ih8_�Oj�ily .' .t •
<br /> . �H87�KQ�OT�fOp�'�n�, $Q�WQ 5�911�f$8 SIIIpI�YeII1FIIf S Ul1VH CEi31ID$ ' . ... �
<br /> . ht�rds mctuded within the tecm"eMended ooveae&e"a�l aay other t�ds.mctudtng Qaods ai "`.
<br /> • :. iasu�a�tinst Ioss by f�e. ` �.�
<br /> ., .. �
<br /> � ,` � . ;;�;Y' tioading.fas�vbicti 1 cndea requi�msmanc�Tbis insurante sbari be maiatained in the amom�ts at�for the pe�iods tLat I.en4� _ .
<br /> : a . .
<br /> r .:_ ��__- �r �:n�nanca carrier amvi�m�the�'��n�sbaU be c�osen by B�rowea sublea to I.eader's appzoval wWc�s�all�not < � s .
<br /> �--"� --- - osen
<br /> �----'. be u�or�ably withbetcl.. If Hamucvea fa�7s oo ardmmin coverage d�cr�bed above,Lendea s�ay.at Ir,aQer's apnan,ai� _� . .
<br /> `�r� � B �a ` --
<br /> _- , _ ��ge�gsot�xLe,�dea's rights ai the Prap�ty in aacnrd2noe with p�a,�pb 7. ` ` :
<br /> ` • Ail i�surance polides and reaewals sbali be acoeplabta oo I.e�dra and shall 3ncYude a staadand mortgage ctause.Leadcr shaU - .
<br /> , ` have the rtght m ho2d the poli�ies and rea�newr�is.lf L�der r�quir�.s.Boimwea sball prompdy give ro Ireadar a11 receipta af pai4 ;`_ .<;=
<br /> . ,. ' pmaaiums and reaewal aoticea.In the e�ut af 2oss.Eaaower sbaII give prnmPi uotice m ihe insm�oe c�aad Lendea.LRnder . ``�
<br /> < r
<br /> � wap makc psoaf af tass if not made PmmF�Y b3►Bo�rOwer '�--:
<br /> . •` : � '� Un1�Leader and 8oaowea othawise agree in wtiting,imsuiaar.e paooeeds sball 6e app�ied tn r�sootaEion ar tepair of tha ,, x-. ,,
<br /> � ed . , . .
<br /> - ' ._,` • :,:'_ pcoyeKy d2tn�ed,If the�satiam or cepr�r is econamtrally feasiblc and Leaider's secauiri►is aot Iesse�ned.If the r�sauon ar ':< < .�_:--_-
<br /> <. ��.` �'� `�_ �eFair is not�Y feast'ble or Leades's ses�ity wontd be Ies�e�,ttte�ce paoceeds shaII be applied to the sums =- ---
<br /> � ° secured by d�S�ritY Ins�.whe�er ar ant thean dne.with�y�cess paid tfl Bonow�If Borrowes abandons the .
<br /> . � pmPectY.or daes aat m�saa within 30 days a notire fmm Lrada that the insuzanoe cacrier lr�s off�d w seute a claim,then -`. -- --
<br /> , � �.
<br /> :.��-�'�, Lwder may caIlect the�acaace psoceeds.Lrmd�may ose tbe p:ooeeds to repair oi res�are the Pmp�i.y►ar to pa�+soms s�ed '���%_
<br /> ° ` .' by tt�s Sew�ity Ins�mnent,whether os nat t6ean du�'I1�e 3U-day perind wID begia when d�e nouce is given. � .,:--��
<br /> ea .. .- .
<br />_ � Untess L�e,uder and Baaower othe�a+is�agc�in w�ting:anY aPPlication of pmceeds to�a�shaII uoi extend ar pos44one L_° ..`" -
<br /> B ao
<br />� . . . the due date of tDe monthly yay��iefeaied oo in p�grapt�s l and 2 vr c�anage the amannt of thepaymeata.If aadrrrpa�aph , 'V;r;_-
<br /> a
<br />- ,� �, ` Zl tite Pmpeaty is scqaaed b7►IxndeT.�orrow�'s right to any msucanoe policies aad pmceeds res�Itmg fmm dau�ge to the --.--,
<br />�:�r�-" ��f Pm to the erqaisstion s4all pass w I�a to the extent of flie sams secured bq thfis Se�it�r Instrumeat immediai�Iy � _=-`-°.�`"_
<br /> F�Y P�
<br />-. . �' � ��u tLe acquisitian. Borrawe�Ps I.aBn ADp1�on•Leasehotds. ''; :, <__--
<br /> t :` �' � 6.O�ancys Pne�rvatton,�lsintenance an�Protectton ot the Progerty; r '`:,E~,:�.�';.�.m.
<br />- ,..= . �,:�.,, Bonower shalI accupY,establisb,and use ths Pe'uP�ty►as Barrowe�a grmapai m,s�e�ce within sbcty daYs af�the eacecmion of ,J .. ... ,�„�=_
<br /> . . _ dus Seaaily Irisa�ment and sflall continne to occupy the Property as Baaawea's p�incip�al tescdence for at le�t one year aRea tIIe .._�__
<br /> � � �. daie of uoaa�paaaY.wte,�s Lender mhecwLse agcees i»arldng, w1� oons�t s�Il not be arueasanabZy wbhhetd.or� � � r:;.'' -
<br /> � .. �g ciram�anses e�ise wh�Ch are beyon�Boimwer's oomrol.Hoaaw�shall not destroy,damag�or i�a�ihe�P�Y. s'��,:�—
<br /> �,. � '�:u:
<br /> � �',� aIIoar the Pr+nperty w�,c+r commit waste an the Property. Bormwer s3�al!be 3n defante if aay farfeimQe�edoa ar , —_ _
<br />� � ; .,s graeeeding,c�effier civl or crimmal.is begua d�at m�'s goad faith jadg�a�at cautd r�snit in farfeiaue of 8�e Pt�opeaty ar -- _-
<br /> �� :.�
<br /> �• otheawise a�iaIIy isapair the lien�eat�eA by this Sec�ityr Instr�ent arr I�ender's sec�uay�cest.Borrowea may c�nra s�a _.
<br /> � , .. � �:, defanit and :emsi�te.as pmvided in P�Ph 18,by catt�ia8 dis actinn ar piocee�g�to 6e dismissed widi a mling B�at.m . �,.--�,.,
<br /> .� �: Lemdea's gaod faiW det�rmination,preclades forfeieo�re of the Baaowea's inter�st ia the Propeaty ox ather materiai impai�ment of � :';,�,.:
<br /> . dce lIeen c�eated by 8�s Sequity Listrumeat ar Lendar'�sec�icy int�st.Boaa��er.sLall atso be in defanit if Sorrower,d�amg the �. _ _ -
<br /> . , n :.'�r:.;�.
<br /> � � " = �Oan appl3rasi�n pmcess„$ave matcaialIy false or inasxmate inforuiation ot starEment�W Lendec(ar fa�ed W pzovide Lendea with ,. .,...w:�;;;.,'.-�
<br /> `�;'r ~-' bne noi limited to.iepresen •��r'�`,.� i
<br /> .. ' any matea�al imfarraatian)In connec,tion with the Iaaa evid�ced by fhe Note. includiug, tations ��1::..,.-
<br /> . `; .:...�r,;:�'�-
<br /> . ,•� , '' conce�amg Banower's.ar,�upancy of the Propeaiy av a principal resideaoe.If this Secmrity.Instrament is on a leaseho2d.Boaawer �;: �' ,
<br /> . • � ' .. - shall campty with all,the piavisioas of the tease.If Borrower acqnaes fee title w the Propesty,the Ieas�oId and the fee tide shall ;.� ��'---_:
<br /> • : � .��,� not metge nntess Lended e�ees to the marger im�vrltiag. : ,-'.--r: ;-._
<br /> . . 7.pro4�ctian a!I.eader'e RB�gghts jn We Property. If Bmrower faits w peafanm the ooven�ts and agrecme�ts contmne0 fin `;`�1�.�:::�.
<br /> � �"., � . tLis Security Insnument,or theae is a Iepl Rmceeding that maY�&��Y affect I.endea's rights 1n ohe Property(sach as a ' �=�"``. � �.___
<br /> � • ., proce�g in bant�np�.y.pmbate.far condemnation ar forfeiuue or w eaforce laws or�gulatians),then Lgnder may do and PaY _ - ,,,o,
<br /> • � for wLatCvea ls ne�c�sa�►to protect the vatae of the Propaty and Lender's rtghts In thes prnperiy.I.eaid�'s acuons may inclade . � .`�; ;_�_---.
<br /> ' . � ' ,.= PeY�� �Y s� secmced by s lie,n which h�s psEot[2Y ovet this S�urlry Instrameat,ePDearing i� co�PeYmB reasunabte . .,�'�;Qr•...�;-=
<br /> g�, -. . .:• '`....,-- , -- -
<br /> . . , ��'� •''r auomeys'f�es and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although I.eudea may take acaon under tliis paragraph 7,la�ader . - _—.
<br /> � ��� does nothave m d�o so. �, .. --
<br /> .'�;��o'' . My emounm disb�used by Lender under ttiis pazagapb 7 shall be�ome sdditIoual dcbi of Bormwer sectued by this SOCnrity ' . •, '. . . .
<br /> . . ' � Inst�ument Unless Bo:aawer and lLendea agee to other tecros of payment,these amounfs shaU bear int�erest from the date af ,
<br /> . - � �� disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with infeaest.UDon notIce from Lea►der to Bomnw�reiNestmg DaYraent . �. .
<br /> . ' � '' 8.Mor3gage Insurance. �f I.ea�des required mostgage insUrance as a conditian of making Ihe loaa secured by thLv Secmiry ��.�'�' �
<br />. . ��:� • Instrumer�, Bmrowea shatl pay the premialas required tn��m t�e mortgage ins�rance in�ffeci.If.for any ceason.the �. =�.,.e�:
<br />_�, � : . s mortgage�surence coveragc required by Lender lapses or c�so 6e ln effect.Bomuwer shall pay We premiums required tn . � .
<br /> . ' _. �i` ebtain coverage substantially equivalent to the martgage insurasce pieviously in effect.at a wst substantially equivatent to the . . _
<br /> . ' ' cost w Bortower of the mort�ge lnsuiance pn�a�sly in effect.from an alternate mortgage las�uer approved by Lead�If
<br /> • substandallY eQuvale�+t mortgage insnrance cover^�;�is not available.BottaR�s'ha11 Day w Lend�esch sonth a swn equal to � �_
<br /> ! ,, t one-twelf� of c�e yearly mortgage iasivance premium beIng g�.�by Borrower when ihe insuranee coverage Iapsed or c�seA to � .
<br /> : ' _ . 1 ba in effect.Leader wili accept,nse and retain these payme��a toss res�rve�n lie�of rnortgage lns�ance.Loss r�sen►e ;. .
<br /> 1
<br /> . Fo:m aass s�so . �
<br /> . • � �-8A(MlEJ(aa�2�.o� aa�oso�s i�inaro: _ . : :•.�,�:•.
<br /> �.;� 3 xa:' .'t`
<br /> 'a � ^--.__._....,.T.__..__ _ . . . . • . . . _ . _ • .
<br /> t � �• . � , � .. : _ • _ • ' . . �.
<br /> . ° , . . . ' . � .. ' ..� ' ' ' � . � . . . : .
<br /> . � • � .• � . . ' �_ ' � `., � .. � . • �. . . . . _•
<br /> � : . :.. • � . . . ' • , .' ' � . ' . __.���,;.,.,,r..;,_,_.,,.�...�-.:,�----. - -
<br /> � .. 1 . • ' 4 i " ... . -
<br />- _.. �.� -__- — .. —_�� � ___ __ . ' ' •.�•."_'.. __}. _�AX_ . _..�,1�_„_.. � � - . _ . ,.._ . � k_ __ . _r . ''_ _ __.:� '_'_.. .__�..�'it .. .. � . �, �a_ '.._
<br />